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15 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

If you truly think a few basement dwellers are the driving force behind trumps popularity you may be fairly disappointed later this year.


Troll farms are nothing more than pedlars  of disinformation and finger pointers. Basement dwellers are the ones that like, re-post and re-tweet what the trolls are selling. Trolls light the sparks and basement dwellers tell two friends who tell two friends…until the lies become so commonplace that people can’t tell the difference or throw up their hands and quit trying.

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8 minutes ago, Warhippy said:


Where's the article about BLM burning down cities and the one where transsexuals with penises can share change rooms with little girls?  Oh and the dogshit economy and housing crisis being left behind?  



BLM blocking streets and causing 2B in damages, good,  freedom convoy blocking streets and honking too loudly, bad





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16 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

It is more than a few basement dwellers.   One might ask who is driving them?  Roger Stone would be just one of them but I'll pick him because he's in the news lately. Is he a man who inspires your trust?.


This guy would be another:



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12 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

You're missing the point sir.


If every politician to the left of centre defended their actions word for word like those on the right do.  It would absolutely hammer the centrists/fence sitters in to action.


The largest voting bloc/demographic is in the middle of everything and they don't tend to worry about much other than their bank accounts.  If the left started acting as petulant and started pointing fingers or responding in the exact same/verbatim words that the right uses, I do believe the irony would not be lost on many of those in the middle


Wholeheartedly disagree.


If the right wingers (and self-proclaimed centrists) on this forum are indicative of the wider population (which they sorta are), there is no defence of their words/actions.  All they do is make some inflammatory claim/statement, and then run away like bitches before we even have a chance to respond.  Parents' rights?  That got debunked, but they just move onto another topic the next day.  CTV funded by the libs?  Debunked again, and the cycle continues.  It is literally impossible to fact-check false statements at the pace that the conservatives can come up with.  Your solution of sinking to their level will only spread the rampant disinformation and toxicity.


But more importantly, it's undignified.  You're basically suggesting I should act petulant and spread conspiracy theories.  How is that going to appeal to anyone?  How does that line up with everything I believe in?

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2 minutes ago, Wiggums said:


Where's the article about BLM burning down cities and the one where transsexuals with penises can share change rooms with little girls?  Oh and the dogshit economy and housing crisis being left behind?  



BLM blocking streets and causing 2B in damages, good,  freedom convoy blocking streets and honking too loudly, bad





You spend a weird amount of time thnking about the genitals of people.


The economy?  Canadian or American?  American is doing fine, Canadian has been teetering for well over a decade with people holding record levels of household debt since about 2009.


Housing crisis isn't new either.  Housing has been unaffordable in BC since the olympics.  People pretending this is something that JUST happened recently either haven't had to buy a home or haven't had to worry about moving out of their parents basements.


There's also a VERY fundamental difference between protesting for basic human rights and equality vs being pissed off because your side didn't win an election.

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Just now, Wiggums said:


Where's the article about BLM burning down cities and the one where transsexuals with penises can share change rooms with little girls?  Oh and the dogshit economy and housing crisis being left behind?  


Yeah I get, the freedom convoy were honking their horns loudly and some people didn't like that. lol give me a break.  





The side your defending was a group of domestic terrorists with the stated aim of overthrowing the government.  Your transphobic garbage is exactly why civilized people understand that PP cannot be permitted to inflict his barbaric views on the rest of us.  Cut out the bigoted social conservative trash, focus on the economy, and then maybe the cons and the idiots willing to vote for these pieces of trash can be treated with respect.  

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33 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

Maybe we are having two separate conversations here.   It has yet to be proven to me that the conservatives have some plot to disseminate misinformation, which seems to be your sticking point.   I have seen enough evidence to see that foreign governments do disseminate misinformation.  I have also seen enough information to know that Meta and Google have both been called to testify in Congress and the British Parliament to explain what they can do better to avoid propagating that misinformation.  

Well obviously Russia is going to spread miss information on the war they are fighting to make themselves look good. Whether people like it or not every country will do it if they have to. To act like there's this grand plan to turn everyone to Trump supporters from their basement through lies is a bit much for me though 

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Just now, King Heffy said:

The side your defending was a group of domestic terrorists with the stated aim of overthrowing the government.  Your transphobic garbage is exactly why civilized people understand that PP cannot be permitted to inflict his barbaric views on the rest of us.  Cut out the bigoted social conservative trash, focus on the economy, and then maybe the cons and the idiots willing to vote for these pieces of trash can be treated with respect.  


