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@Optimist Prime I will do your solid though I won't quote you anymore. I don't feel like it'll get us anywhere. You really play that left wing right Wing card pretty hard and then blame me if I do it lol. But either way, I do think you make some decent comments now and again I'll remember to upvote  you and of course thank you for your service.

Edited by Ryan Strome
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4 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

I am gonna guess you lean a bit right of center. "stop saying things that make the right wing look like they are right wing"

Hey, I’m a left winger. I love to know little about you and put you into a category. Lol. Who cares? Focus on what matters. 

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moving on...


Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre's advisers are divided on the position the party should take on issues of gender identity and diversity, multiple Conservative sources told Radio-Canada.

While some Conservatives see questions of gender and identity as matters of principle, or as opportunities to make political gains, others fear that the polarizing issue could turn some voters against them in the next election campaign and distract from the pocketbook issues that have been the focus of Poilievre's messaging.

Radio-Canada spoke with about ten Conservatives anonymously, to allow them to express themselves freely. 

"We have not yet taken a clear position on the issue," said one Conservative source. "I expected us to go further and move more quickly."

Other party advisers say the leader intends to remain vague on the subject for now.

"He'll be clearer when it's beneficial for him," said one Conservative strategist.




"We have to be careful to avoid this issue becoming an Achilles heel," said a source.

Recent demonstrations like the 1 Million March 4 Kids, intended to protest against sexual orientation and gender identity education in schools, attracted some protesters who held signs with homophobic and transphobic messages.

"We remember what happened with (former Conservative leader) Andrew Scheer and abortion, which undermined his campaign. We definitely don't want to replay that film," said another Conservative source.

During the 2019 campaign, Scheer said he was not going to reopen the issue of abortion. During the first debate in French, he repeatedly refused to say whether he was pro-choice. Soon after, his polling numbers dropped.


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1 hour ago, Ryan Strome said:

Dude, did you even read the article? It's nothing but a political attack with made up nonsense. It's funny. Trudeau admitted he didn't support abortion at one time in his life. That is what you call factual. It came from the horse's mouth. You guys have not provided any of that yet. You come to Trudeau's defense and then turn around and blast conservatives with no proof whatsoever. This is bizarre man


Are you suggesting that these MPs weren't at the rallies?  

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2 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Interestingly enough great Britain government is having this debate and wants to be quite clear about it in their election next year. A man is a man and a woman is a woman is I believe what the prime minister was quoted as saying.

I am not surprised the Conservative Prime Minister of the UK said that, seems on brand.



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1 minute ago, LaBamba said:

Cool story bro, explain the pathway to legislation please. Tell me how this is going to be passed through parliament under a majority CPC government? 

you need to worry about the housing collapse and inflation. 

When you get hit by a car your first concern shouldn’t be if your pack of smokes got squashed. 

First off it’s a response to Strome who claimed he genuinely wanted to know about people in the party who wanted to ban abortions since he is truly pro-choice (paraphrasing). So when you see  a response maybe don’t just handwave it away.


Second I said at the top I don’t believe it’s Conservative policy so don’t put words in my mouth.


Third I think we can discuss several facets of a government at once. In fact I wish the party would give us some info on what their actual policies would be so we could have real discussion.

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10 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Serious question for those who keep wanting to think it's going to happen. Do you guys truly believe a majority conservative government could overturn a woman's right to choose and gay marriage in this country? Maybe that's where we should start the debate and then we can do a little correcting of each other here.

I don't trust them not to in the current political landscape with a leader clearly willing to work with the extremists.

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2 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

Are you suggesting that these MPs weren't at the rallies?  

No, I'm not. I'm looking for that increasing number of MPs that are against a woman's right to choose. I haven't been offered that evidence yet. While people attending those rallies, I would not support but to put it into a little bit of context We know the prime minister supports BLM but I'm willing to bet he doesn't support the idea of "kill all white people." Are these people at these events because it's what they're constituents want to see? Are these members of parliament discussing a woman's right to choose in the house? Have we had anything to suggest a conservative government would overturn this? Or do you think there might be a chance? This is a ploy for the left wing to play when they're doing terrible in the polls? I don't know how old you are and admittedly you seem quite young at heart haha. But to be perfectly honest, this is nothing new for the liberals to do. They play boogeyman when they do bad in the polls

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Just now, LaBamba said:

Who cares, we are all going to identify as broke if we don’t stop spending money.  

And you think a guy who suggested we opt out of inflation with Bitcoin is likely to be good for the economy?  Remind me again what happened to crypto after that suggestion.

