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Canadian Politics Thread


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9 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Without liberal bias?


So a conservative echo chamber where only right wing views are espoused or approved?


The thing about politics is that people will have different beliefs and they will not always agree with your own.  That doesn't mean shutting them out or up is the right thing to do.


If you refuse to hear or accept the alternate points of view it means you're willing to silence your enemies to avoid hearing their opinions because they don't agree with your own

Think he wants a r/Conservative style thread.  No Libs allowed. 

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1 hour ago, Warhippy said:

Without liberal bias?


So a conservative echo chamber where only right wing views are espoused or approved?


The thing about politics is that people will have different beliefs and they will not always agree with your own.  That doesn't mean shutting them out or up is the right thing to do.


If you refuse to hear or accept the alternate points of view it means you're willing to silence your enemies to avoid hearing their opinions because they don't agree with your own


54 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

Think he wants a r/Conservative style thread.  No Libs allowed. 


Yes please.  These clowns are desperately trying to turn this forum into r/canada_sub.  


@Warhippy This is 2024.  The whole "hear different opinions" has been thrown completely out the window.  Nearly all of the right wingers in this thread have literally given us nothing good to talk about.  Just garbage conspiracy links or baseless claims just to get a reaction.  Those aren't opinions.  Those are lies.  Trollbait even. 


Every single time I've called out these idiots to post some evidence and every single time they've just shrugged it off and moved on to the next Rebel article.  And that's the way these mouthbreathers exist.  Just post something stupid, say some zinger about Trudeau or the woke left, and just move on.  No opinions, no belief, no thought process.  They're like robots.


So let them make their little conspiracy thread.  They contribute nothing to the discussion here.

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1 hour ago, Miss Korea said:



Yes please.  These clowns are desperately trying to turn this forum into r/canada_sub.  


@Warhippy This is 2024.  The whole "hear different opinions" has been thrown completely out the window.  Nearly all of the right wingers in this thread have literally given us nothing good to talk about.  Just garbage conspiracy links or baseless claims just to get a reaction.  Those aren't opinions.  Those are lies.  Trollbait even. 


Every single time I've called out these idiots to post some evidence and every single time they've just shrugged it off and moved on to the next Rebel article.  And that's the way these mouthbreathers exist.  Just post something stupid, say some zinger about Trudeau or the woke left, and just move on.  No opinions, no belief, no thought process.  They're like robots.


So let them make their little conspiracy thread.  They contribute nothing to the discussion here.

Well, it's kind of hard to have anything to debate about when you nosebreathers can just call anything you don't want to hear a conspiracy theory, even when i post links to back up what i say. You say it must be from MSM and every thing that is not MSM is fake news. The term fake news was created because of MSM.

I said a thread without liberal bias, not liberals. Theres a difference. If there wasn't a liberal bias in here, there'd be more than two non-liberals in this thread.

Seems like all the cons and CPP have been chased off. Luckily i'm a centrist, i haven't made up my mind, feels like we're screwed either way.


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9 minutes ago, Rob Eh said:

Well, it's kind of hard to have anything to debate about when you nosebreathers can just call anything you don't want to hear a conspiracy theory, even when i post links to back up what i say. You say it must be from MSM and every thing that is not MSM is fake news. The term fake news was created because of MSM.

I said a thread without liberal bias, not liberals. Theres a difference. If there wasn't a liberal bias in here, there'd be more than two non-liberals in this thread.

Seems like all the cons and CPP have been chased off. Luckily i'm a centrist, i haven't made up my mind, feels like we're screwed either way.


people spend time discrediting your sources. i've witnessed this over and over again. the links you post do not substantiate or back up what you say or otherwise are frank lies.


when you get your news from 'clown world' on twitter, you've probably read too many /pol/ threads for your own good. just remember that there's light on the other side and it's not too late to walk out.


the term 'fake news' was popularized by someone who had no chance of getting his ambition without propagandizing half a country.

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2 hours ago, Miss Korea said:



Yes please.  These clowns are desperately trying to turn this forum into r/canada_sub.  


@Warhippy This is 2024.  The whole "hear different opinions" has been thrown completely out the window.  Nearly all of the right wingers in this thread have literally given us nothing good to talk about.  Just garbage conspiracy links or baseless claims just to get a reaction.  Those aren't opinions.  Those are lies.  Trollbait even. 


Every single time I've called out these idiots to post some evidence and every single time they've just shrugged it off and moved on to the next Rebel article.  And that's the way these mouthbreathers exist.  Just post something stupid, say some zinger about Trudeau or the woke left, and just move on.  No opinions, no belief, no thought process.  They're like robots.