You are the most hateful person in here lol.  Every second post you are calling someone a despicable piece of human trash etc





2 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

You spend a weird amount of time thnking about the genitals of people.


The economy?  Canadian or American?  American is doing fine, Canadian has been teetering for well over a decade with people holding record levels of household debt since about 2009.


Housing crisis isn't new either.  Housing has been unaffordable in BC since the olympics.  People pretending this is something that JUST happened recently either haven't had to buy a home or haven't had to worry about moving out of their parents basements.


There's also a VERY fundamental difference between protesting for basic human rights and equality vs being pissed off because your side didn't win an election.


Yeah the other day when we were talking about hormone blockers which is a pill, you equated it to me talking about private parts 🤔. Maybe it's you who thinks about those things too much


Carry on with your excuses for Trudeau

  He's the man in charge and he failed miserably.  He's done.  Time to deal with it

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12 minutes ago, Wiggums said:


Where's the article about BLM burning down cities and the one where transsexuals with penises can share change rooms with little girls?  Oh and the dogshit economy and housing crisis being left behind?  



BLM blocking streets and causing 2B in damages, good,  freedom convoy blocking streets and honking too loudly, bad





I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess you long for a return to "the good ol' days"

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Just now, Miss Korea said:


Wholeheartedly disagree.


If the right wingers (and self-proclaimed centrists) on this forum are indicative of the wider population (which they sorta are), there is no defence of their words/actions.  All they do is make some inflammatory claim/statement, and then run away like bitches before we even have a chance to respond.  Parents' rights?  That got debunked, but they just move onto another topic the next day.  CTV funded by the libs?  Debunked again, and the cycle continues.  It is literally impossible to fact-check false statements at the pace that the conservatives can come up with.  Your solution of sinking to their level will only spread the rampant disinformation and toxicity.


But more importantly, it's undignified.  You're basically suggesting I should act petulant and spread conspiracy theories.  How is that going to appeal to anyone?  How does that line up with everything I believe in?





Fuck dignity.  You LITERALLY have right wing politicians telling their base that they didn't lose elections that they lost.  You have them parroting bullshit lies to the populace pissing them off and pushing that anger towards the wrong places.  You have them leading the idiocy ever further down the rabbit hole of anger and nationalism and that's a lid that isn't easily put back on the pot sir.


If dignity is the thing you're worried about, well I would rather die in the mud fighting tooth and nail blowing their crap wide open and reminding people that it's all a lie as opposed to standing there looking prim and proper, a loser in a fight for basic human rights thinking "gee; at least I didn't say the bad words" 


You're also absolutely misunderstand everything I said.  I never mentioned pushing fake stories or conspiracy theories.  I meant excusing their actions, or laws or movements using the EXACT same words and arguments that those on the right have done to excuse their own.


Imagine Trudeau in front of a microphone telling people that the economy is this way because 'insert former governments actions" in the same way they do his.  Imagine Trudeau reminding people that the covid money spent, was done with the signatures of the Conservative leaders.  That Pierre can't solve housing because he blew $400 million and built nothing.  That he may be failing but he's done it in the face of insane global challenges and rising rates while the guy who wants to take over was the voice of a party that did the same and never once balanced a budget and managed to do it without a single issue anywhere near the magnitude that has occurred int he last 4 years.


That is what I am saying.  Fuck dignity.  Holding your head high only allows them a better chance of knocking you out with one punch.  Duck your head and get ready to fight as dirty as hell because that's where we're at in this world.  People will only respond to anger right now because that's all they're being fed.  So serve them what they're looking for but serve it from a different plate and shine a light of ugly truth on the situation.


Answer every single thing the EXACT same way they would and even use their own speeches word for word if needed to justify it.  I am a small c type conservative and I am sick to death of the current state of affairs because I know what's coming.  There's one chance to avoid it but nobody wants to step in the mud to do it,

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9 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

The side your defending was a group of domestic terrorists with the stated aim of overthrowing the government.  Your transphobic garbage is exactly why civilized people understand that PP cannot be permitted to inflict his barbaric views on the rest of us.  Cut out the bigoted social conservative trash, focus on the economy, and then maybe the cons and the idiots willing to vote for these pieces of trash can be treated with respect.  

