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54 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

That all sounds good in theory.  It's how it will be put into practice that troubles me.   It won't be parents as much as parent groups.  We could start discussing those groups, what they stand for, what their tactics are, and what side of the political fence they are on.  It would be an interesting discussion and worthy of its' own thread.


I've mentioned before that it's not so much a Conservative government that scares me as much as some of the bat shit crazies that side with it.


I want to make it clear I'm not talking about Conservatives in general or anyone who posts in this thread. I'm just talking about the lunatic fringe.


As someone (perhaps you?) posted earlier Premier Scott Moe invoked the notwithstanding clause to announce his controversial pronoun policy for schools after a group of 18 people sent virtually the same letters of complaint. So in effect Saskatchewan stripped parental rights and awarded them to a group of 18 to decide school policy.



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5 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Except of course that many parents aren't even parenting anymore and are using schools as day care centers and only take serious or significant interest in their kids education when there's something to be offended about


Just want to poj t out.  Much of this is literally about child safety.  The issue so many of you in your camp Miss.


Tell me.  If a child who is confused is too scared to speak to a parent about that confusion and instead turns to someone like a teacher they feel they can trust over their parents.


What exactly does that say about that parent or their parenting?


Kind of something y'all refuse to think about.  But that's kind of synonymous with your camp so whatever 

We have to rely on schools to help turn children into functional adults.  Often, teachers will in fact have to go outside their job description because some parents aren't helping with that goal.

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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

Doesn't happen.


Can't prove it.


Rinse and repeat though.


Afterwards, bring up kids pretending to be cats and pooping in litter boxes.  I love that one from your camp


Would you agree it's horribly wrong for a 14 year old to start taking puberty blockers without the parents knowing?

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5 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

The point is your camp trots out that chestnut every chance they get.  Or they bring up a story that has been laid to rest about him assaulting some woman.


Your camp dredges up the past then tells at others for brining up the past history of Pierre because "that's in the past he's not the pm or his party isn't in power anymore" and I love pointing out hypocrisy


If Trudeaus past is fair game so is the voting history of the potential future PM of our nation.  Fair is fair no?

What is hell is "my camp"? don't be lumping me in with anyone. I have my own opinions and views thank you very much.



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1 minute ago, Wiggums said:


Would you agree it's horribly wrong for a 14 year old to start taking puberty blockers without the parents knowing?

Yup.  Which is why it doesn't happen and why you refuse to try to prove it.


Because even you know it's bullshit.  


I've a fun story for you.  I found binding tape in my 15 year old daughters bathroom 2 years ago when she was 13.  She told me she had talked to a counselor because she was confused and wanted to speak to a professional.  The counsellor informed me that my daughter had some "gender related concerns"


So we took her to our family doctor to help her get educated on everything and guess what the Dr said about gender therapy

No no, just guess.


Hint, it involved heavily the parents and a mental health professional before it would even be considered.


2 years later my daughter has a new friend group out of and after the covid lockdowns and none of that stuff is applicable anymore.


But it's ok.  You go ahead, keep telling me that I'm wrong and never provide a shred of proof to verify your claims.

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46 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


How principled of you.


And what about kids that don't have a safe home? 

It’s not about principle. It’s about common sense. 

If kids don’t have a safe home then the government can step in. It’s not the schools or teachers responsibility to keep kids safe from their parents. Their job is to teach math  and science. 

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1 hour ago, Wiggums said:

 Uh yeah, look up the definition.


Do you think kids going in for hormone pills without their parents knowing is okay?


AFAIK, the "parents rights" thing had nothing to do with hormone pills. It had to do with students wanting to use their preferred pronouns and in answer to your question, yes, I think that is okay.


I would have thought that the leader of the so-called "mind your own business" party would agree.....

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1 minute ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

What is hell is "my camp"? don't be lumping me in with anyone. I have my own opinions and views thank you very much.



Yup.  You do.  They echo that of the people who lie frequently about things regarding kids, parents rights and the like.  They're the same opinions and views that believe Trudeau spent all our money.


But whatever.  You're entitled to them and I'll never try to take that away from you

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1 minute ago, Elias Pettersson said:

It’s not about principle. It’s about common sense. 

If kids don’t have a safe home then the government can step in. It’s not the schools or teachers responsibility to keep kids safe from their parents. Their job is to teach math  and science. 

Just gonna ask this again.



14 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Tell me.  If a child who is confused is too scared to speak to a parent about that confusion and instead turns to someone like a teacher they feel they can trust over their parents.


What exactly does that say about that parent or their parenting?

Care to answer this?  Seems to be a root issue here that isn't being spoken of when your camp repeats this stuff

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3 minutes ago, Wiggums said:


Would you agree it's horribly wrong for a 14 year old to start taking puberty blockers without the parents knowing?

