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For you younger folks .....people painted their faces black all the time at Halloween and theme parties especially in the late 70's to middle 80's 


It wasn't considered racist it was called having fun.


There was no malice at all.


No one got offended.  Not my native friends or other ethnic friends which I had a lot of.


In the middle 80's our slow pitch softball team played in a native tournament native land in Cowichan.  30 team...we ere the only "white" team invited.


We were subjected to racist taunts every game.


We never took it personally.  We ended up getting most sportsman like team trophy. ( and I got MVP)


Bottom line is we are all people.

Edited by The Arrogant Worms
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11 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Well then maybe you and Bob can start walking the walk and start posting actual solutions to stuff. So far I don’t see anything in this thread other than people trying to one up other posters and making fun of their comments. 


I'll try EP but dont hold your breath.

Hopefully, distractions, overreactions, and exaggerations can simmer while we're at it.


I'll tell you what though. I want JT to be done too. As quite a few in here do. 


Maybe we are all a bit frustrated with our lack of options. 


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1 hour ago, D.B Cooper said:

I haven’t seen a single person on these boards say anything but negative shit about PP.  

I don’t even know why anyone brings him up at this point.  
He is like the big scary boogeyman to liberals for some reason.  
We get it. He is an asshole and no one likes him.    

Maybe there is a reason for that?


If a person has been i politics for over 20 years and has never held a real job or paid working taxes in their life and over that 20+ year span people can't think of one beneficial or positive piece of legislation he has tabled or championed isn't that telling about the type of person he is?

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2 hours ago, D.B Cooper said:

Cool dude.  That was 45 years ago.  
The world has changed.  

45 years ago?


Alberta still hates Trudeau for his dad from 50+ years ago.  The cries of his name were loud and vocal 2013/2015 from the alberta through sask areas.

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1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:


The people who are saying that the Trudeau haters blame Trudeau for everything are the same people that keep dismissing and/or defending Trudeau for everything.  It's a vicious cycle.  Luckily the vast majority of Canadians see through the bullshit and don't read CFF...

Bold statement.


but I don't see many people giving trudeau a free pass or defending him.  I see a lot of people outright telling others how the government works and it being ignored and responded to by statements of "just defending or dismissing his actions"

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1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:


So Trudeau's net worth is $97 million based on a $379,000 yearly salary?  Fuck, I am definitely in the wrong business.  It certainly pays to be a politician...

His net worth was almost $39 million before taking office due to what his grandfather built and savvy portfolio management.


Pretty sure I see you endlessly defending that in other threads like the investment threads or regarding things with trumps family investments and businesses.


We doing things differently now?


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10 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

Here is one: if every senior aged 65 and older was guaranteed 30k income by the year 2030, it would only cost canada about 3.5 billion more than we currently pay out to seniors and it would lift a great many people out of old age insecurity and poverty. I have witnessed old ladies buying catfood because it is cheaper than a cut of meat from the grocery store. If we don't address any other group of poor people, we can and should certainly address poverty in old age and give some dignity to those who raised Canada up to where we enjoy it today.

The CPP is expected to rise to $24,000 per year at age 65 by the year 2030. OAS will also be rising to close to $9000. So by 2030 the government will be paying out over $30,000 per year to seniors. 

In terms of a guarantee, that will be much harder to determine. If you are not paying into the CPP or aren’t putting in the maximum each year, then you won’t be getting the same amount. So the guaranteed OAS payment will need to rise considerably. 

The main issue with increasing this is the $1.3 trillion debt that we have and the $40-50 billion in yearly interest payments on that debt. Making those interest payments each year won’t leave much in the kitty for the government to increase guaranteed OAS payments to seniors. 

This is why the $1.3 trillion debt is really going to affect us moving forward. It’s going to leave us with little wiggle room to help pay for other services and to help seniors in the future. 

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40 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

His net worth was almost $39 million before taking office due to what his grandfather built and savvy portfolio management.


Pretty sure I see you endlessly defending that in other threads like the investment threads or regarding things with trumps family investments and businesses.


We doing things differently now?


