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1 hour ago, MidKnight Ego said:

conversely i decided not to anser your question... to show you the same respect


I had to leave to go to the gym. 

However, I rarely watch videos posted here as I would rather discuss/converse. I dont expect you to know me but that has been my jam for years. I am more interested in the convo between us all. I dont see it as disrespectful to not watch a bunch of videos on a discussion forum. I figured I could just ask a couple simple questions, I looked forward to your response when I got home. But you know the saying ....the distance between expectation and reality is disappointment.


Quite honestly I dont care about any divisive politics about it. I thought I was asking something easy of you. I have quite a bit of info and experience on the subject.


However, You are too spicy for me. I will not engage you in the future. Good luck out there. 



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48 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


It would be a great thing if cons in Canada actually started investing properly in mental health care, no one on the left would be against that.



About 12 years ago, a manager I hired fell on tough emotional times. His pregant wife lost their expected baby. He was one of the smartest guys I have known but that brilliance, a fast mind, brought him a lot of troubles. Like my bro, he was labeled bi-polar. 

He ended up in the psych unit at UBC. His wife had left him and he was spiralling in a bad way.

I was one of the few people that he would calm down for. I would go to see him and he would become relaxed. He trusted me. We had some great talks. 

One thing he was raging about though was that he was asking the Dr's about ketamine treatment. This was very early on in the research, the UBC doctors had no clue, they were telling him that he didnt know what he was tlkaing about. But he did, he had read soo much about it and could talk to it on a very informed level. 


I think I told this story online a few years ago. Anyway, I let him down. I pushed back at his ideas and told him K was a street drug and that he didn't know anyrhing compared to the doctors.


I have lost touch with him. I saw him once years later, storming down the street with that look in his eyes. He didn't look well.


I'm sorry Chris, I was wrong. 


It hurts me to this day. He was such a lovely friend and I didnt trust him. 

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1 minute ago, bishopshodan said:


About 12 years ago, a manager I hired fell on tough emotional times. His pregant wife lost their expected baby. He was one of the smartest guys I have known but that brilliance, a fast mind, brought him a lot of troubles. Like my bro, he was labeled bi-polar. 

He ended up in the psych unit at UBC. His wife had left him and he was spiralling in a bad way.

I was one of the few people that he would calm down for. I would go to see him and he would become relaxed. He trusted me. We had some great talks. 

One thing he was raging about though was that he was asking the Dr's about ketamine treatment. This was very early on in the research, the UBC doctors had no clue, they were telling him that he didnt know what he was tlkaing about. But he did, he had read soo much about it and could talk to it on a very informed level. 


I think I told this story online a few years ago. Anyway, I let him down. I pushed back at his ideas and told him K was a street drug and that he didn't know anyrhing compared to the doctors.


I have lost touch with him. I saw him once years later, storming down the street with that look in his eyes. He didn't look well.


I'm sorry Chris, I was wrong. 


It hurts me to this day. He was such a lovely friend and I didnt trust him. 


You can't put any of that on yourself. You were there for him and did what you thought best. 


Street drugs can have other things mixed in, you might have saved him from an overdose too.


The problem with early research is it needs time to know if people can reproduce results. Lots of promising studies hit the bin when it can't be replicated. Your advice was sound.

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4 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


You can't put any of that on yourself. You were there for him and did what you thought best. 


Street drugs can have other things mixed in, you might have saved him from an overdose too.


The problem with early research is it needs time to know if people can reproduce results. Lots of promising studies hit the bin when it can't be replicated. Your advice was sound.

Thanks Jim.

I just wished I would have listened more. I thought I knew. I thought the doctors knew. 

But I can't change the past. Can only learn from it.


4 minutes ago, MidKnight Ego said:

lol this sounds like a person that has never experienced a bi-polar person in their life.


only ME WOULD CALM THEM DOWN... yeah right... somelies right there


There's no lol about it. It's not funny.

You quoted me wrong too. "I was one of the few people that he would calm down for"


I dont know why you have to be so mean to me. I shared something really tough and you show a true example of that disrespect you were so grumpy about after I didnt watch the many videos. Again, we dont have to engage anymore. Please stop calling me a liar though. I am not. 




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8 minutes ago, MidKnight Ego said:

because its BS... all of it... more likely made up then true...and by madeup i mean in your head... you dont know anything... people that think they are experts are usually the idiots...


