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5 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

How was your trip?


awesome, thx. So much to do there it's ridiculous, the people there are so nice it makes us Canucks look rude. 


5 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


On this topic, I drove through Courtney on Isl last Saturday. Pretty big group of anti-abortionists on the side of the main road. First i was grumpy but my frowns turned upside down as I realised the 'flipping of birds' directed at these folks was many, and not a single honk of support did I hear. 


yea its making a comeback unfortunately. I laugh pretty hard when I see people talk about Trudeau being this great "divider" and we see these morons on the side of the road or occupying overpasses with flags and anti-whatever slogans.


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Yeah that was a weird attempt to flip reality. We know without a doubt the COn MEn historically have been anti-gay, anti-womens rights, and with this current leaders shenanigans anti vaxx. I am looking at the body of work of the 'movement' over 30 or 40 years here, not the tightly controlled narrative and insider whipped "SHHhhhhh don't tell them your thoughts on abortion, future Cabinet Minister Leslyn Lewis."


actions speak louder than words and when Pierre Poilievre was out gladhanding the Freedumb Cowboys in Ottawa, and famously in front of a Nazi Flag in a series of photos, I have to go with his actions, not his over the top rhetoric. And yes, i know that wasn't his flag, but it was his choice to be there shaking hands in front of it. 

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1 minute ago, bishopshodan said:

I just did a google and came up with a few articles about some of the billioniares that are planning to not leave their wealth to their kids...or have a living will ...


Maybe a few of them are alright but when it comes to those that have billions, I have a hard time respecting them.

Imagine the good they could do with their money... they could solve world hunger...easily.


I think the idea that all rich people hoard their wealth is a tad overdone....


Sure, there are people like Trump and the Koch brothers, but for every one of them there's a Bill Gates or Warren Buffett.


In my experience, it's more a case of how that wealth was acquired that determines one's desire to share. People that are born into it, (old money, as it were) seem to be less inclined to support things like a Social Safety Net, paid for by increased taxation....


Just my observation, but I've been around for over 60 years and I've seen it borne out on a regular basis....

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2 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


I think the idea that all rich people hoard their wealth is a tad overdone....


Sure, there are people like Trump and the Koch brothers, but for every one of them there's a Bill Gates or Warren Buffett.


In my experience, it's more a case of how that wealth was acquired that determines one's desire to share. People that are born into it, (old money, as it were) seem to be less inclined to support things like a Social Safety Net, paid for by increased taxation....


Just my observation, but I've been around for over 60 years and I've seen it borne out on a regular basis....


I think every billionaire is a wealth hoarder. 


It's too much money for one person to hold. That said, I support the right to make that much. It's just could we not put a 99% tax on any income made over $999,999.? 

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Just now, bishopshodan said:


I think every billionaire is a wealth hoarder. 


It's too much money for one person to hold. That said, I support the right to make that much. It's just could we not put a 99% tax on any income made over $999,999.? 

I lost a friend once over this concept. He was spitting mad that I didn't think it was his right to earn enough to become a billionaire. My position was that there is no way you can possibly earn a billion dollars in Canada without 'fu*&ing over" millions of Canadians for a LOT of money each..and so we really should tax anything over so many millions of earnings a year and outright confiscate individual wealth over a billion dollars. At the very least, the billionaires would then need to spread it around their loved ones or such so as to not have one person with so much power, and yes money is power.  The guy makes less than someone working an entry level oilsands job but the theoretical difference of opinion came to a head when I told him "Lets face it, it isn't my opinion that is holding you back from being a Billionaire, you will never get there, so it is a moot point". We haven't spoken in years. 

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8 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


I think every billionaire is a wealth hoarder. 


It's too much money for one person to hold. That said, I support the right to make that much. It's just could we not put a 99% tax on any income made over $999,999.? 


I think the focus on billionaires is a red herring. Its like arguing which of us will end up in the Artemis program and live on the moon. 


Governments would love us to stay mad and distracted about Elon and the Orange Menace and not demand programs that ensure affordable rent for most people. 


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28 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

I'll quote you cause Labamba and I are misfiring like my '76 Dodge Dart.


