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1 hour ago, stawns said:

Boohoo.  I'm sick to death of being called a groomer for doing my job and making sure your kids grow up as happy, safe and secure as possible.  I've dedicated my life to kids, I'm not going to apologize for standing up for my profession.


What’s that got do do with my post? My post was about how we should comment on the topic without being mean to the poster we are responding to. Of course I agree with your point about teachers. I would think we all agree with that. 

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6 minutes ago, stawns said:





Of course it’s not happening. But some parents, because of media foolishness, believe it is. Those fears, as a result are real, even if based on something not true. We can yell and scream at these ignorant people (I’m really bad for doing this) or we can try our darnedest to educate them about the truth. IMHAO yelling and screaming feels good but it doesn’t help the ignorant learn what’s true. 

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1 minute ago, Gurn said:

What is P.P. afraid off?



Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre’s office sent a memo to his MPs to remind them of “mandatory” attendance at a caucus meeting as “gender ideology" protesters gathered outside Parliament Wednesday morning.

Global News obtained a copy of the memo, which included Poilievre’s previous comments on "parental rights" issues and the New Brunswick government’s decision to require parents be notified if their child wishes to use a preferred name or pronoun while in school.

News of the memo was first reported on by The Canadian Press on Wednesday.

The memo opens with a request that Conservative MPs “please do not talk to media or post on social media about this issue.”

“Protestors have legitimate points to make, and they enjoy the freedom of assembly and expression to make them,” the memo read.

A second source confirmed the authenticity of the memo Wednesday afternoon.

“On Wednesday mornings, party caucuses meet, requiring the attendance of all MPs. If needed, feel free to use (Poilievre’s) previous two statements to communicate with constituents on the issue of parental rights.”

Protests and counter-protests took place in several cities across Canada Wednesday over what protest organizers referred to as “gender ideology” in Canadian schools.


Protest organizers had a varied list of grievances but have rallied around opposition to educating students about sexual orientation and gender identity, requests to call people by their preferred pronouns, and “mixed bathrooms in schools.”


The messages echo steps taken by some Canadian provinces and several U.S. states targeting the rights of transgender people.

Counter-protesters and a number of progressive politicians took a stand Wednesday against what they view as anti-transgender and anti-LGBTQ2 movements.

“Let me make one thing very clear: Transphobia, homophobia, and biphobia have no place in this country. We strongly condemn this hate and its manifestations, and we stand united in support of 2SLGBTQI+ Canadians across the country,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau posted on X Wednesday, while attending a UN meeting in New York.

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh also took part in a counter-protest march, and tweeted that "the rise of hate towards the 2SLGBTQI+ community is deeply alarming. All people deserve safety and freedom to be who they are. Today and every day, New Democrats stand with the trans community in solidarity."

Poilievre and Conservative MPs have been much more muted in their public comments on the protests. But the social conservative movement -- which has some sway within the party and includes multiple sitting MPs -- has rallied around “parental rights” issues in the recent past.

At the party’s Québec City policy convention earlier this month, delegates voted overwhelmingly to make it Conservative policy to restrict gender-affirming care to minors. The policy -- which was endorsed by 69 per cent of the grassroots delegates -- sought to commit a Conservative government to banning “life altering medicinal or surgical interventions” for Canadians under the age of 18 experiencing “gender dysphoria and related mental health challenges.”

Delegates also voted to affirm support for “single-sex spaces” and affirming Canadians’ right to refuse medical treatments like vaccines.

Speaking before the convention generally about policy resolutions, Poilievre said his team would review the policies that were approved but that he would not be bound by the votes.

A Conservative source, who agreed to discuss Wednesday’s memo on the condition they not be named, said Poilievre’s office routinely issues talking points to Conservative MPs on prominent issues.

“Every party does this, I’d be shocked if (the Prime Minister’s Office) didn’t issue similar ones,” the source said.

Included in the memo was Poilievre’s previous comments on “parental rights,” saying he “understood it’s about parents that are frustrated with government imposing contrary values on their children.”

“My view is that parents should be the final authority on the values and lessons that should be taught to children,” Poilievre is quoted as saying.

“I believe in parental rights, and parental rights come before the government’s rights.”

PP is a smart enough snake to try to keep the rhetoric down until after an election.......then he will aquiese to his far right zealots

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5 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

Even still “My view is that parents should be the final authority on the values and lessons that should be taught to children,” is absolutely terrifying considering the values of his supporters.  He cannot be allowed to have any say in how this country is run.

At what point Heffy should we (the state) get involved in superseding the wants of the parents though? There are some parents who clearly are harming their child’s growth as a good person with their beliefs. This whole protest today wasn’t good for kids learning about what acceptance is about. I don’t know what is the best but I feel there has to be a point where some parents are doing damage to their kids and the state has to step in. 

