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Just now, Bob Long said:


The interesting part is how firmly set the belief is , when none of it is based in real experience.


That's the textbook definition of a bigot.  You could probably use those words verbatim and explain the word to a child.

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No wonder PP is destroying Trudeau in the polls.  There are people who still think we are doing just fine and nothing needs to be fixed.  If that were the case, Trudeau would win the next election in a landslide.  There is a reason Trudeau has lost his appeal among the majority of voters including the generation Z, which should technically be voting Liberal or NDP.


But again, if everyone is happy with the current economic conditions and Trudeau isn't really at fault with anything then I am sure people will still be voting for him.  You don't have to convince people on an anonymous message board to vote for Trudeau.  Just go out into the general population and talk to regular people.  


This is the best website to follow the polls.  338 Canada.  As of January 28, the Cons are predicted to win 199 seats, the Liberals 73.  I will be following this regularly for updates...


338Canada Canada | Poll Analysis & Electoral Projections


Here is a great article on Generation Z.  There are 4.5 million Canadians who are in this demographic, which works out to 14% of the voters for the next election.  Here is what they are saying...


In Generation Z, a new kind of voter emerges, focused more on issues, less on parties - National | Globalnews.ca


The arrival of Generation Z — this cohort will be about 14 per cent of all eligible voters in 2025 — is almost certain to have a significant and growing impact on the political culture of Western democracies, including Canada, as this youngest group of voters focuses their political activity on solving the problems their generation has identified as top priorities — climate change and housing are currently the top two in Canada — and are prepared to move their support across the political spectrum to match those priorities.


“It’s interesting because I think my generation has a little bit more of a cynical approach to thinking about how politicians are going to be helping us out right now,” said Russell Van Raalte, a 21-year-old third-year economics student at Queen’s University in Kingston, ON.  “I think we look at the housing crisis and the environment and we say to ourselves, really, can the government do very much? I’m not exactly sure.”


And while younger voters tend to see more progressive parties as more aligned on the issues GenZ adults rank as most important, that Ipsos poll from November found that nearly one in three respondents under 30 said they would vote Conservative — almost certainly the result of the Conservatives seemingly singled-minded focus on housing, an issue with GenZ adults ranks as a higher priority than other generational cohorts.


So basically, the #1 issue with Generation Z is housing.  Makes sense as this generation is the one most affected by the housing crisis.  They will vote with whoever gives them the best chance to be able to afford to buy a home.  I don't think it matters to them who is at fault for the housing crisis.  They will vote based on who they feel can fix this mess.  Seems like PP is the one who is making the most noise about it.  Maybe Trudeau should do the same if he wants to get re-elected.  And if the housing crisis isn't his fault, then he should be doing everything possible to let Generation Z know this.  PP attack ads are no excuse.  All politicians use attack ads.  Trudeau needs to attack right back if he wants a chance at winning the next election...

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13 minutes ago, 4petesake said:


Of course lumber was moving south because of soaring prices, product in high demand moves to the highest bidder; which leads to more shortages here and higher prices. 

In any case while I appreciate your input I will defer to the Canadian Forest Services Publication.



This note explains current high lumber prices in Canada and the United States.

Plain Language Summary

Lumber prices in Canada and the United States have recently reached record highs. Prices are so high because builders and homeowners are buying up very large amounts of lumber, and producers have not been able to increase production quickly enough to meet the demand. Consumers are buying lumber for new home construction and residential repair and remodelling projects. These activities started ramping up after the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic and remain very strong today. Despite high prices, it is not easy for lumber companies to increase production rapidly. They must consider a variety of market factors (for example, availability of timber and labour), as well as plan and carry out expansion projects. Lumber production in Canada and the U.S. has not increased significantly from pre-pandemic levels, and is not expected to before early 2022. High lumber prices are benefitting Canada’s lumber producers, alongside their workers and communities with sawmills. At the same time, they are difficult for consumers to manage. In Canada, market forces determine the price of lumber. So, supply must increase or demand must fall before prices will decrease substantially.

Also available under the title:
Pourquoi les prix du bois sont-ils si élevés?(French)

Again, Canadian agencies telling us things Canadians want to hear while sending lumber south at record numbers but also not flooding the market their to keep demand and prices up. 


It happens with drugs and other things here as well. The highest bidder.

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14 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


It's interesting tho.

It is, isn't it. Have you ever thought/worried about what you would say to your kids if they said they were a pirate? What if they wanted to chop off their leg and have a peg leg or maybe their hand to have a hook? 

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2 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

No wonder PP is destroying Trudeau in the polls.  There are people who still think we are doing just fine and nothing needs to be fixed.  If that were the case, Trudeau would win the next election in a landslide.  There is a reason Trudeau has lost his appeal among the majority of voters including the generation Z, which should technically be voting Liberal or NDP.


But again, if everyone is happy with the current economic conditions and Trudeau isn't really at fault with anything then I am sure people will still be voting for him.  You don't have to convince people on an anonymous message board to vote for Trudeau.  Just go out into the general population and talk to regular people.  


This is the best website to follow the polls.  338 Canada.  As of January 28, the Cons are predicted to win 199 seats, the Liberals 73.  I will be following this regularly for updates...


338Canada Canada | Poll Analysis & Electoral Projections


Here is a great article on Generation Z.  There are 4.5 million Canadians who are in this demographic, which works out to 14% of the voters for the next election.  Here is what they are saying...


