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8 minutes ago, 5forFighting said:

My guy? The evidence is others have been caught. You aren't catching them all.

What about their vaccines? 

Do not use vaccines to speak of first nations issues.  It's gross upon gross.


What evidence is there that others have been caught "vote rigging" in canada?


I am looking but to my eyes there have been accusations but only a handful of charges stemming back all the way to 2015.  The bulk of the accusations come from 2019 where people of various nationalities spread a campaign in which they claimed they could vote twice by covering their faces as the best way to remove Trudeau in a specific riding.  The issues came down to and from people with questionable Canadian residency were potentially voting in our system and promoting voter fraud but it appears it would have been against Trudeau by the  stories I am reading so


If you have proof please present it because voter fraud and our electoral processes are very important to us

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I wanted to respond to @Rob Eh’s post but see it has been wiped. His anger and pain is what @Bob Long referred to on Friday when he said that this report was going to hurt a lot of people. I would have told Rob that although I found the report credible my opinion didn’t count for much. It’s an issue that belongs largely to the indigenous community and one that they are struggling to come to terms with.

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28 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Do not use vaccines to speak of first nations issues.  It's gross upon gross.


What evidence is there that others have been caught "vote rigging" in canada?


I am looking but to my eyes there have been accusations but only a handful of charges stemming back all the way to 2015.  The bulk of the accusations come from 2019 where people of various nationalities spread a campaign in which they claimed they could vote twice by covering their faces as the best way to remove Trudeau in a specific riding.  The issues came down to and from people with questionable Canadian residency were potentially voting in our system and promoting voter fraud but it appears it would have been against Trudeau by the  stories I am reading so


If you have proof please present it because voter fraud and our electoral processes are very important to us


30 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Do not use vaccines to speak of first nations issues.  It's gross upon gross.


What evidence is there that others have been caught "vote rigging" in canada?


I am looking but to my eyes there have been accusations but only a handful of charges stemming back all the way to 2015.  The bulk of the accusations come from 2019 where people of various nationalities spread a campaign in which they claimed they could vote twice by covering their faces as the best way to remove Trudeau in a specific riding.  The issues came down to and from people with questionable Canadian residency were potentially voting in our system and promoting voter fraud but it appears it would have been against Trudeau by the  stories I am reading so


If you have proof please present it because voter fraud and our electoral processes are very important to us

I can and I will. If it makes you uncomfortable, I am sorry to hear that. 

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27 minutes ago, 5forFighting said:


I can and I will. If it makes you uncomfortable, I am sorry to hear that. 

What exactly do you have to gain by whinging about first nations individuals and vaccines?


Like what actual point are you attempting or trying to make here.  it doesn't make me uncomfortable it just reminds me that my people are still nothing more than a talking point for people of low intelligence who need to make political points but truly don't give a shit about us otherwise unless we suit their argument.


As for the foreign interference.  That is an issue but that is not what you suggested at all which was vote rigging.

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23 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

What exactly do you have to gain by whinging about first nations individuals and vaccines?


I was hoping you'd have some sort of comment on this, I don't know WTF he's getting at? 


Is it vaccine hesitancy among some bands? because there's some sound historical reasons for that hesitancy. Maybe thats what he's getting at? 

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18 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


I was hoping you'd have some sort of comment on this, I don't know WTF he's getting at? 


Is it vaccine hesitancy among some bands? because there's some sound historical reasons for that hesitancy. Maybe thats what he's getting at? 

I really have zero clue what point they're trying to make.

first nations bands were among some of the first to receive vaccines yes.  They were not guinea pigs though.  They were given them due to the isolation of and lack of major medical centres for them as well as the close knit nature of our bands.


Whatever narrative or suggestion that person is pushing should be spoken very very clearly because it is obvious they are trying to use a minority and marginalized group in society to justify some sort of disgusting opinion or suggestion of government malfeasance or to promote the idea of "libz r bad" but doesn't have the actual stones to just outright say it

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38 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


well, not yet. Maybe once PP gets elected they'll be emboldened like the MAGAs. 

Oh he will get elected.  There's almost no question about that.


