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23 minutes ago, Odd. said:

Uhh several things I want to go over this.


you basically just summed up supply and demand. your missing the key thing here and that is population growth. As it stands, we are bringing in more immigrants which exacerbates housing shortage. As long as there’s more people coming in, there’s going to be increased demand which negates any type of sustainable growth in affordability. 

there’s also needs to be an equilibrium of demand in infrastructure and services such as more transportation, schools, healthcare facilities, and utilities that must also accompany increased supply of homes. people want homes but they also need convenience. 

This is where capitalism comes into play. Someone with increased wealth can just buy all the apples in the store and bid up the prices. Capitalism revolves around incentives. In this instance, capitalist driven markets prioritize profiting and personal economic growth over social welfare. I can build 5 more stores for these 100 people, but what would stop me from further jacking up the prices of apples?


I did mention immigration in another post that I replied to Rupert about.  To quote myself:


As Prime Minister I would order the Minister of Housing and the Minister of Immigration to conduct a joint study and complete a report on this in the first year of my new government to assess the current situation and come up with a plan to balance the levels of new immigration and tie it to the construction of new homes in Canada. 


So I would try and at least limit immigration and try and tie it to new supply growth of homes.  Right now, I don't see that happening which is further exasperating the housing crisis.


You do make a good point about infrastructure, which I never mentioned previously.  A big issue with Bill 44 and making all lots multifamily dwellings is where the heck is everyone going to park their cars?  Utilities will also be a challenge, water lines, hydro lines, etc.  I'm not sure there is a simple solution to this.  It will take years if not decades to build all of the infrastructure that is necessary to accommodate hundreds of thousands of new homes.


In terms of capitalism, it works when there is a free market.  Sure, some billionaire can buy up all the apples, that would cause inflation.  However, in a free market that would open up more apple stores to come in, which theoretically would lower prices.  Telecommunications is a great example of how a monopoly works.  You have Bell and Telus taking up 90% market share, so our phone bills are 30-50% higher than they are in the US, who have many more providers so provide more competition, a more free market, thus lower costs for cell phones.


At the end of the day, the only way to keep the price of apples low is in a free market where everyone is allowed to sell apples and nobody has a monopoly on apples.  

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23 minutes ago, Spur1 said:

Hate to be the one to break it you, but what is new. 


I'm sorry, i said it wrong, It's now i am become death, the destroyer of worlds.

Robert Oppenheimer said that, quoting from the mahabharata.

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55 minutes ago, Rob Eh said:

It sure doesn't take a whole lot to label someone these days, doesn't it? I guess you're a conservative then? I mean you and Heffy sure sounded like the neo-cons of the 80's. "Our government didn't make you poor, you did it because you didn't pull yourself up by your bootstraps."

Doesn't sound like they'd get much more from anyone with that attitude than they would from the cons. Either side doesn't give two shits.


Not sure where you're getting any of this from.....:classic_huh: I said nothing about "bootstraps" and I'm anything but a conservative....

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47 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


I did mention immigration in another post that I replied to Rupert about.  To quote myself:


As Prime Minister I would order the Minister of Housing and the Minister of Immigration to conduct a joint study and complete a report on this in the first year of my new government to assess the current situation and come up with a plan to balance the levels of new immigration and tie it to the construction of new homes in Canada. 


So I would try and at least limit immigration and try and tie it to new supply growth of homes.  Right now, I don't see that happening which is further exasperating the housing crisis.


You do make a good point about infrastructure, which I never mentioned previously.  A big issue with Bill 44 and making all lots multifamily dwellings is where the heck is everyone going to park their cars?  Utilities will also be a challenge, water lines, hydro lines, etc.  I'm not sure there is a simple solution to this.  It will take years if not decades to build all of the infrastructure that is necessary to accommodate hundreds of thousands of new homes.


In terms of capitalism, it works when there is a free market.  Sure, some billionaire can buy up all the apples, that would cause inflation.  However, in a free market that would open up more apple stores to come in, which theoretically would lower prices.  Telecommunications is a great example of how a monopoly works.  You have Bell and Telus taking up 90% market share, so our phone bills are 30-50% higher than they are in the US, who have many more providers so provide more competition, a more free market, thus lower costs for cell phones.


At the end of the day, the only way to keep the price of apples low is in a free market where everyone is allowed to sell apples and nobody has a monopoly on apples.  

i agree for sure.

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The reason i posted this was to show what is being said in HOC, not the spin we will get from the news cycle.

This isn't a PP vs JT thing to me, its an extremely corrupt and incompetent government. I don't care what they call themselves.

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4 minutes ago, Maninthebox said:

I don't understand how anyone can watch what goes on in the House and have any confidence in government. 

The house is for bickering and trying to sound like Winston Churchill.   Everything of any importance happens outside of the house.

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18 minutes ago, Chicken. said:

All countries are the same in this regard sadly. The British parliament is a riot to watch.


Well, I mean, could be worse - it was only a few years ago that there were fistfights in the Taiwan legislature.  Some people do get that passionate about their politics.

