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1 hour ago, Satchmo said:

I can see why you say that.   I can see I set myself up for it with my quick reply to your post and saw that seconds after I posted.   Half my head is in the NYT games I am addicted to and are taking me way longer than usual this morning.


The point I was attempting to make was that your cutesy graphic does not fully describe science.  It describes anatomy only.   Some people have the point of view that anatomy should be the only deciding factor in determining a person's identity.  The predominant and learned point of view among scientists is that it does not.  Hence my statement that it's really all in the head despite what happens to be between your legs.


I wouldn't say you set yourself up.  Unlike that poster, it's clear you hold a broader view of science compared to the tunnel vision/narrow view that people like that poster hold on what defines things.  Anyone with an open mind and willingness to accept different considerations recognizes that science is a massive field of study, with - as you mentioned - anatomy being one facet of it, and biochemistry, psychology, mathematics, physics, and others which are amongst many other domains that cover different aspects of it.  If anything, it's exposed that poster's narrow and stubbornly held mentality, and further shown them to be too stuck up on their dogma to be willing to accept that there are different ways to look at things and that theirs isn't the only one.

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18 hours ago, Miss Korea said:


So for starters, I wasn't even being that stern with you.  It's your fault you misinterpreted my message.  And you felt the need to insult me.  Telling me to touch grass and stop acting like a child?  You're gonna say that to someone and then tell them to calm down?


Beyond your comeback insults, don't tell me to relax when I'm seeing the hatred circulated by Poilievre's followers.  Fuck that.


You're telling me you and all your friends are hurting.  I fucking get it - I'm not a homeowner, just like you.  Poilievre has taken that anger of yours into political influence and he has been instrumental in turning the public against Justin Trudeau.  Poilievre is also injecting Republican style identity/division politics into his party and anyone who'll listen to him.  That system is now being propped up by not just the CPC but also multiple provincial governments across the country.


We are going to see kids get outed to their parents and denied the necessary care/treatment they need because the government is choosing to get involved.  Some of those kids are going to die from suicide because of it.  We are also going to see our most vulnerable die because Poilievre has adopted a stance against safe supply and has not promised any kind of treatment reform that's needed for this growing population of users.


So don't tell me to relax when both you and I are both upset with the state of this country.  The difference is that I'm more worried about what will happen if we let someone who uses an unprecedented level of misinformation and hateful rhetoric in charge.  His targeted social policies are going to turn people into a statistic.  What you are seeing is... a coaching analogy.

Look, you are free to feel that way. I just don't see it the same way. These fear mongering conspiracies are getting out of control. 

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2 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

Look, you are free to feel that way. I just don't see it the same way. These fear mongering conspiracies are getting out of control. 

The fear mongering conspiracies are largely being propagated by the conservative parties across Canada.  How can you not see that?  The premiers said they would target trans and they would privatize health care.  Guess what?  They're now targeting trans and privatizing health care.


Honest question - Have you or your friends taken any real, comprehensive look at what Poilievre is promising?  Do you realize how little he has said other than blaming Trudeau for everything?  Have you once stopped to consider who you might be voting in, not just who you're voting out?

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12 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

Look, you are free to feel that way. I just don't see it the same way. These fear mongering conspiracies are getting out of control. 


And unfortunately, the right wing is currently the source for a lot of the fear-mongering conspiracies at the moment. You probably won't believe this, but I'm telling you this from a neutral standpoint, meaning I don't care about any party at the moment. It allows me to see things for what they are as a result because I'm weighing everyone equally in order to decide who I want to vote for.


Unfortunately, I think until the MAGA crowd in the states subsides, there's going to be a lot of fear-mongering because that's the true source of it all.

Edited by The Lock
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9 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

Look, you are free to feel that way. I just don't see it the same way. These fear mongering conspiracies are getting out of control. 

You might call it a conspiracy.   Others might call it a conclusion.  Some people seem to be scared shitless and others are trying to figure out why.  It does seem to be the case that some media sources are trying very hard to instill fear and loathing. 

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3 hours ago, Bob Long said:

So this is curious - electoral reform making a comeback? I'd love to see it revived, we simply can't let the con mentality take over again, we can see the kind of thinking that would bring in the last few pages.





I remain opposed to Proportional Representation: it will not be the best way forward. Giving Parties seats that inner circle old guard party operatives who control the top of the parties already the direct route of assigning people to seats that those insiders control and can re-assign pretty much at will removes any and all accountability for the MP in the seat. a new party golden child rises in the esteem of those running the party and BLAMMO he is assigned to a seat in Ottawa: with zero input from voters. I am incredibly opposed to this. However it may be better than first past the post. The very best is the Ranked Ballot: the winner in any given riding would need to be at least a lower choice if not first choice of the majority of voters in that riding. Then that individual will still be accountable to the people of that riding who can recall at worst or vote out at best as time goes by. Prop Rep really only serves less popular parties and does nothing for independants and barely changes the outcome for the more popular parties. Eventually the PPC will be the balance of power and their old white rage will be the deciding vote on bills in parliament: who wants that? 1.5% of the population does at this point in time. Bad idea, prop rep. 

