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19 minutes ago, aGENT said:


If your average homeless junkie wanted to kill themselves, they could do it pretty easily "right now" by injecting a lethal dose. Your entire premise is flawed and frankly whacky.

Agree to disagree... i mentioned the coward part didnt I? they are too scared to end their own life because likely it will be painful when they die...

There will be thousands lining up... its just the nature of the human mind, soon the homeless and the addicts will have one more option...


do you want to play the "dont press this button" game?




19 minutes ago, aGENT said:






A pandemic, aging population, supply chain issues and invasion of Ukraine etc have far more to do with inflation and economic realities (a global, not Trudeau-centric problem FYI) than whatever government happened to be sitting at the time all of that happened.

I dont even really care about the inflation, thats like my tenth concern.. it is not the reason why so many canadians are in debt, But guaranteed inflation would drop faster in A PC run government... and I have hope they would strip the allocated funds toward safe supply and Build Infrastucture to minimize our long term struggles in health care and dealing with homelessness, mental illness and addicts... this is what the PC govenment are preaching for the past 7 months off and on...


19 minutes ago, aGENT said:

Are things better than ~10 years ago? No. Is that because of the party in power in Canada? No. The Cons won't reduce immigration much if at all, it's propping up our economy. All they'll do is the same reduction in needed social programs, military spending etc and sell off more Canadian assets to rich foreigners, while reducing taxes for the wealthy and corporations like they always do. Net zero money paid down on debt, with less money going to actual Canadians. People are delusional if your think that will be an improvement. Frankly we shouldn't be electing either party.


Anyway... Haven't seen people post this, but thoughts on the UBI discussion?




again thats just your opinion... i think PC government would have done a better job in some situations... I do understand they do lots of cut backs... But i hate majority governments when they start to lose the plot even more... and its really not good when other countries start openly flaming our leader. he has to go...


Preferably i would want A NDP Governement that has shown they are very smart with some of their liberal values... I applaud the dental care and the free counselling they provided here in Alberta through Rachel Notley... unfortunately she made a big mistake and her too had to go... 


more im upset with our leaders in general, i believe more of them should stand down and let another take their place trying to remedy the situation... which i know is likely leading to doom of the government, But in the long term I think it would look good on the party to have this accountability...


I think we should have a basic income, but it needs more rules... we need to ensure that working for all working class is always the best solution... even though it would have solved 90% of my personal issues im sure its not a one size fits all scenario...


First do this.... first build community housing, its the cheapest way for people to live and Denmark has shown people are happy living in them...


We Need to Build a culture for the many and future canadians... I suggest Community housing where there is a open space community kitchen, attached to A massive kitchen table with a living space attached with comfy seating and a entertainment area with free wifi but limited to 2 hours a day, so people dont become territorial, if done correctly the more friends you have, the more time you can share the space co habitually... isolation is killing us all... they should all have community gardens with a BBQ pit and a playground... so our kids can be safe in the community... I belive the cost of living should also include basic life sustaining food that is delivered and stocked in the kitchen... Bread,Rice,Pasta, Fruit and Vegetables, salt and pepper... when you have a community like this people will start to share food in the refrigerator and cupboards... slap a note on it and say have at er...


2nd do this or as the same time... ALL primary schooling should be free forever at anytime... and i feel like there should be only a certain amount of years that post secondary schooling shall be free... if the longest profession takes 7 years I only think 4-5 of those years should be free... so something like you are allowed 2x4 years of schooling with a minimum of 5-10 years between these 2 chances... this would fix our doctor shortage ASAP...


all public transportation will be free... more on this later...


Counselling, Pyschiatry and Pyschology shall be awarded free of charge when suffering through mental distress... or long term trauma or illness...


there shall be massive daily employment centers with mandatory attendance unless deemed unsuitable like owning a Business... there will be temporary daily jobs posted which are paid and also the option of spending 4 hours looking for employment, recieve career counselling and/or study vocational courses to help with finding employment. if you miss a day or need to miss a day you will need a note from your doctor... why this is that the hardest workers will be rewarded and also so people dont just sit at home playing vidya...


Now make the basic income whatever it costs to rent a bachelor apartment in the community house... or maybe even less.... the cost of a shared bedroom in a apartment...

we must make sure we do not become lazy if we decide to move forward with a social democracy... parents of children should recieve a certain extra stipend to ensure the child has everything it needs to be healthy...


there will be challenges, but it can be done... we just must all be accountable... abuse should be taken very seriously... and selling illegal drugs be even more so in this society...


in this society i dont think mental illness would require more money... but if you offer me more ill gladly take it...