I dont think anyone thinks rich people like to share their wealth. In fact, most really rich people i know are cheap AF, watch their dollars with a microscope. I think it is apparent that the people that think wealth should be shared arn' t the rich ones becuase...well, this should be obvious...more and more of the wealth is being hoarded by fewer and fewer.



1) You need to get something a little more environmentally friendly. Those 318s are nothing but a carbon spreader.


2) well I don't know what you would call me but I make significantly more than the average Canadian. According to Trudeau I'm part of the 1% because I don't get any of his kickbacks whatsoever. I'm fine with that. I would like to point out though and I'm not criticizing anybody else or saying they should do more. But I actually went out and bought seven jackets for Syrian refugees when they were coming to this country. I reached out to my MP to find out the best way I could make sure that the money I was giving towards Ukrainian refugees in my area would go to that of single moms who needed a little help. I actually do try to give quite a bit, especially to single moms and struggling families. 


I have no issues with helping those that legitimately need the help. I take issue with this socialist utopia idea because there's lazy people that don't want to work. In my opinion, those are the people that are being mentioned. They want everybody to share their wealth because they have none because they don't want to work hard.

25 minutes ago, King Heffy said:



Reading the letter, multiple MPs still in their seats after attending these rallies.

Dude, did you even read the article? It's nothing but a political attack with made up nonsense. It's funny. Trudeau admitted he didn't support abortion at one time in his life. That is what you call factual. It came from the horse's mouth. You guys have not provided any of that yet. You come to Trudeau's defense and then turn around and blast conservatives with no proof whatsoever. This is bizarre man

31 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


well, I'd suggest that introducing a bill is 'proof' :classic_smile: 


what the list in the link shows is a long history of MPs trying to introduce new laws on the topic. We don't need any new laws on this topic. Its a personal choice between a woman and her doc. Leave it there. 


This pregnant thing is just the latest weak wedge thingy. There will be more. 


Its pretty easy to find stories about MPs supporting anti-choice positions, just google CPC MP and abortion (e.g., 


Yeah but you guys move the goal post quite a bit. You're blaming a woman for an anti-abortion bill when it has nothing to do with anti-abortion. Even the pro-life movement pointed out that the bill would not stop abortions lol. Hard to take this serious. If you actually have facts or proof of these individuals doing this and an increasing number of individuals like agent said I would love to see it. There's no need to get argumentative or he did. I'm just asking for the proof to be provided.

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7 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

I lost a friend once over this concept. He was spitting mad that I didn't think it was his right to earn enough to become a billionaire. My position was that there is no way you can possibly earn a billion dollars in Canada without 'fu*&ing over" millions of Canadians for a LOT of money each..and so we really should tax anything over so many millions of earnings a year and outright confiscate individual wealth over a billion dollars. At the very least, the billionaires would then need to spread it around their loved ones or such so as to not have one person with so much power, and yes money is power.  The guy makes less than someone working an entry level oilsands job but the theoretical difference of opinion came to a head when I told him "Lets face it, it isn't my opinion that is holding you back from being a Billionaire, you will never get there, so it is a moot point". We haven't spoken in years. 


not sure I can agree here. I'm working for a client now who is pretty much a regular dude (very smart older engineer) who happened to come up with a device/company that he eventually sold for about 400 million. He didn't f-over anyone, just made a good product. Now he's stated a large foundation to give much of it back. 


I don't think all these guys made it by hurting folks, some just did the better mousetrap thing. 

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24 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:

Also, I admittedly have skimmed many of the posts in the past few pages, but are we really debating which of the two major parties is more anti-abortion?


Really? :classic_huh:

Well we are debating it based on facts and proof. The prime minister admitted himself that for a long time he opposed abortion. I'm hoping that you guys that say the conservatives are more anti-abortion could provide proof. I mean Bob did provide some from years ago, although I don't think that would help your case. There was a lot of liberals there that wanted to take away a woman's right to choose.