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4 minutes ago, Alflives said:

At what point Heffy should we (the state) get involved in superseding the wants of the parents though? There are some parents who clearly are harming their child’s growth as a good person with their beliefs. This whole protest today wasn’t good for kids learning about what acceptance is about. I don’t know what is the best but I feel there has to be a point where some parents are doing damage to their kids and the state has to step in. 


our Charter guides us on that one: https://www.cba.org/Publications-Resources/Practice-Tools/Child-Rights-Toolkit/theChild/The-Charter-and-Constitutional-Protection-for-Chil


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I have many sources that I can't share here. Bottom line, no testosterone fuelled teenaged boys have any business in a female safe space like their sports teams or locker room but under sogi 123 all they have to do is say they identify as whatever.


This is about protecting children.


If you can't see that then you're not worth my time. Of course the teachers on here are going to disagree, you're brainwashed and indoctrinated by your own curriculum.


Not worth my time anymore.


The rallies today were peaceful and powerful.


Transgenderism doesn't Belong in schools

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Back to school aged kids for context?


Early in year seven my daughters school had a transfer of a young lad being bullied. Beat up?  He liked trying on clothes, make up which my daughter and her friends did as well.  They became friends, still are ten years later.  He did transition, I watched Jodi dance her ass off with all her friends at grad! 


To me that she was happy was worth celebrating. 


I do have a concern that acceptance, even presence can be mistaken as an oppressed mission to teach 'lifestyle.' These things just kinda happen? People don't live in a protected world; where their son won't become gay if we groom them.  Make sure none of their teachers are! That is just a prejudice. Creates exclusion. This has its own dangers.  


My opinion of course. 



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2 minutes ago, Inspector BlakeQuinn said:

I have many sources that I can't share here. Bottom line, no testosterone fuelled teenaged boys have any business in a female safe space like their sports teams or locker room but under sogi 123 all they have to do is say they identify as whatever.


This is about protecting children.


If you can't see that then you're not worth my time. Of course the teachers on here are going to disagree, you're brainwashed and indoctrinated by your own curriculum.


Not worth my time anymore.


The rallies today were peaceful and powerful.


Transgenderism doesn't Belong in schools

I think you’re conflating different issues. Agreed guys shouldn’t be competing with girls in most sports. And they shouldn’t be sharing locker rooms and bathrooms. Yup. Agreed by me. But that’s not what today was about. It’s about teaching kids to accept everyone, regardless of their differences.  

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6 minutes ago, Inspector BlakeQuinn said:

sogi 123 all they have to do is say they identify as whatever.


This is about protecting children.


The bolded is none of your business! 


What is taught, and how is fair game for debate.  You would be surprised how many people went their whole lives not knowing who Lola was? What we really need to teach, to focus on is not to abuse.  


My next opinion is controversial, inflammatory. Nonetheless how i feel.  Blake, my opinion is your boy is more likely to be abused by a hockey coach. Or priest sitting on a knee at confession? Because the abusers usually were not allowed to explore who they were at the right time. Find the right expression? Maybe your boy will be lucky & his offender will be two hot female teachers? But private schools where control is 'a discipline to be taught?' Might be where he experiments with being gay? At the hand of an authoritarian figure. Look up abuse in rural schools, various religious factions. 


If you have taught to hide your whole life; abuse can be your only outlet. If your lifestyle is accepted, its probably easier to find somebody within that lifestyle! 




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14 minutes ago, moosehead said:
So proud of JT the last few days with this.. and his stand against India's  oppressive / totalitarian  regime..
Let me make one thing very clear: Transphobia, homophobia, and biphobia have no place in this country. We strongly condemn this hate and its manifestations, and we stand united in support of 2SLGBTQI+ Canadians across the country – you are valid and you are valued.


Moosehead is crappy beer!  🫣


Your post is awesome!

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2 hours ago, Inspector BlakeQuinn said:

You're completely missing the boat here.  It's so much more than teaching.


Parents are being kept in the dark.


Kids should never be encouraged to take hormone therapy 

Can you show me where educators are enouraging kids to engage in hormone therapy?

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2 hours ago, Inspector BlakeQuinn said:

Kids are encouraged to do this behind parents backs. Don't you get it?


Not wanting your children indoctrinated by [removed], ill willed transgenders is not hateful, and protesting it is not a hate rally.

Can you show me where [removed] "ill willed transgenders" are indoctrinating kids?


2 hours ago, Inspector BlakeQuinn said:

There are stories of this happening all over the continent. A simple Google search...


If as you say they are happening all over the continent, I should be able to find it via a simple google search.  Instead all i can find is rallies against what they say is happening.  Or claims that stuff is happening.  Yet not a single statement or verifiable story where this is the case.


I would be interested in reading the truth that you state exists so please, educate me.

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41 minutes ago, Inspector BlakeQuinn said:

I have many sources that I can't share here. Bottom line, no testosterone fuelled teenaged boys have any business in a female safe space like their sports teams or locker room but under sogi 123 all they have to do is say they identify as whatever.


This is about protecting children.


If you can't see that then you're not worth my time. Of course the teachers on here are going to disagree, you're brainwashed and indoctrinated by your own curriculum.


Not worth my time anymore.


The rallies today were peaceful and powerful.


Transgenderism doesn't Belong in schools

This is an honest question, not bait, I promise 


What is it, exactly, that you think SOGI is?

Edited by stawns
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