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34 minutes ago, 112 said:


You can't put MAiD on Trudeau. I've been following the topic for ~10 years now and recall how it happened. He was against it. He and his government did everything possible to prevent its inception. It was the courts that forced his hand and gave his government an allotment of time to create a MAiD infrastructure after a successful Charter challenge against the old law. The initial MAiD infrastructure they passed still did not legalize MAiD for mental illness. And then people challenged that; now, Trudeau literally has no choice.

im not... im talking about the newly passed law which will allow mentally ill to off themselves... its not worded correctly... I dont why i should get to kill myself, i still have so much more to give. but you put a gun in my hand during my weakest moments, you better believe ill be thinking about it...

Edited by MidKnight Ego
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2 hours ago, Warhippy said:

Breaking my silence to address the galling irony of this statement.


8 billion people on this planet.  People will do what people will do.  If they choose to end themselves fine.  Be upset about it, don't ever blame a government for a person's mental illness or decision to end it.


You don't care what physicians think, but you studied psychology?  You don't understand why this now calls in to scrutiny your every statement?  Medical professionals across the nation have weighed in on this.  Your not caring about their expert opinions and testimony highlights only your lack of understanding


You keep blaming JT.  But much like every other whiner, it's a government run by committee.  In this instance a multi party committee backed by a multi party and independent Senate that make the decisions based off of medical experts suggestions.  Your blaming JT only again highlights your lack of understanding and calls in to question your ability to actually argue this credibly or maturely.


Finally.  We give our pets FAR more dignity than we do our own kind.  If my dog is suffering I can choose to have him put to rest with dignity, but if a person with nothing left and no hope for improvement wants that option the camp you're in selfishly refuses them the same dignity.


Grow up, the world isn't nice, the world isn't kind and your being upset about it doesn't change the fact you don't understand what you're talking about or that your feelings won't change human nature.


Back to radio silence from the Hipp

bull crap... im not... im giving them crap for giving them the gun...


take a look at yourself in the mirror, you should be ashamed for putting those words in my mouth

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1 minute ago, MidKnight Ego said:

im not... im talking about the newly passed law which will allow mentally ill to off themselves... its worded correctly... I dont why i should get to kill myself, i still have so much more to give. but you put a gun in my hand during my weakest moments, you better believe ill be thinking about it...

Trudeau was against the "newly passed law". People challenged the initial infrastructure his government set up for MAiD because it precluded persons with psychiatric illness from undergoing assisted suicide. And they won. Now his government has to change the infrastructure.

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2 hours ago, bishopshodan said:

Thanks for sharing.

Your story sounds a lot like my big brother.

He is bi-polar and has tried to leave this world by his own means twice. He's 55 now and the decades old struggle continues. This time of year it's always a bit harder. 


Hang in there and thanks for talking about it. I can criticise you for some of your ideas, the references you use, and even the way you treat other posters. But I mean it when I say i am glad you are here posting. Your perspective and experience is important to this discussion.


you should give me crap... everyone should... i really need my grandios narcissism to be kept in check...


on the same note alot of you are really closed minded to my thoughts... there is always at least a partial truth to my wild thoughts... its up to more stable people to pick the good from the crazy...

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2 hours ago, bishopshodan said:

Thanks for sharing.

Your story sounds a lot like my big brother.

He is bi-polar and has tried to leave this world by his own means twice. He's 55 now and the decades old struggle continues. This time of year it's always a bit harder. 


Hang in there and thanks for talking about it. I can criticise you for some of your ideas, the references you use, and even the way you treat other posters. But I mean it when I say i am glad you are here posting. Your perspective and experience is important to this discussion.



2 hours ago, Bob Long said:


I'm sorry to hear that, truly. 


2 hours ago, bishopshodan said:

Thanks for sharing.

Your story sounds a lot like my big brother.

He is bi-polar and has tried to leave this world by his own means twice. He's 55 now and the decades old struggle continues. This time of year it's always a bit harder. 


Hang in there and thanks for talking about it. I can criticise you for some of your ideas, the references you use, and even the way you treat other posters. But I mean it when I say i am glad you are here posting. Your perspective and experience is important to this discussion.



