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48 minutes ago, Gurn said:

I still can't find the Conservative defense plan. According to that pamphlet they're are going to build up home defense and strengthen  our alliances.

"We are going to do this"   ok so how?


Exactly how?

And why didn't Harper do it while in power?

How can the Conservative party even moan a bit ,about this part of Canadian government responsibility, when JT's liberals are spending more GDP on the military than Harper ever did? Especially if they aren't going to be specific.


Conservative party:

"We are going to make it all sunshine and lollipops"

Me and many others:

" great, so where are you getting the lollipops and what flavours are they?

Also what are you going to do when it gets dark, at night?"


specifics please.


The only thing you need to worry about right now is the housing market.


inflation would flatten on the sentiment of a CPC majority alone. Our currency would explode the flowing work day. 

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2 minutes ago, LaBamba said:

The only thing you need to worry about right now is the housing market.


inflation would flatten on the sentiment of a CPC majority alone. Our currency would explode the flowing work day. 

I'm more concerned, right now, with just what the conservatives are actually going to do.

All I've seen is they are going to make it "sunshine and lollipops"- nothing but empty promises, no specifics.


Empty promises, and no specifics- doesn't look like a government in waiting , at all.

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7 minutes ago, LaBamba said:

The only thing you need to worry about right now is the housing market.


inflation would flatten on the sentiment of a CPC majority alone. Our currency would explode the flowing work day. 


I never liked the idea....but now I think development needs to be taken out of the hands of the municipalities. Too much nimbyism and red tape. 

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Why should we tolerate those FREEDUMB Convoy morons or the bigots who populate the anti-woke brigade.  Sorry, but those folks divided themselves as Bob said.  And yet, it is those people or people who are ideologically adjacent to those people who are the ones complaining that the country is divided.  Sad.

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12 minutes ago, Breadnbutta said:


I don't need to answer any of your questions.


Don Cherry would be better than Trudeau.


Hell, Donald Trump would be.


I have no time for blind Trudeau supporters.

Yes.  Actually you do.


You make statements like Poiliverre is better than Trudeau will ever be.


Poiliverre has more experience.


Poiliverre is so eloquent.


Poiliverre has a plan


Trudeau is the worst ever.


Ok.  So tell me.  How will he be better, or how is he different?  Experience in what?  Is being able to yell louder than others or recite talking points really a turn on?  What is his plan?  


Those are absolute statements and as someone raised conservative and is still a small c conservative when someone challenges you to prove yourself you do it.  If you can't you say you can't and walk away.


Otherwise you turn tail make a smug statement of self aggrandizement pretend you're better than that double down and slink off to repeat the same crap later.


These should be very VERY easy questions to answer.  So why don't you?

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1 minute ago, Gurn said:

I'm more concerned, right now, with just what the conservatives are actually going to do.

All I've seen is they are going to make it "sunshine and lollipops"- nothing but empty promises, no specifics.


Empty promises, and no specifics- doesn't look like a government in waiting , at all.

With all due respect you/ liberals think with their heart and not their brain. If you ever actually read their platform, (I doubt you have) you might understand. When the CPC is back in power the wealthy people who are old and conservatives are going to invest in a more business friendly environment. The sentiment will Strengthening our currency. The sentiment combined with the elimination of carbon tax alone would probably cut our inflation in half over night. That’s before they even execute their policy. 

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13 minutes ago, Breadnbutta said:


Why do we have to slam anti vaxxers? Aren't people entitled to their own opinions?


If your vaccinated what do you have to worry about?


Trudeau liberals have divided this country.

We don't slam anti vaxxers.  That's a personal choice.


We slam the idiots that won't shut up about it.  Shut down traffic and cities.  Scream at others in public.  Claim that the feds are ruining their lives without ever knowing or admitting that it's a provincial issue not a federal one.


Claiming "Trudeau liberals have divided the country" while ignoring the fact it's almost entirely provincial, with 8 provinces being run by conservative parties and refusing to take ownership for their own actions or admit their behaviour is awful and childish gets others slammed 


Don't like it?  Grow up.

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2 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Yes.  Actually you do.


You make statements like Poiliverre is better than Trudeau will ever be.


Poiliverre has more experience.


Poiliverre is so eloquent.


Poiliverre has a plan


Trudeau is the worst ever.


Ok.  So tell me.  How will he be better, or how is he different?  Experience in what?  Is being able to yell louder than others or recite talking points really a turn on?  What is his plan?  


Those are absolute statements and as someone raised conservative and is still a small c conservative when someone challenges you to prove yourself you do it.  If you can't you say you can't and walk away.


Otherwise you turn tail make a smug statement of self aggrandizement pretend you're better than that double down and slink off to repeat the same crap later.


These should be very VERY easy questions to answer.  So why don't you?

What they always say about these kinds of politicians?  "he says it like it is"


That is my favourite quote to hear from dumb people.  Tells me everything I need to know about someone in one phrase.

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17 minutes ago, Breadnbutta said:


Why do we have to slam anti vaxxers? Aren't people entitled to their own opinions?


If your vaccinated what do you have to worry about?


Trudeau liberals have divided this country.

People, regardless of their political views, divide into groups. Mostly these groups don’t directly affect others. With Antivaxxers though their actions directly impacted (negatively) a great many people, and horses. 

