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35 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

This is what I don't get from you lot.


For YEARS we heard the small government.  Less taxes.  Bootstraps.  Socialism bad.


Now, that capitalism has led to insane price increases with little growth in actual wages, you lot complain that the government hasn't done enough to help out the people.




Nah Wiggy cares about the little guy struggling to make ends meet so I’m sure he will be all over the Liberal government about the worries that they won’t fully fund the peoples with disabilities benefit program that @112 posted a couple pages back. Sounds like he might be coming around on this socialism thing…

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11 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


Just out of curiosity Ricky, who are those people? Not trying to be snarky, just genuinely curious as to who you think does that.....

I'm at work, so I can't go back and find quotes right now but 2 off the bat I know are card carrying liberals are Bob and Heffy

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Just now, Ricky Ravioli said:

I have already been told NoBoDy CaReS who you voted in the past


This brings to mind something else I've been wondering for a while now.....


What's the significance of alternating caps and lowercase? (I'm an old guy, so I'm not up on all this stuff)

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2 hours ago, D.B Cooper said:

Not to mention my mortgage went up 800$ a month when we renewed.  

The mortgage stress test is a very real thing that is applied to any mortgage application that ensures you will be able to swallow interest rate increases. I think most homeowners will remain so due to this important part of the affordability check at application. 


Not saying it doesnt hurt. We similarly bought our strata house for below 500, and owed 300k on it, when we managed to sell it for 750ish and move to an acre of our own land with the same number of bedrooms. We paid down the difference in mortgage in the first year and owe roughly 300k on it now 18 months later. 
Housing prices worked for us, but then interest rates started going up immediately. It is annoying but we know, because of those mortgage stress tests that we had to let the banks apply, that we are okay paying about 600 more a month now than when we bought it. We are also in a fortunate position to be able to prepay about 70k a year of our remaining mortgage and I have roughly penciled in 2027 as our mortgage free year. 

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Just now, RupertKBD said:


This brings to mind something else I've been wondering for a while now.....


What's the significance of alternating caps and lowercase? (I'm an old guy, so I'm not up on all this stuff)

My attempt at showing sarcasm 🤷

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2 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:

 Is that what it means in general, or was that just your interpretation.

Yes, generally that's what it means. Most particularly it's meant to mock the opinion being expressed.

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19 minutes ago, 4petesake said:


Nah Wiggy cares about the little guy struggling to make ends meet so I’m sure he will be all over the Liberal government about the worries that they won’t fully fund the peoples with disabilities benefit program that @112 posted a couple pages back. Sounds like he might be coming around on this socialism thing…

Funny post, but FWIW the benefit was actually bipartisan. 😉

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2 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

No, those are the 2 I don't need to go back for confirmation on

That’s not the point though is it?


You assume they are card-carrying liberals because of what they post. You didn’t appreciate it when others assume things about you from your posts.

FTR there are two people that post here often and I assume they are bigots from what they post so I too am guilty of putting people in boxes.

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1 hour ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

This is what I don't get from you lot.


For YEARS we heard the small government.  Less taxes.  Bootstraps.  Socialism bad.


Now, that capitalism has led to insane price increases with little growth in actual wages, you lot complain that the government hasn't done enough to help out the people.



Our governments allowing the housing situation to turn into a full blown crisis where some people will never be able to afford a home is not “capitalism”. It’s government incompetence and mismanagement from all levels, municipal, provincial and federal. 

Lots of blame to go around. If we simply had more supply of homes it would solve the entire problem and wages wouldn’t matter much if house prices were 50% less than they are now. 

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5 minutes ago, 4petesake said:

That’s not the point though is it?


You assume they are card-carrying liberals because of what they post. You didn’t appreciate it when others assume things about you from your posts.

FTR there are two people that post here often and I assume they are bigots from what they post so I too am guilty of putting people in boxes.

Buddy do I need to go grab the quote of Bob saying he is a liberal? It's on page 319 you can have a look

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1 minute ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Our governments allowing the housing situation to turn into a full blown crisis where some people will never be able to afford a home is not “capitalism”. It’s government incompetence and mismanagement from all levels, municipal, provincial and federal. 

Lots of blame to go around. If we simply had more supply of homes it would solve the entire problem and wages wouldn’t matter much if house prices were 50% less than they are now. 

So the solution is to go against free markets.  To impose regulations and government price controls.


The OPPOSITE of decades of CONservative ethos.  


Pretty soon you'll be all for socialism/communism.  


Come join us.  /s

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