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34 minutes ago, Rob Eh said:




On 12/18/2023 at 1:39 PM, Wiggums said:


The Nazi/Hitler comparison is worse


 10's of millions of deaths during that time, all looking down and seeing someone compare PP to Hitler.  Baffling.  Disrespectful and gross beyond words.  



Anticipation Popcorn GIF

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22 minutes ago, Rob Eh said:

I wanted to find an interview to see for myself. He didn't sound too crazy here.

Lara Trump is not related to Donald Trump.


If someone sounds normal once and then nuts 20 times. There shouldn't be a debate on whether or not they're nuts.


If I praise someone 10 times and threaten to murder them once do you think the cops and judge will say "oh well, jump ball"?

Edited by nuckin_futz
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1 hour ago, Rob Eh said:

I wanted to find an interview to see for myself. He didn't sound too crazy here.

Lara Trump is not related to Donald Trump.



She's his daughter in law....


And SMH at posting the views of Theo Fleury as if he's an authority on politics.....Was the Q-Anon Queen unavailable? :picard:

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2 hours ago, nuckin_futz said:

It's actually sad seeing what's become of Theo. You can tell from his posts and more so how he conducts himself that he's a couple sandwiches shy of a picnic. 


He'll post stuff and others will point out to him that it's false and or doctored and point out the original content. He doesn't care, he doesn't retract anything.


He's a man with zero integrity. Clicks and attention are more important to him than the truth. But he's hardly alone in those behaviours.


I met Theo Fleury once.....He, Doug Gilmour and Jamie Macoun were up here for a fishing trip, back when they were with the Flames. (It was actually the summer just before Gilmour went to the Leafs) They showed up at the bar I was managing and I asked them if they'd like to stick around after closing. Macoun had somewhere to be, but Fleury and Gilmour both stuck around.


Fleury was nothing like the guy he appears to be now. He was very quiet and didn't drink much. Both he and Gilmour signed a jersey for the local team that we sponsored, but other than that, Theo pretty much kept to himself. (Gilmour was a great guy BTW)

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6 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

King Heff gives his reasons for using the term Nazi.


Anyone know why Theo is calling Freeland that?

I doubt even Theo knows.

I'm just happy, for him, that he is still alive.

That guy had/has a whole lot to deal with; must have sent him to some dark places he can't quite get out of.

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10 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

King Heff gives his reasons for using the term Nazi.


Anyone know why Theo is calling Freeland that?

I'm sorry but comparing Canadian politicians to literal Nazis is some of the stupidest most disengenerious garbage I have read. Goes for the both of them

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1 minute ago, Gurn said:

I doubt even Theo knows.

I'm just happy, for him, that he is still alive.

That guy had/has a whole lot to deal with; must have sent him to some dark places he can't quite get out of.


Yeah I have heard some stories. Been through the wringer.


He does go on about some nonesense these days.

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4 hours ago, Boudrias said:

Amazing how it all gravitates back to PP? I believe it is the federal government that determines the level of immigration. How about a meeting of the provinces with the feds for a frank discussion on how the number of people will be handled? 


Nothing to see here so move along folks.  


just pointing out how PP uses simplified arguments and doesn't provide any ideas. Yes I know its not election time, but if he has any ideas he owes it to Canadians to bring them forward. We have paid his salary for 20+ years. 

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4 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Wouldn’t it have been a smart idea to get Justin and all the Premiers in one room at the same time in order to figure this out?  Do you know how long it takes to increase the supply of housing as well as all of the infrastructure to go along with it?  How long does it take to build new hospitals for the increase in population?  New doctors and nurses. 

If you are wanting to increase the population by one million people per year you better well have a damn good plan in place from all of the  governments working together to make sure these extra one million people can actually live and thrive in this country. 


the premiers and their deputies all do get in a room once per year. Why didn't they raise it? oh right, cash cow. 


No one wanted to end the equity and tax party. 


