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28 minutes ago, Miss Korea said:


Can you please link news articles from sources NOT owned and funded by American hedge funds?

Even rag that was provided states that two doctors need to sign off before it's provided.  It's not just being handed out to anyone who asks.  It's a hell of a lot more oversight than the drug dealer on the corner who won't ask for ID.

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38 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

You sound exactly like a conservative in this post and why I refuse to vote for them: sorry 9ld Mrs Dead Vets wife, we got a deficit to pay down, your gonna have to eat catfood.


I answered your question in regard to how much money a senior could make in retirement. I also brought up the challenges we will face because of our enormous debt.  And your response is to blame Conservatives for the mess created by the Trudeau government and that it will be the Conservatives fault if we all have to eat cat food in retirement. 


This is the exact reason why PP will be the next PM.  Most Canadians aren’t buying the bullshit any longer that is being spewed by this government. 

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9 minutes ago, 4petesake said:


Did you read what you posted? 

The assessment required for participation is pretty rigorous. The first requirement is an active opioid use disorder diagnosis.
Among the contraindications is no history of opioid abuse, which means you don’t qualify.


If you don’t know that your child has an opioid use addiction then you are not paying attention. This program is designed to prevent people from dying of fentanyl overdoses. If that’s a minor so much the better.








Nuh uh, I read the headline. 

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1 minute ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

Nuh uh, I read the headline. 

So strange that people are defending this. Deaths from ODs have skyrocketed since it was decriminalization and now they are piling on. Drugs should not be legal to anyone under 21 years old. Same as alcohol. Your body and mind are still growing and developing, let it. Don't introduce poison. 

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2 minutes ago, 5forFighting said:

So strange that people are defending this. Deaths from ODs have skyrocketed since it was decriminalization and now they are piling on. Drugs should not be legal to anyone under 21 years old. Same as alcohol. Your body and mind are still growing and developing, let it. Don't introduce poison. 

Critical thinking is hard I know. They're already getting drugs on the street and dying. That's the point

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16 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


I answered your question in regard to how much money a senior could make in retirement. I also brought up the challenges we will face because of our enormous debt.  And your response is to blame Conservatives for the mess created by the Trudeau government and that it will be the Conservatives fault if we all have to eat cat food in retirement. 


This is the exact reason why PP will be the next PM.  Most Canadians aren’t buying the bullshit any longer that is being spewed by this government. 

I wish you would stop telling us what's going to happen and why it will.  It just take all the fun out the whole thing.  No more spoilers ok?

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22 minutes ago, 5forFighting said:

So strange that people are defending this. Deaths from ODs have skyrocketed since it was decriminalization and now they are piling on. Drugs should not be legal to anyone under 21 years old. Same as alcohol. Your body and mind are still growing and developing, let it. Don't introduce poison. 

Absolutely I’ll defend it.


If your child qualifies for this program they already have a fentanyl addiction. I would much rather that they are receiving a regulated known dosage in a monitored environment that vastly reduces their risk of death. Alive they still have a chance at recovery one day and possibly a long and happy life. 


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26 minutes ago, 5forFighting said:

So strange that people are defending this. Deaths from ODs have skyrocketed since it was decriminalization and now they are piling on. Drugs should not be legal to anyone under 21 years old. Same as alcohol. Your body and mind are still growing and developing, let it. Don't introduce poison. 


Decriminalization is neither the problem with, nor the solution to, drug addiction. It simply moves it from a criminal issue (which it isn't) to a medical one (which it is). 


To reduce the actual addiction problem, you need to deal with things like funding mental health care and addressing the growing wage gap (among other things). Things that get worse under a conservative government FYI.


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1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:


I answered your question in regard to how much money a senior could make in retirement. I also brought up the challenges we will face because of our enormous debt.  And your response is to blame Conservatives for the mess created by the Trudeau government and that it will be the Conservatives fault if we all have to eat cat food in retirement. 


This is the exact reason why PP will be the next PM.  Most Canadians aren’t buying the bullshit any longer that is being spewed by this government. 

No. I am saying we can end all senior poverty for 1% of the federal budget and you are saying, no its too expensive. That sums up federal conservatives and why I won't vote for them.

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15 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

No. I am saying we can end all senior poverty for 1% of the federal budget and you are saying, no its too expensive. That sums up federal conservatives and why I won't vote for them.


Come on now, seniors in poverty is nothing compared to the plight of high income Albertans.

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44 minutes ago, aGENT said:


Decriminalization is neither the problem with, nor the solution to, drug addiction. It simply moves it from a criminal issue (which it isn't) to a medical one (which it is). 


To reduce the actual addiction problem, you need to deal with things like funding mental health care and addressing the growing wage gap (among other things). Things that get worse under a conservative government FYI.



