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21 hours ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

Inflation: A significant chunk of it was due to corporations jacking up their prices.  Something government had little control over.  Something only left-leaning governments would actually do something about.  PP won't


Affordable housing:  The Feds have limited power here.  This issue has been decades in the works.  JT has already started moving Federal cash to help with the issue.  Limiting international students.  PP has done nothing but bitch.


National Security:  I'm not sure what more can be done here.  The CONs loved China buying up stuff when they were last in power.  I'm not too sure they will get tough with them here.  CONs seem to be on the fence with Ukraine.  


Healthcare:  The long dead horse that gets whipped every election.  Every one.  Ohhh, it's a disaster you say.  Which party pushes privatization and says they won't participate in new Federal programs?   Yup, the CONs.  Their track record here is NOT one of fixing.  It's one of causing chaos, bitching about the chaos, then using it to CUT CUT CUT and PRIVATIZE PRIVATIZE PRIVATIZE.  The only ones who benefit are the rich bastards who can invest in the new private ventures.  Us average Janes and Joes get screwed in the end.

Sorry rapid global inflation was due to governments Canada's and many around the world flooding capital into the market while at the same time creating supply chain tightness due to over reaction on public health restrictions(the length of time they stayed in effect).  The corporations padding their wallets were largely those with government contracts.

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33 minutes ago, 112 said:


What exactly is the extreme left? I don't see much radical talk from left-wing circles. People just want the rich to be taxed and for equality to be established for minorities in terms of socioeconomics and with respect to the law. They want the police to be held to higher standards of conduct, they want better mental health care and they want a more robust healthcare system generally. They want teachers to be treated better and have their pay match the import of their positions. People on the left consider climate change an urgent matter that needs to be addressed better than current/former governments have done. They want LGBT people to have safety and security within their communities. They want a focus to be put on poverty and social systems to be established or made better in order to eliminate it. I don't see this stuff as being extremist.


I believe CSIS has made public its belief that right-wing extremism is the most dangerous domestic issue facing Canada, but I don't think it has said the same about the left 'extreme.'



This is the one I was referring to in my previous post. 







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56 minutes ago, AatuD2 said:



This is the one I was referring to in my previous post. 







Interesting speech.   I can see no way that it supports your statement "To put it into perspective, repeating MLK's statement that people should be judged on the nature of their character as opposed to the colour of their skin would be considered racist now."


EDIT - was it the questionable reaction to the talk by the TED organizers that forms your main point?   That would be on them not 'the progressive left'.


Edited by Satchmo
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33 minutes ago, AatuD2 said:



That's a perfect example: CSIS has made public it's belief that right-wing extremism is the most dangerous issue facing Canada. That's laughable. Also shows you how captured by the left wing all of our bureaucracies are. 


I have spent a few years in Quebec and about 35 in British Columbia, and right-wing extremism wouldn't even make the top 20 of the things that I'm worried about. 



I have always been in favour of taxing the rich and having everyone treated equally. I've said this before but I have voted for NDP all my life with a quick departure for Liberals one year (to strategically vote against Harper) and one departure for the Greens for Elizabeth May in her first go around.  


Today's progressive left would be considered insane by the standards of the 90s and early 2000s because we went from fighting for worker rights to dividing population based on ethnicity, sex, and sexual orientation and playing Identity Politics.  


I was on board with it for a while until I realized what a destructive and harmful way of thinking that is not only for the majority, but also the minorities that it pretends to help out.  


To put it into perspective, repeating MLK's statement that people should be judged on the nature of their character as opposed to the colour of their skin would be considered racist now. It was plainly evident when Coleman Hughes gave his TED Talk that was attempted to be silenced (or as progressive left says "deplatformed"). 


I understand where you're coming from, I'm just completely out on where today's left is. Labour union leaders fighting for living conditions of all have been replaced by university activists that look for ways to be offended. 


I understand where you're coming from, too - my Dad is a big union guy and I inherited his support for workers' rights. Labour/unions are not so much a feature of, e.g., NDP talk any longer and they've shifted to more general issues.


