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The alt right has a very long well established history of these behaviors.

They seek out a created enemy that will feed to their voter bases anger and then seek to validate to them their fears are real.  We literally have centuries of this documented in our history 


This north American alt right movement has selected trans and LGBTQ issues to create fictional boogie men and preach that only they can protect us ( And don't forget that we must think of the children).

Soon Klinger from mash and Agnes Brown ( love Mrs Brown's boys ) will be banned in Florida lol


And bathrooms ? Really ? 

This is a north american quirk that sexualized a body function. In many countries the washrooms have been all people use for some time.  

Most new public buildings are going to single washrooms now. Each toilet is in its own ceiling to floor private room and the only thing actually shared is the sinks.   Works well


Showers should also be built at schools and gyms in the same manner.  The old military style box room with 10 people all showering in full view of everyone is so 1900 ....


We aren't there yet but in a few years the notion of gendered washrooms and shower rooms will be a thing if the past. New construction should have small private stalls for both ....  Many kids biggest fear isn't seeing the privates of someone else ... It's anyone seeing them undressed at all ( self conscious body issues ) ... It's the alt right sexualizing the issue. 

We don't have men and women bathrooms.at.home ...  We have a means for each person on their own to decide their level of privacy...... 


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30 minutes ago, Miss Korea said:


Answer the fucking questions, man.  You're just talking and talking and basically don't have the guts to answer anything posed to you.  Why are you mentioning Republicans in a Canadian politics thread?  And for the millionth time: would you let trans kids use the washroom they want?

You didn’t just assume Wiggum’s gender pronoun did you? 😧

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47 minutes ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

I thought you were above the fray? 

I like to poke once in a while when boredom strikes. I suppose I couldn’t resist while reading Korea’s seemingly angry tone. 
Appreciate your thinking of me though!

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15 minutes ago, Chicken. said:

I like to poke once in a while when boredom strikes. I suppose I couldn’t resist while reading Korea’s seemingly angry tone. 
Appreciate your thinking of me though!

No worries bro, at least you don't have to play victim anymore. Must feel so freeing. 

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9 minutes ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

No worries bro, at least you don't have to play victim anymore. Must feel so freeing. 

I used to play the victim? I don’t recall. My memory of CDC must be fading. 

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4 hours ago, StrayDog said:

All of a sudden you're concerned with context? Heffy posts a bunch of anti-far right Christian remarks and you take it to mean that reply he made was anti-Christian solely. Yet you make an amazing amount of anti-trans remarks but can't understand why people would conclude your posts to be anti-trans?


Wiggy is nothing if not consistent in trying to tie sexual predation with transgenders and washrooms when the two issues have zero to do with each other.  If he really cared about sexual predators he’d stop making a connection that doesn’t exist.  Anyone can get into any washroom anywhere any time.


Supervisor sat in car while repeat B.C. sex offender victimized 11-year-old girl

B.C. public safety minister Mike Farnworth says he ordered an investigation upon learning of the case


A provincially appointed supervisor assigned to monitoring a high-risk sex offender in Kelowna sat in the car outside an equestrian centre for 2½ hours while an 11-year-old girl was victimized by Taylor Dueck, B.C. United MLA Renee Merrifield alleged Tuesday.




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10 minutes ago, Chicken. said:

I used to play the victim? I don’t recall. My memory of CDC must be fading. 

Sorry, just poking a little fun. The last couple of pages you appear to expressing a lot of moral outrage (sarcastically no doubt) with the behaviour of others. Now you're down here in the muck with the rest of us. 

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5 hours ago, StrayDog said:


I defy you to point out where in Heffy's statement he said Christians. He said religious far right. I would take that to mean all far right fundamentalist religions, including Muslims and other faiths. 

Since you're so into reading comprehension I'm surprised you didn't catch that.


5 hours ago, King Heffy said:

This is a much larger problem with priests.  Maybe concentrate on holding the Catholic church accountable if you're actually serious about protecting children.


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Just now, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

Sorry, just poking a little fun. The last couple of pages you appear to expressing a lot of moral outrage (sarcastically no doubt) with the behaviour of others. Now you're down here in the muck with the rest of us. 

Lol ‘a lot’ - it was one post but apology accepted. 