Yes I defend real estate investments all the time. Unlike some people I feel it’s a great way to build wealth. Unfortunately some people think real estate should only be used for a principal residence. This was a discussion on the old board. If Trudeau can have a $20 million real estate investment portfolio so can I. 

At the end of the day I don’t really care what Trudeau’s net worth is.  Same with PP.  

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There's an interesting piece in The Walrus that could be placed in the Climate Change Thread, or the Inflation Thread, but as at it's very core it's a Canadian politics issue, I'm going to post the link here.




An excerpt from the piece:


The Canadian Conservatives’ obsession with the carbon tax is now the most prominent example of this scapegoating. It’s also the most revealing. They portray the carbon levy as a prime cause of the catastrophic inflation that’s afflicted the entire world. Most countries don’t have a carbon tax; inflation hasn’t spared them. In Canada, the carbon price contributes 0.15 percent to inflation that topped out at 8.1 percent in 2022, according to Bank of Canada data, and is now hovering just over 3 percent. Compare that to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and the resulting spike in oil and gas prices, or to the impact of extreme weather on global harvests over the past three summers, both of which outweighed the impact on food-price inflation. Or consider the pandemic and its decimation of supply chains, which accounted for a third of global inflation at its 2022 peak.


Each of those inflationary causes outweighs the carbon tax by an order of magnitude. The first two (Ukraine and extreme weather) are directly tied to our dependence on fossil fuel—the very thing a carbon tax is designed to address. The third (supply chain disruption) was an indirect result of ecological breakdown: over the past century, habitat destruction has driven a dramatic increase in the emergence of zoonotic diseases, like COVID-19.


Of course, there are also many non-environmental contributors to inflation. But there are just as many non-economic consequences of ecological collapse. The rise of a warped conservativism is apparently one of them.


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4 hours ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

This right here. He has had 8 years. It's time for some new blood. If that new blood sucks too, then I'll vote them out as well


Eight years that have included a pandemic, supply chain issues, massive interruptions courtesy of increasing extreme weather/climate change, invasion of Ukraine, Isreal, and a massive aging population/demographic issues. All of which the sitting Canadian government has little to no control over.


I could give zero F's if the Liberals replaced Trudeau personally (though I doubt that happens). But party leaders frankly don't matter that much. Party platform and policies matter. And I'm fine and dandy with some positive change in governance. But that's not the Cons...we've seen their record for decades. They do nothing for most Canadians. They can't/won't fix housing or inflation, they'll slash services to the people who need them most (and cost more in the long run to fix), cut taxes to the rich and corporations, and sell off/privatize Canadian resources and services to pay for it. None of which helps the vast majority of Canadians.


You want change, that's fine. I'm all for change that includes better governance (ranked ballot election reform for starts). But change for the worse is not the answer. 


1 hour ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:

There's an interesting piece in The Walrus that could be placed in the Climate Change Thread, or the Inflation Thread, but as at it's very core it's a Canadian politics issue, I'm going to post the link here.




An excerpt from the piece:



Funny...where have I read some of that before...? 🤣

Edited by aGENT
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2 hours ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

For you younger folks .....people painted their faces black all the time at Halloween and theme parties especially in the late 70's to middle 80's 


It wasn't considered racist it was called having fun.


There was no malice at all.


No one got offended.  Not my native friends or other ethnic friends which I had a lot of.


In the middle 80's our slow pitch softball team played in a native tournament native land in Cowichan.  30 team...we ere the only "white" team invited.


We were subjected to racist taunts every game.


We never took it personally.  We ended up getting most sportsman like team trophy. ( and I got MVP)


Bottom line is we are all people.

Not how it works. Cancel everyone who wore that, a white hood, all of it. 

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15 minutes ago, 5forFighting said:

Not how it works. Cancel everyone who wore that, a white hood, all of it. 


Hyperbolic "woke boogeyman" nonsense that has no place in adult political discussion.

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3 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

The CPP is expected to rise to $24,000 per year at age 65 by the year 2030. OAS will also be rising to close to $9000. So by 2030 the government will be paying out over $30,000 per year to seniors. 

In terms of a guarantee, that will be much harder to determine. If you are not paying into the CPP or aren’t putting in the maximum each year, then you won’t be getting the same amount. So the guaranteed OAS payment will need to rise considerably. 