19 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

Yeah that was a weird attempt to flip reality. We know without a doubt the COn MEn historically have been anti-gay, anti-womens rights, and with this current leaders shenanigans anti vaxx. I am looking at the body of work of the 'movement' over 30 or 40 years here, not the tightly controlled narrative and insider whipped "SHHhhhhh don't tell them your thoughts on abortion, future Cabinet Minister Leslyn Lewis."


actions speak louder than words and when Pierre Poilievre was out gladhanding the Freedumb Cowboys in Ottawa, and famously in front of a Nazi Flag in a series of photos, I have to go with his actions, not his over the top rhetoric. And yes, i know that wasn't his flag, but it was his choice to be there shaking hands in front of it. 

Is it too much to ask for you guys to provide facts or proof when you make statements? It seems pretty bizarre to live in a world where we can just say whatever we want. People should treat it as the gospel. Actually wait a second. Isn't that what you guys blame Trump for doing? Just saying stuff even when it's not true without proof? Yet here we are.

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Just now, Ryan Strome said:


Yeah but you guys move the goal post quite a bit. You're blaming a woman for an anti-abortion bill when it has nothing to do with anti-abortion. Even the pro-life movement pointed out that the bill would not stop abortions lol. Hard to take this serious. If you actually have facts or proof of these individuals doing this and an increasing number of individuals like agent said I would love to see it. There's no need to get argumentative or he did. I'm just asking for the proof to be provided.


hmm... no its not moving goalposts tho I don't think. The tack now is to pick away at abortion by developing laws around the edges, like the pregnant thing or other fetus-as-person wedges. The idea is you build up enough of these types of laws and then protecting a fetus is a logical next step.


The CPC can't do it like they have in the US. We don't have a law to rail against up here and it frustrates them to no end. So they will continue to try these lesser attempts at fetal protection laws until they get their way. 


Its also hard to take groups like the CLC seriously. Of course they would try to make it seem like the laws were no big deal of didn't help there cause directly. But thats the point. 


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5 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

@Warhippy I did Google it and I'm trying to be nice to you guys because the reality is you guys are just spewing a bunch of bullshit. I think when you make comments like grounded in fact and in arguable I think you misunderstand what those things actually mean. You guys have provided no proof whatsoever about all the claims you have made.

I spent a week, doing this earlier. Explaining in great detail how the liberal policies intensified inflation. Talked about our divergence from a tangibly backed currency. All of it to def ears. 

You’ll get some bias articles with cherry picked dada to go thru. All of it is just smear articles with nothing recent. 

I’m getting tired of everyone getting all worried about stupid crap like abortion rights. There will never be enough conservative seats or pro life conservatives to outvote the NDP and Liberals. You’re wasting your energy. If I start reading a post and I see the word “abortion” I just scroll down. It’s a waste of energy. 

The only thing that matters right now is the housing bubble and the impending economic crash that’s going to take place because of it. Nothing major is going to change socially, even if the conservatives have the majority.

If everyone put all the fear aside and looked at the 8 year execution of our current government, we would all agree that something needs to change. PP is a douchebag but honestly he is just the conservative version of JT. 

I don’t see how people can come on here and argue that the conservatives aren’t more fiscally responsible than the liberals. It blows my mind. The conservatives had a completely different economic landscape. You can’t compare what was going on 10 years ago to today. We had a strong currency during a global recession. We had to spend to create growth. Had an oil price crash in 15, right at the end of his term. Governments need to spend money to create growth during Macroeconomic anomalies. The conservatives backed the covid spending in real time and even mention it today. However, there needs to be a dramatic reduction in spending/borrowing and a better business environment which is what the conservatives will offer.
The sentiment from a majority conservative government would drop inflation nearly overnight because the CAD would rally in the currency markets. 

I’m tired of all this crap getting dragged up from a completely different decade. It’s been 8 years. Back your own government’s performance.


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1 minute ago, Bob Long said:


hmm... no its not moving goalposts tho I don't think. The tack now is to pick away at abortion by developing laws around the edges, like the pregnant thing or other fetus-as-person wedges. The idea is you build up enough of these types of laws and then protecting a fetus is a logical next step.


The CPC can't do it like they have in the US. We don't have a law to rail against up here and it frustrates them to no end. So they will continue to try these lesser attempts at fetal protection laws until they get their way. 


