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19 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:

You also had the curtailments and closures.  Then you had the reduction in the allowable cut further putting the squeeze.  Lumber retailers may be charging a premium, but the actual price of lumber for producers isn't that great.  Number of mills in PG are on reduced shifts and one is on a 6 month shutdown that may very well be permanent. 

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17 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

That was a hypothetical. 


Overall, two-in-five (43%) say they find covering their mortgage or rent payment difficult each month, consistent with figures seen last quarter. More than half (54%) say they find these monthly costs manageable or easy 


However, there is a gap on this assessment between renters and homeowners. Renters are more likely to report difficulties covering their rent – half (53%) describe it as tough or very difficult to pay – than homeowners their mortgage – 46 per cent say it is tough or very difficult


https://angusreid.org/mortgage-rates-variable-fixed-canada-increases-economic-optimism-pessimism/#:~:text=Part Three%3A Housing affordability challenges,-Housing – whether it&text=Overall%2C two-in-five,easy (see detailed tables).


So basically half the country is feeling it. I would classify that as people hurting


I haven't addressed him because I never brought him up. 


Of course people are finding it "more difficult" to pay when prices are higher. But I disagree that it means "people are hurting", which was the statement that started this back and forth. "People are feeling it", is a statement I agree with.


And if PP is not relevant to the conversation, then WTF are we talking about here? You must believe that Pollievre will fix those problems that Trudeau can't, otherwise you're just the proverbial angry man shouting at clouds....

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1 minute ago, RupertKBD said:


Of course people are finding it "more difficult" to pay when prices are higher. But I disagree that it means "people are hurting", which was the statement that started this back and forth. "People are feeling it", is a statement I agree with.


And if PP is not relevant to the conversation, then WTF are we talking about here? You must believe that Pollievre will fix those problems that Trudeau can't, otherwise you're just the proverbial angry man shouting at clouds....

You clearly speak from a place of privilege, so I understand that these things don't affect you in the same way, but when basically 50 % of the population are saying they can barely afford rent there is a problem.


Because I'm talking about what's going on right now. Not what Pierre can or cannot do. 

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2 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

You clearly speak from a place of privilege, so I understand that these things don't affect you in the same way, but when basically 50 % of the population are saying they can barely afford rent there is a problem.


Because I'm talking about what's going on right now. Not what Pierre can or cannot do. 


Is that what they're saying? You quoted them as saying they found it "tough"? Why the need for hyperbole? This is what started the conversation in the first place....you made it sound like the country is some kind of hell hole and that Justin Trudeau is responsible.


Regarding Pierre: The I guess we can say with confidence that you'll be posting similar complaints after he's been in office and people are still finding it difficult to pay their bills, right?

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2 hours ago, RupertKBD said:


You just don't get it, OP...."People are hurting".....


It now costs them an extra $20 to fill up their F-350....

True story, a really close friend of mine in high school picked me up a few years ago, 30 years after graduation, with his brand new Ram Power Wagon. Declaring it his 'dream Truck' he was thrilled with himself for fulfilling a childhood promise to himself to buy a big powerful truck when he was an adult. His second declaration via group text chat to all our 'gang' was that absolutely NO ONE was going to get to use him and his truck to move, pick up stuff from stores or do any heavy hauling. It was his truck and he intended to not share it ever. To this day, he has not towed or filled the box with anything that would require a Ram Power Wagon, lol...but he drives it to and fro mostly from gas station to gas station, full of pride that he managed to buy the toy his inner child demanded. Kind of funny if you ask me though. 

He is not a Canucks fan, so I feel safe in sharing that little anecdote here. hahaha

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1 minute ago, RupertKBD said:

Regarding Pierre: The I guess we can say with confidence that you'll be posting similar complaints after he's been in office and people are still finding it difficult to pay their bills, right?


Nah, peepee will get a passpass because Mike Gillis JT left the cupboards bare and peepee is still dealing with the fallout.  :classic_rolleyes:

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1 hour ago, 5forFighting said:

The opposite of that is they continued to call my son a girl, although they were born a girl, their birth certificate says female and their given name is Sarah, but now wants it to be Steve. 

I hope that you and Steve enjoy long peaceful and prosperous lives and can enjoy them together as Dad and kid for all your days. 

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3 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


Is that what they're saying? You quoted them as saying they found it "tough"? Why the need for hyperbole? This is what started the conversation in the first place....you made it sound like the country is some kind of hell hole and that Justin Trudeau is responsible.


Regarding Pierre: The I guess we can say with confidence that you'll be posting similar complaints after he's been in office and people are still finding it difficult to pay their bills, right?

That's on you for assuming that. I never said this country is a hell hole or anything like that. I said people are hurting. I have given you charts that clearly show that. You don't have to agree, I don't really care.