The main issue with increasing this is the $1.3 trillion debt that we have and the $40-50 billion in yearly interest payments on that debt. Making those interest payments each year won’t leave much in the kitty for the government to increase guaranteed OAS payments to seniors. 

This is why the $1.3 trillion debt is really going to affect us moving forward. It’s going to leave us with little wiggle room to help pay for other services and to help seniors in the future. 

You sound exactly like a conservative in this post and why I refuse to vote for them: sorry 9ld Mrs Dead Vets wife, we got a deficit to pay down, your gonna have to eat catfood.

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6 hours ago, D.B Cooper said:

Just like the folks always blaming Trudy for everything, there are just as many dismissing everything he does. 
If I left different departments to fail and fuck over my employees, I’d lose my job.  
health canada, bank of Canada, housing market. 
All a mess under his watch.  
Directly his fault?  Maybe not.  
Does the party in charge have a part in it tho?    Yup


The BoC acts independently from the federal government.  Tiff Macklem doesn't respond to Trudeau, and vice versa.  Obviously things would be going better if they were at least on the same page (as of now, not really), but they should never be directly influencing each other.  Certainly don't want someone like Poilievre, who keeps complaining about the BoC and threatening to fire the governor as PM.


Health care is certainly a concern on a national scale, but I should note that the biggest provincial culprits are Alberta, Saskatchewan and New Brunswick.  The other provinces aren't doing well either, but Danielle Smith has gone insane, attacking not just the system but the health care workers themselves.


There is massive discontent with government of all levels across Canada.  Approval rating for Trudeau's Liberals are poor.  Approval rating for various premiers and their governments are poor (Eby's NDP a notable exception).  Approval rating for Ken Sim and the ABC (and other big city mayors) are also poor.  Half of them aren't doing anything to help out the average Canadian, and the other half are actively making things harder.  The thing that worries me is that most people are becoming disillusioned with politics, leading to less engagement, less participation, and greater hostility towards any kind of government initiatives.  The only people getting more into politics are those completely brainwashed by sensationalist headlines being pushed by the news, which is predominantly AMERICAN-OWNED and RIGHT WING here in Canada.


5 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:


The people who are saying that the Trudeau haters blame Trudeau for everything are the same people that keep dismissing and/or defending Trudeau for everything.  It's a vicious cycle.  Luckily the vast majority of Canadians see through the bullshit and don't read CFF...


Canada, not unlike the United States, is hamstrung by its federal system of government.  We can thank the BNA Act for this.  Lawmakers thought defence, taxes, and currency were the only things that mattered.  They passed off the less important things to the provinces, like resources, education, and health care.  150 years later, and Canadians still don't understand this basic separation of powers.


Regardless of the problems I have with Trudeau's Liberals (who I've never voted for and likely never will), I cannot respect a demagogue who completely ignores the history and willfully spreads rampant disinformation to his uninformed followers.


3 hours ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

For you younger folks .....people painted their faces black all the time at Halloween and theme parties especially in the late 70's to middle 80's 


It wasn't considered racist it was called having fun.


There was no malice at all.


No one got offended.  Not my native friends or other ethnic friends which I had a lot of.


In the middle 80's our slow pitch softball team played in a native tournament native land in Cowichan.  30 team...we ere the only "white" team invited.


We were subjected to racist taunts every game.


We never took it personally.  We ended up getting most sportsman like team trophy. ( and I got MVP)


Bottom line is we are all people.


Nothing is better than getting a lecture from an old white man about race. 


Bottom line is that this is 2024.  You are still stuck in the 1970s.  Old folks I love and respect have matured and learned from their mistakes over the past 50 years.  I can see here that others... have not.

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42 minutes ago, 5forFighting said:


Did you read what you posted? 

The assessment required for participation is pretty rigorous. The first requirement is an active opioid use disorder diagnosis.
Among the contraindications is no history of opioid abuse, which means you don’t qualify.


If you don’t know that your child has an opioid use addiction then you are not paying attention. This program is designed to prevent people from dying of fentanyl overdoses. If that’s a minor so much the better.








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