I do think you're inverting the reality when you say that the population is being divided into different categories, or at least that this is the Liberal/NPD goal. The rhetoric I rather see is an acknowledgement that we're a diverse nation made up of many different races, sexes, sexualities and religious beliefs (as in, these categories exist whether we recognize it or not), and that we should all have a common ground of respecting these differences while acknowledging that these innate characteristics disadvantage certain demographics. "Identity politics," as I consider it, is in part about trying to correct, e.g., biases which are entrenched in our systems--from law enforcement/criminality, to housing, to education and employment--as opposed to setting people against each other.


I do think, at the end of the day, that NDP/Liberal governments would be much more beneficial to your average working class Canadian than a Conservative government would be, regardless of whether they've shifted somewhat in either actuality or appearance from what a progressive was in the '90s or '00s.

Edited by 112
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29 minutes ago, AatuD2 said:



That's a perfect example: CSIS has made public it's belief that right-wing extremism is the most dangerous issue facing Canada. That's laughable. Also shows you how captured by the left wing all of our bureaucracies are. 


Are you suggesting that somehow someway that our security and policing in this nation are leftists or are somehow all appointed by the current ruling government making them sympathetic to leftists and thus prone to pursuing a leftist agenda?


What evidence besides your opinion do you have to support this?


29 minutes ago, AatuD2 said:

Today's progressive left would be considered insane by the standards of the 90s and early 2000s because we went from fighting for worker rights to dividing population based on ethnicity, sex, and sexual orientation and playing Identity Politics.  


Pierre and the Conservatives at the federal and provincial levels have done NOTHING but divide the nation based on gender, orientation, religion and are playing identity politics.  Don't even pretend they don't it's literally a major talking point in their platform.


Every time someone says the left is doing this I cringe knowing that partisanship has struck a cord and furhter entrenched itself in the idiocy that is the voting blocs of this nation.



29 minutes ago, AatuD2 said:


To put it into perspective, repeating MLK's statement that people should be judged on the nature of their character as opposed to the colour of their skin would be considered racist now. It was plainly evident when Coleman Hughes gave his TED Talk that was attempted to be silenced (or as progressive left says "deplatformed"). 


The most vocal minority of a political ideology on the extreme is not the majority.  This would be akin to saying that the KKK speaks specifically for the right or that all conservatives are nazis (heffy just wet himself reading that im sure)



29 minutes ago, AatuD2 said:

I understand where you're coming from, I'm just completely out on where today's left is. Labour union leaders fighting for living conditions of all have been replaced by university activists that look for ways to be offended. 

Literally nobody outside of the smallest most vocal group is that way.  The suggestion that many or the majority are is ridiculous.


As for the leaders fighting for better lives, living conditions or more equal footing.  Today's right, in Pierre etc call them activists or extremists and then lambaste them openly loudly and vocally because equality means that nobody can actually be pissed off because nobody has a leg up based on anything more than effort and success.

Edited by Warhippy
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27 minutes ago, AatuD2 said:

That's a perfect example: CSIS has made public it's belief that right-wing extremism is the most dangerous issue facing Canada. That's laughable. Also shows you how captured by the left wing all of our bureaucracies are. 


Labour union leaders fighting for living conditions of all have been replaced by university activists that look for ways to be offended. 

Lot's of people have different senses of humour I suppose.


Why are the CSIS conclusions so  laughable?


"Labour union leaders fighting for living conditions of all have been replaced by university activists that look for ways to be offended.|" Now that's laughable IMHO.



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9 hours ago, AatuD2 said:



PP is going to win and do so decisively.  People that blindly support Trudeau think they're being some kind of progressives. 


PP would've been considered center-right by the slimmest of margins up until the last 5-6 years. 


Trudeau and Singh are going to be splitting the left vote but the issue is that today's political divisions have pushed everything so far to the extreme left that they won't have much of a population to pick from. 


I agree about the vote.  PP doesn't have any competition from Conservative voters.  Unless they are far right whack jobs that want to vote for Bernier.  However, on the left there are people who have voted for Trudeau in the past who can easily vote for Singh now.  They are in bed together, so you can't tell them apart anymore.  The left vote will be split as you say, so PP will easily win a majority government.  The only thing that could stop it is a PP scandal.  Maybe that is what Trudeau is waiting for.  I'm sure he has his PI's looking around right now.  Maybe there is a PP pussy tape lying around somewhere...

