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11 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:


Talk about fighting extremism, then go on about TYRANNY of Justin Trudeau.  God damn these people are morons.


10 minutes ago, Gurn said:

"I'll take four losers, and the stupid things they have done, for $400 please, Alex"



Just curious, what has Trudeau done for Canada that you guys like?

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4 minutes ago, Wiggums said:



Just curious, what has Trudeau done for Canada that you guys like?


It’s really got nothing to do with liking Trudeau or not, more about recognizing how moronic and twisted the counter argument is. Read the link form @6of1_halfdozenofother’s post or at least this snippet from it -



RIGHT BEFORE he was fired from Fox News last spring, the prime-time host Tucker Carlson was set to release a documentary called O, Canada! The trailer seemed to unironically suggest that the country needs to be liberated (read: invaded by the United States) to save it from the authoritarian rule of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. This move would, Tucker implied, accord with the US “official policy” of opposing oppressive dictatorships. The marketing for the documentary included Soviet-style graphics of Trudeau. “What if tyranny arrived right next door?” Tucker asked in the trailer. “And what would our government do in response?”

It wouldn’t have taken Tucker, or his team, much digging to uncover the fact that Trudeau is the leader of a politically centrist minority government within a parliamentary system. For all his many faults and political missteps, Trudeau isn’t a communist dictator worthy of a ground offensive by the US military. (And, by the way, Canada fares better than the US on human and economic freedom scales in rankings by think tanks like the Freedom House and the conservative-leaning Cato and Fraser institutes. The US doesn’t even crack the top twenty! Hmmm, should Canada do the liberating?)


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2 minutes ago, 4petesake said:


It’s really got nothing to do with liking Trudeau or not, more about recognizing how moronic and twisted the counter argument is. Read the link form @6of1_halfdozenofother’s post or at least this snippet from it -



RIGHT BEFORE he was fired from Fox News last spring, the prime-time host Tucker Carlson was set to release a documentary called O, Canada! The trailer seemed to unironically suggest that the country needs to be liberated (read: invaded by the United States) to save it from the authoritarian rule of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. This move would, Tucker implied, accord with the US “official policy” of opposing oppressive dictatorships. The marketing for the documentary included Soviet-style graphics of Trudeau. “What if tyranny arrived right next door?” Tucker asked in the trailer. “And what would our government do in response?”

It wouldn’t have taken Tucker, or his team, much digging to uncover the fact that Trudeau is the leader of a politically centrist minority government within a parliamentary system. For all his many faults and political missteps, Trudeau isn’t a communist dictator worthy of a ground offensive by the US military. (And, by the way, Canada fares better than the US on human and economic freedom scales in rankings by think tanks like the Freedom House and the conservative-leaning Cato and Fraser institutes. The US doesn’t even crack the top twenty! Hmmm, should Canada do the liberating?)



You're a better man than I am, engaging these types of posters.  Instead of absorbing and reflecting upon things, I'm pretty sure this is all they do when presented with a counterpoint:


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6 minutes ago, 4petesake said:


It’s really got nothing to do with liking Trudeau or not, more about recognizing how moronic and twisted the counter argument is. Read the link form @6of1_halfdozenofother’s post or at least this snippet from it -



RIGHT BEFORE he was fired from Fox News last spring, the prime-time host Tucker Carlson was set to release a documentary called O, Canada! The trailer seemed to unironically suggest that the country needs to be liberated (read: invaded by the United States) to save it from the authoritarian rule of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. This move would, Tucker implied, accord with the US “official policy” of opposing oppressive dictatorships. The marketing for the documentary included Soviet-style graphics of Trudeau. “What if tyranny arrived right next door?” Tucker asked in the trailer. “And what would our government do in response?”

It wouldn’t have taken Tucker, or his team, much digging to uncover the fact that Trudeau is the leader of a politically centrist minority government within a parliamentary system. For all his many faults and political missteps, Trudeau isn’t a communist dictator worthy of a ground offensive by the US military. (And, by the way, Canada fares better than the US on human and economic freedom scales in rankings by think tanks like the Freedom House and the conservative-leaning Cato and Fraser institutes. The US doesn’t even crack the top twenty! Hmmm, should Canada do the liberating?)



Weird time to bring this up seeing as how Trudeau violated Canada's charter of rights and freedoms



Edited by Wiggums
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1 minute ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:


You're a better man than I am, engaging these types of posters.  Instead of absorbing and reflecting upon things, I'm pretty sure this is all they do when presented with a counterpoint:



What types of posters?  I asked a simple and fair question.



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20 minutes ago, Wiggums said:



Just curious, what has Trudeau done for Canada that you guys like?

