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6 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


The social aspect of some conservatives is something that pushes me away.


Can you tell me some of the stuff you are talking about in the bolded?

Homophobia, transphobia, racism, promotion of domestic terrorism, and I still don't trust that bigot to keep the abortion debate closed.  Canada cannot afford to allow this evil piece of trash to do that he wants to it.

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1 minute ago, King Heffy said:

Homophobia, transphobia, racism, promotion of domestic terrorism, and I still don't trust that bigot to keep the abortion debate closed.  Canada cannot afford to allow this evil piece of trash to do that he wants to it.


The little I have seen of him, he reeks of some American style right wing nonsense. What you have just stated makes me think that more. 

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4 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

Homophobia, transphobia, racism, promotion of domestic terrorism, and I still don't trust that bigot to keep the abortion debate closed.  Canada cannot afford to allow this evil piece of trash to do that he wants to it.


you're correct, and sadly many people won't be thinking about any of this. 


Our debt service is going to be almost twice what we spend on defence. Thats fucked. I'm pissed off at Trudeau for letting it get this bad and making someone like PP look like a viable alternative. 


Edited by Bob Long
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Not trying to start a new subtopic but this just came accross my feed on a social media platform...and it is absolutely a perfect way to highlight how right wing the Fraser Institute is these days: it is a map of "most free" to "least free" regions in north America. Funny the Red States are like mecca to the right in Canada? The states who are curtailing womens rights and the LGBTQ2S+ rights, and redistricting to limit black voters impacts on congress seats.... those are somehow the 'freest' places lmao..i can't even type it without laughing at it. 


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3 minutes ago, Bob Long said:

I'm pissed off at Trudeau for letting it get this bad and making someone like PP look like a viable alternative. 


Random thought: could it be that he's currently performing political self-sacrifice to have all of these bad policies and issues linked to him and his legacy, so that whoever replaces him afterwards as Leader of the Liberals (and essentially, PM for the remainder of the government's term in office) can cut a new path and salvage/attempt to grow their voter base with "different" ideas?


Though as my former boss used to say, "human nature being what it is", I wouldn't expect this to be the case since a person's self-preservation mechanisms and ego normally prevents political self-sacrifice to this degree.

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5 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


these are scary numbers. I think they are accurate as well, which makes it bracing when you look at the reality of what this means going forward.


I know people love the idea of free dental and pharma for all, but we just cannot afford it. If we ever did have the chance for that, covid debt took that away.


I just don't see how the NDP-Lib coalition can last. We can't afford all the goodies, and I'm just so disappointed in the Liberals lacking economic development plan. 

It sounds like I am dumping this situation all on the Libs but there is blame to go around. You probably remember when budgets were debated on a line by line basis. That doesn't happen anymore. When politicians of any stripe aren't held to account then we end up where we are. Affordability is always the issue. What has been happening is not sustainable. The Libs just took $1 billion from defense to spend on social programs. It comes down to hard choices and I would argue those choices are not debated in a serious way. 


You and I have talked about a Canadian economic development plan for years now. Absolutely critical. Where is Canada's economic future? Building EV's? If so then who will buy them? I give the Libs credit for putting money into R&D work in Canadian universities. Hopefully that develops into Canadian based companies. It is not too late to capitalize on energy as LNG still has growing demand. Governments have to be partners rather than adversaries. When NDP Ebby says he won't support LNG Canada 2 but then says he will because of the billions in tax revenue he should be credited. There has to be pragmatism. 


This debt crisis could easily tear our country apart. When debt limitations hit to their full extent the finger pointing will become extreme. The current situation is not like past years. Almost all parts if our economy are carrying debt levels never experienced before. Our credit worthiness will be questioned. 

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34 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

It sounds like I am dumping this situation all on the Libs but there is blame to go around. You probably remember when budgets were debated on a line by line basis. That doesn't happen anymore. When politicians of any stripe aren't held to account then we end up where we are. Affordability is always the issue. What has been happening is not sustainable. The Libs just took $1 billion from defense to spend on social programs. It comes down to hard choices and I would argue those choices are not debated in a serious way. 


You and I have talked about a Canadian economic development plan for years now. Absolutely critical. Where is Canada's economic future? Building EV's? If so then who will buy them? I give the Libs credit for putting money into R&D work in Canadian universities. Hopefully that develops into Canadian based companies. It is not too late to capitalize on energy as LNG still has growing demand. Governments have to be partners rather than adversaries. When NDP Ebby says he won't support LNG Canada 2 but then says he will because of the billions in tax revenue he should be credited. There has to be pragmatism. 