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9 hours ago, 112 said:


What exactly is the extreme left? I don't see much radical talk from left-wing circles. People just want the rich to be taxed and for equality to be established for minorities in terms of socioeconomics and with respect to the law. They want the police to be held to higher standards of conduct, they want better mental health care and they want a more robust healthcare system generally. They want teachers to be treated better and have their pay match the import of their positions. People on the left consider climate change an urgent matter that needs to be addressed better than current/former governments have done. They want LGBT people to have safety and security within their communities. They want a focus to be put on poverty and social systems to be established or made better in order to eliminate it. I don't see this stuff as being extremist.


I believe CSIS has made public its belief that right-wing extremism is the most dangerous domestic issue facing Canada, but I don't think it has said the same about the left 'extreme.'

TO be fair, 


The threat I am most worried about on the left is the unfettered black holes in our major and minor cities in this country. De-Criminalizing minor possession of heroin, meth, fentanyl and a variety of opioids and coupling that with the insistence upon safe injection/safe supply sites in towns and cities has led to those black holes where business and properties go belly up in the immediate area where the addicted few gather and fester. The far left thinks this is the best approach and it is destroying family businesses, and struggling families who managed to buy homes, that now happen to be in the void zone of the unhoused rabble. I am not very nice to the addicted community, I admit it, but I also think I am slightly left of center and If i think it is a black hole, imagine how those right of me think about it?

It takes all sides to make the nation Great. The 'left' is not off the hook because the 'right' is in the hotseat with regards to CSIS statement of the far right being the biggest threat to Canada at this time. 

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9 hours ago, AatuD2 said:



Labour union leaders fighting for living conditions of all have been replaced by university activists that look for ways to be offended. 

I edited my post because I caught myself generalizing. 

Generalizations are a terrible way to make a point or logical argument. 

Mea Culpa




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38 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

I have formerly held the highest clearance in Canada and briefed PM's in my day. Flew around the globe with one on his detail and held positions with CFIOG and CSE. I have been to the NSA HQ in the US. I have a lifetime of experience and training, now retired. I share CSIS concerns and agree with them. There are threats from several political angles, the most dangerous facing Canada right now is the threat from a zeitgeist that thinks it is okay to crash your truck into a barricade at the Governor Generals house and go hunting for the Prime Minister on the grounds with a long gun. There is no left wing version of this incredibly high threat. A second example: guns and grenades and body armour brought to the Cowboy Convoy picket lines at the Alberta Border. A third example? Some Proud Boy's from Canada are currently serving very long sentences in the USA for traveling out of our country to join in that countries overthrow of the democratically elected government. I could give you examples 4 thru 10 but If you don't already believe me, the rest wouldn't move your needle. 


What are these guys really so angry about? 

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52 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

I have formerly held the highest clearance in Canada and briefed PM's in my day. Flew around the globe with one on his detail and held positions with CFIOG and CSE. I have been to the NSA HQ in the US. I have a lifetime of experience and training, now retired. I share CSIS concerns and agree with them. There are threats from several political angles, the most dangerous facing Canada right now is the threat from a zeitgeist that thinks it is okay to crash your truck into a barricade at the Governor Generals house and go hunting for the Prime Minister on the grounds with a long gun. There is no left wing version of this incredibly high threat. A second example: guns and grenades and body armour brought to the Cowboy Convoy picket lines at the Alberta Border. A third example? Some Proud Boy's from Canada are currently serving very long sentences in the USA for traveling out of our country to join in that countries overthrow of the democratically elected government. I could give you examples 4 thru 10 but If you don't already believe me, the rest wouldn't move your needle. 

I owe you a beer. 

The beers after will be while trading stories. 

Come over this week. I’m off. 

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Trudeau's Toronto event with Italy PM Meloni cancelled due to pro-Palestinian protest (msn.com)


Trudeau's Toronto event with Italy PM Meloni cancelled due to pro-Palestinian protest


Toronto event where Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was scheduled to host his Italian counterpart was cancelled on Saturday evening due to security concerns as hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters gathered outside the venue, a spokesperson for the Prime Minister's Office said. 


Demonstrators outside the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) criticized the federal government's handling of the Israel-Hamas war and chanted that Trudeau was funding a genocide in Gaza.


