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5 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


I dont care to touch on Strickland's words as he has done enough to bring negative views to a sport and art that I love. There is no angle to spin it that the reporter did anything close to as bad as baring Sean's true colours shows. I know the fighter well. He needs help and is volatile, I hope he has support.


But I wanted to touch on something as a non-breeder.

The idea that breeders believe that their children should continue the bloodline. It's common but what a sad thing. I mean, even if your child is gay, they could still adopt... if for some reason, they agree to an idea they must produce more familly partially for the grandparents. 

So... 'no problem with not having grandchildren' isn't the full thought. Adoption doesn't seen considered in the statement.


As you point out it is probably true that( most?) people that have children of their own want/expect those children to do the same.


I find that awful and hope that breeders in the future just enjoy raising their kid without that expectation/demand. 


The reason I believe this is due to our human nature of tribalism. It will eventually be the end of us. All this, us verus them that causes so much hurt in the world. It starts with bloodline, doesn't it? many would commit crimes against others just for familly even if they know they are in the wrong. The implication that adoption is not the 'real grandchildren'...is that some sort of narcissism? The child must look like me, be like me, have genetics that are so important to the legacy of...me.


Not, really making a point to you MM, you just made me think.

I know that I am ignorant to all this as a non-breeder but wanted to share my perspective. I know this is how it has always been. I have a big family and love them. I would die for them, as most would for their own.


But, as I said. I don't think humankind will make it. We are so advanced and intelligent, still we suffer. Something that used to keep us alive and safe in our history will one day be our downfall. The tribe.


Adoption sounds good in theory. However in a time where people are already struggling financially, unable to afford a home, etc. adoption just likely isn't an option for many. Sure, having kids is also expensive, but it's nowhere near as expensive as adoption (in many places anyway).


Regarding expectation, I think that's reasonable to have those. If you grew up with grandparents in your life, it's understandable to want to eventually be in that role one day. Like a natural circle of life. Gives you something to look forward to after the kids are grown up and moved out.


I don't share the same bleak outlook. Rational people will be fine. If we want to look at tribalism that's making many people unhappy, l think politics is a good place to start. With tribalism in your family/friend circle, there is great fulfillment in having those connections. Meanwhile tribalism in something like politics is very unfulfilling and constant negativity.

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10 hours ago, Smashian Kassian said:


How are you going to 'legislate' production into Canada? Sounds like the government offering incentives to companies (a.k.a taking our money from us & handing it over), like they did with VW & that multibillion dollar EV plant deal (which didn't gain the best public reaction).


You can't legislate companies to accept a disadvantageous position in a global economy, they'll just leave Canada. Or Small businesses (that don't have the power/luxury of relocation) will fold. Which leads us to subsidizing companies, but then in a way your just robbing peter to pay paul. 


Axing the carbon tax would help many. Its not just you filling up that's more expensive, its going to be a cost increase across the board. Every company/service/exc uses FF burning equipment, and who's going to pay that cost? Companies can't survive at a loss. The additional cost in fuel for the truck to deliver groceries to the store, the expenses for your company to operate equipment/vehicles/heat at work, exc. The cost of builders to get materials transported/manufactured, exc. And at the end of the day all those cumulative 'small' costs are going to be passed down the line & felt most by the consumer/working class person living near margins.


Lowering immigration is a long game, maybe it got out of hand at some point which has hurt the housing market in the present, but even the result of cutting the numbers tomorrow will take time to set in. Additional supply couldn't hurt, and foreign investment (kinda a different issue anyway) has been a problem around here, but there are many factors. 

Millhouse most likely will be the next Pm with only the answer of a minority or majority government to decide


Millhouse has said as leader all new spending and reduced revenue MUST be off set with spending reductions 


So .......


Axing all carbon tax means off setting cuts in the billions in the budget.  Families who currently receive the rebates will have to accept that will.have to be cut. For the average Canadian they will then see little to no over all.benefit with axing the tax.  Business is NOT going to reduce their prices to reflect an axed carbon tax. It's frankly terrifying that the con supporters who will be elected out next PM have bought that lie. The check is not in the.mail.and nor will it ever be.

Don't get me wrong ... I don't support.thr carbon tax as it doesn't do much more.than fund a shell game to shuffle money.  Axing it will not drop inflation , lower consumer.prices and make housing more.afordable.  