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29 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

Look, you are free to feel that way. I just don't see it the same way. These fear mongering conspiracies are getting out of control. 

people flying our national flag upside down or with profanity slashed across it in the form of 'F*ck Trudeau'..perfectly fine.
people suggesting those people are racist, sexist, antigay: "out of control". 


Hehehe...just calling it like I see it. 

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13 hours ago, 5forFighting said:

No, it isn't. It's child abuse and is disgusting. 

Your side of the fight:  Leave my kids alone they're my kids my business the government and teachers don't deserve or have the right to get involved.


Also your side of the fight:  I can't stop worrying about your kids genitals.  Your kids are my business and I have to get involved to "save" them.


13 hours ago, Spur1 said:

How about you worry about your kids and let me worry about mine. It is none of your business. 

That's the rub isn't it?  Leave my kids alone but let me make your kids lives my business.

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43 minutes ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:


I wouldn't say you set yourself up.  Unlike that poster, it's clear you hold a broader view of science compared to the tunnel vision/narrow view that people like that poster hold on what defines things.  Anyone with an open mind and willingness to accept different considerations recognizes that science is a massive field of study, with - as you mentioned - anatomy being one facet of it, and biochemistry, psychology, mathematics, physics, and others which are amongst many other domains that cover different aspects of it.  If anything, it's exposed that poster's narrow and stubbornly held mentality, and further shown them to be too stuck up on their dogma to be willing to accept that there are different ways to look at things and that theirs isn't the only one.

The science should include protecting minors from self mutilation and permanent sterilization before they are adults, no?


If your science doesn't do that, you may want to take a good, hard look in the mirror. 

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13 hours ago, 4petesake said:


I may be slow but I’m starting to connect the dots…


Petey has been the drum major for the PP parade for a while now, also on record wanting to remove land from the ALR. Hmmmm…am I getting warm Petey? 🤔

Checks notes:  Said poster has mentioned the cost of groceries dozens of times.  


So remove land from the ALR and erode what little food security still exists without realizing the irony.

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13 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:


This is true.  Which is why I’m so fascinated that Trudeau doesn’t get the flack in this thread that normally happens in the real world.  I literally don’t even know one person in the real world who is going to be voting for Trudeau in the next election.  Even my brother in law whose favourite politician was Pierre Sr. and who’s been voting liberal all of his life told me hates Justin’s guts…

What about all those people at those dinner parties you go to that are to a person coincidentally involved in every major issue discussed here on the front lines?  Not a single one of them will be voting for him?

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3 hours ago, Bob Long said:

So this is curious - electoral reform making a comeback? I'd love to see it revived, we simply can't let the con mentality take over again, we can see the kind of thinking that would bring in the last few pages.





This is a smart play for the NDP.  They can get electoral reform done or basically doom the Libs to a decade of irrelevance.  The irony for the libs is that if they push against it, they'll lose seats.  If they approve and move forward with it, they might actually hold on to power

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2 hours ago, 5forFighting said:



Ah yes memes.  The last bastion of the uneducated and ignorant.


Trust the science...not that science


Except the science says and indicates that kids benefit from proper counselling and starting therapy and transitioning at an earlier age because that doesn't jive with ones beliefs and makes ther memes worthless

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11 minutes ago, 5forFighting said:

The science should include protecting minors from self mutilation and permanent sterilization before they are adults, no?


If your science doesn't do that, you may want to take a good, hard look in the mirror. 

Assuming it's the case, at what age did you know you were a straight male?

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55 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

Look, you are free to feel that way. I just don't see it the same way. These fear mongering conspiracies are getting out of control. 

Someone on the right finally stating this is actually one of the most remarkable things I have seen this week

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5 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Ah yes memes.  The last bastion of the uneducated and ignorant.


Trust the science...not that science


Except the science says and indicates that kids benefit from proper counselling and starting therapy and transitioning at an earlier age because that doesn't jive with ones beliefs and makes ther memes worthless

Since you like memes



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7 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Ah yes memes.  The last bastion of the uneducated and ignorant.


Trust the science...not that science


Except the science says and indicates that kids benefit from proper counselling and starting therapy and transitioning at an earlier age because that doesn't jive with ones beliefs and makes ther memes worthless

You used a meme two posts up. More irony. 

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3 minutes ago, 5forFighting said:

You used a meme two posts up. More irony. 

A meme to point out the ridiculous strawman statement is bad?




A meme to mock the section of the population your camp is obsessed with while fetishizing their genitals is ok?


Pick a lane bud

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