"That look in their eye" my god Bi Polar people have a Look eh...

im one of the only people that calm them down.. this person wasnt your family, you calmed them down, but couldnt get through to them? how do you know you were the one of the few? is that what someone told you? is that what you told yourself? did you sleep by his side night and day? how did this person fail despite your uber calming effect like you were this superior influence on them... you need to check your superiority complex


I have spoken about my brother for years on CDC. There are a few on here on CFF that would vouch for that. He is one of my heros and it has been a struggle for decades. It takes a lot of support and no matter how much expert knowledge we have, it's still hard. One of my sisters is a psychologist. This is a bit of the expert knowledge I refer to.


The person you dismiss as a manager I hired was also, as I mentioned, a lovely friend. 


I dont know what you are doing with all this, or why,  but again I am not a liar. 

Edited by bishopshodan
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12 minutes ago, MidKnight Ego said:

"That look in their eye" my god Bi Polar people have a Look eh.


https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/take-charge-of-bipolar-disorder/201708/3-clues-to-recognize-bipolar-disorder-mania-in-the-eyes#:~:text=It can be easy to,and narrow with dysphoric mania.


  • It can be easy to spot a person's manic episode way before other symptoms become more pronounced, simply by observing the eyes.
  • Dysphoric mania can make the eyes black due to the pupil taking over the eye.
  • The eyes often widen as if surprised with euphoric mania and often appear mean and narrow with dysphoric mania.
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5 hours ago, MidKnight Ego said:

The debate that changed the course of the fate of our election... is their hideous corruption? what should have been trudeau smooshing PP with the no means no and the dental plan got turned into something nefarious, but for JT... 7/10 People do not trust JT and will likely never regain the trust, we know how trust is harder earned once lost... so we need to find a suitable replacemnet 

Find a suitable replacement and most of us would be interested.  Vermin like PP are not suitable.  Nazification of Canada is not a viable solution to our issues.

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5 hours ago, King Heffy said:

Find a suitable replacement and most of us would be interested.  Vermin like PP are not suitable.  Nazification of Canada is not a viable solution to our issues.

The way you just throw the term nazi around is such a disgusting disservice to all the people who perished in the Holocaust. It makes anything you say look like a joke and you can't be taken seriously with dangerous opinions like that.


And I will continue to call you out for it every time you do it. 

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6 hours ago, King Heffy said:

Find a suitable replacement and most of us would be interested.  Vermin like PP are not suitable.  Nazification of Canada is not a viable solution to our issues.

You know Heffy I can see Ricky's point and why he'd complain about that statement.


All the true Nazis are, thankfully, dead.   Sadly, we now have Neo Nazis all over the place.   It's an important distinction.


Not that I'm calling PP a Neo Nazi.   I could think of all kinds of other derogatory terms to use but not that one.  I'd say calling PP a Nazi is about as valid as Putin calling Zelensky one.    Stick to something like ultra right wing douche bag and no one will mind (I promise).

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47 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

You know Heffy I can see Ricky's point and why he'd complain about that statement.


All the true Nazis are, thankfully, dead.   Sadly, we now have Neo Nazis all over the place.   It's an important distinction.


Not that I'm calling PP a Neo Nazi.   I could think of all kinds of other derogatory terms to use but not that one.  I'd say calling PP a Nazi is about as valid as Putin calling Zelensky one.    Stick to something like ultra right wing douche bag and no one will mind (I promise).

Ultra right wing douchebag doesn't indicate just how evil PP is.  There's no reason for anyone to treat him the same as actual people.  Sadly there are many on here who would welcome the damage he wants to do to this country.  It needs to be made clear that his barbaric beliefs are completely unacceptable to civilized people.

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8 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

Ultra right wing douchebag doesn't indicate just how evil PP is.  There's no reason for anyone to treat him the same as actual people.  Sadly there are many on here who would welcome the damage he wants to do to this country.  It needs to be made clear that his barbaric beliefs are completely unacceptable to civilized people.

Well, if I were you I would not vote for the guy then. 🙂  I know I won't.


I just wish you'd use  different term to describe him.  I'm a word nerd and I think you are choosing the wrong word.   You'd get just as flamed if you were to call EP40 a power forward in a GDT.


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11 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

Ultra right wing douchebag doesn't indicate just how evil PP is.  There's no reason for anyone to treat him the same as actual people.  Sadly there are many on here who would welcome the damage he wants to do to this country.  It needs to be made clear that his barbaric beliefs are completely unacceptable to civilized people.