Safe supply would help a lot too.


None of this will happen under the CPC. 


But, we do have the notwithstanding clause which I hope BC uses to keep the sensible programs going.

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Just now, Optimist Prime said:

Won't someone think of the CEO's!


It's tiring seeing these attempts at economic "analysis" of ideas like you are proposing. Weak stuff. 


If you have it, it would be interesting to see the expected reduction in healthcare costs for an idea like you are proposing.

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12 hours ago, DSVII said:


I can easily understand. Not my proudest moment, but I was formerly of the Jordan Peterson self help pipeline. So I sympathize, it's not easy to get out of. A lot of folks start off on the journey of wanting to improve themselves because they lacked that guidance in their youth, at least that was my path. And the Cons and their online personalities really saw that opening and went for it. 


There is a real mental health crisis in the male population today, not discounting the minorities or other genders, but when you're being told that everyone needs attention/help and that you are privileged and your issues are taking a back burner, it builds a resentment that translates to an irrational response. To the point where it's worth acting against yourself just so everyone else can get hurt. (To quote LBJ “If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.”).


And it's insidiously tough to spot, like slow boiling a lobster 😅. One minute you're being told that cleaning your room is good for you, the next you're angry at the "cultural marxists" for imposing their values on you. I remember being pissed at Trudeau changing the national anthem back in 2018, to make it gender neutral, you were being primed to be on the lookout for the smallest things that seemed to be an encroachment on traditional values. Ugh. 


And the left aren't helping either by ignoring this, I still remember one of the early moments in my career where the female CTO of the company said in a town hall something to the effect that she was going to make sure every female employee had a chance to advance and that they were the future, while the guys were clapping along, I felt like...what about us? We are allies too, why are we excluded? In hindsight, it's not a big deal to me today, but a lot of folks take the wrong cues from that kind of messaging.


It's tough, and even I'm guilty of this just now, but mocking these guys will only cause them to double down harder. You gotta engage them individually with some recognition and validation of their views and situation (not agreement) and go from there, at least that's how I got out of it. Of course in person is best lol this is an online forum, not expecting miracles here.


Doesn't work for all though, some are just too deep in the hate-algorithm.





Wow…sure glad I don’t live in your world. Are you sure it isn’t a dream. 

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2 hours ago, Optimist Prime said:

No. I am saying we can end all senior poverty for 1% of the federal budget and you are saying, no its too expensive. That sums up federal conservatives and why I won't vote for them.

Sure. So what exactly has the Trudeau government done over the last 8 years to help with senior poverty?  Are seniors better off today than they were 8 years ago?  

What is Trudeau’s plan to help seniors in the future ?  What’s his plan to make those $40-50 billion dollar interest payments that he created while at the same time making life better for seniors?   

I’d love an answer to these questions but the Trudeau supporters only like to use strawman arguments and whataboutisms to try and put blame on Conservatives who haven’t even been in power since 2014. 

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4 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:


I answered your question in regard to how much money a senior could make in retirement. I also brought up the challenges we will face because of our enormous debt.  And your response is to blame Conservatives for the mess created by the Trudeau government and that it will be the Conservatives fault if we all have to eat cat food in retirement. 


This is the exact reason why PP will be the next PM.  Most Canadians aren’t buying the bullshit any longer that is being spewed by this government. 

You speak of bullshit but don't mention how Polivere managed to spend half a billion on housing but built no houses.  Or how his government was in charge when major changes to the protection of seniors and OAS were made including raising the retirement age to 67 or allowing the sake of and privatization of senior housing 


Your camp constantly piss and moan about JT then whine about how "conservatives weren't in power after 2014 but forget Trudeau took power in mid to late 2015 and how PP was a major cabinet minister in a government that somehow through good times (because but was obviously good right up until Trudeau took power right?) Never balanced a budget and spent almost $400 billion through "good times"


Talk about being sick of the bullshit but you'll champion a guy who has been shovelling bullshit on to your plate while you smile and say it tastes better than what Trudeau is feeding us


It would actually be funny if it wasn't so fucking sad how partisan your camps are and what you're willing to ignore in order to merely be able to get your talking points in

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42 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


What is Trudeau’s plan to help seniors in the future ?  What’s his plan to make those $40-50 billion dollar interest payments that he created while at the same time making life better for seniors?   

I won't bring up again what Polivere did to seniors because "whataboutisms" or something.


But do me a favor and let me know how he'll fix the issue that obviously only Trudeau created.


Since Trudeau is unfit to fix it but PP obviously will.  Tell me, how will he make it better?

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31 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Sure. So what exactly has the Trudeau government done over the last 8 years to help with senior poverty?  Are seniors better off today than they were 8 years ago?  

