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Some have commented that the mental health issues in society have moved from asylums to the streets.  I just feel like society has moved towards treating humans as being disposable even amongst families.  I don't know what the future holds but if we are improving as a society we should be finding more ways to pick people up.

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On 3/9/2024 at 7:17 AM, Bob Long said:


no he isn't, and I didn't say he personally was. But he plays to the anti-vaccine sentiment and crowd. Which is really weird given what you just have shown. 



I dont find it weird at all, not even in the slightest. And I'm surprised you do tbh. 


Trump (like all politicians) favours whatever he thinks further's his own power, he has no regard for a principled pro or anti vaccine stance.


On 3/9/2024 at 7:17 AM, Bob Long said:


nope its very clear. The US Evangelical movement has developed a set of talking points before Poilievre, and he's now using them. Its very easy to show, if there's a particular thing let me know and I'll show you the history on it, like the parental rights movement. 


The 'evangelical movement' was the foundation for the birth of western democracy. This isn't really a 'gotcha' thing. In many prior eras clear left-wing liberals would've been opposing many things progressives push today. I'm sure you have some great examples but we could go back forever. The first text in our charter is literally; "Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law". Evangelical-'ism' is not a distinctly US thing by any stretch.


But to your point even in current times, Canadian leftists & American leftists copy talking points verbatim - just as you (not wrongly) say that right-wingers do. The Liberals currently bring up abortion as a crutch anytime they can, and gun bans, and Islamaphobia, exc. exc. exc. All these ideas have been touted by American politicians before & currently. If we are being fair/honest, are the Liberals borrowing American ideas aswell?


This seems like ridiculous partisanship to me. They either both do when they feel it serves them (and also the population mindlessly accepts it) or they share a diverse population across a massive continent whom (within both countries) have different ideas which clash.


On 3/9/2024 at 7:17 AM, Bob Long said:

100% the US left would love to have what we do. We have a version of things they've been fighting decades for. 


So really, what influence would the US left have on us?


the US has over 100x our population. The idea that they could easily have what we have - which isn't even so glamourous itself (not taking a shot at you, but emergency rooms in Canada aren't exactly quick, serious screenings don't exactly happen quickly, exc, exc) - it just seems far easily said than done.. and for an end that isn't doing fantastic itself.


What influence does the US left have? I answered above, but I'll add cultural influence (which goes both ways) given the connectivity of the cultures - particularly with the internet. 


On 3/9/2024 at 7:17 AM, Bob Long said:

thats interesting. IMO the US constitution is highly problematic, there's endless debate over things like "what the founders wanted" eg. Who cares? 


Our charter actually protects everyone, whereas in the US they still can't pass an ERA.


Our charter is arbitrary, as we saw under covid. The very 1st section of the Charter is literally about the ways in which the following rights can be "limited".


If the US constitution was weaker, guns would've been outlawed a long time ago in the US. Its not like the political will or power hasn't been there to do so. 

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On 3/9/2024 at 1:06 PM, Sapper said:

Communist leaders typically come to power by capitalizing on the poverty issues and then promising the poor that they will thrive under them .. once in power they rule by keeping absolutely everyone living in fear and under control ( Putin and Kim are examples ) Stalin came to power by telling the poor that he'd spread the wealth around and everyone would have food ..... He did NOT stay in power once he had it that way ..... He stayed in power by installing fear of anyone speaking out (1)


Alt right use similiar tactics to get in power but once they do ... They pit people against each other and one group lives in freedom and the other in total fear ( well know examples in the 1940's)



(1) Correct. We agree.


I was responding to the idea in your last post that this was a distinctly right-wing phenomena. Imo its not at all. And the 2nd bolded part makes the point.


Stalin instilled the fear in everyone & turned the population against each other as an inherent method of survival for everyone. To the 2nd bolded; Stalin pitted people against each other, yet no group lived in freedom. And somehow this is deemed as better historically in Western circles. Not making a value judgement here on either vs the other, just saying the seeming western regard of 1 being worse than the other makes 0 sense imo. 