If he gets in power and things continue to get worse or stay stagnant, yes. Yes I will be complaining then too. This isn't a right vs left thing. This is a I want to be able to afford to live comfortably thing

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1 hour ago, 5forFighting said:

The opposite of that is they continued to call my son a girl, although they were born a girl, their birth certificate says female and their given name is Sarah, but now wants it to be Steve. 


so just curious, would you support your kid if they came out as trans?

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2 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

True story, a really close friend of mine in high school picked me up a few years ago, 30 years after graduation, with his brand new Ram Power Wagon. Declaring it his 'dream Truck' he was thrilled with himself for fulfilling a childhood promise to himself to buy a big powerful truck when he was an adult. His second declaration via group text chat to all our 'gang' was that absolutely NO ONE was going to get to use him and his truck to move, pick up stuff from stores or do any heavy hauling. It was his truck and he intended to not share it ever. To this day, he has not towed or filled the box with anything that would require a Ram Power Wagon, lol...but he drives it to and fro mostly from gas station to gas station, full of pride that he managed to buy the toy his inner child demanded. Kind of funny if you ask me though. 

He is not a Canucks fan, so I feel safe in sharing that little anecdote here. hahaha


It's funny, because I always wanted one too. (Although I would have leaned towards the Silverado, or F-Series) My youngest used to remind me about it all the time...."That's the kind of truck daddy wants", etc....


Now over 20 years later, seeing the prices at more than 100 grand, I've given up on that dream, even though I wish I had something I could pick up a sheet of plywood in....Now I've set my sights on an old beater. As long as it runs and has a full sized box....

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1 hour ago, Wiggums said:

What fantasy world you do live in that you think people are doing just fine in this economy?  Wow.  

Looking across my entire extended family, we are all doing just fine. We are fortunate I know, but anecdotally, I only know one person struggling right now and she is a former house cleaner with arthritis trying to transition into a health care aid worker after leaving her hubby when the kids were mostly adults. My folks have passed away, didn't leave us anything to talk about by way of inheritance: i think my share of dads estate was 800 bucks? My share of moms might be 8k in total when its finished being divied up. But the six kids from those parents and their hubbies/wives/girlfriends and their 14 offspring, and those offsprings significant others and that generations 28 kidlets, for a total nearing 70 people: all doing good. My friends who aren't family circle: again just the one alcoholic lady in school is struggling right now. Another technically lives in a trailer outside her dads house at the moment but she left an abusive hubby in Alberta and moved home recently..and will inherit the acerage in a small handful of years anyways. So yeah: all good in my hood, but again we are fortunate. 


Speaking of Fantasy though: we have some openings in the fantasy hockey forums for any aspiring "GM" that wants to build a winner over multiple years and try to win the cup!!

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3 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

That's on you for assuming that. I never said this country is a hell hole or anything like that. I said people are hurting. I have given you charts that clearly show that. You don't have to agree, I don't really care.


If he gets in power and things continue to get worse or stay stagnant, yes. Yes I will be complaining then too. This isn't a right vs left thing. This is a I want to be able to afford to live comfortably thing


This is absolutely a left vs right thing in Canadian politics.  You are saying people are hurting and obviously they're blaming Justin Trudeau for it.  They are eating right into Poilievre's hands and his absurd attack campaign.


Unless otherwise stated, any broad criticism of Trudeau's Liberals must be seen as a tacit approval/endorsement of Poilievre's Conservatives.  Because of Justin isn't going to be PM next election, it's gonna be Pierre.

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1 hour ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

Have you seen the food bank numbers in the recent months? That is exactly what is happening.

This is gonna sound really callous, but from time to time I volunteer at various places, including some food banks. From my last time at one, not too many weeks back: the clients were lined up outside yes. Lots of them were hung over, or reeked of various substances they smoked since their last shower and most were smoking in the linup. Cigarettes are what now? almost 20 bucks a pack? booze and drugs is how much now? from what I saw at least, my takeaway with the raised numbers is that simply more people have less shame now and will take food hand outs so they can serve their habbits with their in pocket cash. I know it isn't everyone..but far more now like that than in the 90s even. 


TO Miss Korea's point above: I will vote Liberal because the only other choice for PM is Conservative and if you think they care about anyone who isn't a shareholder in McFortMac Industries you have a lot to learn. Remember when the economy was crashing around Harpers shoulders and he made a press conference to declare "this is when smart people buy shares". Zero care in the world for those with no money paycheck to paycheck and less of a care for folks with no paychecks. 