But watching them out themselves and then being outraged and offended once the f*ck Pierre flags come out will be amusing.  That is before they realize Peppy has literally no actual plan or ability to do what it is he has promised them he can because so much of it is actually not federal jurisdiction

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8 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Oh he will get elected.  There's almost no question about that.


But watching them out themselves and then being outraged and offended once the f*ck Pierre flags come out will be amusing.  That is before they realize Peppy has literally no actual plan or ability to do what it is he has promised them he can because so much of it is actually not federal jurisdiction


I'm offended at your being offended by my offence comment. 2024-28. 


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21 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Oh he will get elected.  There's almost no question about that.


But watching them out themselves and then being outraged and offended once the f*ck Pierre flags come out will be amusing.  That is before they realize Peppy has literally no actual plan or ability to do what it is he has promised them he can because so much of it is actually not federal jurisdiction

What exactly is the plan of the Liberals who other than legalizing weed have failed to deliver over the last 8 years?

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16 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

You're just too woke to understand it.  They're all communists with a WEF agenda 2024-2028


its funny, to look at me I'm like the whitest looking business casual dressed dude. People say shit to me all the time thinking I'm "with them" on their BS. 

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18 minutes ago, bolt said:

What exactly is the plan of the Liberals who other than legalizing weed have failed to deliver over the last 8 years?

It doesn't matter for either party, it changes the moment they get elected. Weed was a big one. After that, its been scandal after scandal with a band-aid relationship with the spineless NDP leader. All three are typically all talk and then blame each other when they can't get anything productive passed. Then it is rinse and repeat. 

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4 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


I want them to be 'No little PP!' flags.


Who wants a little PP?


One of my favourite issues with this is that once people fly a f**k pierre flag.  others will be offended.  Without a hint of irony about their f**k trudeau isms over the last 7-8 years




Remember this guy?  Ya that was apparently a bridge to far in 2015 and he was a violent member of the radical left for displaying a f**k Harper sign in bright pink all caps on his car




"Harper supporters are very offensive to me, so being offensive is not illegal in this country," Wells told CTV.

Claiming he'd cleared the sign with lawyers before displaying it, he took to Facebook to vent about the run-in.

"When I refused to let [the officer] trample on my Charter rights,"—the Canadian equivalent of the US Constitution—"he gave me a ticket. I'll be pleading NOT GUILTY and raising a Charter right defense," Wells wrote. "I'll also be filing a complaint against the officer for political harassment."

This isn't the first time dissing the prime minister has gotten Wells in trouble with the law; he claims he was previously threatened with "criminal prosecution" due to an anti-Harper bumper sticker.

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5 hours ago, Satchmo said:

It sounds like you can't really determine native ancestry through DNA tests, at least according to Wikepedia:

While there are some genetic markers that are more common among Native Americans, these markers are also found in Asia, and in other parts of the world. The commercial DNA companies that offer ethnicity tests do not have a large enough pool of North American DNA to provide reliable matches. The most popular companies have admitted to having no North American DNA, and that their "matches" are to Central Asian and South or Central American populations; smaller companies may have a very small pool from one tribe who participated in a medical study. The exploitation of Indigenous genetic material, like the theft of human remains, land and artifacts, has led to widespread distrust to outright boycotts of these companies by Native communities. While a DNA test may bring up some markers associated with some Indigenous or Asian populations (and the science there is fairly problematic, as TallBear describes in her book Native American DNA), as Indigenous identity is based in citizenship, family and community, a genetic marker does not make a person Indigenous.


I gave all this a bit more thought over night.   I still think Buffy spawned a lie, but after more reading and reflection I'm starting to accept the last sentence above - Indigenous identity is based in citizenship, family and community.  



When Elizabeth Warren was confronted DNA was used. I remember it was stated that native American DNA was present in most Americans at roughly 3%. 

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16 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

When Elizabeth Warren was confronted DNA was used. I remember it was stated that native American DNA was present in most Americans at roughly 3%. 

I'll be the first to admit I don't really have a clue.   Hence my resorting to the 100% reliable Wikepedia.

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