In Generation Z, a new kind of voter emerges, focused more on issues, less on parties - National | Globalnews.ca


The arrival of Generation Z — this cohort will be about 14 per cent of all eligible voters in 2025 — is almost certain to have a significant and growing impact on the political culture of Western democracies, including Canada, as this youngest group of voters focuses their political activity on solving the problems their generation has identified as top priorities — climate change and housing are currently the top two in Canada — and are prepared to move their support across the political spectrum to match those priorities.


“It’s interesting because I think my generation has a little bit more of a cynical approach to thinking about how politicians are going to be helping us out right now,” said Russell Van Raalte, a 21-year-old third-year economics student at Queen’s University in Kingston, ON.  “I think we look at the housing crisis and the environment and we say to ourselves, really, can the government do very much? I’m not exactly sure.”


And while younger voters tend to see more progressive parties as more aligned on the issues GenZ adults rank as most important, that Ipsos poll from November found that nearly one in three respondents under 30 said they would vote Conservative — almost certainly the result of the Conservatives seemingly singled-minded focus on housing, an issue with GenZ adults ranks as a higher priority than other generational cohorts.


So basically, the #1 issue with Generation Z is housing.  Makes sense as this generation is the one most affected by the housing crisis.  They will vote with whoever gives them the best chance to be able to afford to buy a home.  I don't think it matters to them who is at fault for the housing crisis.  They will vote based on who they feel can fix this mess.  Seems like PP is the one who is making the most noise about it.  Maybe Trudeau should do the same if he wants to get re-elected.  And if the housing crisis isn't his fault, then he should be doing everything possible to let Generation Z know this.  PP attack ads are no excuse.  All politicians use attack ads.  Trudeau needs to attack right back if he wants a chance at winning the next election...

He could, should and has. The problem is, every time he does it ends up backfiring. When you are in power for 9 years and housing has gotten worse every year and then you have inflation coupled with interest rates and it gets tied to immigration, he can't win. The people he has elected to the positions after the shake up are worse than he had there before. It is sad to watch. Pierre just has to eat apples and answer a few questions a week, make some videos and tweet here and there. He keeps using Liberals words against them and it is working to near perfection. 

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4 minutes ago, 5forFighting said:

It is, isn't it. Have you ever thought/worried about what you would say to your kids if they said they were a pirate? What if they wanted to chop off their leg and have a peg leg or maybe their hand to have a hook? 


Why all the hate?

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3 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


It's really odd. They are no threat to anyone, but they act like people are kicking down their doors to turn them gay. 

It goes back to the ridiculous “they’ll go into washrooms and whip it out in front of little kids” argument. Let’s get real here - which group makes up the overwhelming majority of offenders? Other than Republicans…


You wonder if they’ll ever realize that gender dysphoria is about identity not sex. SOGI isn’t about turning your kids gay, it’s about protecting them if they are gay, or have issues with sexual identity.

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3 minutes ago, 4petesake said:

It goes back to the ridiculous “they’ll go into washrooms and whip it out in front of little kids” argument. Let’s get real here - which group makes up the overwhelming majority of offenders? Other than Republicans…


You wonder if they’ll ever realize that gender dysphoria is about identity not sex. SOGI isn’t about turning your kids gay, it’s about protecting them if they are gay, or have issues with sexual identity.


The fear and hate out of the right is fascinating. Why are they so fragile?

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1 minute ago, 5forFighting said:

He could, should and has. The problem is, every time he does it ends up backfiring. When you are in power for 9 years and housing has gotten worse every year and then you have inflation coupled with interest rates and it gets tied to immigration, he can't win. The people he has elected to the positions after the shake up are worse than he had there before. It is sad to watch. Pierre just has to eat apples and answer a few questions a week, make some videos and tweet here and there. He keeps using Liberals words against them and it is working to near perfection. 


The people who support Trudeau keep saying he isn't responsible for anything and hasn't done anything wrong.  Also, everything is fine and we have nothing to worry about.  If you can't afford a home, it's your problem, figure it out.


This is why the Cons are leading by a landslide in the polls.  The Liberal voters have become too complacent and it seems they are now disassociated with the average person who can barely afford their rent and their mortgage payments.  If the Liberals continue this pattern, then I agree that PP won't need to do much over the next 18 months.  He will just keep attacking the Liberals with housing ads and show up for some PR events once a week and call it a day.  

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12 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

No wonder PP is destroying Trudeau in the polls.  There are people who still think we are doing just fine and nothing needs to be fixed. 


Nobody said that.


If you go to all the trouble of making a long, detailed post, but start it off with a bullshit line like that, it's likely that most will just stop right where I did.

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Just now, 5forFighting said:

I disagree, and that is your opinion. I don't hate anyone. I dislike the Korean poster (uh oh, how dare I) but that's about it. 


But it is. You equated real people to inanimate objects and weirdly threw in black people.


Maybe you aren't aware of how this sounds? 

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24 minutes ago, 4petesake said:

It goes back to the ridiculous “they’ll go into washrooms and whip it out in front of little kids” argument. Let’s get real here - which group makes up the overwhelming majority of offenders? Other than Republicans…


You wonder if they’ll ever realize that gender dysphoria is about identity not sex. SOGI isn’t about turning your kids gay, it’s about protecting them if they are gay, or have issues with sexual identity.

I'd feel a lot more comfortable leaving a child with a drag queen than a priest.

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14 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

I'd feel a lot more comfortable leaving a child with a drag queen than a priest.

Anyone who harms a child should be hanged. IMHAO Canada is too soft on those who harm children. Without children we are nothing. 

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