1 hour ago, Satchmo said:

I am also sorry to hear your story.   I wish you only the best.   I see you have not lost hope and to me that's huge.


I also wish we had a more appropriate response to posts like this one.   The cheers I gave does not seem quite right but I wanted you to know I'm on your side.

thanks for your thoughts... its been alot harder since they took away my free counselling, i really could have used it when i was unemployed...

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6 minutes ago, 112 said:

Trudeau was against the "newly passed law". People challenged the initial infrastructure his government set up for MAiD because it precluded persons with psychiatric illness from undergoing assisted suicide. And they won. Now his government has to change the infrastructure.

ok maybe i need to eat crow, but when did this law pass without him agreeing to it...? now way in hell PC government passed this... so liberals and NDP passed this law... are you saying that JT own party pushed this through without him signing on?



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3 hours ago, Optimist Prime said:

he has run the entire country for 8 years: Daliwall, errr Singh was a fancy talking Toronto Lawyer before he dumbed down his rhetoric to one syllable words and changed his name to suit the electorate and moved to Vancouver...and Poutine Boy was a college kid until he was discovered by the REFORMers and became a career politician. Your question is irrelevant in light of the competition.

Has nothing to do with the competition.  

I asked what his credentials are before he became PM.  

Funny how those defending him, resort to name calling the competition...I wonder why that is?

Edit: Or people like Cerridwen just react with a kwat 

Edited by Heretic
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2 minutes ago, MidKnight Ego said:

ok maybe i need to eat crow, but when did this law pass without him agreeing to it...? now way in hell PC government passed this... so liberals and NDP passed this law... are you saying that JT own party pushed this through without him signing on?



The Supreme Court of Canada ruled that the previous law was in conflict with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1982). The government was then forced to draft the new law which aligns with the court's interpretation of the Charter.

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5 minutes ago, Heretic said:

Has nothing to do with the competition.  

I asked what his credentials are before he became PM.  

Funny how those defending him, resort to name calling the competition...I wonder why that is?

Edit: Or people like Cerridwen just react with a kwat 

what do you mean 'you people'?


lol, just kidding around now..Happy Holidays! I am out to buy popcorn before tonight's games are on.

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1 hour ago, MidKnight Ego said:

bull crap... im not... im giving them crap for giving them the gun...


take a look at yourself in the mirror, you should be ashamed for putting those words in my mouth

I'm ashamed of very little in my life.  Calling you out for not understanding what you're talking about or claiming isn't ever going to be one of them.


The gun isn't theirs and never was their responsibility.  Blaming the government for every issue because they're not your party du jour is such a myopically simple thing for people to lean on that it borders on the tragic.


You're not a victim because of circumstances or the person in charge.  The sooner you realize that and affect changes on your own the better off you'll be.  Because most of the bad results in a person's life come from bad decisions they made and are unable to accept blame for.  


As for any anecdotal stories, spare me.  When every other comment afterwards ends with blaming the liberals or NDP it's a clear narrative 

Edited by Warhippy
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21 minutes ago, 112 said:

The Supreme Court of Canada ruled that the previous law was in conflict with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1982). The government was then forced to draft the new law which aligns with the court's interpretation of the Charter.

that was 2019 and did not force their hand... this happened in 2020 and 2021... senators and their 'personal experience' set this all in motion because it should include people with "dementia" so add dementia as a fricking option... or any other person that cant work or provide or have put finacial hardship on their famlies or government due to incurable mental illness... its worded so terrible...

Senate votes to expand Canadians' access to assisted death | CBC News


Commons must decide whether to accept or reject Senate amendments to assisted dying bill | CBC News


Government agrees mentally ill should have access to assisted dying — in 2 years | CBC News

Trudeau still had to pass the law... which Liberals And NDP did... PC did not...


you think for people who are 'Nazi" as some of you claim would just wipe their hands clean of the less fortunate, but they dont because they are following Science and religion that all lives matter... this is not good...



They voted to impose an 18-month time limit on the mental illness exclusion, which the government now wants to extend to two years.


During that interlude, the government is also proposing to have experts conduct an independent review of the issue and, within one year, recommend the "protocols, guidance and safeguards" that should apply to requests for assisted dying from people with a mental illness.

where is this report?



The federal government wants to expand the medical assistance in dying program to include those with incurable mental illness two years after expanded legislation passes, but some argue the government needs to provide better mental health support first.

yeah hello... 100Million dollars in drugs... my god... so fricking stupid...