Police told CBC News there were roughly 200 to 300 protesters outside the AGO on Saturday, but noted it was difficult to estimate the total size of the demonstration as protesters gathered outside several entrances.


"Due to security concerns, the event was cancelled," a spokesperson for the PMO told CBC News on Saturday night via email. 


Would-be attendees gathered outside were confronted by demonstrators, with their paths to entry blocked. Some were later escorted to the building's entrance by police.


International Development Minister Ahmed Hussen tried to enter through the main entrance, but protesters blocked his path and followed him for two blocks as he tried to enter a more secure location while flanked by police.


These people should have been arrested and their bank accounts frozen.  Meeting the Italian PM is very important and this is an embarrassment.  Are protesters who follow one of our ministers for two blocks trying to intimidate him not guilty of a criminal offence?  Or is that classified as a peaceful protest?

Edited by Elias Pettersson
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32 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Trudeau's Toronto event with Italy PM Meloni cancelled due to pro-Palestinian protest (msn.com)


Trudeau's Toronto event with Italy PM Meloni cancelled due to pro-Palestinian protest


Toronto event where Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was scheduled to host his Italian counterpart was cancelled on Saturday evening due to security concerns as hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters gathered outside the venue, a spokesperson for the Prime Minister's Office said. 


Demonstrators outside the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) criticized the federal government's handling of the Israel-Hamas war and chanted that Trudeau was funding a genocide in Gaza.


Police told CBC News there were roughly 200 to 300 protesters outside the AGO on Saturday, but noted it was difficult to estimate the total size of the demonstration as protesters gathered outside several entrances.


"Due to security concerns, the event was cancelled," a spokesperson for the PMO told CBC News on Saturday night via email. 


Would-be attendees gathered outside were confronted by demonstrators, with their paths to entry blocked. Some were later escorted to the building's entrance by police.


International Development Minister Ahmed Hussen tried to enter through the main entrance, but protesters blocked his path and followed him for two blocks as he tried to enter a more secure location while flanked by police.


These people should have been arrested and their bank accounts frozen.  Meeting the Italian PM is very important and this is an embarrassment.  Are protesters who follow one of our ministers for two blocks trying to intimidate him not guilty of a criminal offence?  Or is that classified as a peaceful protest?

My sister in law works for DND and was attending a conference on Friday. They were met by pro Palestinian protestors who yelled threats until they got inside the building. She said police presence was heavy but she saw no arrests. My hope would be that non-Canadian activists would be arrested and shipped back to their country of origin. What we see is a well planned PR campaign financed from where? I can make a good guess.

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6 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

My sister in law works for DND and was attending a conference on Friday. They were met by pro Palestinian protestors who yelled threats until they got inside the building. She said police presence was heavy but she saw no arrests. My hope would be that non-Canadian activists would be arrested and shipped back to their country of origin. What we see is a well planned PR campaign financed from where? I can make a good guess.


We all know, whether or not someone cares is a different story.


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1 hour ago, Boudrias said:

My sister in law works for DND and was attending a conference on Friday. They were met by pro Palestinian protestors who yelled threats until they got inside the building. She said police presence was heavy but she saw no arrests. My hope would be that non-Canadian activists would be arrested and shipped back to their country of origin. What we see is a well planned PR campaign financed from where? I can make a good guess.

Why would not being canadian disqualify someone from protesting? Don't get me wrong: i am not talking about breaking laws, i am talking about protesting in general. I don't think there is a 'must be a citizen' requirement in order to lawfully protest in Canada. 

Now if the cops were there and threats were being made that were credible and serious, that would be breaking the law: and if someone is arrested and turns out to be unlawfully at large here in Canada, then yeah they have an issue they are going to have to settle, but this just sounds like non white or non english speaking people were protesting: and I fail to see what is wrong with that?

I am not a fan of the "take away their rights" crowd, even when we share some common interests. 

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1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Trudeau's Toronto event with Italy PM Meloni cancelled due to pro-Palestinian protest (msn.com)


Trudeau's Toronto event with Italy PM Meloni cancelled due to pro-Palestinian protest


Toronto event where Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was scheduled to host his Italian counterpart was cancelled on Saturday evening due to security concerns as hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters gathered outside the venue, a spokesperson for the Prime Minister's Office said. 