Its also hard to take groups like the CLC seriously. Of course they would try to make it seem like the laws were no big deal of didn't help there cause directly. But thats the point. 


Well my friend, I don't want you to lose any sleep at night because we haven't even begun to talk about the supreme court yet. And don't you worry whose side they are on. A woman's right to choose will never be taken away in this country. But I have no doubt that there will always remain to be people that will try to correlate certain bills with it when there is no proof to suggest that. And there will be people that keep this constant argument going about the conservatives attempting to do this without proof. It's worked well for the liberals in the past, so I'm not surprised to see them attempt to do it again.

1 minute ago, LaBamba said:

I spent a week, doing this earlier. Explaining in great detail how the liberal policies intensified inflation. Talked about our divergence from a tangibly backed currency. All of it to def ears. 

You’ll get some bias articles with cherry picked dada to go thru. All of it is just smear articles with nothing recent. 

I’m getting tired of everyone getting all worried about stupid crap like abortion rights. There will never be enough conservative seats or pro life conservatives to outvote the NDP and Liberals. You’re wasting your energy. If I start reading a post and I see the word “abortion” I just scroll down. It’s a waste of energy. 

The only thing that matters right now is the housing bubble and the impending economic crash that’s going to take place because of it. Nothing major is going to change socially, even if the conservatives have the majority.

If everyone put all the fear aside and looked at the 8 year execution of our current government, we would all agree that something needs to change. PP is a douchebag but honestly he is just the conservative version of JT. 

I don’t see how people can come on here and argue that the conservatives aren’t more fiscally responsible than the liberals. It blows my mind. The conservatives had a completely different economic landscape. You can’t compare what was going on 10 years ago to today. We had a strong currency during a global recession. We had to spend to create growth. Had an oil price crash in 15, right at the end of his term. Governments need to spend money to create growth during Macroeconomic anomalies. The conservatives backed the covid spending in real time and even mention it today. However, there needs to be a dramatic reduction in spending/borrowing and a better business environment which is what the conservatives will offer.
The sentiment from a majority conservative government would drop inflation nearly overnight because the CAD would rally in the currency markets. 

I’m tired of all this crap getting dragged up from a completely different decade. It’s been 8 years. Back your own government’s performance.


This is just dead. It's the way the left seems to work and it's bizarre. Go over to the Trump thread or sorry the American politics thread and it's all about Trump. Look at this thread. It's all about the conservatives. A couple things are in common. The conservatives nor Trump are in power. Both countries are doing absolutely pitiful and they are choosing to blame people from 8 years ago and 4 years ago. Like it makes me think they're just doing this to argue there. Can't actually believe this, can they? And then yes light clockwork up comes the abortion stuff up comes the game marriage stuff as if any of its factual. We had a government that was conservative for what 9 years. Neither one of those things were ever touched. Yet in some crazy world here we are 10 years later thinking oh my god the Boogeyman will come and take away all these rights. We work so hard for. I think you can tell who's glued to CBC and who isn't.

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26 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


I think the focus on billionaires is a red herring. Its like arguing which of us will end up in the Artemis program and live on the moon. 


Governments would love us to stay mad and distracted about Elon and the Orange Menace and not demand programs that ensure affordable rent for most people. 




Why not both?


23 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

1) You need to get something a little more environmentally friendly. Those 318s are nothing but a carbon spreader.


2) well I don't know what you would call me but I make significantly more than the average Canadian. According to Trudeau I'm part of the 1% because I don't get any of his kickbacks whatsoever. I'm fine with that. I would like to point out though and I'm not criticizing anybody else or saying they should do more. But I actually went out and bought seven jackets for Syrian refugees when they were coming to this country. I reached out to my MP to find out the best way I could make sure that the money I was giving towards Ukrainian refugees in my area would go to that of single moms who needed a little help. I actually do try to give quite a bit, especially to single moms and struggling families. 


I have no issues with helping those that legitimately need the help. I take issue with this socialist utopia idea because there's lazy people that don't want to work. In my opinion, those are the people that are being mentioned. They want everybody to share their wealth because they have none because they don't want to work hard.