I am fortunate enough to be in an income bracket that means I don't receive gst or carbon rebates. Axing the tax for me would be about 1k more.per year in my pocket which  is nice but not going to lead to major lifestyle improvements


My kids on the other hand will see a near zero change if they lose their rebates.to pay for the axing of the tax. The potential few bucks more will be a cup a company coffee or ,2 more per week type lifestyle improvement... Not the rainbows and unicorns Millhouse is selling 


And again ... Look at Alberta when they reduced gas tax recently .... Pump price stayed the same and companies kept that as profit .... The same will happen when Millhouse cuts the carbon tax and anyone believing otherwise is not living in reality 


And food for thought .... If I go to Bellingham on a day trip to buy clothes I get hit with high duty feed. What if it was the same level.for business that bring completed manufactured items into Canada?  Why not set their tax rates based on .where the item is made ,?

I have no problem seeing my tax dollars fund deep tax.cuts and incentives for companies that produce their items in.canada with Canadian workers and pay a fair wage. Those workers then pay taxes on that.income.which Is.what actually boosts our tax revenue and economy


These big box stores that bring Chinese.items and pay minimum wage cost more money to us than they return. 


Every Walmart costs more in taxes then they put in. None of their employees make.enough to be tax contributors ( they pay little to no taxes , get full government rebates , and alot of funded income assistance items like daycare dental etc )


Government simply needs to make sure Canadian tax dollars fund Canadian based companies employing Canadians and let.the.importers pay just like we.have to if we want to import


There is no easy fix but both the cons and Liberals are selling the same ..... And neither has any real plans other than selling their supporters that the streets will.be paved with gold if you elect them...... They are both wrong 



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1 hour ago, bishopshodan said:

I gotta go to the gym..


Are you just making a downvote with the 'kwat' emoji or are you actually confused?


Use your words if it is the latter and I'll get back to you later. A down vote is fine too..if that's how you are using it.


I have been called idealistic and have no problem with that. The way we do things, treat each other, is getting worse. Maybe time for different angles...


It's just confusing for conservatives to think about more than one way to family.

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19 hours ago, Wiggums said:


PP, DD, EE, who gives a shit who it is.   When people can afford to have children, can work less hours to make ends meet and look after their children then yes, people will start "screwing" again. 


If we let in less immigrants the country will be even worse off?  We're dealing with a historically bad economy, at the same time we've been pumping in historically high numbers of immigrants and your good idea to fix things is to bring in even more immigrants.  Great work everyone 

This is a very very serious question I think most people who keep saying things will get cheaper need to answer.


PLease indicate which PM successfully made life cheaper for Canadians.  No I mean seriously.  Because that's not how tings work in a capitalist economic structure.  Pointing back to say it was cheaper under Harper, sure.  But it was cheaper under Martin.  Then Chretien.  Then Mulroney and omg INSANELY cheap under Trudeau sr


The cost of living doesn't go down anymore.  Like ever.  Trickle down economics and crony capitalism have ensured that will never happen in our economic structure.  So when people suggest it will happen I am always interested in hearing how that will happen or when in the last 50 years it has actually occurred

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11 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

This is a very very serious question I think most people who keep saying things will get cheaper need to answer.


PLease indicate which PM successfully made life cheaper for Canadians.  No I mean seriously.  Because that's not how tings work in a capitalist economic structure.  Pointing back to say it was cheaper under Harper, sure.  But it was cheaper under Martin.  Then Chretien.  Then Mulroney and omg INSANELY cheap under Trudeau sr


The cost of living doesn't go down anymore.  Like ever.  Trickle down economics and crony capitalism have ensured that will never happen in our economic structure.  So when people suggest it will happen I am always interested in hearing how that will happen or when in the last 50 years it has actually occurred



TaX CuTzzzzzzz mEan MoRe moNeYzzz iN mY PoCkeTzzz


I mean, PP is in ads right now making promises.  Voodoo economics do not work.  All they do is blow up the deficit, giving CONs the excuse to make big cuts in social services.  Giving them the excuses to sell off Crown assets.  Giving them excuses to deregulate and privatize.


If PP gets in and cuts taxes right away, I guarantee that this will happen. 

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On 1/19/2024 at 12:40 PM, King Heffy said:

PP apologists in this thread who have been consistently trying to discredit CBC as a source...

Cons hate CBC because they only want news that supports them


Good news sources should at times make you happy ,make you sad , make you angry ..., if it always make you feel.validated then it's.not.news


Most other Canadian news is so heavily vested in a political view that one has to always be aware of the slant. CBC dispite.the cons cries are not owned and that's why we see some.cbc stories the cons like and some they hate ...



I know you know ... Poster .... So this isn't questioning your views. 