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On 3/9/2024 at 2:08 PM, RupertKBD said:


Someone with more experience on how NATO is structured can correct me if I've got this wrong, but as I understand it, the US invading Canada would also be a declaration of war against France, the UK, Germany, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Poland, all of Scandanavia....etc etc....


I mean Trump turned them into a bit of a pariah state already, but invading Canada would make them the enemy of most of the first world countries on the planet.....


So I guess the point is yes, they could.....but would they? TBH, it's not something that makes me lose a second of sleep.



The US polices the world, who do you think wins? I'd bet on the US.


I wasn't saying invading Canada makes any sense for them at all, nor am I losing sleep over it either. I'm just saying in a world where paper means nothing (we live in it imo) we could be USA north at any point - and it seems like we agree. So.. I guess we just agree. 



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On 3/10/2024 at 4:59 PM, Elias Pettersson said:


Yes, but having no doctor is free in Canada.  I mean it's not like you have to pay for one...


FYI, my doctor retired years ago.  He closed his practice.  I was given all of my medical records via email and was told to find a new doctor.  I couldn't find anyone that would take me on.  I was going to walk in clinics for awhile just to get a prescription.


Finally, I called my mother's doctor.  My mom had just recently passed away and so her doctor agreed to take me on.  This is the only reason why I have a family doctor right now.  FYI, I live in Vancouver, not on the Island.  And no, I wasn't interested in moving my entire life just so I could have a family doctor.  I was told we have the best healthcare system in the world, so no reason to upend my entire life to have a doctor right?


On 3/10/2024 at 6:06 PM, Elias Pettersson said:


Why would I need to move to the USA?  Is that what the answer is to people who question things that are happening in Canada?  Up until a few months ago, we had over a million people in BC without a family doctor.  And your retort is to move to the USA versus trying to fix the problem?  Unbelievable...


On 3/10/2024 at 6:21 PM, AatuD2 said:



What a childish thing to say.  

Shortage of family doctors has been well documented and has been an ongoing issue.  It should be solved and the root causes should be examined. 


I was told the USA is so jealous of our healthcare system, just wait until they find out the solution to our current healthcare situation is going down south.


This could be a Family Guy sketch/cutaway honestly. You just can't make this stuff up. But hey just be quiet, everything is fine! (so I've been told). 

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On 3/10/2024 at 6:35 PM, Elias Pettersson said:


Pete posted the most recent info from February 16, 2024 which I did not see.  As of July 5, 2023 there were still 895,000 people in BC without a family doctor.  So, it is a credit to the BC government to get that number down to 220,000 in just a few months.  We still have 220,000 people without a family doctor, so there is still some work to do.


The fact that some people on the left feel the best response to this issue is to tell the poster to move is quite disturbing to say the least.  Questioning what is happening in Canada is now grounds for being ridiculed and insulted.  And they wonder why Trudeau's poll numbers are tanking....


I was going to try making a ridiculous/dark joke in response about the state of things, but I couldn't even tie the threads together.


So... If you don't like our Utopia just leave. Everything is phenomenal here. (Sorry had too ❤️)


As long as we ignore the state of things, our great leader will thankfully be just fine. 


On 3/11/2024 at 11:13 AM, RupertKBD said:

If someone is actually going to vote against the current government because of "identity politics", it's a sad commentary on the state of things....It's literally casting a vote for a reason that doesn't affect you whatsoever....


If you're a fiscal conservative and think that the Trudeau government has spent beyond their means, that's fine....but please don't gaslight everyone, by complaining about "printing money" and then in the next breath, complaining about a lack of government funding for whatever the cause celebre' happens to be on that particular day.


When you do that sort of thing, (and many of the anti Trudeau crowd ITT do it) it really just ends up being a case of looking for something (anything) to complain about.


If it makes you feel any better, I don't feel like the gov't 'lacks funding' for much these days! (so throw me in the former camp, I suppose)

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5 hours ago, Smashian Kassian said:


I dont find it weird at all, not even in the slightest. And I'm surprised you do tbh. 