So let them make their little conspiracy thread.  They contribute nothing to the 

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50 minutes ago, Rob Eh said:

Well, it's kind of hard to have anything to debate about when you nosebreathers can just call anything you don't want to hear a conspiracy theory, even when i post links to back up what i say. You say it must be from MSM and every thing that is not MSM is fake news. The term fake news was created because of MSM.

I said a thread without liberal bias, not liberals. Theres a difference. If there wasn't a liberal bias in here, there'd be more than two non-liberals in this thread.

Seems like all the cons and CPP have been chased off. Luckily i'm a centrist, i haven't made up my mind, feels like we're screwed either way.


😂 fake news was a term dubbed by that reject Trump, and a bunch of folks without the ability to think for themselves clamoured at something that could justify their neurotic beliefs. Did you ever think it’s not liberal bias, but just most of the majority is able to decipher BS when we see it?  A lot of us here are conservative in values, we just haven’t gone off the deep end and drank the Trumptard Koolaid. 

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56 minutes ago, Rook said:

😂 fake news was a term dubbed by that reject Trump, and a bunch of folks without the ability to think for themselves clamoured at something that could justify their neurotic beliefs. Did you ever think it’s not liberal bias, but just most of the majority is able to decipher BS when we see it?  A lot of us here are conservative in values, we just haven’t gone off the deep end and drank the Trumptard Koolaid. 


The term fake news was coined in the 1890's, along with " yellow journalism "

A practice that Joseph Pulitzer and William Hearst indulged in, publishing rumours as actual facts.




Hilary Clinton used it in a speech 2 days before Trump did.

She was warning about the dangers of it. 


Like most things, trump stole and perverted it.

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9 hours ago, Rob Eh said:

Well, it's kind of hard to have anything to debate about when you nosebreathers can just call anything you don't want to hear a conspiracy theory, even when i post links to back up what i say. You say it must be from MSM and every thing that is not MSM is fake news. The term fake news was created because of MSM.

I said a thread without liberal bias, not liberals. Theres a difference. If there wasn't a liberal bias in here, there'd be more than two non-liberals in this thread.

Seems like all the cons and CPP have been chased off. Luckily i'm a centrist, i haven't made up my mind, feels like we're screwed either way.


The term fake news was created because US media investigated claims of trump assaulting women (the grab her by the....tape) and fraudulent activities.  Not because of MSM


We can call things conspiracy theories when they are conspiracy theories.  Especially whent he links to back things up do not jive with the claims a person makes


Call me a nose breather again mate.  That's absolutely not a personal attack at all is it?


A thread with liberals but without liberal bias.  Lemme guess.  Everyone who disagrees with you is a liberal or has liberal bias right?  I'm a very small c conservative myself, but I have no doubt you'd consider me a liberal because I don't tow a line.


Youre not a centrist.  Your own actions and stated followed personalities and endless posts and defamatory statements prove that.  I've never seen a single slight made against anyone on the right from you even though there is mountains of material for you to use.  


So go on and pretend that the victim here is yourself and everyone else is out to get you.  That particular tact is the hallmark of the right wi...err centrist movement in north america right now

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17 hours ago, Warhippy said:

So, to summarize.  You made a claim.  Refused to show your homework to verify your claim.  Were shown repeatedly your claim was wrong.  Doubled down.  Were shown again with pictures.  Then made the statement of ooops, dunno how they missed out.


You are aware of how this makes your credibility look right?


For the record, finding out how much government funding goes to anywhere is actually very easy as it is a matter of public record via parliamentary spending.  As well a year by year can be found in the first provided link specific to CBC.  As CBC is publicly funded, the amounts as well are on their website which is the 2nd provided link.  The Canadian Media Fund which is the non profit aspect of things can be found in the 3rd and 4th link provided.  Finally, the Google amount from this year as well as government bailout or assistance program from 2018 is/was earmarked almost exclusively for print media which can be found in the 5th and 6th links provided and are and have been proven to be tax credits not direct cash infusions.


So please, do understand.  While this information is/was easy to find; dropping a duece and insulting people's intelligence before slowly walking things back is just kind of sad.


(PS, link 6 is actually from the CBC and is highly critical of the media bailout plan and the trudeau government; so don't let that bit of info sway your belief that the CBC is nothing more than a boot licking mouthpiece leftist shill for the libs)












16 hours ago, Rob Eh said:


16 hours ago, Rob Eh said:

 So you admit you were wrong? They do get money? Nowhere did it specify it was covid bailout money, be honest.

