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8 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

It's certainly a shock to wake up this morning and learn just how bad things really are.


I knew things were bad but now I see that we will very soon all be insolvent, starving, and shooting ourselves with government guns while our wayward sons and daughters are held in concentration camps run by AI robots.


I might just off myself now and avoid the rush.

Financial hardship is a top risk factor for suicide attempts (medicalnewstoday.com)


Housing Market Outlook | CMHC (cmhc-schl.gc.ca)




The average household debt in Canada is almost $41,500 (CAD) per household, not including a mortgage. In April 2022, Canadian household debt was $2,116 billion (CAD) 1. Half of all Canadians earned less than the median yearly income of $37,899 (CAD) in 2019. Mortgage borrowing increased by 41% in 2021. The average ratio of debt-to-income was 173.08% in 2021, compared to 88.77% in 1990. Canadians aged 46-55 owe the most money and have an average household debt of $72,482 (CAD) excluding mortgage 1. Almost six out of ten Canadian households are in debt. with the rise in inflation and now the 61 cent per litre carbon tax, we are going to see incredible amounts of foreclosures over the next few years. with that it brings mental Illness... finacial hardship creates Mental Illness... 40 year olds that have never had signs of Mental Illness can develop Severe Mental Illness seemingly over Night due to finacial hardship...


The annual inflation rate in Canada was 3.1% in November 2023, remaining unchanged from the previous month and firmly above market expectations of 2.9% 1. According to Statistics Canada, inflation began picking up in early 2021 and by mid-2022, consumer inflation had accelerated to its fastest pace in four decades, peaking at 8.1% in June. The headline inflation rate eased in late 2022 as gasoline prices fell 2. Canadian consumers were confronted with higher prices in 2021, including for everyday necessities, such as food (+2.5%), transportation (+7.2%) and shelter (+3.9%) 3. The most recent monthly data shows a 12-month increase of 7% in August 2022, following a 7.6% increase in July 3.


I wonder what happens to inflation and household debt and the poverty line and mortgae foreclosures when you add 61 cents a litre to all transportation of goods and services in Canada???? likely not decrease any of the things i mentioned... but maybe the Canadian Salary is out pacing inflation? 


Are wages keeping up with inflation? | Canadian HR Reporter I guess not....


How well are Canadian governments doing for poverty? | CTV News


More Canadians are turning to food banks than ever before, new report says | CBC News


Homelessness in Canada: What’s Going On? (reviewlution.ca) yeah so...


Experts predict 'widespread' unemployment in 2023 | Wealth Professional


LOL, wake up


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18 minutes ago, Gurn said:

As a son, that is dealing with a terminally ill parent, I'm totally in support of M.A.D.

in fact, yesterday my Mom told me her chosen date. 

1 and about a half months from now.


To me this assistance is a great thing, why should she have to live in agony, with collapsing organs, loss of body control, and decreasing mental faculties?


For many, many years you can have your debilitated pet put down in a humane way- long past time that type of option was available to people.


im also in support of MAID...


im not in favour of allowing widespread access to the general population of Mental illness...


we are young and stupid life can and does get better for most people... Depression is a hell of a drug... and Suicide is contagious


There is a Major Difference Between MAID and Assisted Suicide

Edited by MidKnight Ego
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41 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

At the moment, Trudeau has 8 years of running a g7 nation on his curriculum vitae. 


P.P. by contrast has that one paper he wrote stating that every politician should only be allowed to serve two terms in office, the one he wrote when he was 20 that got him noticed by Preston Manning and Steven Harper. Then he got elected at the next opportunity and has been there ever since: 20 years in office for the man whose claim to fame before being elected was championing absolute term limits for all politicians...LMAO..you can't make this stuff up folks. ZERO life skills outside of public office, and the one thing he was famous for before public office, when he finished his second term he completely ignored and distanced himself from. 

But sure, he is the better choice...forgive my barrel laugh, it is just too funny to ignore. 


Trudeau is currently the best option of the three possible Prime Ministers. 

That may change once Jagmeet and Peter Poutine are replaced. 

so you say he has no life outside politics? you can only gain life skills and empathy from working a few years as a whatever?