Trump (like all politicians) favours whatever he thinks further's his own power, he has no regard for a principled pro or anti vaccine stance.



I don't find it weird that Trump would use it, its weird to me that anti-vaxxers would still like him.


5 hours ago, Smashian Kassian said:

The 'evangelical movement' was the foundation for the birth of western democracy. This isn't really a 'gotcha' thing. In many prior eras clear left-wing liberals would've been opposing many things progressives push today. I'm sure you have some great examples but we could go back forever. The first text in our charter is literally; "Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law". Evangelical-'ism' is not a distinctly US thing by any stretch.


 We also have a Charter that clearly separates religion from state functions. 


Im actually talking about the influence of the current evangelical movement in the US, not any founding concepts. 



5 hours ago, Smashian Kassian said:

But to your point even in current times, Canadian leftists & American leftists copy talking points verbatim - just as you (not wrongly) say that right-wingers do. The Liberals currently bring up abortion as a crutch anytime they can, and gun bans, and Islamaphobia, exc. exc. exc. All these ideas have been touted by American politicians before & currently. If we are being fair/honest, are the Liberals borrowing American ideas aswell?


This seems like ridiculous partisanship to me. They either both do when they feel it serves them (and also the population mindlessly accepts it) or they share a diverse population across a massive continent whom (within both countries) have different ideas which clash.



For sure, both ends of the spectrum use US ideas. But the point you're missing is we already have many of the things the US left covets. I don't see where their influence would change any of our laws at this point. 


5 hours ago, Smashian Kassian said:

the US has over 100x our population. The idea that they could easily have what we have - which isn't even so glamourous itself (not taking a shot at you, but emergency rooms in Canada aren't exactly quick, serious screenings don't exactly happen quickly, exc, exc) - it just seems far easily said than done.. and for an end that isn't doing fantastic itself.



wait times in the US can be nearly as long. You don't have to worry about going bankrupt when you visit ours. 



5 hours ago, Smashian Kassian said:

What influence does the US left have? I answered above, but I'll add cultural influence (which goes both ways) given the connectivity of the cultures - particularly with the internet. 



Our charter is arbitrary, as we saw under covid. The very 1st section of the Charter is literally about the ways in which the following rights can be "limited".


If the US constitution was weaker, guns would've been outlawed a long time ago in the US. Its not like the political will or power hasn't been there to do so. 


you see arbitrary, I see the ability to adapt. 


Edited by Bob Long
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7 hours ago, Smashian Kassian said:

The US polices the world, who do you think wins? I'd bet on the US.


I wasn't saying invading Canada makes any sense for them at all, nor am I losing sleep over it either. I'm just saying in a world where paper means nothing (we live in it imo) we could be USA north at any point - and it seems like we agree. So.. I guess we just agree.


Sooo....the whole reason for your post was to point out that the US has a more powerful military than Canada? :classic_huh: Well, I guess you've got me there....


That's what a trillion dollar per year budget will buy you, I suppose....

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7 hours ago, Smashian Kassian said:


I was going to try making a ridiculous/dark joke in response about the state of things, but I couldn't even tie the threads together.


So... If you don't like our Utopia just leave. Everything is phenomenal here. (Sorry had too ❤️)


As long as we ignore the state of things, our great leader will thankfully be just fine. 



If it makes you feel any better, I don't feel like the gov't 'lacks funding' for much these days! (so throw me in the former camp, I suppose)


I don't really understand what you're trying to say....are you all for government spending to try and alleviate the struggles of lower income families, or are you on the side of the austerity proponents?


My issue is with the folks ITT who are both.

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Toronto Police say they arrested two people at a pro-Palestinian protest that delayed the start of an event featuring the prime minister, and those facing charges include a reporter for online media outlet Rebel News.

Police say two men were arrested Friday at the rally outside the King Edward Hotel, where Justin Trudeau appeared as the guest of honour at a Liberal Party fundraiser. 