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4 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

This is 100% correct. And I already explained this in another post. Higher interest rates are not a “cause” of inflation itself. They are an “effect” of government policy, usually monetary policy but could also be fiscal policy in some cases. 

The government only uses the monetary policy of raising interest rates when they have no other recourse to curb inflation. Inflation itself is caused by the printing of money, which is another monetary policy used by the government to stimulate the economy. 

So, in a nutshell, the government prints money to stimulate the economy in a time of economic slowdown, and then when the economy grows too quickly, they raise interest rates to slow it down. Rinse and repeat. 



Pandemic, invasion in Ukraine, global warming... a million other things. They all create inflation. It's not simply "government policy" and it's certainly not 100%. Certainly not localized to Canada, and certainly not only the Liberals or their leader.


And interest is in fact, currently the largest single contributor to inflation in Canada. It's a feedback loop. 

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3 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


Theo needs help 

I read on his wiki that he thinks theres a global group controlling Canada.


I have actually heard this stuff when I was timber framing a couple years ago.

A dude (one of those wanting to go back to Alberta, no kid) was going on about Macron, Clintons, and the usual suspects persuing a new world order.

I kept my mouth shut with this one because, he didn't know we were there to take over the job from the company he worked for. The client was not happy with them. His trip back to Alberta came sooner than he had anticipated. 

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4 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

I read on his wiki that he thinks theres a global group controlling Canada.


let me guess, they enjoy a bagel and a schmear. 


4 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

I have actually heard this stuff when I was timber framing a couple years ago.

A dude (one of those wanting to go back to Alberta, no kid) was going on about Macron, Clintons, and the usual suspects persuing a new world order.

I kept my mouth shut with this one because, he didn't know we were there to take over the job from the company he worked for. The client was not happy with them. His trip back to Alberta came sooner than he had anticipated. 


framing with a bit of social justice. I know you can handle yourself, but probably best to let angry guys with hammers stay mad at the new world order and not you. 


my brother, who no longer lives in Canada, also believes this kind of shit. We don't talk anymore. 



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1 minute ago, Bob Long said:


let me guess, they enjoy a bagel and a schmear. 



framing with a bit of social justice. I know you can handle yourself, but probably best to let angry guys with hammers stay mad at the new world order and not you. 



He wasn't so much angry as full wide eyed excited about the nonsense he had read somewhere.


Plus, my hammer is bigger....😉

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1 hour ago, bishopshodan said:

King Heff gives his reasons for using the term Nazi.


Anyone know why Theo is calling Freeland that?


Speculation on my part, but puta and his kgb henchmen have been calling Ukraine "Nazis" and "Fascists", and since the Deputy PM is of Ukranian heritage... That's my guess.

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Never actually heard of Sustainable Development Technology Canada until I read this article.


Sounds like they were doing good work until these allegations arose.


SDTC fallout: Is it time to change how Canada funds the cleantech industry?


Canadian cleantech executives are growing worried about the sector’s ability to raise capital as the future of Sustainable Development Technology Canada – a crucial source of funding – remains uncertain after months of corruption accusations and political controversy.


Entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and even a whistle-blower who lodged the initial complaints about SDTC, say the publicly funded federal agency has played a vital role in expanding environmental technology to a scale that puts Canada in the industry’s global big leagues.


According to its own statistics, companies backed by SDTC generate annual revenue of $3-billion, and have created 24,500 jobs.


However, its ability to grant money remains suspended after nearly three months, and some worry about long-term damage to the brand after an investigation that showed evidence of conflict-of-interest breaches and inappropriate funding.


Much more at:


https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-sdtc-fallout-is-it-time-to-change-how-canada-funds-the-clean-tech/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=Morning Update&utm_content=2023-12-18_7&utm_term=Morning update%3A Hong Kong activist publisher Jimmy Lai’s trial begins &utm_campaign=newsletter&cu_id=t7%2BP3rI%2Bt%2FYx5Iui%2B6yRZxVYYZ6TE%2BGK

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