What is Trudeau’s plan to help seniors in the future ?  What’s his plan to make those $40-50 billion dollar interest payments that he created while at the same time making life better for seniors?   

I’d love an answer to these questions but the Trudeau supporters only like to use strawman arguments and whataboutisms to try and put blame on Conservatives who haven’t even been in power since 2014. 


This for starters.

Trudeau’s very first budget reversed the Harper  policy that the Conservatives announced in his 2012 budget to change eligibility for OAS from 65 to 67 which would have begun in 2020.


Too much strawman for you? Or is that a whataboutism?

Inquiring minds want to know.

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3 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

I won't bring up again what Polivere did to seniors because "whataboutisms" or something.


But do me a favor and let me know how he'll fix the issue that obviously only Trudeau created.


Since Trudeau is unfit to fix it but PP obviously will.  Tell me, how will he make it better?

Sonofabitch Hip, I thought everyone was in bed. Didn’t realize that you were already on this gem.

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54 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

You speak of bullshit but don't mention how Polivere managed to spend half a billion on housing but built no houses.  Or how his government was in charge when major changes to the protection of seniors and OAS were made including raising the retirement age to 67 or allowing the sake of and privatization of senior housing 


Your camp constantly piss and moan about JT then whine about how "conservatives weren't in power after 2014 but forget Trudeau took power in mid to late 2015 and how PP was a major cabinet minister in a government that somehow through good times (because but was obviously good right up until Trudeau took power right?) Never balanced a budget and spent almost $400 billion through "good times"


Talk about being sick of the bullshit but you'll champion a guy who has been shovelling bullshit on to your plate while you smile and say it tastes better than what Trudeau is feeding us


It would actually be funny if it wasn't so fucking sad how partisan your camps are and what you're willing to ignore in order to merely be able to get your talking points in


So basically you can’t answer a simple question, you have zero solutions to any of the problems and you again use whataboutisms to blame PP for this current government’s failures…

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52 minutes ago, 4petesake said:


This for starters.

Trudeau’s very first budget reversed the Harper  policy that the Conservatives announced in his 2012 budget to change eligibility for OAS from 65 to 67 which would have begun in 2020.


Too much strawman for you? Or is that a whataboutism?

Inquiring minds want to know.


So delaying an OAS payment for 2 years is Trudeau’s legacy for helping seniors?  Is that it?  Fuck, I’m all in for a Trudeau V2 government. 8 more years baby!!!   😊

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57 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

I won't bring up again what Polivere did to seniors because "whataboutisms" or something.


But do me a favor and let me know how he'll fix the issue that obviously only Trudeau created.


Since Trudeau is unfit to fix it but PP obviously will.  Tell me, how will he make it better?


So your response to my question is with another question?  That tells me your answer to my question would be very weak and that Trudeau doesn’t have any solutions so you’re completely ignoring the question.


PP isn’t the PM currently. So it’s not his job right now to figure out how to help senior citizens.  That’s the job of the PM.  So far, all I’ve read is that Trudeau agreed to delay an OAS payment by 2 years.  That’s a game changer really.  Anything else?  Maybe Bob can chime in since he only wants to talk about solutions and not stupid shit…

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20 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


So delaying an OAS payment for 2 years is Trudeau’s legacy for helping seniors?  Is that it?  Fuck, I’m all in for a Trudeau V2 government. 8 more years baby!!!   😊

Didn’t think for a moment it would change your vote but don’t pretend that’s not a HUGE deal for seniors, and after all that was one of the questions you said you’d love to hear answered.

…and edit to remind you that it was the Conservatives that were delaying OAS payments to seniors for two years.

Edited by 4petesake
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19 minutes ago, 4petesake said:

Didn’t think for a moment it would change for vote but don’t pretend that’s not a HUGE deal for seniors, and after all that was one of the questions you said you’d love to hear answered.


HUGE, may be a bit much.  Maybe huge?  I’m still trying to figure out how it actually helps seniors.  OAS is not like CPP where you build up a bigger payment with a longer timeframe.  Nobody puts money into the OAS.  Anyone who is a Canadian citizen or even a legal resident who is at least 65 years old is eligible to collect it.  So what is the actual value to have someone have this payment delayed by 2 years?  


Are their tax implications and tax savings?  OAS is currently clawed back with an income of $91,000.  How many seniors who continue to work make over $91,000?  And if you are making over $91,000 do you really need the full OAS payment?  It’s not fully clawed back to zero until you are making upwards of $140,000.  There isn’t one senior in the country who would ever need that extra $714 a month if they are making $140,000 into their late 60’s.  


Also, the clawback is not permanent, so once a senior stops working or once their income drops below $91,000 they can reapply and receive the full OAS payment…

Edited by Elias Pettersson
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