That's your opinion and you are certainly welcome to it. Nothing said here makes him any where near a nazi though. You can hate the dude with every fiber in your being (and it certainly seems like you do) but screaming he's a nazi just because you don't like his opinions or policies just makes you look ridiculous.


And the irony of you screaming PP is a nazi while completely excusing Trudeau for his multiple black face controversies just makes it even more ridiculous. 

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1 minute ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

That's your opinion and you are certainly welcome to it. Nothing said here makes him any where near a nazi though. You can hate the dude with every fiber in your being (and it certainly seems like you do) but screaming he's a nazi just because you don't like his opinions or policies just makes you look ridiculous.


And the irony of you screaming PP is a nazi while completely excusing Trudeau for his multiple black face controversies just makes it even more ridiculous. 

Pot calling kettle

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5 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:


while completely excusing Trudeau for his multiple black face controversies just makes it even more ridiculous. 

Sorry to butt in, but has anyone here ever actually tried to excuse that particular national embarrassment?   

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RE Poilievre and housing.


A bit heavy handed from the former minister of housing/infrastructure no?














RE Poilievre and Trudeau and his Liberals being dishonest and unethical


A bit heavy handed coming from the former leader of the committee for the access of information privacy and ethics no?










Someone remind me again, how this individual who purports himself to be better than Trudeau or the Libs spent so much of his time committing the same failures and wasteful issues or defending the same ethics breaches that he claims the current government is going to be better than what we already have?


They're the same person.  Poilievre doesn't understand any more than Trudeau how the economy affects the average person as he has never had a job.  Never had to pay a bill.  Never had to buy groceries.  Has had access to a government taxpayer funded expense account and free benefits for 20+ years.


They're the exact same person, one is just angrier than the other so tell me, how things will change again.


Posted in two threads.

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56 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

That's your opinion and you are certainly welcome to it. Nothing said here makes him any where near a nazi though. You can hate the dude with every fiber in your being (and it certainly seems like you do) but screaming he's a nazi just because you don't like his opinions or policies just makes you look ridiculous.


And the irony of you screaming PP is a nazi while completely excusing Trudeau for his multiple black face controversies just makes it even more ridiculous. 


Trudeau wearing blackface multiplie times.  His Liberal House Speaker bringing in an actual Nazi into the House of Commons.  But PP and his cronies are the actual racists and Nazi’s.  This is why Trudeau and his cronies are going to get destroyed in the next election.  Because even the young voters hate his guts and aren’t dumb enough to vote for him again. 

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2 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Trudeau wearing blackface multiplie times.


Pretend that matters to you 


2 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


 His Liberal House Speaker bringing in an actual Nazi into the House of Commons.


Which he didn't know about before 


2 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:



 But PP and his cronies are the actual racists and Nazi’s.  This is why Trudeau and his cronies are going to get destroyed in the next election.  Because even the young voters hate his guts and aren’t dumb enough to vote for him again. 


Yea, the CPC is a group of socially regressive asshats. Look at their freak out over gender issues. 

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Canada was chosen as the second-best country in the world last year according to new research based on a variety of metrics. But what exactly set Canada apart from the United States? Let’s dive into the research.


The ranking was based on “how global perceptions define countries in terms of several qualitative characteristics.” 73 total attributes were assessed and they were grouped into 10 overarching thematic sub-rankings. 


^ that is 2 of 18 'snippets'  of  the article

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5 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Trudeau wearing blackface multiplie times.  His Liberal House Speaker bringing in an actual Nazi into the House of Commons.  But PP and his cronies are the actual racists and Nazi’s.  This is why Trudeau and his cronies are going to get destroyed in the next election.  Because even the young voters hate his guts and aren’t dumb enough to vote for him again. 

In case you have not noticed CCF has ONE GUY using the term Nazis to describe PP.


While I'm already here:

Yes, for reasons no one can fully comprehend JT wore black face multiple times.  I'm still pissed any time I think of it.


Yes, the speaker totally screwed up and invited an Nazi collaborator to Parliament.  The whole house applauded him.  Then word got out and the speaker resigned in shame.  Liberals were understandably embarrassed and Conservatives understandably gloated.  Also understandably, Conservatives can't let go and continue to misdescribe the events as though it was a Liberal policy to glorify Nazis.


We'll have to see what happens next election won't we?    

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