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On 1/30/2024 at 4:28 PM, Bob Long said:


haven't tried that one - will keep an eye out 



On 1/30/2024 at 4:33 PM, aGENT said:


Goes on sale....usually 2-3 times a year, $6 off a bottle. I recommend buying a few when it does 😉 


Only $4 off, but it's on sale for February 🍷 @Optimist Prime, you too 😉



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24 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


It's funny, because I always wanted one too. (Although I would have leaned towards the Silverado, or F-Series) My youngest used to remind me about it all the time...."That's the kind of truck daddy wants", etc....


Now over 20 years later, seeing the prices at more than 100 grand, I've given up on that dream, even though I wish I had something I could pick up a sheet of plywood in....Now I've set my sights on an old beater. As long as it runs and has a full sized box....

True Story: i rent a truck any time I need one from the truck pool, i call them National Car Rental..but in essence they are a vehicle pool for when you need one: i keep great tabs on my money and i spent no more than 300 dollars in 2023 for all my TRUCKING needs. Just sayin, that is about 400 years of renting when i need one to ONE truck purchase. 

did i mention i am a quarter scottish on my mothers side? rofl. 

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9 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

i think my share of dads estate was 800 bucks? My share of moms might be 8k in total when its finished being divied up.




We lived in a rolled up newspaper in a septic tank.....

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2 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

True Story: i rent a truck any time I need one from the truck pool, i call them National Car Rental..but in essence they are a vehicle pool for when you need one: i keep great tabs on my money and i spent no more than 300 dollars in 2023 for all my TRUCKING needs. Just sayin, that is about 400 years of renting when i need one to ONE truck purchase. 


My nephew is in a group similar to that in Kelowna. When we all went down there for my mother's funeral, he used the service all weekend to pick people up and drop them off. (His GF did the same in their Tesla)


Unfortunately, my little hick town doesn't have anything like that. When I really need a truck for something, I ask my daughter's fiancee to borrow his RAM.

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9 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


My nephew is in a group similar to that in Kelowna. When we all went down there for my mother's funeral, he used the service all weekend to pick people up and drop them off. (His GF did the same in their Tesla)


Unfortunately, my little hick town doesn't have anything like that. When I really need a truck for something, I ask my daughter's fiancee to borrow his RAM.

your town doesn't have a Hertz or a Budget? dang..that is small!

I shoulda been more clear: i rent a truck when i need one, didn't cost me any more than about 300 bucks last year plus gas.

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12 minutes ago, Miss Korea said:


This is absolutely a left vs right thing in Canadian politics.  You are saying people are hurting and obviously they're blaming Justin Trudeau for it.  They are eating right into Poilievre's hands and his absurd attack campaign.


Unless otherwise stated, any broad criticism of Trudeau's Liberals must be seen as a tacit approval/endorsement of Poilievre's Conservatives.  Because of Justin isn't going to be PM next election, it's gonna be Pierre.

I would liken it to when coaches get fired in the NHL. Is it always solely their fault or even their fault at all sometimes? No, but change's need to be made and the coach is always the quickest and easiest thing to replace and then work from there.


Eh, we are still a ways away from knowing anything for sure yet. I do like his chances though 

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12 minutes ago, aGENT said:



Only $4 off, but it's on sale for February 🍷 @Optimist Prime, you too 😉



I am pretty sure I had some of those bottles near the end of last summer. I will watch out for it, thanks!

Off topic: I never care about the AllStar game stuff, but this year WITH SIX CANUCKS...I poured a Southern Comfort and Cola about 20 mins ago and I am relaxing in the war room now with this forum on one 27 inch monitor and the all star skills comp stuff on the second computer screen. Hhehehehe...i should have bought some wine. 

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1 hour ago, 5forFighting said:

Lumber was stockpiled to drive prices. Never a supply chain issue or a shortage. 

Do you just make shit up?  Or are you just trolling?  I know many people who worked in Chemainus  sawmill including my brother in law who was in management.  Please go on with your bullshit.

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5 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

your town doesn't have a Hertz or a Budget? dang..that is small!


No, we've got a National, but the group my nephew is in is more like a community. You pay a monthly fee and get to use vehicles when needed for a certain amount of time.

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1 minute ago, RupertKBD said:


No, we've got a National, but the group my nephew is in is more like a community. You pay a monthly fee and get to use vehicles when needed for a certain amount of time.

yeah! just rent your dream truck anytime you need it. I think around 55 bucks for half a day. give or take, my total on truck rentals in 2023 was around 300 bucks. Got all my things done that i needed without dropping 120k at the car lot.

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7 minutes ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

Do you just make shit up?  Or are you just trolling?  I know many people who worked in Chemainus  sawmill including my brother in law who was in management.  Please go on with your bullshit.


Some posters here choose to disregard evidence and/or pretend their understanding of the world is the only truth out there.


I choose not to engage those posters because there's really no point in trying to discuss something with someone who clearly has no interest in having a discussion, is non-receptive to facts, and has decided that their way is the only way. :classic_rolleyes:

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