Here is one.  I'm not a veteran, but his government re-opened Veterans offices that the CONs under Harper closed.  Including the one in my home city.  Shortly after closing, we had the Matters incident.  


Oh, and legalization of weed.  I don't partake, but that on is pretty good.


Thing is, I don't worship the ground he walks on.  There is plenty to be critical.  One for example, was ditching the first Truth and Reconciliation day for a surf holiday instead of heading to Kamloops.  That year was when there was all the chatter about the graves that they scanned at the former residential school there.  He was in BC, it would have been an easy win for him to go there.


Again, don't worship him, but given the alternative in PP I'll vote and defend him.  PP and the party he leads IS THE PROBLEM.

Edited by the destroyer of worlds
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1 minute ago, Wiggums said:


Weird time to bring this up seeing as how Trudeau violated Canada's charter of rights and freedom.



Let's wait until the Supreme Court rules on this.  It's far beyond the pay grade of any lower court.

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16 minutes ago, Wiggums said:



Just curious, what has Trudeau done for Canada that you guys like?

A partial list:

Legalizing weed

Large capital expenditures on the Canadian military

training and military equipment to Ukraine

a fledgling dental care program- thanks to a push from the NDP

good leadership during covid-  did much better than many , many countries on the planet, in this regard

renegotiating the NAFTA deal, during the time that doofus Drumpf was running the US

keeping Canada solidly in the top 3 of the G9 in terms of low inflation rates, and livability indexes

clearing the borders and the city of Ottawa, from the illegal protests


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3 minutes ago, Wiggums said:


Weird time to bring this up seeing as how Trudeau violated Canada's charter of rights and freedoms



Mandating vaccines for the safety of all Canadians is violation of our Charter? Trucker idiots shutting down the economy is another of those violations? This is going to be appealed and turned over.

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6 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

Here is one.  I'm not a veteran, but his government re-opened Veterans offices that the CONs under Harper closed.  Including the one in my home city.  Shortly afte closing, we had the Matters incident.  


Oh, and legalization of weed.  I don't partake, but that on is pretty good.


Thing is, I don't worship the ground he walks on.  There is plenty to be critical.  One for example, was ditching the first Truth and Reconciliation day for a surf holiday instead of heading to Kamloops.  That year was went there was all the chatter about the graves that they scanned at the former residential school there.  He was in BC, it would have been an easy win for him to go there.


Again, don't worship him, but given the alternative in PP I'll vote and defend him.  PP and the party he leads IS THE PROBLEM.


So you're not a veteran but you like that they opened veteran offices.


You don't use cannabis but you like the legalization.  


What about things that affect you like price of groceries, housing, healthcare availability,  social issues like trans women crushing sports records, the homeless/drug epidemic, government overreach when it pertains to the charter.


I voted for Trudeau in 2016 by the way.  Yuck lol.  



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Just now, Wiggums said:


So you're not a veteran but you like that they opened veteran offices.


You don't use cannabis but you like the legalization.  


What about things that affect you like price of groceries, housing, healthcare availability,  social issues like trans women crushing sports records, government overreach when it pertains to the charter.


I voted for Trudeau in 2016 by the way.  Yuck lol.  



During Covid it was a supply issue, now it's grocery magnets capitalizing on higher profit margins, they're trying at least to address housing, but it's also market driven as far as pricing goes, and healtcare, every jurisdiction in the World has a shortage of doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers. They're burnt out by the abuse of the likes of Trucker Convoy idiots, and anti vaxxers.

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4 minutes ago, Wiggums said:


So you're not a veteran but you like that they opened veteran offices.


You don't use cannabis but you like the legalization.  


What about things that affect you like price of groceries, housing, healthcare availability,  social issues like trans women crushing sports records, the homeless/drug epidemic, government overreach when it pertains to the charter.


I voted for Trudeau in 2016 by the way.  Yuck lol.  



Hold it. Trudeau is just one guy, one vote. He isn't responsible for any of that bad stuff. 

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6 minutes ago, Wiggums said:


So you're not a veteran but you like that they opened veteran offices.


You don't use cannabis but you like the legalization.  


What about things that affect you like price of groceries, housing, healthcare availability,  social issues like trans women crushing sports records, the homeless/drug epidemic, government overreach when it pertains to the charter.


I voted for Trudeau in 2016 by the way.  Yuck lol.  



Treating veterans better means we have better retention in the military, which affects all of us.


Not wasting tax dollars on criminalizing cannabis affects all of us.


Affordability is a problem caused by corporate greed, not the Feds.  I support the way Trudeau handles most social issues, especially with the removal of domestic terrorists from Ottawa. 

