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Canadian Politics Thread


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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:



I've always respected your opinion and I'd like to ask as a former member of the party.  What are your views on the push towards identity politicking done by the Conservatives and Liberals in Canada?  Specifically, do you think it is really so important that it gets more air time and precedence between the two than say, childhood safety, health or economic stability?


Or in a shorter form, do you think both parties have totally lost the message?

I HATE HATE HATE that it's gone away from what it should be (the issues) and more about identity. I believe, that outside of Carbon Tax it will be Trudeaus biggest downfall.


I will be honest in saying that PP was 3rd on my ballot for conservative leader. I just wish an economics degree was mandatory to be the prime minster, would make things a lot easier.

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8 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

It was posted right here that it happens.




Rean again my post and then read this line from the news article that you posted.  They are identical in what we are both saying...


The data compares overall compensation by group, calculating the mean hourly wage earned by women versus men as a whole rather than examining the gap in compensation for a certain position or role.


The article clearly says they are using a mean average and not comparing similar jobs.


I also said that wage disparity based on promotion is a different conversation.  What are the reasons why men get the higher paying jobs than women?  Is it because the ones that are getting promoted have more education, more experience, or is it simply discrimination?

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7 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

anger leads to emotion leads to knee jerk reactions leads to poor decision making.  

Anger at oneself and others at large is a terrible way to make political decisions for oneself and for the masses. 

Tribalism is terrible, but selfishness without foresight may be worse. 

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Just now, Sharpshooter said:

Anger at oneself and others at large is a terrible way to make political decisions for oneself and for the masses. 

Tribalism is terrible, but selfishness without foresight may be worse. 

A good case in point is we the nation voted out harper not voted in Trudeau and now we're set to vote out trudeau not vote in Pierre.


I hope this isn't lost on many but I know people are angry and scared and easily misinformed of the issues so that hope is fleeting at best

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9 minutes ago, Warhippy said:



I've always respected your opinion and I'd like to ask as a former member of the party.  What are your views on the push towards identity politicking done by the Conservatives and Liberals in Canada?  Specifically, do you think it is really so important that it gets more air time and precedence between the two than say, childhood safety, health or economic stability?


Or in a shorter form, do you think both parties have totally lost the message?

First mistake. 


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1 minute ago, AriGold said:

I HATE HATE HATE that it's gone away from what it should be (the issues) and more about identity. I believe, that outside of Carbon Tax it will be Trudeaus biggest downfall.


I will be honest in saying that PP was 3rd on my ballot for conservative leader. I just wish an economics degree was mandatory to be the prime minster, would make things a lot easier.

I personally wish people would have actually gotten behind O'Toole.  He should have ran the party and not the party him.


Trudeau/Libs and Pierre/Cons are both playing identity games right now and ignoring the major issues.  Full measure ot both camps as they both seem to find time in a week to steer the topics sort of back to an even keel but it's almost every week both parties are pretending that race, orientation or beliefs are more important to the population than simply ensuring the lights are on and food is in the fridge.


We deserve better than both of these parties right now

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2 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

I have access to all you webcams, so I assure you, you’re not the only ‘flavoured’ poster. 



I joke! 

Certainly feel like I'm one of the few that can't pass off as white, ill tell you that for free.

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2 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

I have access to all you webcams, so I assure you, you’re not the only ‘flavoured’ poster. 



I joke! 


Um…I wasn’t doing anything, I was just…ah…adjusting myself. Yeah, that’s it, adjusting things. 
Several times.



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2 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

I personally wish people would have actually gotten behind O'Toole.  He should have ran the party and not the party him.


Trudeau/Libs and Pierre/Cons are both playing identity games right now and ignoring the major issues.  Full measure ot both camps as they both seem to find time in a week to steer the topics sort of back to an even keel but it's almost every week both parties are pretending that race, orientation or beliefs are more important to the population than simply ensuring the lights are on and food is in the fridge.


We deserve better than both of these parties right now


We certainly do... For me I draw a hard line at puberty blockers... It it 100% not acceptable under any circumstances for kids to take puberty blockers...


If you can't vote, you can't drive and you can't drink then it's not acceptable to change your gender permanently.

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2 minutes ago, AriGold said:


We certainly do... For me I draw a hard line at puberty blockers... It it 100% not acceptable under any circumstances for kids to take puberty blockers...


If you can't vote, you can't drive and you can't drink then it's not acceptable to change your gender permanently.

This is a not my pig not my farm scenario.  If it doesn't affect me or my house it doesn't matter.


I'm an old school conservative in that fashion.

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6 minutes ago, Miss Korea said:

Certainly feel like I'm one of the few that can't pass off as white, ill tell you that for free.

Never feel less than here brother. 

Our diversity, here, is ‘our’ strength. 

I assure you that you have fellow Members of every age, colour, nationality, time zone, team affiliation, gender, gender identity, and everything in between. 