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36 minutes ago, Chicken. said:

All countries are the same in this regard sadly. The British parliament is a riot to watch.

haha! you're so right


some messy haried guy yelling 'Order!', Order!'


super fun

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16 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

haha! you're so right


some messy haried guy yelling 'Order!', Order!'


super fun

I'm pretty sure this is the guy you were referring to.  All I did was search British Question period speaker order on YouTube.



Edited by the destroyer of worlds
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Bill Maher said this.....I think it hold true for the hate on JT by some people.


“Is it really healthy to blame every problem in your life on Joe Biden?” the comedian said. “I can't find a job in this historically low unemployment economy. Thanks a lot, Joe Biden. The price of milk in France has gone up, I blame Biden. My wife hasn’t had sex with me for months—damn you, Joe Biden!”

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33 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

I'm pretty sure this is the guy you were referring to.  All I did was search British Question period speaker order on YouTube.



Its funny when its not your own country being the gong show haha

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3 hours ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

I'm pretty sure this is the guy you were referring to.  All I did was search British Question period speaker order on YouTube


Brits have always been hilarious.

They have thick skin too.

Makes me laugh when I hear some people moan about how much teasing guys like Trump get. Some of them claim that he gets it worse than other politicians. Yet, I spent my early years in England. Heavily making fun of politicians wass the norm. Shows like Spitting Image come to mind. 

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3 hours ago, Alflives said:

Too honest and good to be a politician. Sad how so many believe Poo Poo would be good for the country. 


I feel like a good leader has to be kind of a dick, though PP tries too hard (both to be a dick and to be humorous). Trudy gives off simp vibes, and his attempts at being stern always came off as petulant. Singh has never seemed like he himself felt he was more than a third wheel.


If a 'none of the above' option was on the ballot, and it forced all parties to choose better representation, that's how I'd vote.


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On 2/16/2024 at 12:13 PM, D.B Cooper said:

Thats fine with you?  1 in 3 Canadians are struggling because of insane prices.  


Largely due to a pandemic, supply chain issues, corporate profiteering, Ukraine, Israel, climate change (extreme weather, droughts, foods, forest fires etc), aging population... Etc, etc. This was always going to be a hard time economically under any party.


I'm unclear how people think that electing a party that historically has slashed funding to programs that directly help those 1/3 people being hit the hardest, is going to help that 1/3?


Are the even more cooperate friendly Conservatives going to do more about corporate profiteering, record profits, increasing wage gap?


5 hours ago, Bob Long said:


Jag seems like a decent man, but he's not really much of a leader. 


Meh. Something, something Layton's jock strap.


Their bigger problem is being stuck on certain ideas in their platform that serve the NDP (or their ideology) more than the people they prupport your represent. Promote things that help actual Canadians and actually make you an electable option. 


Right now the biggest reason to vote for them is because you simply can't stand the present state of the two main parties (fair). I could probably stomach even a (flawed) NDP minority government for a term if it accomplished nothing more than getting the other two parties to smarten the fuck up. But Singh is not the guy to make that happen.


Doesn't leave us very good options.

Edited by aGENT
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33 minutes ago, aGENT said:


Largely due to a pandemic, supply chain issues, corporate profiteering, Ukraine, Israel, climate change (extreme weather, droughts, foods, forest fires etc), aging population... Etc, etc. This was always going to be a hard time economically under any party.


I'm unclear how people think that electing a party that historically has slashed funding to programs that directly help those 1/3 people being hit the hardest, is going to help that 1/3?


Are the even more cooperate friendly Conservatives going to do more about corporate profiteering, record profits, increasing wage gap?



Meh. Something, something Layton's jock strap.


Their bigger problem is being stuck on certain ideas in their platform that serve the NDP (or their ideology) more than the people they prupport your represent. Promote things that help actual Canadians and actually make you an electable option. 


Right now the biggest reason to vote for them is because you simply can't stand the present state of the two main parties (fair). I could probably stomach even a (flawed) NDP minority government for a term if it accomplished nothing more than getting the other two parties to smarten the fuck up. But Singh is not the guy to make that happen.


Doesn't leave us very good options.


It's true, the NDP federally have never been much for implementing things. I guess they are there to point stuff out.


They would need someone like Nenshi with actual experience but it sounds like he wants to run Alberta.


The focus needs to be on keeping the CPC out of power in 2025 anyway.


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6 hours ago, bishopshodan said:


Brits have always been hilarious.

They have thick skin too.

Makes me laugh when I hear some people moan about how much teasing guys like Trump get. Some of them claim that he gets it worse than other politicians. Yet, I spent my early years in England. Heavily making fun of politicians wass the norm. Shows like Spitting Image come to mind. 


The shows that while fictitious, and where a pisstake, yet came remarkably close to the truth in regards to politics, from the era you are talking about, and are still relevant today.


Yes Minister

Yes Prime Minister 


I still watch the reruns whenever they come on.


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