Dude, did you even read the article? It's nothing but a political attack with made up nonsense. It's funny. Trudeau admitted he didn't support abortion at one time in his life. That is what you call factual. It came from the horse's mouth. You guys have not provided any of that yet. You come to Trudeau's defense and then turn around and blast conservatives with no proof whatsoever. This is bizarre man

Yeah but you guys move the goal post quite a bit. You're blaming a woman for an anti-abortion bill when it has nothing to do with anti-abortion. Even the pro-life movement pointed out that the bill would not stop abortions lol. Hard to take this serious. If you actually have facts or proof of these individuals doing this and an increasing number of individuals like agent said I would love to see it. There's no need to get argumentative or he did. I'm just asking for the proof to be provided.


1) slant six....she's a lover not a fighter.


2) wouldn't know what you are talking about. I dont make any money. Dont need to work again if I dont want. Sitting on 2 acres of waterfront with all the toys I desire. Not bad for 49 huh? It's why i am considering corrections, they need people and I have friend that works there. I could do some good in the world and help rehabilitate the worst of our society. 

 -yeah I read the article, I didn't say much about it. I think it was nice that nobody pulled out the comments about which side was more educated ( damn, I guess I just did)

but was it made up? was it not based on anything? why do you make that assertion?


- I dont understand most of  your second paragraph...when did I say anything about trudeau's abortion stance? why are you calling me "you guys'? Dont know why I got your tangent in the last bunch of snetences. 

Edited by bishopshodan
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11 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


not sure I can agree here. I'm working for a client now who is pretty much a regular dude (very smart older engineer) who happened to come up with a device/company that he eventually sold for about 400 million. He didn't f-over anyone, just made a good product. Now he's stated a large foundation to give much of it back. 


I don't think all these guys made it by hurting folks, some just did the better mousetrap thing. 

400 million isn't a billion for one thing and secondly without knowing anything about your guy in the story: who gave him the 400 million, how did they get that much cash? lol 

there are 38 million of us Canadians: a Canadian made billionaire would need to have conned every single living Canuck out of a heck of a lot of cash each.

But I get your point, yes there are generally acceptions to the broadly stated thing I said. Sure, I will give you that.

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1 minute ago, Ryan Strome said:

Well my friend, I don't want you to lose any sleep at night because we haven't even begun to talk about the supreme court yet. And don't you worry whose side they are on. A woman's right to choose will never be taken away in this country. But I have no doubt that there will always remain to be people that will try to correlate certain bills with it when there is no proof to suggest that. And there will be people that keep this constant argument going about the conservatives attempting to do this without proof. It's worked well for the liberals in the past, so I'm not surprised to see them attempt to do it again.


Oh I know, no sleep lost :classic_laugh:


Its one of those things where the CPC makes it easy to hammer them over the head with a topic. I don't agree on the no proof part, I think the strategy is very clear on what they are attempting to do. 


If the CPC MPs weren't putting the wedge issues out there, the Libs/NDP, and I'd ague old PC supporters like me, there's be nothing to point out. 


If you can show me where there's a need for this new bill over what a judge can do now, maybe we could discuss that. 


1 minute ago, Ryan Strome said:

This is just dead. It's the way the left seems to work and it's bizarre. Go over to the Trump thread or sorry the American politics thread and it's all about Trump.


you are correct here for sure. Trump-obsession is real. Same with the Elon stuff, its a total waste of time to stay focused on either of them, imo.


1 minute ago, Ryan Strome said:


Look at this thread. It's all about the conservatives. A couple things are in common. The conservatives nor Trump are in power. Both countries are doing absolutely pitiful and they are choosing to blame people from 8 years ago and 4 years ago. Like it makes me think they're just doing this to argue there. Can't actually believe this, can they? And then yes light clockwork up comes the abortion stuff up comes the game marriage stuff as if any of its factual. We had a government that was conservative for what 9 years. Neither one of those things were ever touched. Yet in some crazy world here we are 10 years later thinking oh my god the Boogeyman will come and take away all these rights. We work so hard for. I think you can tell who's glued to CBC and who isn't.


we're taking about the CPC because of the current polling AND how bad JT is doing in some areas. Its pretty natural to discuss the alternative. 