And all are equal and welcome and respected. 

Expect for @Alflives, classification of  one. 

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3 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

I personally wish people would have actually gotten behind O'Toole.  He should have ran the party and not the party him.


Trudeau/Libs and Pierre/Cons are both playing identity games right now and ignoring the major issues.  Full measure ot both camps as they both seem to find time in a week to steer the topics sort of back to an even keel but it's almost every week both parties are pretending that race, orientation or beliefs are more important to the population than simply ensuring the lights are on and food is in the fridge.


We deserve better than both of these parties right now


I agree.  I've always enjoyed conversing with you.  You were always someone in the middle who used logic instead of emotion to respond back.  It's when you get too much on one side that those conversations tend to get nasty.  


This post is a perfect example.  What you said is 100% correct.  BOTH parties are playing games, but you wouldn't know it by reading this thread.  I voted for Trudeau and Chretien and Paul Martin, but in this thread I get labeled a right wing nut job because I'm not interested in Trudeau's games anymore.  I've never ever stated that PP is my guy, that I agree with everything he says and that I am a far right conservative.  It's others who have labeled me this way.


At the end of the day, the average person only cares about paying their rent/mortgage and putting food on the table.  That's it.  Those are the major issues.  Everything else is secondary.  That is not the case with alot of other people who voice their frustration over social issues.  Nobody ever said social issues aren't important.  But they are damn well not as important as feeding your family and paying your rent/mortgage.  That's just the reality of life.


Yes, people will be voting out Trudeau more that they will be voting in PP.  This happens quite alot in politics.  The fact that our choices here in Canada are either Trudeau or PP and down in the US it's either two 80 year old men with dementia is a pretty sad state of affairs.  At least you are one of the few that can admit this and not just "pick a side" and stick with it no matter what...

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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

This is a not my pig not my farm scenario.  If it doesn't affect me or my house it doesn't matter.


I'm an old school conservative in that fashion.

It's a tough line to cross for sure. I have a 5 year old who starts kindergarten in September and instead of him learning the alphabet and how to tie his shoes I have to wonder if he's learning about his body and changing his gender. Very scary thought because he's so impressionable and all you need is 1 kid to say "I'm a girl now" and then it's the cool thing to do... 

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2 minutes ago, AriGold said:

It's a tough line to cross for sure. I have a 5 year old who starts kindergarten in September and instead of him learning the alphabet and how to tie his shoes I have to wonder if he's learning about his body and changing his gender. Very scary thought because he's so impressionable and all you need is 1 kid to say "I'm a girl now" and then it's the cool thing to do... 


Teach him yourself to tie his shoes. 

Be a ‘dad’ and see where his interests go. Could he be the next athlete that we all cheer on in 20 years? Maybe. 

Could he be the next comic book artist that we show our kids as the best? Maybe. 

Could he be the next leader that a country or company needs to lead them?  Maybe. 

Why limit your son? 

Flow with his roll. 

Whatever that roll might be. 

At the end of the day, Society needs more Leaders, Top Athletes, Artists, Authors, Scientists, Doctors, Lawyers, Coders, Soldiers, Teachers, Astronauts, Good Men. 

Guide him. Don’t inhibit him based on your experience. 

Being a good dad is making sure our kids do better and more than we did. 

You’re smarter than most. Be smarter. 


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11 minutes ago, AriGold said:

It's a tough line to cross for sure. I have a 5 year old who starts kindergarten in September and instead of him learning the alphabet and how to tie his shoes I have to wonder if he's learning about his body and changing his gender. Very scary thought because he's so impressionable and all you need is 1 kid to say "I'm a girl now" and then it's the cool thing to do... 

I have two teenage girls.


My 15 year old, I found binding tape in her bathroom 2 years ago.  She was dressing weird acting a bit differently.  Had some talks about it.  Said she was maybe gay.  I said ok, just don't be an asshole.  She didn't seem to like that.  She dropped the people she was hanging out with and changed her friend group and everything changed almost overnight.


I gave her the room she needed to run without giving her the weird validation her need for attention requested.  I can assure you mate, unless it's an issue in the classroom it will never be an issue you need to worry about.

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22 minutes ago, AriGold said:


We certainly do... For me I draw a hard line at puberty blockers... It it 100% not acceptable under any circumstances for kids to take puberty blockers...


If you can't vote, you can't drive and you can't drink then it's not acceptable to change your gender permanently.


100% Ari?

I will point out that puberty blockers have been used for over 40 years to treat  kids with precocious puberty, having absolutely nothing to do with gender.

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Just now, 4petesake said:

100% Ari?

I will point out that puberty blockers have been used for over 40 years to treat  kids with precocious puberty, having absolutely nothing to do with gender.

Come on Pete, you know exactly what I mean. Stay on task...

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