This debt crisis could easily tear our country apart. When debt limitations hit to their full extent the finger pointing will become extreme. The current situation is not like past years. Almost all parts if our economy are carrying debt levels never experienced before. Our credit worthiness will be questioned. 


We share many of the same concerns for sure. 


Im hoping that the centre ice group has candidates next election.

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1 hour ago, King Heffy said:

Homophobia, transphobia, racism, promotion of domestic terrorism, and I still don't trust that bigot to keep the abortion debate closed.  Canada cannot afford to allow this evil piece of trash to do that he wants to it.

When people go to vote the first thing they think about is putting food on the table for their kids. The second thing they think about is being able to pay their mortgage and keep their house. 

Those things you mentioned aren’t going to matter much in the next election. I am sure the Liberals will run on them but they will lose if they do. 

At the end of the day the next ejection will be about the economy, period. 

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1 minute ago, Elias Pettersson said:

When people go to vote the first thing they think about is putting food on the table for their kids. The second thing they think about is being able to pay their mortgage and keep their house. 

Those things you mentioned aren’t going to matter much in the next election. I am sure the Liberals will run on them but they will lose if they do. 

At the end of the day the next ejection will be about the economy, period. 

ah shit what did he do this time



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1 minute ago, Elias Pettersson said:

When people go to vote the first thing they think about is putting food on the table for their kids. The second thing they think about is being able to pay their mortgage and keep their house. 

Those things you mentioned aren’t going to matter much in the next election. I am sure the Liberals will run on them but they will lose if they do. 

At the end of the day the next ejection will be about the economy, period. 

And we'll see the country as we know it destroyed if the CPC are allowed to do what they'd like.  Bottom line is that a lunatic like PP should not be electable in any civilized country.

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1 hour ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:


Random thought: could it be that he's currently performing political self-sacrifice to have all of these bad policies and issues linked to him and his legacy, so that whoever replaces him afterwards as Leader of the Liberals (and essentially, PM for the remainder of the government's term in office) can cut a new path and salvage/attempt to grow their voter base with "different" ideas?


Though as my former boss used to say, "human nature being what it is", I wouldn't expect this to be the case since a person's self-preservation mechanisms and ego normally prevents political self-sacrifice to this degree.

I’m pretty sure that Chrystia Freeland will be the one replacing Trudeau. She is directly linked to the $46.5 billion interest payments on the debt. She is no Paul Martin. She has zero chance of winning the next election. 

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3 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

And we'll see the country as we know it destroyed if the CPC are allowed to do what they'd like.  Bottom line is that a lunatic like PP should not be electable in any civilized country.

With a looming debt of 1.36 trillion and a $60 billion yearly interest payment on that debt, our country is already pretty much destroyed. Our future generations are screwed. That debt can never be paid out. And the interest payment will only get bigger over time. Which will either lead to higher taxes or less social services. 

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2 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

With a looming debt of 1.36 trillion and a $60 billion yearly interest payment on that debt, our country is already pretty much destroyed. Our future generations are screwed. That debt can never be paid out. And the interest payment will only get bigger over time. Which will either lead to higher taxes or less social services. 

It doesn't mean that vermin like PP are an acceptable solution.  If the Cons denazified their part and actually focused on the economy instead of making someone who belongs in prison for their promotion of domestic terrorism and hate speech their leader, I'd be willing to listen.  As it is, PP and his barbaric agenda need to be stopped by any means necessary.

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3 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

It doesn't mean that vermin like PP are an acceptable solution.  If the Cons denazified their part and actually focused on the economy instead of making someone who belongs in prison for their promotion of domestic terrorism and hate speech their leader, I'd be willing to listen.  As it is, PP and his barbaric agenda need to be stopped by any means necessary.

The only way to stop PP from becoming the next Prime Minister is for someone to tell Trudeau to step down and to take his sidekick Freeland with him. They can then find a new leader who knows a little bit about accounting like Paul Martin. They can then focus on trying to balance the budget within the next 3 years and make the economy the focus of the next election. 

If they do that, they might have a shot.  If they are too egotistical and they try and run Freeland as the next PM, then they will lose in a landslide. 

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8 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

The only way to stop PP from becoming the next Prime Minister is for someone to tell Trudeau to step down and to take his sidekick Freeland with him. They can then find a new leader who knows a little bit about accounting like Paul Martin. They can then focus on trying to balance the budget within the next 3 years and make the economy the focus of the next election. 