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Just now, LaBamba said:

Who cares, we are all going to identify as broke if we don’t stop spending money.  

you are a bit late to the convo, about 25 pages back we can see the facts that Canada has the lowest debt to person ratio and lowest deficit to person ratio of 7 of the top economies in the world, I didn't look to see China and India, which are the other two of the top nine because they ahve almost a couple billion people instead of 38 million. but i should add the one thing we didn't have best of those 14 measures is italy i think it was had a lower deficit to citizen ratio in 2022. So 13/14 we have the best numbers of the G7!

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4 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

I am not surprised the Conservative Prime Minister of the UK said that, seems on brand.



Yeah that brown conservative. I wonder how us racist Let him in lol. Hey I promise you I wouldn't quote you so if you quote me I have to respond. I only added it because I thought it was interesting. This just came up the other day and you posted that article about Canada. They seemed quite happy over there to make it a party position.

1 minute ago, King Heffy said:

I don't trust them not to in the current political landscape with a leader clearly willing to work with the extremists.

Okay if you feel that way. I appreciate you sharing it. Now I would ask you to look into the supreme Court of Canada.

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24 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

 Do you guys truly believe a majority conservative government could overturn a woman's right to choose and gay marriage in this country? 

Look no further than New Brunswick where the Con MAN in the Premiers seat has gerrymandered funding and occupation permits in such a way that there is only one legal abortion clinic left in the province, (EDIT: my mistake, it has already closed down!) That is exactly what happens when CONS gain power and have the means to enact their social and religiously driven agendas.

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3 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

And you think a guy who suggested we opt out of inflation with Bitcoin is likely to be good for the economy?  Remind me again what happened to crypto after that suggestion.

Oh you mean diversity in the treasury? 
that would’ve been a brilliant move during that dip. You really need to maybe glance at the markets before you make comments like this ahahahahhahahahIMG_7923.thumb.jpeg.3378ae439eb708ee3344065862099b06.jpeg

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More than 30 years after the 1988 Morgentaler Supreme Court decision struck down laws restricting abortion in Canada, advocates say access is still a challenge across the country, with rural Canadians at the greatest disadvantage.

Clinic 554 in Fredericton blamed its impending closure on a long-standing provincial refusal to fund surgical abortions performed outside a hospital. Critics say the policy is symptomatic of obstacles faced in some parts of Atlantic Canada, where people seeking abortions have been confronted by decades of government resistance, a limited number of clinics, lingering social conservatism and a severe doctor shortage.


Sarah Kennell, director of government relations with Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights, noted a lack of political will to confront policies like New Brunswick's. She also highlighted the fact that none of the Atlantic provinces offer abortions after 16 weeks, as opposed to 23 weeks in other parts of the country.

This limitation forces people to travel to other provinces and sometimes to the United States at their own expense, she said. "The burden to access what is considered to be a medically necessary service is quite high," Kennell said.

New Brunswick is the only province where surgical abortions are only covered if performed in a hospital -- a cause for concern "under the accessibility and comprehensiveness criteria of the (Canada Health Act)," according to Health Canada's latest annual report.

Edgar said he has presented provincial officials with science-based evidence demonstrating the safety of abortions performed in clinics, and he can't explain why resistance has been so strong.

Abortion services are provided at just three hospitals in New Brunswick, Dr. Edgar said, with the closest to Fredericton 150 kilometres away in Moncton.

"We're talking 30 years of asking to just have the same rights as every other Canadian," he said "You're always hopeful that can happen within your lifetime."


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4 minutes ago, LaBamba said:

Oh you mean diversity in the treasury? 
that would’ve been a brilliant move during that dip. You really need to maybe glance at the markets before you make comments like this ahahahahhahahahIMG_7923.thumb.jpeg.3378ae439eb708ee3344065862099b06.jpeg

Bottom line is I don't trust that worthless piece of garbage to not destroy the country financially or socially.  He's shown himself to be unfit to hold any public office and has no business leading a civilized country.  We need to be doing everything in our power to prevent him from inflicting his agenda on Canada.

Edited by King Heffy
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5 minutes ago, LaBamba said:

Oh you mean diversity in the treasury? 
that would’ve been a brilliant move during that dip. You really need to maybe glance at the markets before you make comments like this ahahahahhahahah

My understanding of the matter, although I have no links to share, is that Poilievre himself lost a little over 1/3rd of his personal wealth during a bitcoin crash shortly after his statement on the subject.

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2 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

My understanding of the matter, although I have no links to share, is that Poilievre himself lost a little over 1/3rd of his personal wealth during a bitcoin crash shortly after his statement on the subject.

Did you look at the chart? 

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5 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

Bottom line is I don't trust that worthless piece of garbage to not destroy the country financially or socially.  He's shown himself to be unfit to hold any public office and has no business leading a civilized country.  We need to be doing everything in our power to prevent him from inflicting his agenda on Canada.

Ok so you’re saying the current government executes at a competent level and we are on a good path here. Got it. 

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