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55 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:

I guess you can't argue with polls, but it seems odd to me that conservatives are happier....considering the fact that they seem to be the ones doing most of the complaining....:classic_unsure:


Too many taxes.....too many health mandates....the country is broken.....we destroyed the economy....etc, etc, etc.....


It certainly wasn't us Libtards doing all this whingeing....:classic_rolleyes:

I'd like the same sample to be tested for EQ and to see those results.

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10 hours ago, 4petesake said:



I’m glad to hear that conservative people tend to be happier. My question is how does your happiness play out in your life? Do you do your best to share that happiness, try to uplift those less fortunate, help protect human rights of marginalized people and make them feel safe or do you spend much of your time pointing fingers?


You would think that the happiest people ought to have the most to share and spread. If social conservatives are happier they must be hoarding it.


Certainly doesn't explain Alberta.

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9 hours ago, Master Mind said:


Yep I'm merely taking it as something interesting, but not concrete. Included in that is how I find it interesting the way conservatives are labelled in places such as this thread, if they report to be the happier group.


Are the ones here who've run into resistance in discussions typical conservatives? 

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13 hours ago, DSVII said:


Fascinating, I'll have to delve into these later. Some of these terms are very subjective, such as how do you measure 'patriotism'? 


I don't doubt the happier notion. I disagree with your conclusion.


I mean. I can do this too. If you are talking about metrics for emotional stability, fear/anxiety over happiness is more likely the bigger driver for Conservatives. They are more likely to act on fear and negative imagery and messaging.


Like for instance, all you have to do to sell people to sign on to discriminatory laws that target a marginalized group is to present a fictional account of said group flashing kids in bathrooms and then presenting anything offered as keeping the children safe. No matter how bad the cure. sound familiar?


Nothings that simple eh?




https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/conservative-and-liberal-brains-might-have-some-real-differences/#:~:text=And the amygdala%2C which is,is plenty of individual variability.


Words of the researchers, not mine.




We found that conservatives, compared to liberals and moderates, had greater psychological resilience and self-regulation capacity that were attributable to greater impulse control and causal reasoning. Stronger intrinsic connectivities between the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and precuneus and between the insula and frontal pole/OFC in conservatives were correlated with greater resilience and self-regulation capacity. These results suggest the neural underpinnings that may allow conservatives to manage the psychological stress and achieve greater life satisfaction. This study provides neuroscientific evidence for the different responses of liberals and conservatives to politically relevant social issues.



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9 minutes ago, Wiggums said:


Words of the researchers, not mine.




We found that conservatives, compared to liberals and moderates, had greater psychological resilience and self-regulation capacity that were attributable to greater impulse control and causal reasoning. Stronger intrinsic connectivities between the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and precuneus and between the insula and frontal pole/OFC in conservatives were correlated with greater resilience and self-regulation capacity. These results suggest the neural underpinnings that may allow conservatives to manage the psychological stress and achieve greater life satisfaction. This study provides neuroscientific evidence for the different responses of liberals and conservatives to politically relevant social issues.



Our study is limited by the skew in political partisanship of the population. The number of conservative to liberal participants in the study was unbalanced (49 to 125), and the number of extreme conservatives considered in this study is small (n = 4). Our analysis, therefore, is limited in power by what can be said about differences in extreme political ideology. We dealt with this imbalance in an unbiased manner through cross-validation, but we advocate for further study of the differences in political extremes in future research. The age of the participants was limited to adults (18 to 40). Therefore, our results may not hold in children and older adults (40+). Further investigation in these two groups is needed. Finally, our results are observational in the sense that the design of the experiments in the Wellbeing study were not political stimuli nor were participants randomized according to political ideology. Although the direction of causality remains unclear—do people’s brains reflect the political orientation they choose or do they choose their political orientation because of their functional brain structure—the evidence here motivates further scrutiny and followup analyses into the biological and neurological roots of political behavior.

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This  is a better study to read


How Are the Brains of Liberals and Conservatives Different?




Conservatives are worse at distinguishing truths and falsehoods than liberals.


“The idea that U.S. conservatives are uniquely likely to hold misperceptions is widespread but has not been systematically assessed. … We generated an unique longitudinal dataset combining social media engagement data and a 12-wave panel study of Americans’ political knowledge about high-profile news over 6 months. Results confirm that conservatives have lower sensitivity than liberals, performing worse at distinguishing truths and falsehoods. This is partially explained by the fact that the most widely shared falsehoods tend to promote conservative positions, while corresponding truths typically favor liberals. The problem is exacerbated by liberals’ tendency to experience bigger improvements in sensitivity than conservatives as the proportion of partisan news increases. These results underscore the importance of reducing the supply of right-leaning misinformation




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13 minutes ago, The Arrogant Worms said:



6 minutes ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

This  is a better study to read


How Are the Brains of Liberals and Conservatives Different?




Conservatives are worse at distinguishing truths and falsehoods than liberals.