JT will not serve another term...

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1 minute ago, MidKnight Ego said:

do you confirm or deny the state of a impending finacial crisis?

We'll see.


I agree things look bleak.   How bleak, why they became bleak, who we can blame for all the bleakness, and who could best get things shiny again seems to be what we are disagreeing on.

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38 minutes ago, Gurn said:

As a son, that is dealing with a terminally ill parent, I'm totally in support of M.A.D.

in fact, yesterday my Mom told me her chosen date. 

1 and about a half months from now.


To me this assistance is a great thing, why should she have to live in agony, with collapsing organs, loss of body control, and decreasing mental faculties?


For many, many years you can have your debilitated pet put down in a humane way- long past time that type of option was available to people.


Sorry that you are going through this but glad that this option is available for your mom. As you know doubt found out it is not a simple process to prove eligibility.





To be eligible for medical assistance in dying, you must meet all the following criteria. You must:

  • be eligible for health services funded by a province or territory, or the federal government
    • You may also be eligible if you meet your province or territory's minimum period of residence or waiting period.
  • be at least 18 years old and mentally competent
    • This means being capable of making health care decisions for yourself.
  • have a grievous and irremediable medical condition
  • make a voluntary request for medical assistance in dying
    • The request cannot be the result of outside pressure or influence.
  • give informed consent to receive medical assistance in dying

Generally, visitors to Canada are not eligible for medical assistance in dying.

Grievous and irremediable medical condition

To be considered as having a grievous and irremediable medical condition, you must meet all of the following criteria. You must:

  • have a serious illness, disease or disability
  • be in an advanced state of decline that cannot be reversed
  • experience unbearable physical or mental suffering from your illness, disease, disability or state of decline that cannot be relieved under conditions that you consider acceptable

You do not need to have a fatal or terminal condition to be eligible for medical assistance in dying.

If your only medical condition is a mental illness, you are not eligible for medical assistance in dying until March 17, 2024.

If you have a mental illness along with other medical conditions, you may be eligible for medical assistance in dying.

Eligibility is always assessed on an individual basis and takes all relevant circumstances into account. However, you must meet all the criteria to be eligible.

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1 hour ago, MidKnight Ego said:

no... you are just dead wrong... The correct answer is "we are working hard with Pyschologists,Pyschiatrists and scientists to not only correct and treat mental illness through new science but also to cut the root of the evil at the stem"


I see this as JT is a person that is not following the latest science and breakthroughs in mental Illness... Psylocibin is a mircalous drug that are going to change people lives in the future, like marijuana did for Cancer... or Elon Musks Brain implant, we are so close to discovering the mystery's of the Brain, which until recently has been more unknown to us then even the Entire Universe...


The answer is to someone who is suicidal is "You never know, whats dark today might be bright tomorrow"


The reason why people want to kill themselves is not usually because of the illness themselves, its how they are treated like a second class citizen. the fact that the words "Untreatable mental illness are used is just a reminder to myself how out of touch people are and how disgusting politics are used to literally wipe their hands clean from a problem they are too stupid to solve themselves or too cowardly to admit the truth.


I dont see eye to eye with anyone that walks around handing out loaded handguns to people that are at their weakest... Claiming there was nothing we could do, but they were the one that created and fostered this mess




Why are you putting this all on Trudeau? 

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28 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

We'll see.


I agree things look bleak.   How bleak, why they became bleak, who we can blame for all the bleakness, and who could best get things shiny again seems to be what we are disagreeing on.

i have no idea who or what you think about these topics...


and all you know about me is that I think the Liberals did a poor job in 2 certain area's and I ultimately blame trudeau...


this me against you BS needs to end real quick

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9 minutes ago, MidKnight Ego said:

i have no idea who or what you think about these topics...


and all you know about me is that I think the Liberals did a poor job in 2 certain area's and I ultimately blame trudeau...


this me against you BS needs to end real quick

I don't know what triggered that response to what I said but I'm beginning to think you are against me.   🙂


You asked a question.   I answered.   I used the word disagree.   