Right or wrong how many kids does this affect. Less than you can count on 1 hand. 

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8 minutes ago, 4petesake said:


As someone (perhaps you?) posted earlier Premier Scott Moe invoked the notwithstanding clause to announce his controversial pronoun policy for schools after a group of 18 people sent virtually the same letters of complaint. So in effect Saskatchewan stripped parental rights and awarded them to a group of 18 to decide school policy.



Not me.  It was @Sapper.  An interesting post for sure and historical proof of the kind of thing I was talking about,.

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57 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

So a parent who wants to know what is going on with their minor child at school is now a bigot?  Wow, the world has really changed. 


"Minor child"? :classic_huh:


What?....as opposed to a "Major child"?

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5 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

It’s not about principle. It’s about common sense. 

If kids don’t have a safe home then the government can step in. It’s not the schools or teachers responsibility to keep kids safe from their parents. Their job is to teach math  and science. 



It's a legal requirement for them to try to keep kids safe from their parents if required.



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57 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

I'm intrigued....just who is it that is calling for an end to boys and girls?  

Libtards apparently.....:classic_rolleyes:


Funny thing is, the directive hasn't filtered down to the Elementary school that my daughter works at yet.....It must start in Regina and then slowly work it's way West....

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11 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

So what is the non spin on parental rights that you are calling bigoted?


well, we can begin with the Charter. Kids have rights granted in our system that are not superseded by parents. The whole foundation of this movement is based in religion, specifically US evangelicals thats now being adopted up here. 


The bigoted part is the fear they try to instil in parents, particularly the ones that think you can 'pray the gay away.' I'm sure you know the type. 

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3 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Yup.  You do.  They echo that of the people who lie frequently about things regarding kids, parents rights and the like.  They're the same opinions and views that believe Trudeau spent all our money.


But whatever.  You're entitled to them and I'll never try to take that away from you

You don't even know me. Your assumptions are why people can't even have discussions any more. Immediately jumping to conclusions. I have never even mentioned any of that. But go off king

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5 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

It’s not about principle. It’s about common sense. 

If kids don’t have a safe home then the government can step in. It’s not the schools or teachers responsibility to keep kids safe from their parents. Their job is to teach math  and science. 

Who will be the ones to to tell the government that a kid is not safe?

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7 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Can you link examples of this happening in Canada?

 Of course I can Alfie.


The court even tells the parents what to call their child.  Fun






6 months in jail to boot


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16 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Except of course that many parents aren't even parenting anymore and are using schools as day care centers and only take serious or significant interest in their kids education when there's something to be offended about


Just want to poj t out.  Much of this is literally about child safety.  The issue so many of you in your camp Miss.


Tell me.  If a child who is confused is too scared to speak to a parent about that confusion and instead turns to someone like a teacher they feel they can trust over their parents.


What exactly does that say about that parent or their parenting?


Kind of something y'all refuse to think about.  But that's kind of synonymous with your camp so whatever 

I don’t have a camp. I have a home. 

Child safety is a completely different situation. That’s when the government steps in. That has nothing to do with teachers teaching math and science. Kids don’t need teachers to protect them from their parents. 

If a child needs to speak to someone because they are too afraid to speak to their parents, then the school principal needs to inform the parents of the situation so things can be fixed at home. Teachers aren’t paid to be counselors nor do they have the expertise for that. The principal of that school along with the parents can figure out how to get the child the appropriate counseling they need. 

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56 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Minor children are under the control of their parents until they are 18. Until such time as they are adults the parents absolutely have the right to know what they are being taught at school. And the parents are the ones who will make the big decisions for their kids, not some teacher at school who may have some political agenda. 

Teachers need to teach. You know like math and science. Parents need to parent. 


How many kids do you have? the reason I ask is if you think you're going to "control" them as teenagers, I have some bad news for you....


The other reason I ask is because you don't seem to have any idea what actually goes on in schools.

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1 minute ago, Elias Pettersson said:

I don’t have a camp. I have a home. 

Child safety is a completely different situation. That’s when the government steps in. That has nothing to do with teachers teaching math and science. Kids don’t need teachers to protect them from their parents. 

If a child needs to speak to someone because they are too afraid to speak to their parents, then the school principal needs to inform the parents of the situation so things can be fixed at home. Teachers aren’t paid to be counselors nor do they have the expertise for that. The principal of that school along with the parents can figure out how to get the child the appropriate counseling they need. 

What happens when the child has good reason to be afraid of their parents and that conversation between principal and child endangers the child?

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37 minutes ago, Spur1 said:

The whole trans thing in schools is totally overblown bs. I mean really, how many kids are there that are transgender. I would bet a lot of schools don’t have any. Gay kids sure, there has always been a small percentage of them. 

It's only a "huge" problem for people with small minds....

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