“The idea that U.S. conservatives are uniquely likely to hold misperceptions is widespread but has not been systematically assessed. … We generated an unique longitudinal dataset combining social media engagement data and a 12-wave panel study of Americans’ political knowledge about high-profile news over 6 months. Results confirm that conservatives have lower sensitivity than liberals, performing worse at distinguishing truths and falsehoods. This is partially explained by the fact that the most widely shared falsehoods tend to promote conservative positions, while corresponding truths typically favor liberals. The problem is exacerbated by liberals’ tendency to experience bigger improvements in sensitivity than conservatives as the proportion of partisan news increases. These results underscore the importance of reducing the supply of right-leaning misinformation





Ahh forget it lol 

Edited by Wiggums
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26 minutes ago, Wiggums said:


Words of the researchers, not mine.




We found that conservatives, compared to liberals and moderates, had greater psychological resilience and self-regulation capacity that were attributable to greater impulse control and causal reasoning. Stronger intrinsic connectivities between the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and precuneus and between the insula and frontal pole/OFC in conservatives were correlated with greater resilience and self-regulation capacity. These results suggest the neural underpinnings that may allow conservatives to manage the psychological stress and achieve greater life satisfaction. This study provides neuroscientific evidence for the different responses of liberals and conservatives to politically relevant social issues.




This study is so bad. 

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14 minutes ago, Wiggums said:


Words of the researchers, not mine.




We found that conservatives, compared to liberals and moderates, had greater psychological resilience and self-regulation capacity that were attributable to greater impulse control and causal reasoning. Stronger intrinsic connectivities between the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and precuneus and between the insula and frontal pole/OFC in conservatives were correlated with greater resilience and self-regulation capacity. These results suggest the neural underpinnings that may allow conservatives to manage the psychological stress and achieve greater life satisfaction. This study provides neuroscientific evidence for the different responses of liberals and conservatives to politically relevant social issues.



With all due respect to the nation that gave us Hyundai, Samsung, and BTS, I'm not fully convinced a study from South Korea adequately describes the impulse control or causal reasoning of the Canadian voter.   More similarities than differences between the two populations of course but there are many differences in culture and lifestyle and, according to many other studies, general happiness (where Canada scores much higher).  


BTW - Anyone know why they would take note of the left or right handedness of the participants of the study? 

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Just now, Wiggums said:


Want to read another?  They virtually all say the same thing 



No, unless you have one that does a comprehensive analysis of this particular type of research. Or post a serious critical review of one of them. 


It's also pointless. If someone is unchangeably in one camp or another, who cares?

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48 minutes ago, Wiggums said:


Words of the researchers, not mine.




We found that conservatives, compared to liberals and moderates, had greater psychological resilience and self-regulation capacity that were attributable to greater impulse control and causal reasoning. Stronger intrinsic connectivities between the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and precuneus and between the insula and frontal pole/OFC in conservatives were correlated with greater resilience and self-regulation capacity. These results suggest the neural underpinnings that may allow conservatives to manage the psychological stress and achieve greater life satisfaction. This study provides neuroscientific evidence for the different responses of liberals and conservatives to politically relevant social issues.




Also from the study


From the notes: We excluded participants who met the following criteria: a lifetime history of psychiatric/neurological disorders, severe depression/anxiety symptoms, or exposure to psychiatric medications. After this screening process, one hundred two (42 liberals, 44 moderates, and 16 conservatives) of the original 116 participants remained (Table (Table1).1). 



The present study has several limitations that should be addressed in future studies. First, the number of conservative subjects was relatively small for high statistical power. We recruited a sufficient number of study participants at first, but most participants had moderately liberal or moderate attitudes. This might reflect the nature of political attitude distribution, which is skewed towards moderately liberal and moderate among the young adult population in the Republic of Korea55. The small sample size of conservatives may have increased risk of false discovery56; however, the results of intrinsic connectivity differences were replicated in the regression analysis that employed the large enough samples. Thus, our findings suggest the association between intrinsic connectivities and political attitudes are likely to be true positives. Second, extreme partisan attitudes, regardless of political orientation, might have influenced our behavioral results because there were individuals with strong political attitudes (i.e., “very liberal” or “very conservative”) only among the liberals. A recent study has shown the effects of partisan extremity on mental rigidity57. However, we argue that our participants with a very liberal orientation may not be so radical as to have extremely high mental rigidity because we observed comparable psychological resilience and self-regulation capacity between liberals and moderates. Third, the sample characteristics could be biased because the present study involved only young adult participants. However, our findings are in line with previous neuropolitics studies with populations with similar sociodemographic characteristics (e.g., college students or young adults, distribution of political attitudes, socioeconomic status)10,13,40. However, replicate studies with large samples across a broad age range are still needed. Finally, we assessed only one axis of political attitudes (liberalism vs. conservativism) even though other axes (economic freedom, government control, etc.) could exist in diverse socioeconomic and cultural situations in the real world58.


So your basis for applying this to the entire population are the results from 16 conservatives in the Republic of Korea, who may also have different values of what it means to be conservative to someone in Canada, in a sample population that didn't have any participants who identified as having strong/extreme conservative values as opposed to those who identify as strong/extreme liberal.