This is ironic coming from you.

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3 minutes ago, Wiggums said:


You are the most hateful person in here lol.  Every second post you are calling someone a despicable piece of human trash etc






Yeah the other day when we were talking about hormone blockers which is a pill, you equated it to me talking about private parts 🤔. Maybe it's you who thinks about those things too much


Carry on with your excuses for Trudeau

  He's the man in charge and he failed miserably.  He's done.  Time to deal with it

you spent 5 pages talking about the sexuality of kids mate.


that's weird.


I don't need to make excuses for Trudeau.  He's only an ass in a seat and has been the ass in a seat of a minority government for almost 5 years.  Guessing that little tidbit of truth keeps dodging your arguments doesn't it?

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1 minute ago, King Heffy said:

I wouldn't be so generous as to consider PP or those who support him as human.  I absolutely hate vermin like him who are attempting to Nazify the country.  The bottom line is that Poilivre has less than zero value to the species.  Defending that subhuman bigot is simply inexcusable.

God, here we go again. Would you piss off with your spreading of misinformation. You are literally the definition of what you bitch and moan about all day. It's comically sad now. Grow up

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19 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

God, here we go again. Would you piss off with your spreading of misinformation. You are literally the definition of what you bitch and moan about all day. It's comically sad now. Grow up

What misinformation have I spread?   Unlike your kind, when I am stating facts, I do l back them up with actual sources.  I'm also not going to ignore the very real threat to civilized society that PP represents regardless of how badly it hurts your feelings.  Use the ignore button if you need a safe space.

Edited by King Heffy
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28 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

Well obviously Russia is going to spread miss information on the war they are fighting to make themselves look good. Whether people like it or not every country will do it if they have to. To act like there's this grand plan to turn everyone to Trump supporters from their basement through lies is a bit much for me though 

Not for me.  Russia wants a divided North America and wanted/wants Trump to be president.

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7 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

What misinformation have I spread.  Unlike your kind, when I am stating facts, I do l back them up with actual sources.  I'm also not going to ignore the very real threat to civilized society that PP represents regardless of how badly it hurts your feelings.  Use the ignore button if you need a safe space.

Jesus Christ, imagine being this dramatic and actually being serious. First of all your claim PP is trying to "nazify" the party is some of the most ridiculous misinformation I have heard on this board, and I have seen a couple doozies. Second of all your claim the he is a "very real threat to civilized society" is would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad. I feel bad that this is how you navigate through life. I truly hope things become a little less bleak for you 


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1 hour ago, Miss Korea said:


This is kinda missing the point of the energy that Bernie brought to the progressive side of American politics.  It is only useless populism when it's co-opted by conservatives who have become more bold-faced in their treachery and drive for political gain.


I'd argue that 'progressives' have dropped the ball, big time in both the US and Canada when it comes to basic issues like housing and wages too. Far too much concern these days about signalling who's aligned with who, etc. and in the meantime peoples lives aren't better off.


Look at BC, we've had the NDP since 2017 and rent never went down, very little housing built under them either.


1 hour ago, Miss Korea said:

For what it's worth, I have seen several white women I know openly support the Conservatives - seemingly their first political expressions as adults in their 20s/30s.  Personally, I think they're stupid, but in democracy it's their votes against my one.  I'm sure there are polls out there which would back up my anecdote.  Millenials were generally apathetic to politics, at least here in Canada.  Not anymore.


yea thats when you know things are getting silly, when people vote against their own interests for parties that will just use them. 


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1 hour ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

If you truly think a few basement dwellers are the driving force behind trumps popularity you may be fairly disappointed later this year.


they aren't all basement dwellers. Some live in the garage. 

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4 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

Speaking of misinformation. We do know that was never proven to be accurate right?




Special counsel John Durham concluded that the FBI should never have launched a full investigation into connections between Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia during the 2016 election, according to a report compiled over three years by the Trump-administration appointee and released on Monday.







There is a lot more I could have added but I will stop there and remind myself this is the Canadian Politics Thread.


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