I wouldn't gloat just yet. I took you to the wood shed on this one. You just said they didn't receive money but now admit they do but it goes directly to the producer. Why does that matter? It's still a subsidy and it shows in the bias in which they report. Money talks.

I addressed all of your claims.  Easily too.


You never once responded.  I wanted to bring it up again just as a favour.  I also want to remind you about what happened in 2020/2021 that allowed for major companies and business across Canada to obtain employee tax credits for labour.

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12 hours ago, Warhippy said:

Followers does not equate honesty or reality.


Trump has 60 million votes and people still think the leafs will win a cup.

Trump had 80,000,000 votes, Biden had barely over 80,000,000.

Thats pretty sus, a lot more votes than they usually get in a non covid mail-in, election. year.  Even more suspicious is they want to silence and imprison any on that questions this FACT.


25 minutes ago, Warhippy said:



Call me a nose breather again mate.  That's absolutely not a personal attack at all is it?




Wait a minute, you guys ganged up on me and called me a mouth breather so i assumed you were a nose breather.

How is that a personal attack unless you breathe through gills? Maybe you should breathe though your eyes so they aren't wide shut.

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Everybody has finally calmed down so we can have a discussion. When you come at me with vitriol and hyperbole, all it does is take away from the conversion. All it does is turn it into an episode of the view with people yelling their heads off like Whoopie Goldberg. Not a good look and you won't get to the bottom of anything that way. Be more even keeled and you will have a better time of winning hearts and minds.


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22 minutes ago, Rob Eh said:

Trump had 80,000,000 votes, Biden had barely over 80,000,000.

Thats pretty sus, a lot more votes than they usually get in a non covid mail-in, election. year.  Even more suspicious is they want to silence and imprison any on that questions this FACT.


A little fast and loose with the facts.


Side note - Dr Jo and Spike got as many votes as most of your social media folks have followers and most Americans have never heard of them.




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25 minutes ago, Rob Eh said:

Trump had 80,000,000 votes, Biden had barely over 80,000,000.

Thats pretty sus, a lot more votes than they usually get in a non covid mail-in, election. year.  Even more suspicious is they want to silence and imprison any on that questions this FACT.

So if it's a fact as you claim, you should have no problem providing a real, legitimate source that backs that up, right?

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11 minutes ago, Rob Eh said:

Everybody has finally calmed down so we can have a discussion. When you come at me with vitriol and hyperbole, all it does is take away from the conversion. All it does is turn it into an episode of the view with people yelling their heads off like Whoopie Goldberg. Not a good look and you won't get to the bottom of anything that way. Be more even keeled and you will have a better time of winning hearts and minds.


Trump did not have 80 million votes.  At all.  


This is also the Canadian Politics thread, take it where it's appropriate.  Before you say "I brought it up" I was merely using that as a metric or comparison along with leafs fans who believe their side is infallible to prove that popularity does not equate to or mean that a side is right.

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This was expected.  Shame Alberta couldn't give her more than a single term.  She had ridiculously low oil prices and rampant unemployment to deal with coupled with a massive infrastructure bill and a lack of investment in serious areas of need and gets a bad rep because of it.  


But hey...Danielle Smith....Am I right?


Rachel Notley has announced she is planning to step down as leader of Alberta's Opposition NDP. 

The former premier made the announcement to caucus in Edmonton on Tuesday, sources have confirmed to CBC News. 

Notley's announcement will trigger a leadership race.

A news conference is expected today. CBC News will carry it live here.

Notley was elected NDP leader in 2014. She led the party to victory in the 2015 election for a one-term government. 

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12 hours ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

Think he wants a r/Conservative style thread.  No Libs allowed. 


Conservatives need to start taking back their parties and entire ideologies from the Reactionaries. 

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37 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

This was expected.  Shame Alberta couldn't give her more than a single term.  She had ridiculously low oil prices and rampant unemployment to deal with coupled with a massive infrastructure bill and a lack of investment in serious areas of need and gets a bad rep because of it.  


But hey...Danielle Smith....Am I right?


Rachel Notley has announced she is planning to step down as leader of Alberta's Opposition NDP. 

The former premier made the announcement to caucus in Edmonton on Tuesday, sources have confirmed to CBC News. 

Notley's announcement will trigger a leadership race.

A news conference is expected today. CBC News will carry it live here.

Notley was elected NDP leader in 2014. She led the party to victory in the 2015 election for a one-term government. 

Along with the leadership change, they should seriously consider a name change.


I mean, CONservatives get to do it ALL THE TIME.  The Feds did it a couple times.  Albertans did it.  BC did it.

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