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14 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


How many kids do you have? the reason I ask is if you think you're going to "control" them as teenagers, I have some bad news for you....


The other reason I ask is because you don't seem to have any idea what actually goes on in schools.

I don’t have kids. However, all of my family have kids. I also have multiple relatives that are teachers. My best friends wife is also the principal at one of the more prominent high schools on the Westside of Vancouver. 

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1 minute ago, Elias Pettersson said:

No it’s not clear actually. What you are insinuating is that the child needs to secretly converse with the teacher and keep the parents from knowing what is going on.


so you think a kid should talk to an abusive parent? get shit kicked and thats better? 


1 minute ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Not sure how that is going to fix the problem long term. If anything it would make things worse for the child. If the abusive parents found out that the child was secretly talking to the teachers behind their backs then the abuse at home could get even worse. 


being gay isn't a problem. 


And no, a kid having a safe adult to talk to is never more risky. 

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Just now, Elias Pettersson said:

I don’t have kids.


you didn't need to explain that to the parents on this board. 


Just now, Elias Pettersson said:


However, all of my family have kids. I also have multiple relatives that are teachers. My best friends wife is also the principal at one of the more prominent high schools on the Westside of Vancouver. 


so tell us, what would you do if your child was gay? would you be supportive, or try to "fix" it?

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3 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


so you think a kid should talk to an abusive parent? get shit kicked and thats better? 



being gay isn't a problem. 


And no, a kid having a safe adult to talk to is never more risky. 

The only problem with it is the bigots that make it a problem. 

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Let me put it this way.


There are LOT of kids who are embarrassed to talk to their parents about a LOT of thing besides LGBTQ issues.  


Again, where are these kids supposed to go?


Learning about these issues in a safe, controlled environment is WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY better than in the back seat of mom's minivan.


Again, where are these kids supposed to go????????????????????????????

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1 minute ago, the destroyer of worlds said:



You are LGBTQ


You have parents who are HARD CORE anti-LGBTQ


Who do you turn to?



That’s not enough info for me to go by. When you say the parents are hard core anti-LGBTQ what exactly are you inferring?  Are the parents being abusive to the child?  

Also, LGBTQ covers a wide variety of situations. Being gay and being trans are two completely different situations. I know lots of gay people who don’t support the trans community. They are not always all lumped together. 

So who exactly are you referring to?  Are you referring to a gay child who has not come out or are you referring to a trans child who wants to change their gender? 

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As a guy whos wife works for MCFD, one sister that is a psychologist, and the other a superintendent of our school district.

I am glad this convo is happening today.

You can imagine the stories I have heard that I obviously wont share.

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1 minute ago, Elias Pettersson said:

That’s not enough info for me to go by. When you say the parents are hard core anti-LGBTQ what exactly are you inferring?  Are the parents being abusive to the child?  

Also, LGBTQ covers a wide variety of situations. Being gay and being trans are two completely different situations. I know lots of gay people who don’t support the trans community. They are not always all lumped together. 

So who exactly are you referring to?  Are you referring to a gay child who has not come out or are you referring to a trans child who wants to change their gender? 

No, no you don't. 

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1 minute ago, Elias Pettersson said:

That’s not enough info for me to go by. When you say the parents are hard core anti-LGBTQ what exactly are you inferring?  Are the parents being abusive to the child?  

Also, LGBTQ covers a wide variety of situations. Being gay and being trans are two completely different situations. I know lots of gay people who don’t support the trans community. They are not always all lumped together. 

So who exactly are you referring to?  Are you referring to a gay child who has not come out or are you referring to a trans child who wants to change their gender? 

Don't be obtuse.  You know EXACTLY what I mean by HARD CORE.  It also doesn't matter if they are currently abusing the child.  There are plenty of families that do not abuse their children, who are hard core anti-LGBTQ, who will kick their kid out of the house when their kid comes out as LGBTQ.

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5 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

I know lots of gay people who don’t support the trans community.

Do you know really mean this?...you really know LOTS of gay people that don't support trans folk?


I find that very surprising. I lived in the DT WestEnd in Van for 2 decades. I knew the community very well and never heard anyone say that. 

Edited by bishopshodan
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7 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


you didn't need to explain that to the parents on this board. 



so tell us, what would you do if your child was gay? would you be supportive, or try to "fix" it?

I have no problem with the gay community. Have I ever said anything on CDC or CFF to contradict this?  

So your question is irrelevant to me and insulting to be totally honest with you. 

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Just now, Elias Pettersson said:

I have no problem with the gay community. Have I ever said anything on CDC or CFF to contradict this?  


your take on this topic puts you in a camp thats either unaware, or doesn't care, about the harm this "parents rights" movement is causing. I don't know which camp you are in, so I'm asking. 


Just now, Elias Pettersson said:

So your question is irrelevant to me and insulting to be totally honest with you. 


thats not an answer. And I didn't insult you, I just asked a question. I'm curious about the answer. 