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3 minutes ago, LaBamba said:

With all due respect you/ liberals think with their heart and not their brain. If you ever actually read their platform, (I doubt you have) you might understand. When the CPC is back in power the wealthy people who are old and conservatives are going to invest in a more business friendly environment. The sentiment will Strengthening our currency. The sentiment combined with the elimination of carbon tax alone would probably cut our inflation in half over night. That’s before they even execute their policy. 


So this thread isn't even pro-Liberal or pro-Trudeau.  A lot of us (I assume) are from Vancouver or Lower Mainland.  We are probably NDP.  We are especially anti-Poilievre.  He was a toxic choice for party leader, unafraid to lean into extremism and an obvious charlatan.


As for carbon pricing, you're wasting your time talking to BC folk.  We have our own carbon tax in this province.  Ottawa has nothing to with us.

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12 minutes ago, LaBamba said:

With all due respect you/ liberals think with their heart and not their brain. If you ever actually read their platform, (I doubt you have) you might understand. When the CPC is back in power the wealthy people who are old and conservatives are going to invest in a more business friendly environment. The sentiment will Strengthening our currency. The sentiment combined with the elimination of carbon tax alone would probably cut our inflation in half over night. That’s before they even execute their policy. 

I have read their platform.  I read their convention manifest.


I struggle to see how this will be possible.  The reduction of corporate tax rates and the .5% get reduction left billions in holes in the Canadian governments revenue.


There was an insane amount of prosperity between mid 2009 and 2014 before the oil crash and it was just endless deficits and wasted money.


The carbon tax has done very very little to harm the average person in comparison to the raise of  corporate pricing models above inflation


I am unsure how with every major corporate sector in Canada recording record profits every single quarter how it can be more business friendly without causing more issues than it would solve.


Also having read that manifest, I have serious concerns about how the CPC under Poiliverre will unite this country when it has numerous motions and plans to prop up certain provinces then override the authority and will of others to prop them up

Edited by Warhippy
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I also can't stand Christa Freeland. I think I might despise her more than Trudeau. 


Our taxes are so high and the cons will remove a lot of that in their platform.


Have you ever listened or watch their debates in the house of commons.?


It's laughable, Polievre just takes them to the cleaners.


We need an abrasive leader, not a p***y like Trudeau 


I haven't heard the libs mention housing or Inflation once. They are out of touch with what Canada needs.


Cons will win next election or this country and its people are dumber than I think 

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1 minute ago, Miss Korea said:


So this thread isn't even pro-Liberal or pro-Trudeau.  A lot of us (I assume) are from Vancouver or Lower Mainland.  We are probably NDP.  We are especially anti-Poilievre.  He was a toxic choice for party leader, unafraid to lean into extremism and an obvious charlatan.


As for carbon pricing, you're wasting your time talking to BC folk.  We have our own carbon tax in this province.  Ottawa has nothing to with us.

NDP = No damn paycheque.


Conservative is the only logical choice 

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1 minute ago, Breadnbutta said:

Look at Alberta. The ndp ruined what was once the strongest economical province. 


Ralf Klein was a great PM.


I'm not sure why the west is so anti conservative.


Go to the interior, Kamloops pg Kelowna etc etc .. it's a sea of blue. The heart of bc 

Wait are you also pro-Smith?  This gets and better folks

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8 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

We don't slam anti vaxxers.  That's a personal choice.


We slam the idiots that won't shut up about it.  Shut down traffic and cities.  Scream at others in public.  Claim that the feds are ruining their lives without ever knowing or admitting that it's a provincial issue not a federal one.


Claiming "Trudeau liberals have divided the country" while ignoring the fact it's almost entirely provincial, with 8 provinces being run by conservative parties and refusing to take ownership for their own actions or admit their behaviour is awful and childish gets others slammed 


Don't like it?  Grow up.

As a moderate conservative I actually agree with most of this. The antics of the CPC is what’s holding them back. Let’s turn our head to the left as well though. There is no shortage of protest on that side of the spectrum either. Both sides have extremes and unfortunately those are the voices we hear. The vast majority of Canadians are centre leaning. Neither party represents the majority. You just have to stomach the arrogance and prioritize your needs. 

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6 minutes ago, Breadnbutta said:

I also can't stand Christa Freeland. I think I might despise her more than Trudeau. 


Our taxes are so high and the cons will remove a lot of that in their platform.


Have you ever listened or watch their debates in the house of commons.?


It's laughable, Polievre just takes them to the cleaners.


We need an abrasive leader, not a p***y like Trudeau 


I haven't heard the libs mention housing or Inflation once. They are out of touch with what Canada needs.


Cons will win next election or this country and its people are dumber than I think 

Now you're busing question period as your metric of success?


Libs are out of touch?


Poiliverre has been in politics over 20 years.  Had never ever held a job.  Has never paid taxes or had to buy food or pay bills yet has a net worth of around $10 million


Tell me how telling at others in question period and essentially trolling them while never having worked a day in this life is credible or in touch with people


Finally as for saying you've never heard the libs mention inflation or housing once...dude you're a fu**ing liar.  Period.  You're full of crap and you're lying 


Give it up man.  

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