I'd rather have further studies in North America, at the moment it's really just a hypothesis that is still subject to a large reporting/discovery error.



Again, I can link studies too, here's one from 2021 in the USA:


Conservatives’ susceptibility to political misperceptions




The idea that U.S. conservatives are uniquely likely to hold misperceptions is widespread but has not been systematically assessed. Research has focused on beliefs about narrow sets of claims never intended to capture the richness of the political information environment. Furthermore, factors contributing to this performance gap remain unclear. We generated an unique longitudinal dataset combining social media engagement data and a 12-wave panel study of Americans’ political knowledge about high-profile news over 6 months. Results confirm that conservatives have lower sensitivity than liberals, performing worse at distinguishing truths and falsehoods. This is partially explained by the fact that the most widely shared falsehoods tend to promote conservative positions, while corresponding truths typically favor liberals. The problem is exacerbated by liberals’ tendency to experience bigger improvements in sensitivity than conservatives as the proportion of partisan news increases. These results underscore the importance of reducing the supply of right-leaning misinformation.




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3 minutes ago, DSVII said:


Also from the study



So your basis for applying this to the entire population are 16 conservatives in the Republic of Korea, who may also have different values of what it means to be conservative to someone in Canada, in a sample population that didn't have any participants who identified as having strong conservative values as opposed to those who identify as strong liberal. I'd rather have further studies in North America, at the moment it's really just a hypothesis that is still subject to a large reporting error.


Again, I can link studies too, here's one from 2021 in the USA:

Conservatives’ susceptibility to political misperceptions








The OP was about happiness and mental well-being  .  Basically all studies from anywhere will conclude the same thing in that regard

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8 minutes ago, Wiggums said:



The OP was about happiness and mental well-being  .  Basically all studies from anywhere will conclude the same thing in that regard

There may be some truth to this.   Below is a NYT article from 2021 that references a number of studies.  It has many comments.  I found the first one funny:


My mother-in-law, who enjoyed hobnobbing with Republicans in spite of being a liberal at heart, explained it this way: "They give the best parties" Why?, and she replied. "No guilt"


Do I really care about these studies?  No.  I think they just point out what I already knew.  Many liberals are concerned about things that do not seem to overly concern many conservatives.   Climate change, gun control, and the separation of church and state come to mind though it's a long and growing list of things.


Conservatives Are Happier Than Liberals. Discuss.






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@Wiggums you never responded last time.


If you claim to care about trans kids killing themselves, why would you support positions like denying them the care they need, denying them use of the bathrooms they want to use, and forcing them to out themselves to their parents?  Why support anything that would push them to suicide?

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13 hours ago, Master Mind said:


My wife has family with farmland. As someone with a white collar job, I'd say my life seems simpler than theirs.


While you're right about the geographical locations, I think your overall generalizations are rather... simple 😉


My analysis was an oversimplification anyway, meaning there's going to be discrepancies, so obviously you should find it simple.


But I don't care to continue this conversation anyway. It's not worth it.

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12 minutes ago, The Lock said:

My analysis was an oversimplification anyway, meaning there's going to be discrepancies, so obviously you should find it simple.


But I don't care to continue this conversation anyway. It's not worth it.


Yeah, it's a dumb argument anyway....


"Well we're happier than you, so there!"

"Oh yeah? Then WTF is with all the complaining?"



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Will wonders never cease! The NDP has paid off its 2020 election debt this week. The final two million took half a year or so to finish off. Now they don't have to sell their national HQ's, but they should. lol. 


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1 hour ago, RupertKBD said:


Yeah, it's a dumb argument anyway....


"Well we're happier than you, so there!"

"Oh yeah? Then WTF is with all the complaining?"




Pretty much. If there is any truth to it, it's by degree and not some blanket statement you can make about all people in any one group. 


But when I think about my very con relatives, they are pretty happy, but it is in large part to them being in a group think mindset. 


Edited by Bob Long
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6 hours ago, Bob Long said:


Are the ones here who've run into resistance in discussions typical conservatives? 


There's a good chance we would have different ideas on what a "typical conservative" is. I don't think that matters anyway. What I'm saying is that it's silly to make disparaging comments towards an entire group of people, and that becomes even sillier if that group is happier overall. Those comments can then give off a sense of bullying, insecurity, envy, etc.

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1 minute ago, Master Mind said:


There's a good chance we would have different ideas on what a "typical conservative" is. I don't think that matters anyway. What I'm saying is that it's silly to make disparaging comments towards an entire group of people, and that becomes even sillier if that group is happier overall. Those comments can then give off a sense of bullying, insecurity, envy, etc.


Unless we're talking about Alberta, correct?

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16 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

Will wonders never cease! The NDP has paid off its 2020 election debt this week. The final two million took half a year or so to finish off. Now they don't have to sell their national HQ's, but they should. lol. 


Another reason why an early election isn't in the cards.   Waiting til 25 will give them time to build up their cash, limiting debt.  

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1 minute ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

Another reason why an early election isn't in the cards.   Waiting til 25 will give them time to build up their cash, limiting debt.  


Yep. PP is just going to have to hold it until 2025.

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