You have every right to your opinion.   I have every right to have different opinions.   That can be described as disagreeing, or if you like (though I don't) being against somebody. I guess I'm against some stuff you've been saying but let's not exaggerate our differences.

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1 hour ago, Heretic said:

Yes,  but what did he have before that?

A BA in Lit and Education, and he dropped out of Engineering.  
Has he ever run a company?  

he has run the entire country for 8 years: Daliwall, errr Singh was a fancy talking Toronto Lawyer before he dumbed down his rhetoric to one syllable words and changed his name to suit the electorate and moved to Vancouver...and Poutine Boy was a college kid until he was discovered by the REFORMers and became a career politician. Your question is irrelevant in light of the competition.

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6 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

he has run the entire country for 8 years: Daliwall, errr Singh was a fancy talking Toronto Lawyer before he dumbed down his rhetoric to one syllable words and changed his name to suit the electorate and moved to Vancouver...and Poutine Boy was a college kid until he was discovered by the REFORMers and became a career politician. Your question is irrelevant in light of the competition.


He has to be Pierre Poutine.

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3 hours ago, MidKnight Ego said:

becuase people are cowards and kill themselves... Place a 9mm handgun with one bullet in the chamber next to every homeless person and you dont think some are going to end their lives?


If your average homeless junkie wanted to kill themselves, they could do it pretty easily "right now" by injecting a lethal dose. Your entire premise is flawed and frankly whacky.


1 hour ago, Satchmo said:

We'll see.


I agree things look bleak.   How bleak, why they became bleak, who we can blame for all the bleakness, and who could best get things shiny again seems to be what we are disagreeing on.


1 hour ago, Bob Long said:


Why are you putting this all on Trudeau? 


43 minutes ago, MidKnight Ego said:

 actually its the NDP and Liberals Government responsible... but he is the honcho


A pandemic, aging population, supply chain issues and invasion of Ukraine etc have far more to do with inflation and economic realities (a global, not Trudeau-centric problem FYI) than whatever government happened to be sitting at the time all of that happened.


Are things better than ~10 years ago? No. Is that because of the party in power in Canada? No. The Cons won't reduce immigration much if at all, it's propping up our economy. All they'll do is the same reduction in needed social programs, military spending etc and sell off more Canadian assets to rich foreigners, while reducing taxes for the wealthy and corporations like they always do. Net zero money paid down on debt, with less money going to actual Canadians. People are delusional if your think that will be an improvement. Frankly we shouldn't be electing either party.


Anyway... Haven't seen people post this, but thoughts on the UBI discussion?




Edited by aGENT
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2 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


Ok but what are you mad about specifically? As people have pointed out it's not an easy process.

well maybe they worded it poorly... I think anyone who has lived through a certain age should be able to...


not just Mental Illness... Mental Illness can be cured, its the only thing many of us who suffer through major depression have hope for...


the other people who commit suicide due to mental illness are likely feeling this way due to how poorly they are treated by the outside world...


You cannot be fired from having Mental illness, but your job likely might be deemed unnesscary...


I would Love if I was elgible to recieve help for my mental Illness, but i dont recieve help... I recieve drugs... which I have to pay for...

You can get a severely handicapped benefit, But here i am 24 years later from my first diagnosis... and I only have received help in the form of emergency care... we know that most of mental illness is developed through trauma and stress... the genetics theory behind it is FAR LESS the reason for developing it... yes you may have a specific DNA trait that was passed down, but its not a random event for the illness to develop.


I have been hospitilized 6 times in my life for over a month due to mental illness... Once was due to drug and alcohol abuse when i was 19... the 5 other times where due to stress... 5 times i lost my job before i even recovered... the one time I shared my mental ilness with my company, I was starting to have a manic month, and they came so hard down on me and I knew was going to be fired at any moment... I saw my doctor got a medical note and found a new job... I have officially retired from my career as the stress causes Mania, and people/emplyers cannot and do not accept that as a acceptable behaviour...


I have tried for years to get finacial help so i can and my employer can be covered during my mania's... sure I will be leaving 150,000$ dollars of my potential income on the table but its worth it to have that safety net so i can take time off when I need it... instead of being a pariah in my emplyment circle i can be deemed a positive asset where i can focus on my health and the health and well being of my co-workers and employer...