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5 minutes ago, LaBamba said:

I can tell you with absolute certainty that a billionaire gives a far bigger % of their income to charity than a school teacher. 


3 minutes ago, stawns said:

You'd likely be wrong there

I am unsure to be honest but wanted to share this anecdote ...

for a school teacher to bend over and pick up a quarter off the ground, hopefully of those 1973 horse quarters that celebrated the RCMP..my favourite... 

..to be the equivalent % of say Bill Gates money for bill to bend over and pick up off the ground, the pile of cash would have to be more than most canadians earn in a year, at the time it was 45,000 but Gates wealth has doubled and redoubled since this...


When deGrasse Tyson did the experiment in 2011, Gates’ net worth was around $50 billion, deGrasse Tyson tells CNBC Make It. The astrophysicist did a calculation that took into account his own personal net worth compared to Gates’ considerably larger assets, and he then used that ratio to determine Gates’ version of the quarter that deGrasse Tyson would be willing to pick up.

The answer: Gates would not pick up anything less than $45,000, the scientist tells CNBC Make It. For some added perspective, the median household income in the U.S. was just over $61,000 last year, so $45,000 would be nearly three-quarters of the median income for an American household.

“So, if there’s a wad of cash, $45,000, in the street, [Gates might say] ‘No, I’m too busy, let someone else pick that up!’” deGrasse Tyson says while chuckling.

“That’s how much wealth $50 billion is, because the $45,000 is not even worth bending over to pick up.”


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8 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

Oh look over there! nice channel change dude, lol

I didn't change the channel. I just asked you something. I responded to what you said. To my knowledge you haven't responded back to it. There has not been one thing that Trudeau has done that anybody's brought to your attention that you've criticized you've defended everything that's been brought up.

8 minutes ago, LaBamba said:

I can tell you with absolute certainty that a billionaire gives a far bigger % of their income to charity than a school teacher. 


7 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:



Why not both?



1) slant six....she's a lover not a fighter.


2) wouldn't know what you are talking about. I dont make any money. Dont need to work again if I dont want. Sitting on 2 acres of wtaerfront with all the toys I desire. Not bad for 49 huh? It's why i am considering corrections, they need people and I have friend that works there. I could do some good in the world and help rehabilitate the worst of our society. 

 -yeah I read the article, I didn't say much about it. I think it was nice that nobody pulled out the comments about which side was more educated ( damn, I guess I just did)

but was it made up? was it not based on anything? why do you make that assertion?


- I dont understand most of  your second paragraph...when did I say anything about trudeau's abortion stance? why are you calling me "you guys'? Dont know why I got your tangent in the last bunch of snetences. 

I don't think I meant to quote you there. My bad. I'll have to go back and check it out. You'll have to accept my apology being a right-wing in a BC forum inbox gets pretty full quite fast.

6 minutes ago, stawns said:

You'd likely be wrong there

Speaking of government handouts, you said you are a farmer and a teacher? I guess you would know all about those.

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8 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:



Why not both?


I guess it comes down to how much time you want to give Elon, e.g. If its just having some fun and its not taking away from demanding more from our politicians then thats healthy. 


I do think some people do focus too much on these guys, tho and not enough on holding everyone to account. All of our politicians are letting us down right now. 



8 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


1) slant six....she's a lover not a fighter.


2) wouldn't know what you are talking about. I dont make any money. Dont need to work again if I dont want. Sitting on 2 acres of wtaerfront with all the toys I desire. Not bad for 49 huh? It's why i am considering corrections, they need people and I have friend that works there. I could do some good in the world and help rehabilitate the worst of our society. 

 -yeah I read the article, I didn't say much about it. I think it was nice that nobody pulled out the comments about which side was more educated ( damn, I guess I just did)

but was it made up? was it not based on anything? why do you make that assertion?


- I dont understand most of  your second paragraph...when did I say anything about trudeau's abortion stance? why are you calling me "you guys'? Dont know why I got your tangent in the last bunch of snetences. 




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