Disability advocates say assisted dying bill fails to protect vulnerable Canadians | CBC News

yes..... I mean how is this going to look when people of racial minority and other marginlized individuals with Mental Illness start offing themselves at a higher rate... especially when no long term support is being offered first to improve our conditions...


Roger Foley, who suffers from an incurable neurological disease, is urging MPs not to expand medical assistance in dying to allow people with disabilities to end their lives. He spoke to the Commons justice committee today via Zoom from his hospital bed in London, Ont. (CBC News)

Foley, who is now 45 and depends on his caregivers for food and medicine, said that when hospital staff advised him that MAID was an option, he considered it to be a "threat." He urged MPs on the committee not to "turn their backs" on vulnerable and elderly Canadians.

Foley has filed lawsuits against the provincial and federal governments for denying him access to care. Those lawsuits remain active but may be amended depending on legislation and government policy changes, his lawyer Ken Berger told CBC.

The government introduced C-7 in February in response to a September 2019 Superior Court of Quebec ruling, which found that the law's precondition for assisted death — that the individual seeking it must face a "reasonably foreseeable" natural death — was unconstitutional. The bill proposes to remove that requirement and also disqualifies those whose sole underlying condition is a mental illness.



After receiving extensions due to disruptions caused by the global pandemic, the government is now working to meet a Dec. 18 deadline to pass the new legislation.

Conservative justice critic Rob Moore lamented the dramatically reduced time available for parliamentarians to consider the "life and death" issue. He suggested the government is wrongly framing the issue as an "open and shut case," when in fact there are stark differences of opinion.

Krista Carr is executive vice-president of Inclusion Canada, an organization that works on behalf of Canadians with intellectual disabilities. She said the community of Canadians with disabilities and their families have long feared that having a disability would become an acceptable reason for "state-provided suicide."

"Bill C-7 is our worst nightmare," she said, adding that equating assisted death to an equality right is a "moral affront." 

Carr said family members worry their loved ones will choose MAID to end their suffering because they feel they have no choice. She said that situation would relieve political leaders of their responsibility to provide adequate medical care, housing and income supports.

"The lives of people with disabilities are as necessary to the integrity of the human family as any other dimension of humanity, and this threat to the lives of people with disabilities is a threat to us all," she said.

imagine having the worst day of your life only for a nurse to some in and suggest there is another option... but choice is yours... are you suggesting you would kill yourself if you were in my shoes???? Disgusting...


Why the federal government should rethink its new medical assistance in dying law | CBC News


Introducing a social experiment by expanding MAID when people are more vulnerable than ever is not progressive policy making — it is reckless. In its desire to accommodate some who want to control the timing and manner of their death, it puts others at risk of premature death.

Members of Parliament need to take seriously the discriminatory risks associated with expanding MAID. The pandemic context confirms how we need to strengthen safeguards for persons with disabilities and chronic conditions, rather than diminish them. At a minimum, Parliament should insist on an explicit requirement that all reasonable options are made available and tried first.

Rather than reduce, as the government has requested, the number of parliamentary committee hearings on such an important topic, Parliament should take the time to explore how the new bill can better comply with human rights standards. It should not accept being hijacked by the government's largely self-inflicted deadline due to its failure to appeal the Truchon decision.


Mantal Illness can be cured... we are close to finding out what makes the brain tick... elon musks chip is near completion and is going to solve alot of issues... instead of pulling the plug and wiping our hands why not invest in correcting these mental illness by investing in our future...

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26 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

I'm ashamed of very little in my life.  Calling you out for not understanding what you're talking about or claiming isn't ever going to be one of them.


The gun isn't theirs and never was their responsibility.  Blaming the government for every issue because they're not your party du jour is such a myopically simple thing for people to lean on that it borders on the tragic.


You're not a victim because of circumstances or the person in charge.  The sooner you realize that and affect changes on your own the better off you'll be.  Because most of the bad results in a person's life come from bad decisions they made and are unable to accept blame for.  


As for any anecdotal stories, spare me.  When every other comment afterwards ends with blaming the liberals or NDP it's a clear narrative 

stop lying through your teeth... its you that doesnt know what you are talking about... making uplies and putting words to mouth... get bent you saucy Curmudgeon

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7 hours ago, Heretic said:

Don't get me wrong, if you voted and are going to vote for Trudeau again because you don't like the alternative, then that's a good reason IMHO.  
Just don't defend him like he's the greatest leader Canada has ever had.