Why cant I receive the help? I make too much money... so I have lived In poverty for a year and a half, living off zero income and ALL savings except 1 month where i needed a welfare check... all this just so i can receive a guaranteed 1400$ a month but i can supplement my income to 60,000$ the rest the govenment takes giving some back to my employer and some into the health care fund...


Mental Illness can be cured, I know this... many have recovered and never show signs of it again... the key is to understand what TRIGGERS you... for me its stress. my Career in Surveying is fast paced and unrelenting, Everyone makes mistakes in the job its just a circumstance to natural weather conditions, long working hours and the Nature of how Surveyors and Contractors communicate... so when a mistake happens and they do... its very stressful, You could shutdown an entire operation for hours or even a few days... Costing tens of thousands of dollars per hour and setting back Valuable time which may be even more important in some cases...


I look forward to the day I can say, nah fuck it... ill get another job... or sorry boss I need help on this job or im quitting its not worth the stress and spending a month of my liede imprisoned in hospital... Hospital is so bad that i made my family promise to never admit me or encourage me to go there myself...


I have spent over 1 year of my life living in a hospital, it sucks


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2 minutes ago, MidKnight Ego said:

well maybe they worded it poorly... I think anyone who has lived through a certain age should be able to...


not just Mental Illness... Mental Illness can be cured, its the only thing many of us who suffer through major depression have hope for...


the other people who commit suicide due to mental illness are likely feeling this way due to how poorly they are treated by the outside world...


You cannot be fired from having Mental illness, but your job likely might be deemed unnesscary...


I would Love if I was elgible to recieve help for my mental Illness, but i dont recieve help... I recieve drugs... which I have to pay for...

You can get a severely handicapped benefit, But here i am 24 years later from my first diagnosis... and I only have received help in the form of emergency care... we know that most of mental illness is developed through trauma and stress... the genetics theory behind it is FAR LESS the reason for developing it... yes you may have a specific DNA trait that was passed down, but its not a random event for the illness to develop.


I have been hospitilized 6 times in my life for over a month due to mental illness... Once was due to drug and alcohol abuse when i was 19... the 5 other times where due to stress... 5 times i lost my job before i even recovered... the one time I shared my mental ilness with my company, I was starting to have a manic month, and they came so hard down on me and I knew was going to be fired at any moment... I saw my doctor got a medical note and found a new job... I have officially retired from my career as the stress causes Mania, and people/emplyers cannot and do not accept that as a acceptable behaviour...


I have tried for years to get finacial help so i can and my employer can be covered during my mania's... sure I will be leaving 150,000$ dollars of my potential income on the table but its worth it to have that safety net so i can take time off when I need it... instead of being a pariah in my emplyment circle i can be deemed a positive asset where i can focus on my health and the health and well being of my co-workers and employer...


Why cant I receive the help? I make too much money... so I have lived In poverty for a year and a half, living off zero income and ALL savings except 1 month where i needed a welfare check... all this just so i can receive a guaranteed 1400$ a month but i can supplement my income to 60,000$ the rest the govenment takes giving some back to my employer and some into the health care fund...


Mental Illness can be cured, I know this... many have recovered and never show signs of it again... the key is to understand what TRIGGERS you... for me its stress. my Career in Surveying is fast paced and unrelenting, Everyone makes mistakes in the job its just a circumstance to natural weather conditions, long working hours and the Nature of how Surveyors and Contractors communicate... so when a mistake happens and they do... its very stressful, You could shutdown an entire operation for hours or even a few days... Costing tens of thousands of dollars per hour and setting back Valuable time which may be even more important in some cases...


I look forward to the day I can say, nah fuck it... ill get another job... or sorry boss I need help on this job or im quitting its not worth the stress and spending a month of my liede imprisoned in hospital... Hospital is so bad that i made my family promise to never admit me or encourage me to go there myself...


I have spent over 1 year of my life living in a hospital, it sucks



I'm sorry to hear that, truly. 