The gender pronoun thing is kinda wild to me though how far it has come with some people giving their kid the gender X on their birth certificate so they can determine their own gender, which I dont think ill ever understand or agree with, but what can ya do to each their own i suppose. see now you got me going on a controversial tangent. I guess I am in the muck.

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2 minutes ago, Chicken. said:

Lol ‘a lot’ - it was one post but apology accepted. 

The gender pronoun thing is kinda wild to me though how far it has come with some people giving their kid the gender X on their birth certificate so they can determine their own gender, which I dont think ill ever understand or agree with, but what can ya do to each their own i suppose. see now you got me going on a controversial tangent. I guess I am in the muck.


The way I look at it is, if you really believe that everyone should be treated equally, who cares about what pronouns they use.


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16 minutes ago, 4petesake said:


Wiggy is nothing if not consistent in trying to tie sexual predation with transgenders and washrooms when the two issues have zero to do with each other.  If he really cared about sexual predators he’d stop making a connection that doesn’t exist.  Anyone can get into any washroom anywhere any time.


Supervisor sat in car while repeat B.C. sex offender victimized 11-year-old girl

B.C. public safety minister Mike Farnworth says he ordered an investigation upon learning of the case


A provincially appointed supervisor assigned to monitoring a high-risk sex offender in Kelowna sat in the car outside an equestrian centre for 2½ hours while an 11-year-old girl was victimized by Taylor Dueck, B.C. United MLA Renee Merrifield alleged Tuesday.





Easily debunked like a lot of the fake news you spam here.  

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1 minute ago, Bob Long said:


The way I look at it is, if you really believe that everyone should be treated equally, who cares about what pronouns they use.


thats fine and dandy as they grow older but pre determining a kid to have to make a decision on their gender identity / pronoun when the majority of people are fine with what has been granted to them biologically is a bit of a bridge too far by the parents in my view. Maybe that is the way of the world now to let kids choose everything from a young age based on their feelings. 

I get and understand more the realization trans people have as they grow up and mature enough to make those decisions that they arent feeling what they are but putting/forcing that feeling on kids to decide your own gender seems off to me.

To each their own I suppose.


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5 hours ago, King Heffy said:

Many of the people coming to Canada from those parts of the world are coming to flee the religious fundamentalism entrenched there.  I oppose any form of religion influencing government policy.

Your anger shouldn’t be just directed at priests and the Catholic Church which you bring up often. The Muslim faith is very similar to the Christian faith. Christians and Muslims have a common denominator when it come to LGBTQ+ rights. At least Pope Francis has been more open about it in recent years. Not sure anyone in the Muslim world has changed their stance.  



Muslims across Canada say the current political climate is dangerous for young people from Muslim backgrounds, in light of heated protests and statements last month over schools teaching gender identity.


Last week, the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) — which says it represents 55,000 people in B.C., Alberta, Ontario and Quebec — posted a statement online calling for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, school boards, unions and "some media outlets" to apologize for "characterizing the peaceful protests of thousands of concerned parents as hateful."

"On Wednesday September 20th, thousands of Muslims, joined by other faith-based groups, protested to raise their concerns, calling for their rights as parents in relation to their children's education," reads the statement. "The statements from Canadian leaders and school boards increase the potential for Muslim children to face increased bullying and harassment in schools, both by educators and peers."

MAC  has said it wants schools to acknowledge religious rights and believes "mandated celebration or affirmation of LGBTQ, including direct or indirect impositions to participate in 'Pride' events and activities, constitutes an infringement on the legal rights of Muslims."


Also, some of you in here should really start listening more to your beloved leader Trudeau. He seems to have a different take on things. 

In response to a question on Thursday about whether he would retract his statement based on MAC's calls, Trudeau said he will always stand against intolerance when it exists. He also noted, "I never suggested that someone who is concerned about parental rights is somehow filled with hate and intolerance."

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8 minutes ago, Chicken. said:

thats fine and dandy as they grow older but pre determining a kid to have to make a decision on their gender identity / pronoun when the majority of people are fine with what has been granted to them biologically is a bit of a bridge too far by the parents in my view. Maybe that is the way of the world now to let kids choose everything from a young age based on their feelings. 