Protest organizers issued a statement ahead of the event saying the demonstration was meant to send a message to the Liberal Party of Canada that it could not proceed with "business as usual" amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

Police say one man was charged with mischief damage to property, while another they identified as David Menzies was charged with obstructing a peace officer and breaching a peace bond.

Both Rebel News and Menzies later issued statements on X, formerly Twitter, confirming his arrest and saying it came about as he was trying to interview demonstrators on camera. A video posted by the outlet shows the commentator being taken away by police after attempting to interview some protesters.

Menzies has been arrested multiple times in interactions with both Liberal and Conservative politicians, most recently in January outside a Richmond Hill, Ont., event involving Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland. An RCMP officer providing security for the minister made the arrest while Menzies was trying to ask questions, and York Regional Police later said he was released unconditionally after it was determined there was no credible security threat.

Menzies did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Saturday.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published March 16, 2024.

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2 hours ago, Gurn said:



Toronto Police say they arrested two people at a pro-Palestinian protest that delayed the start of an event featuring the prime minister, and those facing charges include a reporter for online media outlet Rebel News.

Police say two men were arrested Friday at the rally outside the King Edward Hotel, where Justin Trudeau appeared as the guest of honour at a Liberal Party fundraiser. 

Protest organizers issued a statement ahead of the event saying the demonstration was meant to send a message to the Liberal Party of Canada that it could not proceed with "business as usual" amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

Police say one man was charged with mischief damage to property, while another they identified as David Menzies was charged with obstructing a peace officer and breaching a peace bond.

Both Rebel News and Menzies later issued statements on X, formerly Twitter, confirming his arrest and saying it came about as he was trying to interview demonstrators on camera. A video posted by the outlet shows the commentator being taken away by police after attempting to interview some protesters.

Menzies has been arrested multiple times in interactions with both Liberal and Conservative politicians, most recently in January outside a Richmond Hill, Ont., event involving Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland. An RCMP officer providing security for the minister made the arrest while Menzies was trying to ask questions, and York Regional Police later said he was released unconditionally after it was determined there was no credible security threat.

Menzies did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Saturday.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published March 16, 2024.

It's funny how people from other outlets that purport to be media and news don't get arrested so frequently yet this outlets people almost do so on a regular basis


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15 hours ago, Smashian Kassian said:

the US has over 100x our population. The idea that they could easily have what we have - which isn't even so glamourous itself (not taking a shot at you, but emergency rooms in Canada aren't exactly quick, serious screenings don't exactly happen quickly, exc, exc) - it just seems far easily said than done.. and for an end that isn't doing fantastic itself.


Missed this post earlier....


I think you might want to check your maths, Kass. If the US has 4 billion people, I'm sure it will come as a surprise to their census bureau....:classic_cool:

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2 hours ago, Gurn said:



Toronto Police say they arrested two people at a pro-Palestinian protest that delayed the start of an event featuring the prime minister, and those facing charges include a reporter for online media outlet Rebel News.

Police say two men were arrested Friday at the rally outside the King Edward Hotel, where Justin Trudeau appeared as the guest of honour at a Liberal Party fundraiser. 

Protest organizers issued a statement ahead of the event saying the demonstration was meant to send a message to the Liberal Party of Canada that it could not proceed with "business as usual" amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

Police say one man was charged with mischief damage to property, while another they identified as David Menzies was charged with obstructing a peace officer and breaching a peace bond.

Both Rebel News and Menzies later issued statements on X, formerly Twitter, confirming his arrest and saying it came about as he was trying to interview demonstrators on camera. A video posted by the outlet shows the commentator being taken away by police after attempting to interview some protesters.

Menzies has been arrested multiple times in interactions with both Liberal and Conservative politicians, most recently in January outside a Richmond Hill, Ont., event involving Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland. An RCMP officer providing security for the minister made the arrest while Menzies was trying to ask questions, and York Regional Police later said he was released unconditionally after it was determined there was no credible security threat.