Edited by King Heffy
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2 minutes ago, Johngould21 said:

During Covid it was a supply issue, now it's grocery magnets capitalizing on higher profit margins, they're trying at least to address housing, but it's also market driven as far as pricing goes, and healtcare, every jurisdiction in the World has a shortage of doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers. They're burnt out by the abuse of the likes of Trucker Convoy idiots, and anti vaxxers.


Yes everyone get the Vax so we don't override our healthcare system...also we're going to let go thousands of healthcare workers....cause logic 

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10 minutes ago, Wiggums said:


Weird time to bring this up seeing as how Trudeau violated Canada's charter of rights and freedom.




Why not respond to the what was said in the article  about TC instead of proving @6of1_halfdozenofother’s point. What about the merry band of guests in Alberta? Do you really believe they’re all about freedom, justice and liberty and hold some sort of moral authority on the issues?


I’ve already posted that the use of the Emergency Measures act will be decided in the Supreme Court, exactly as it should be. 


3 minutes ago, Wiggums said:


So you're not a veteran but you like that they opened veteran offices.


You don't use cannabis but you like the legalization.  


What about things that affect you like price of groceries, housing, healthcare availability,  social issues like trans women crushing sports records, the homeless/drug epidemic, government overreach when it pertains to the charter.


I voted for Trudeau in 2016 by the way.  Yuck lol.  




I’m not a veteran and haven’t smoked weed in forty years but I still see  them as achievements since everything is not about me. I see the same problems that you do (except for the trans women crushing sports records bullshit) but I try not to simply it by laying all the blame on Trudeau or the Feds.



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3 minutes ago, Wiggums said:


So you're not a veteran but you like that they opened veteran offices.


You don't use cannabis but you like the legalization.  


What about things that affect you like 1) price of groceries, 2) housing, 3) healthcare availability,  4) social issues like trans women crushing sports records, 5) the homeless/drug epidemic, 6) government overreach when it pertains to the charter.


I voted for Trudeau in 2016 by the way.  Yuck lol.  



1)  Not going to be solved by PP.  Determined by corporations.  Love to hear how government could have prevented greedy corporations price gouging and what steps PP will do to stop it.

2)  Decades old problem largely the result of NIMBY, municipal and provincial governments.  Yes, there is a federal component, but it is hardly the fault of the current government.  This dead horse has been beaten to death here.  Just go back a few weeks and you will see.

3)  Healthcare.  The bloody pulp of another dead horse.  Every year this gets "debated".  Would LOVE to hear your magic bullet.

4)  The fact you bring this up makes me question where on the political spectrum you reside.  This isn't the issue that grifters make it out to be.  Seems like you've been suckered by the grifters.

5)  Hate to break this to ya, but drug problems and homelessness have existed as long as I've been alive.  PP ain't going to solve it.  GUARANTEED.  Especially if spending cuts are coming.  You want to fix the drug problem, doubling down on the drug war isn't going to solve it.  

6)  Nope.  Lower court rulings of this nature are not the be all and end all of the story.  They are but a stepping stone to the Supreme Court.  Talk to us when that ruling happens. 

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24 minutes ago, Wiggums said:



What about things that affect you like price of groceries, housing, healthcare availability,  social issues like trans women crushing sports records, the homeless/drug epidemic, government overreach when it pertains to the charter.






For healthcare availability, I think you need to scrutinize the Conservative provincial governments, particularly Ontario, Ford deliberately underspent billions on healthcare in order to starve the public sector and encourage the privatization of health services.


If Trudeau is sending money to the province and the province is refusing to spend the money to help Canadians, what is he to do? At the very least, he doesn't get all the blame here.


The conservatives in Ontario plan to underspend $21 billion by 27/28 as well. 


So really how strong are your principles in this if we remove the Trudeau factor?



Edited by DSVII
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6 minutes ago, Wiggums said:


Yes everyone get the Vax so we don't override our healthcare system...also we're going to let go thousands of healthcare workers....cause logic 


You want to know which  province is laying off thousands of healthcare workers? Here’s a hint - a trio of freedom fighters is appearing there right not as the premier dismantles the healthcare system.

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2 minutes ago, 4petesake said:


I’m not a veteran and haven’t smoked weed in forty years but I still see  them as achievements since everything is not about me. I see the same problems that you do (except for the trans women crushing sports records bullshit) but I try not to simply it by laying all the blame on Trudeau or the Feds.



Thank you.  I don't and won't have kids, but I still can see value in a robust public education system.  I also find it strange that Wiggums brought up trans sports records, since I'm willing to bet he wasn't personally impacted by that despite his implication that was a valid argument.

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