Millhouse wants only news like fox and Newsmax in Canada .... Cause the only real.news to a conservative is news that they approve of.


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14 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:



TaX CuTzzzzzzz mEan MoRe moNeYzzz iN mY PoCkeTzzz


I mean, PP is in ads right now making promises.  Voodoo economics do not work.  All they do is blow up the deficit, giving CONs the excuse to make big cuts in social services.  Giving them the excuses to sell off Crown assets.  Giving them excuses to deregulate and privatize.


If PP gets in and cuts taxes right away, I guarantee that this will happen. 

Look at BC .... To pay for his tax cuts when he took office we saw every service fee go up ... Msp double , new fees added and the largest illegal mass lay off of mostly women in Canadian history ( the constitutionally illegal contract ripping up contracting out of health care support workers and care homes)


But to be fair the same is true under Trudeau .... We have record numbers if billionaires and corporate profits now 

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22 minutes ago, Sapper said:

Look at BC .... To pay for his tax cuts when he took office we saw every service fee go up ... Msp double , new fees added and the largest illegal mass lay off of mostly women in Canadian history ( the constitutionally illegal contract ripping up contracting out of health care support workers and care homes)


But to be fair the same is true under Trudeau .... We have record numbers if billionaires and corporate profits now 

In PG we had our veterans office closed.  That year we also had the Greg Matters incident.  I'm not saying the two are connected, but it is an awful coincidence. 

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26 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

In PG we had our veterans office closed.  That year we also had the Greg Matters incident.  I'm not saying the two are connected, but it is an awful coincidence. 

When I served in the 80's Mulroney was PM and I remember our incredible embarrassment of having to yell "bang bang" on training exercises because the cons hadn't funded enough to buy blanks for training ..... We were the laughing stock to the Americans training with Us


But hey the cons gave us back element color dress uniforms so it was all they needed to do. Harper gave back a few royal titles to units and pips for officer ranks.... So that's all they needed to do to show support I guess 

Millhouse might even go so far as taking credit for making new cap.badgrs with the kings crown and call.that his righteous support 


And the gutting of vets benefits under Harper was shameful as is Trudeau's not fixing it

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1 hour ago, Sapper said:

When I served in the 80's Mulroney was PM and I remember our incredible embarrassment of having to yell "bang bang" on training exercises because the cons hadn't funded enough to buy blanks for training ..... We were the laughing stock to the Americans training with Us


But hey the cons gave us back element color dress uniforms so it was all they needed to do. Harper gave back a few royal titles to units and pips for officer ranks.... So that's all they needed to do to show support I guess 

Millhouse might even go so far as taking credit for making new cap.badgrs with the kings crown and call.that his righteous support 


And the gutting of vets benefits under Harper was shameful as is Trudeau's not fixing it

Ya.  At least they reopened offices that had  closed.  So there is that.

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4 hours ago, Master Mind said:


Adoption sounds good in theory. However in a time where people are already struggling financially, unable to afford a home, etc. adoption just likely isn't an option for many. Sure, having kids is also expensive, but it's nowhere near as expensive as adoption (in many places anyway).


Regarding expectation, I think that's reasonable to have those. If you grew up with grandparents in your life, it's understandable to want to eventually be in that role one day. Like a natural circle of life. Gives you something to look forward to after the kids are grown up and moved out.


I don't share the same bleak outlook. Rational people will be fine. If we want to look at tribalism that's making many people unhappy, l think politics is a good place to start. With tribalism in your family/friend circle, there is great fulfillment in having those connections. Meanwhile tribalism in something like politics is very unfulfilling and constant negativity.


Thanks, I understand what you are pointing out. I have been doing some courses this week on fairness, equality and bias. The family, or even the tribe (fam, friends, town, country etc..), have an unbalance of those things that I have been studying. It's very 'us and them'. I suppose in my idealism, my hope would be that we eventually all see ourselves as 'brothers ( sisters) from another mother' for lack of a better term. It's why I brought up adoption, gay people can still feel that pressure/expectation from their parents to have grandchildren....and a point of why does bloodline really matter? other than legacy...the belief that for some reason ones blood matters more than anothers.


On a personal level I am very optimistic, confident person. However for humankind I have little hope. I share this opinion with a person I admire, Brian Cox. I dont know how the rational people will be fine when, as we see around the globe, our leaders are anything but...



Professor Brian Cox has said it could be 'a law of nature' that when intelligent species get power they eventually use it to wipe themselves out – suggesting humans' extinction could be caused by climate change or war.