I get and understand more the realization trans people have as they grow up and mature enough to make those decisions that they arent feeling what they are but putting/forcing that feeling on kids to decide your own gender seems off to me.

To each their own I suppose.



Well, are you willing to step in and parent for them? 


I think the religious types that skip vaccines are morons, but I'm not willing to raise their kids either.

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1 minute ago, Bob Long said:


Well, are you willing to step in and parent for them? 


I think the religious types that skip vaccines are morons, but I'm not willing to raise their kids either.

Of course not which is why i ended with to each their own.
I guess we have common ground in seeing disappointment in adults making odd decisions for their children, but thus is the idea of parental rights to do so. Everyone can have a different idea of what is right.

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33 minutes ago, Chicken. said:

thats fine and dandy as they grow older but pre determining a kid to have to make a decision on their gender identity / pronoun when the majority of people are fine with what has been granted to them biologically is a bit of a bridge too far by the parents in my view. Maybe that is the way of the world now to let kids choose everything from a young age based on their feelings. 

I get and understand more the realization trans people have as they grow up and mature enough to make those decisions that they arent feeling what they are but putting/forcing that feeling on kids to decide your own gender seems off to me.

To each their own I suppose.


Out of curiosity, do you feel the same about parents choosing the religion their children get inducted into?

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14 minutes ago, StrayDog said:

Out of curiosity, do you feel the same about parents choosing the religion their children get inducted into?

Interesting question. i think all religion is pretty silly for starters but im just not a person of faith So of course im bias in that regard, similar to how im not transgender so i dont fully understand that perspective either.

Again to each their own i suppose but yes forcing religion on anyone isnt good but i dont really think it would have as long standing of an impact as gender identity confusion being forced upon a kid. 

part of parenting is making choices for your kid and most people will have a unique view on many decisions that have to be made. Ill be forcing my kids to play sports, be active and reinforce the importance of education but other then that they're free to decide what they want to do. Maybe ill have different views if/when i become a parent 😆

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14 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Your anger shouldn’t be just directed at priests and the Catholic Church which you bring up often. The Muslim faith is very similar to the Christian faith. Christians and Muslims have a common denominator when it come to LGBTQ+ rights. At least Pope Francis has been more open about it in recent years. Not sure anyone in the Muslim world has changed their stance.  



Muslims across Canada say the current political climate is dangerous for young people from Muslim backgrounds, in light of heated protests and statements last month over schools teaching gender identity.


Last week, the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) — which says it represents 55,000 people in B.C., Alberta, Ontario and Quebec — posted a statement online calling for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, school boards, unions and "some media outlets" to apologize for "characterizing the peaceful protests of thousands of concerned parents as hateful."

"On Wednesday September 20th, thousands of Muslims, joined by other faith-based groups, protested to raise their concerns, calling for their rights as parents in relation to their children's education," reads the statement. "The statements from Canadian leaders and school boards increase the potential for Muslim children to face increased bullying and harassment in schools, both by educators and peers."

MAC  has said it wants schools to acknowledge religious rights and believes "mandated celebration or affirmation of LGBTQ, including direct or indirect impositions to participate in 'Pride' events and activities, constitutes an infringement on the legal rights of Muslims."


Also, some of you in here should really start listening more to your beloved leader Trudeau. He seems to have a different take on things. 

In response to a question on Thursday about whether he would retract his statement based on MAC's calls, Trudeau said he will always stand against intolerance when it exists. He also noted, "I never suggested that someone who is concerned about parental rights is somehow filled with hate and intolerance."


It's gonna take a day or two for people to figure out how to tip-toe around this one.



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10 minutes ago, Wiggums said:


It's gonna take a day or two for people to figure out how to tip-toe around this one.



Tip-toe?   Things have been a bit busy around here given a murder thread that became an immigration thread, a game in Vegas, and a trade deadline.


Tell me that you read the whole article and I will respond.





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44 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

Tip-toe?   Things have been a bit busy around here given a murder thread that became an immigration thread, a game in Vegas, and a trade deadline.


Tell me that you read the whole article and I will respond.






Why are Christians always subject to ridicule here based on their faith but no other groups ever are? And why are people here labelled hateful or intolerant when they express concerns over parental rights?



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