If they do that, they might have a shot.  If they are too egotistical and they try and run Freeland as the next PM, then they will lose in a landslide. 

Putting PP in prison where he belongs would also solve the issue.

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9 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

The only way to stop PP from becoming the next Prime Minister is for someone to tell Trudeau to step down and to take his sidekick Freeland with him. They can then find a new leader who knows a little bit about accounting like Paul Martin. They can then focus on trying to balance the budget within the next 3 years and make the economy the focus of the next election. 

If they do that, they might have a shot.  If they are too egotistical and they try and run Freeland as the next PM, then they will lose in a landslide. 

I am so pessimistic that it likely won't make any dif who is running things. No matter what the CPC tries to do will end up being their fault. Have you ever seen the confused look on someone's face when their credit card is declined? 

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1 hour ago, Optimist Prime said:

Not trying to start a new subtopic but this just came accross my feed on a social media platform...and it is absolutely a perfect way to highlight how right wing the Fraser Institute is these days: it is a map of "most free" to "least free" regions in north America. Funny the Red States are like mecca to the right in Canada? The states who are curtailing womens rights and the LGBTQ2S+ rights, and redistricting to limit black voters impacts on congress seats.... those are somehow the 'freest' places lmao..i can't even type it without laughing at it. 



Yeah....the places that want to ban schoolbooks and keep as many people of color off the voter rolls are the "freest".


It's amazing how people will buy into such a fundamentally flawed narrative.....:picard:

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8 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

I am so pessimistic that it likely won't make any dif who is running things. No matter what the CPC tries to do will end up being their fault. Have you ever seen the confused look on someone's face when their credit card is declined? 


Regardless of who is the next PM, the debt will never go away and the interest payments on that debt will continue to grow.  That's the reality of the situation.  When you have an interest payment of over $50 billion, the only way to continue to pay that is to "print" more money.  And to raise taxes.  Which is exactly what is going to happen.  Most likely we will get less social services as well.


It will take years just to get a balanced budget, never mind run a surplus.  At this point, I don't think we will ever see a surplus again for a long time.  And if we do, it will simply go towards paying the interest payments on the debt.  It's a perpetual cycle that will never end.  Like paying your visa with your mastercard.  Eventually the mastercard gets declined too.  If the government were a regular person, then they could just declare bankruptcy, which is what would happen once the mastercard gets declined.


In this case, the government has the power to "print" its way out of bankruptcy, which will cause more inflation and higher taxes...

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I don't have a degree in Macro-Economics, so i won't wade into the discussion of how "doomed" we are, but I will comment on whether Chrystia Feeland would have "zero" chance in a hypothetical election.....


Many people ITT "follow the numbers" as it were and I'm sure some of you even have a basic understanding of them, even if it's not quite as complete as you might think it is....


So when you say CF is "tied to interest payments" and as such would be unelectable, I have to disagree. Firstly, as Finance Minister she is tied to all things financial and I doubt the average voter places the blame on her for doing what the job entails. In fact, like me, I think a lot of Canadians will remember her as the woman who kicked Trump's ass in NAFTA negotiations, despite being completely outgunned.


I'd vote for her in a heartbeat.....especially over a guy who's biggest ideas are Crypto and making Canada the "freest country on earth", whatever TF that means....

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35 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Regardless of who is the next PM, the debt will never go away and the interest payments on that debt will continue to grow.  That's the reality of the situation.  When you have an interest payment of over $50 billion, the only way to continue to pay that is to "print" more money.  And to raise taxes.  Which is exactly what is going to happen.  Most likely we will get less social services as well.


It will take years just to get a balanced budget, never mind run a surplus.  At this point, I don't think we will ever see a surplus again for a long time.  And if we do, it will simply go towards paying the interest payments on the debt.  It's a perpetual cycle that will never end.  Like paying your visa with your mastercard.  Eventually the mastercard gets declined too.  If the government were a regular person, then they could just declare bankruptcy, which is what would happen once the mastercard gets declined.


In this case, the government has the power to "print" its way out of bankruptcy, which will cause more inflation and higher taxes...

Yes monetizing the debt will be one of the options. Some of us have been around long enough that we saw South American and African countries do this to varying degrees. This triggers massive inflation. Unfortunately the Canadian economy still depends on resource export to generate income. We were bailed out in 2008 by oil related income. But WTI has been sinking as demand is now in question. Canadian $ will tank and our assets will be dirt cheap for foreigners to buy.  

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