Demonstrators outside the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) criticized the federal government's handling of the Israel-Hamas war and chanted that Trudeau was funding a genocide in Gaza.


Police told CBC News there were roughly 200 to 300 protesters outside the AGO on Saturday, but noted it was difficult to estimate the total size of the demonstration as protesters gathered outside several entrances.


"Due to security concerns, the event was cancelled," a spokesperson for the PMO told CBC News on Saturday night via email. 


Would-be attendees gathered outside were confronted by demonstrators, with their paths to entry blocked. Some were later escorted to the building's entrance by police.


International Development Minister Ahmed Hussen tried to enter through the main entrance, but protesters blocked his path and followed him for two blocks as he tried to enter a more secure location while flanked by police.


These people should have been arrested and their bank accounts frozen.  Meeting the Italian PM is very important and this is an embarrassment.  Are protesters who follow one of our ministers for two blocks trying to intimidate him not guilty of a criminal offence?  Or is that classified as a peaceful protest?

The police were there, and the security detail of the dignitaries too. They would have made the right decision much better than we can here in a chat forum. 

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1 minute ago, Optimist Prime said:

Why would not being canadian disqualify someone from protesting? Don't get me wrong: i am not talking about breaking laws, i am talking about protesting in general. I don't think there is a 'must be a citizen' requirement in order to lawfully protest in Canada. 

Now if the cops were there and threats were being made that were credible and serious, that would be breaking the law: and if someone is arrested and turns out to be unlawfully at large here in Canada, then yeah they have an issue they are going to have to settle, but this just sounds like non white or non english speaking people were protesting: and I fail to see what is wrong with that?

I am not a fan of the "take away their rights" crowd, even when we share some common interests. 


hmm.. dunno on this one. Why should people have to endure threats on the way into a building? thats not protesting.


I also wonder what the yellers are really trying to accomplish. 


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If there are not a large amount of cops, it is very dangerous to send them into a crowd to arrest/detain those that are yelling threats.

Also- they have to be sure it was the tall dude yelling, and not the shorter, obese guy right beside him.

Bad enough to try and get the right perp, but if they grab the wrong guy; a likely riot will break out.

I'd suggest going through all the video and audio coverage, doing a facial recognition thing, and going after the harassers, when they are in a much easier location for arrest.

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10 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


hmm.. dunno on this one. Why should people have to endure threats on the way into a building? thats not protesting.


I also wonder what the yellers are really trying to accomplish. 


Well I mean, Hamas is financing them, right? It's a 'well planned PR campaign'. They are paid to yell etc... I mean otherwise nobody would be supporting the Palestinians.


I heard about it all in another thread...they are funding people in all our important institutions. 




Yeah, I haven't let that go...cause well, he's still making those claims. 

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11 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

Well I mean, Hamas is financing them, right? It's a 'well planned PR campaign'. They are paid to yell etc... I mean otherwise nobody would be supporting the Palestinians.


I heard about it all in another thread...they are funding people in all our important institutions. 




Yeah, I haven't let that go...cause well, he's still making those claims. 


personally I wouldn't be surprised at all if there are Canadian funds finding its way to Hamas. 


I also think there are many reasons people support one group in this over another. 


But whatever side someone is on, they don't have the right to yell threats in your face. I mean what would you do if someone treated your wife like that? I bet your self control would be greatly tested.


I don't like what I'm seeing from some of these folks, keep the religious fighting over there. 


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34 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

Why would not being canadian disqualify someone from protesting? Don't get me wrong: i am not talking about breaking laws, i am talking about protesting in general. I don't think there is a 'must be a citizen' requirement in order to lawfully protest in Canada. 

Now if the cops were there and threats were being made that were credible and serious, that would be breaking the law: and if someone is arrested and turns out to be unlawfully at large here in Canada, then yeah they have an issue they are going to have to settle, but this just sounds like non white or non english speaking people were protesting: and I fail to see what is wrong with that?

I am not a fan of the "take away their rights" crowd, even when we share some common interests. 

Intimidating a Cabinet Minister and not allowing him into the building is definitely grounds for an arrest. 

Also, Boudrias was referring to if these people were breaking the law and needed to be arrested and weren’t Canadian citizens, then the government should have every right to deport them. 

Edited by Elias Pettersson
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