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15 minutes ago, Wiggums said:




So you gonna apologize for calling me a liar?  Probably not


Carry on 


Not even remotely a chance that will happen because if you don't tell the truth, or bend the facts to suit your narrative You're still lying.


You neglected to inform people the father was not the caregiver or parent.  That the individual was ONLY addressed to refer to the minor in the court case by specific genders in the court room and that the individual was only charged because they broke a judges publication order.


That id say is pretty much lying to people 

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16 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

No it’s not clear actually. What you are insinuating is that the child needs to secretly converse with the teacher and keep the parents from knowing what is going on. Not sure how that is going to fix the problem long term. If anything it would make things worse for the child. If the abusive parents found out that the child was secretly talking to the teachers behind their backs then the abuse at home could get even worse. 

So as long as the child is opening up to the abusive parents and not the teacher it's ok then?


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16 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

I don’t have kids. However, all of my family have kids. I also have multiple relatives that are teachers. My best friends wife is also the principal at one of the more prominent high schools on the Westside of Vancouver. 


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27 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Again, facts are important.  Father was not legal guardian or full time parent.  Medical professionals involved from the beginning.


Seems ya left that part out


Bowden also ordered the father to acknowledge and refer to his son using only male pronouns throughout the course of the court proceedings.


Bowden was in violation of a publication ban on the court case in which the names of the professionals treating his child were protected from being disclosed and he was not authorized to speak about the case or circumstances surrounding the case. 

Yup, he 'shared information about the therapist and doctors treating his daughter'

That's why he got in trouble.


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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

Not even remotely a chance that will happen because if you don't tell the truth, or bend the facts to suit your narrative You're still lying.


You neglected to inform people the father was not the caregiver or parent.  That the individual was ONLY addressed to refer to the minor in the court case by specific genders in the court room and that the individual was only charged because they broke a judges publication order.


That id say is pretty much lying to people 


I’m trying to be delicate here but the best I can do is the father is a piece of crap and the perfect example of the parent that a child needs protection from.


Publication bans in family law cases are commonplace to protect the privacy of minors, and C.D. was ordered not to give interviews using his real name or publicly share information that could expose his underage son to damaging and potentially violent online backlash. The court heard that he did so on numerous occasions, despite multiple warnings.

Tammen pointed to one interview that was uploaded to YouTube in which the father spoke openly about violating what he described as "gag orders."

Some of that material has since been expunged from the internet. But Tammen noted that much of it remains, in part because C.D., after being told he could be found in contempt of court, had proceeded to start speaking to right-wing media organizations based in the U.S., which would be less inclined to remove the content at the request of Canadian authorities.

"C.D. ensured that he would not be fully able to purge his contempt," Tammen said, citing another interview in which the father suggested he was "smarter" than the legal system that was trying to protect his son's privacy.

The court also heard that C.D. put together an online crowdfunding campaign that included a link to a video containing his child's name and picture. The fundraiser collected at least $30,000.

When it comes to this level of contempt, Tammen said, "there are few cases even remotely comparable."

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I wonder why there is the term "coming out of the closet" and why people who are LGBTQ have apprehension when they even think about "coming out".  


Anyone who has any knowledge of this issue knows full well why someone would look to a third party before looking to a family member for guidance.  

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2 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Not even remotely a chance that will happen because if you don't tell the truth, or bend the facts to suit your narrative You're still lying.


You neglected to inform people the father was not the caregiver or parent.  That the individual was ONLY addressed to refer to the minor in the court case by specific genders in the court room and that the individual was only charged because they broke a judges publication order.


That id say is pretty much lying to people 




Yes, I just made up the fact that 14 year olds don't need consent before starting hormone blockers. 




How do you not know about this?  Crazy

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2 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

I wonder why there is the term "coming out of the closet" and why people who are LGBTQ have apprehension when they even think about "coming out".  


Anyone who has any knowledge of this issue knows full well why someone would look to a third party before looking to a family member for guidance.  


some people care more about their religious beliefs or conservative principles that the safety of gay kids. It really comes down to that. 

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31 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Schools are for learning math and science. If a child is being abused then child services needs to be involved. The school can certainly make the referral. 


You know full well we are very far removed from such a reductive definition of school/teachers.  They are quasi-parents in this country and not by their choice.  They are trained to be quasi-parents because no one at home is doing the parenting.  It's the hardest part of the job.


22 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

I don’t have kids. However, all of my family have kids. I also have multiple relatives that are teachers. My best friends wife is also the principal at one of the more prominent high schools on the Westside of Vancouver. 


You really should know if this is the case.

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3 minutes ago, Wiggums said:




Yes, I just made up the fact that 14 year olds don't need consent before starting hormone blockers. 




How do you not know about this?  Crazy

You just completely destroyed his entire narrative. 

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