2 hours ago, Bob Long said:


It's just confusing for conservatives to think about more than one way to family.


haha, and here I am derailing the thread going on about a really different type of familly.... a global one, adopting each other in to one big collective... that might give some cons real fits!

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8 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


Thanks, I understand what you are pointing out. I have been doing some courses this week on fairness, equality and bias. The family, or even the tribe (fam, friends, town, country etc..), have an unbalance of those things that I have been studying. It's very 'us and them'. I suppose in my idealism, my hope would be that we eventually all see ourselves as 'brothers ( sisters) from another mother' for lack of a better term. It's why I brought up adoption, gay people can still feel that pressure/expectation from their parents to have grandchildren....and a point of why does bloodline really matter? other than legacy...the belief that for some reason ones blood matters more than anothers.


On a personal level I am very optimistic, confident person. However for humankind I have little hope. I share this opinion with a person I admire, Brian Cox. I dont know how the rational people will be fine when, as we see around the globe, our leaders are anything but...



Professor Brian Cox has said it could be 'a law of nature' that when intelligent species get power they eventually use it to wipe themselves out – suggesting humans' extinction could be caused by climate change or war.




haha, and here I am derailing the thread going on about a really different type of familly.... a global one, adopting each other in to one big collective... that might give some cons real fits!


Viewing each other as brothers/sisters/equals is a great way to approach things.


Bloodline will matter to some more than others. It is a great feeling seeing the similarities in kids that are in the parents, and there is an instinct aspect to it, but I don't think it's the end all be all. Whether it's a gay couple, a couple unable to have kids, or any other reason, I'm sure many would be happier with adopted grandkids instead of no grandkids. Again affordability is a big obstacle here. Maybe there's a way to improve the systems in place for this, but I don't have any solutions.


I coached ball hockey for a number of years, and can easily say I care about those kids even if they're of no relation to me. Maybe more people doing volunteer activities would bring out a greater sense of care for others.


Maybe you and Cox end up being right about that, but I'm still not worried. The people in power will always want people to have power over, so they can't let things get to that point. I am worried about some aspects of our future, but not for humanity as a whole.

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4 hours ago, Sapper said:

When I served in the 80's Mulroney was PM and I remember our incredible embarrassment of having to yell "bang bang" on training exercises because the cons hadn't funded enough to buy blanks for training ..... We were the laughing stock to the Americans training with Us


But hey the cons gave us back element color dress uniforms so it was all they needed to do. Harper gave back a few royal titles to units and pips for officer ranks.... So that's all they needed to do to show support I guess 

Millhouse might even go so far as taking credit for making new cap.badgrs with the kings crown and call.that his righteous support 


And the gutting of vets benefits under Harper was shameful as is Trudeau's not fixing it

Agreed on all but the "not fixing it". At the end of Harper's run I had to accept a small lump sum payout rather than a medical pension for life, it was the first one for me and by the time the rest were granted Trudeau's team had restored the lifelong option. 


I feel very supported right now in my medical retirement. Also, VAC under the Liberals filled a lot of the vacancies from Harper's 1/3 of VAC staff layoffs.

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Shocking....an MMA event has majority of R wing attendees. I don't like Trudeau and I may even vote Conservative depending on their platform. But there is a part of me that will laugh if Justin/Libs wins again. I think it is more likely than people think.

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Remember when we all used to be "Libtards" and "Soyboys"? Then some right wing dipshit stumbled across the term "Marxism" and thought, "Ooooo.....a new name I can call the Libtards!"


It doesn't matter that none of them understand what it means....it sounds better than "Commie", so it's the new defacto insult for the alt-right....

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5 hours ago, Warhippy said:







Why are people so daft


The ironic part is how often the same people who claims they themselves should have free speech also want to claim others should not. It's really a tale of them not knowing what free speech is to begin with even when they think they know.

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54 minutes ago, I.Am.Ironman said:

Shocking....an MMA event has majority of R wing attendees. I don't like Trudeau and I may even vote Conservative depending on their platform. But there is a part of me that will laugh if Justin/Libs wins again. I think it is more likely than people think.


It's a sport where the athletes and employees are allowed to say whatever they want, with hard working blue collar fans that support it. 


Hockey in Canada and the CBC would rather fire and delete an icon like Cherry and prance around a soyboy like MaClean.

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22 minutes ago, Wiggums said:


It's a sport where the athletes and employees are allowed to say whatever they want, with hard working blue collar fans that support it. 


Hockey in Canada and the CBC would rather fire and delete an icon like Cherry and prance around a soyboy like MaClean.

Cherry was/is a bigoted old fossil. 

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