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32 minutes ago, MidKnight Ego said:

well maybe they worded it poorly... I think anyone who has lived through a certain age should be able to...


not just Mental Illness... Mental Illness can be cured, its the only thing many of us who suffer through major depression have hope for...


the other people who commit suicide due to mental illness are likely feeling this way due to how poorly they are treated by the outside world...


You cannot be fired from having Mental illness, but your job likely might be deemed unnesscary...


I would Love if I was elgible to recieve help for my mental Illness, but i dont recieve help... I recieve drugs... which I have to pay for...

You can get a severely handicapped benefit, But here i am 24 years later from my first diagnosis... and I only have received help in the form of emergency care... we know that most of mental illness is developed through trauma and stress... the genetics theory behind it is FAR LESS the reason for developing it... yes you may have a specific DNA trait that was passed down, but its not a random event for the illness to develop.


I have been hospitilized 6 times in my life for over a month due to mental illness... Once was due to drug and alcohol abuse when i was 19... the 5 other times where due to stress... 5 times i lost my job before i even recovered... the one time I shared my mental ilness with my company, I was starting to have a manic month, and they came so hard down on me and I knew was going to be fired at any moment... I saw my doctor got a medical note and found a new job... I have officially retired from my career as the stress causes Mania, and people/emplyers cannot and do not accept that as a acceptable behaviour...


I have tried for years to get finacial help so i can and my employer can be covered during my mania's... sure I will be leaving 150,000$ dollars of my potential income on the table but its worth it to have that safety net so i can take time off when I need it... instead of being a pariah in my emplyment circle i can be deemed a positive asset where i can focus on my health and the health and well being of my co-workers and employer...


Why cant I receive the help? I make too much money... so I have lived In poverty for a year and a half, living off zero income and ALL savings except 1 month where i needed a welfare check... all this just so i can receive a guaranteed 1400$ a month but i can supplement my income to 60,000$ the rest the govenment takes giving some back to my employer and some into the health care fund...


Mental Illness can be cured, I know this... many have recovered and never show signs of it again... the key is to understand what TRIGGERS you... for me its stress. my Career in Surveying is fast paced and unrelenting, Everyone makes mistakes in the job its just a circumstance to natural weather conditions, long working hours and the Nature of how Surveyors and Contractors communicate... so when a mistake happens and they do... its very stressful, You could shutdown an entire operation for hours or even a few days... Costing tens of thousands of dollars per hour and setting back Valuable time which may be even more important in some cases...


I look forward to the day I can say, nah fuck it... ill get another job... or sorry boss I need help on this job or im quitting its not worth the stress and spending a month of my liede imprisoned in hospital... Hospital is so bad that i made my family promise to never admit me or encourage me to go there myself...


I have spent over 1 year of my life living in a hospital, it sucks


Thanks for sharing.

Your story sounds a lot like my big brother.

He is bi-polar and has tried to leave this world by his own means twice. He's 55 now and the decades old struggle continues. This time of year it's always a bit harder. 


Hang in there and thanks for talking about it. I can criticise you for some of your ideas, the references you use, and even the way you treat other posters. But I mean it when I say i am glad you are here posting. Your perspective and experience is important to this discussion.


Edited by bishopshodan
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37 minutes ago, MidKnight Ego said:

well maybe they worded it poorly... I think anyone who has lived through a certain age should be able to...


not just Mental Illness... Mental Illness can be cured, its the only thing many of us who suffer through major depression have hope for...


the other people who commit suicide due to mental illness are likely feeling this way due to how poorly they are treated by the outside world...


You cannot be fired from having Mental illness, but your job likely might be deemed unnesscary...


I would Love if I was elgible to recieve help for my mental Illness, but i dont recieve help... I recieve drugs... which I have to pay for...

You can get a severely handicapped benefit, But here i am 24 years later from my first diagnosis... and I only have received help in the form of emergency care... we know that most of mental illness is developed through trauma and stress... the genetics theory behind it is FAR LESS the reason for developing it... yes you may have a specific DNA trait that was passed down, but its not a random event for the illness to develop.