For the record, I used to vote Liberal until he came along.

Still waiting for someone to list his qualifications and work experience that make him capable of running a country.

BTW, Poilievre doesn't seem to have much neither.

Trudeau’s father used to be Prime Minister. Isn’t that good enough of a qualification?


And if you really want to go there, his father could have also been leader of another country too.  

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28 minutes ago, Warhippy said:


You're not a victim because of circumstances or the person in charge.  The sooner you realize that and affect changes on your own the better off you'll be.  Because most of the bad results in a person's life come from bad decisions they made and are unable to accept blame for.  


As for any anecdotal stories, spare me.  When every other comment afterwards ends with blaming the liberals or NDP it's a clear narrative 

this right here... is the saddest thing i have ever read in my life... i see why you have no shame, you must be incapable of it

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7 hours ago, MidKnight Ego said:

creating infrastructure building 10-20 short term recovery centers with a plan to rehabilitate and return to society...


or Literally feeding addicts 100Million dollars in drugs and then offering them death when they realize no one is helping them...


like i said this is disgusting

I agree. Legalizing drugs that could literally kill you with one snort or one injection is murder. Involuntary manslaughter at the very least. Probably the stupidest thing this government has ever done. And they’ve done a lot of dumb things. 

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My Aunt in law died of cancer a few months ago.  The tumour was very aggressive and grew so large so quickly it ended up breaking her spine. She was in excruciating pain 24hrs a day and needed constant pain care. Because of those same painkillers she was ineligible for MAID, as you have to be of sound mind. They're almost an automatic disqualifier, so, as you can imagine, the majority of people in need of MAID would be denied unless they had the forethought to sign up ahead of time. 


This program has a lot of checks and balances, possibly too many imo. Nobody is going to be offering MAID on a whim so enough with the pearl clutching.

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1 hour ago, MidKnight Ego said:

this right here... is the saddest thing i have ever read in my life... i see why you have no shame, you must be incapable of it


The fact that you're angry at this means you might want to consider what he's saying no matter how much you hate the guy.


Anger after all is a form of fear, typically fear when things aren't going your way, or that deep down you know the other person is right no matter how much you want him to be wrong.


I don't expect you to react any different to my statement here either for the record. I do hope you learn and understand one day that you yourself control your life, no one else. The strength you'll get from knowing that I hope you one day get to understand.

Edited by The Lock
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7 hours ago, Optimist Prime said:

At the moment, Trudeau has 8 years of running a g7 nation on his curriculum vitae. 


P.P. by contrast has that one paper he wrote stating that every politician should only be allowed to serve two terms in office, the one he wrote when he was 20 that got him noticed by Preston Manning and Steven Harper. Then he got elected at the next opportunity and has been there ever since: 20 years in office for the man whose claim to fame before being elected was championing absolute term limits for all politicians...LMAO..you can't make this stuff up folks. ZERO life skills outside of public office, and the one thing he was famous for before public office, when he finished his second term he completely ignored and distanced himself from. 

But sure, he is the better choice...forgive my barrel laugh, it is just too funny to ignore. 


Trudeau is currently the best option of the three possible Prime Ministers. 

That may change once Jagmeet and Peter Poutine are replaced. 

So, according to your logic Stephen Harper should have won the 2015 election because he had 9 years of experience running a G7 country up to that point while Trudeau’s experience in 2015 was teaching kids French and Math in a high school. 

Edited by Elias Pettersson
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8 hours ago, Heretic said:

Don't get me wrong, if you voted and are going to vote for Trudeau again because you don't like the alternative, then that's a good reason IMHO.  
Just don't defend him like he's the greatest leader Canada has ever had.

For the record, I used to vote Liberal until he came along.

Still waiting for someone to list his qualifications and work experience that make him capable of running a country.

BTW, Poilievre doesn't seem to have much neither.


Who's defending Trudeau's leadership ability? 🤨 Most of the "defending" I see on here is people rightly pointing out he isn't actually responsible for whatever thing they're ignorantly screaming about that day. Today it seems to be MAID.


I doubt most people on this forum have ever voted for Trudeau FWIW, as I doubt there's many people from Papineau on a Canuck forum.


And no, Pollievre doesn't seem overly qualified either. But PMs don't really "run" a country either. Certainly not as some one person show.

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