I have been hospitilized 6 times in my life for over a month due to mental illness... Once was due to drug and alcohol abuse when i was 19... the 5 other times where due to stress... 5 times i lost my job before i even recovered... the one time I shared my mental ilness with my company, I was starting to have a manic month, and they came so hard down on me and I knew was going to be fired at any moment... I saw my doctor got a medical note and found a new job... I have officially retired from my career as the stress causes Mania, and people/emplyers cannot and do not accept that as a acceptable behaviour...


I have tried for years to get finacial help so i can and my employer can be covered during my mania's... sure I will be leaving 150,000$ dollars of my potential income on the table but its worth it to have that safety net so i can take time off when I need it... instead of being a pariah in my emplyment circle i can be deemed a positive asset where i can focus on my health and the health and well being of my co-workers and employer...


Why cant I receive the help? I make too much money... so I have lived In poverty for a year and a half, living off zero income and ALL savings except 1 month where i needed a welfare check... all this just so i can receive a guaranteed 1400$ a month but i can supplement my income to 60,000$ the rest the govenment takes giving some back to my employer and some into the health care fund...


Mental Illness can be cured, I know this... many have recovered and never show signs of it again... the key is to understand what TRIGGERS you... for me its stress. my Career in Surveying is fast paced and unrelenting, Everyone makes mistakes in the job its just a circumstance to natural weather conditions, long working hours and the Nature of how Surveyors and Contractors communicate... so when a mistake happens and they do... its very stressful, You could shutdown an entire operation for hours or even a few days... Costing tens of thousands of dollars per hour and setting back Valuable time which may be even more important in some cases...


I look forward to the day I can say, nah fuck it... ill get another job... or sorry boss I need help on this job or im quitting its not worth the stress and spending a month of my liede imprisoned in hospital... Hospital is so bad that i made my family promise to never admit me or encourage me to go there myself...


I have spent over 1 year of my life living in a hospital, it sucks


I am also sorry to hear your story.   I wish you only the best.   I see you have not lost hope and to me that's huge.


I also wish we had a more appropriate response to posts like this one.   The cheers I gave does not seem quite right but I wanted you to know I'm on your side.

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4 hours ago, MidKnight Ego said:

yeah hes much worse... literally creating hisown concentration camp of drug addicts and then letting them end there life when they have no way out because they do nothing to stem the problem at the root.


I don't think you know what "literally" mean.....:classic_rolleyes:


....and "much worse" than Trump? You've totally lost the plot there.....

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4 hours ago, Heretic said:

Don't get me wrong, if you voted and are going to vote for Trudeau again because you don't like the alternative, then that's a good reason IMHO.  
Just don't defend him like he's the greatest leader Canada has ever had.

For the record, I used to vote Liberal until he came along.

Still waiting for someone to list his qualifications and work experience that make him capable of running a country.

BTW, Poilievre doesn't seem to have much neither.


Not a single person ITT has done this. Almost everyone who disagrees with your take does so because they see Pollievre as a step backwards.


If Rona Ambrose were running for the Cons a lot of us would vote for her.

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4 hours ago, MidKnight Ego said:

becuase people are cowards and kill themselves... Place a 9mm handgun with one bullet in the chamber next to every homeless person and you dont think some are going to end their lives?


I don't. I think they'd more likely sell it and buy food/smokes/booze.....


Besides, if some do decide to end their lives, why is that a problem for you?

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4 hours ago, MidKnight Ego said:

and that money crisis is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER...


the suicide rate will be so high... i wont even have to do with money... people losing a loved one might just end themselves or losing a marriage... or people will commit suicide justin spite of other people...


I have studied psychology, when things are available they get used... give someone an idea and they will think about it...


telling the canadian people... "hey lifes rough kill yourself if you want too" is not a fucking good message... no hero has ever said those words before...


Justin trudeau is a coward


You can't put MAiD on Trudeau. I've been following the topic for ~10 years now and recall how it happened. He was against it. He and his government did everything possible to prevent its inception. It was the courts that forced his hand and gave his government an allotment of time to create a MAiD infrastructure after a successful Charter challenge against the old law. The initial MAiD infrastructure they passed still did not legalize MAiD for mental illness. And then people challenged that; now, Trudeau literally has no choice.

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