Menzies did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Saturday.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published March 16, 2024.


something something Justin media police something 

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13 hours ago, Warhippy said:

It's funny how people from other outlets that purport to be media and news don't get arrested so frequently yet this outlets people almost do so on a regular basis


I don't like Rebel News, but the arrest in January was a joke if you've seen the video--complete power trip from the officers against a 'reporter' simply trying to ask questions. The cop literally ran into the guy in order to arrest him for assault.

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On 3/15/2024 at 9:35 PM, Kootenay Gold said:

This is a legal landmine for any government that tries to implement it.


Yeah.  It would be a mess if the government tried to force treatments on folks who don’t want them……….hahahahahah. JAB!  Lol

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1 hour ago, 112 said:

I don't like Rebel News, but the arrest in January was a joke if you've seen the video--complete power trip from the officers against a 'reporter' simply trying to ask questions. The cop literally ran into the guy in order to arrest him for assault.

Rebel news is a hilarious joke and their ‘reporters’ are totally wack.  
But that cop was a flying piece of shit. 
Reporter is a goof and was acting like an asshole, but the power trip that cop went on is terrifying.  
Somebody with the ability to run ones future, reputation and ability to provide for themselves, better be in control of their emotions and be able to work with non bias.  

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1 hour ago, D.B Cooper said:

Yeah.  It would be a mess if the government tried to force treatments on folks who don’t want them……….hahahahahah. JAB!  Lol

   That's comparing Apples to Oranges. The one you are inferring has had a legal mandate to do what they did for over one hundred years. You need to go back and revisit the 1918 epidemic to see that quarantines were in place and the right to wander about was very restricted.


   The forced mental health situation is a whole different kettle of fish with no current legal mandate to enforce it.  They tried to do that with a family member of mine and it didn't end well for them.

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5 minutes ago, Kootenay Gold said:

   That's comparing Apples to Oranges. The one you are inferring has had a legal mandate to do what they did for over one hundred years. You need to go back and revisit the 1918 epidemic to see that quarantines were in place and the right to wander about was very restricted.


   The forced mental health situation is a whole different kettle of fish with no current legal mandate to enforce it.  They tried to do that with a family member of mine and it didn't end well for them.

I guess the HAHAHAHAHAHA wasn’t enough to show I was fucking around.   
oh well.  

In all seriousness, I think the forced off the streets and into rehab for a couple years is the way to do it.  

I’ve witnessed years and years of addiction and death after death.  
Unfortunately you can almost always see it coming, and they won’t do anything about it.   
I think a 2-5 year sentence in a jail/rehab facility is the way to go.  
Force them to get and stay clean. 
As long as you set up a quality succession plan for their release, I think you save a lot of lives.  
If they come out and crack again, back in they go.  

It’s not like we aren’t wasting billions of dollars on shit that isnt working. 

Edited by D.B Cooper
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2 minutes ago, D.B Cooper said:

I guess the HAHAHAHAHAHA wasn’t enough to show I was fucking around.   
oh well.  

In all seriousness, I think the forced off the streets and into rehab for a couple years is the way to do it.  

I’ve witnessed years and years of addiction and death after death.  
Unfortunately you can almost always see it coming, and they won’t do anything about it.   
I think a 2-5 year sentence in a jail/rehab facility is the way to go.  
Force them to get and stay clean. 
As long as you set up a quality succession plan for their release, I think you save a lot of lives.  
If they come out and crack again, back in they go.  

It’s not like we aren’t wasting billions of dollars on shit that isnt working. 

So incarceration followed by 'a quality succession plan'?  I guess if we adopted your plan we'd have 2 - 5 years to figure one out.

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6 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

So incarceration followed by 'a quality succession plan'?  I guess if we adopted your plan we'd have 2 - 5 years to figure one out.

Probably not, but similar is working in other countries. 
And clearly the stupid shit we are doing here isn’t working.   
Let’s just make the drugs legal!   That will stop people from using them and keep bad drugs off the street!  
hahahaha.  What a stupid fucking idea.  

Creating a scenario where someone is forced to get and stay clean for long enough to become a straight thinking person again, followed by stable housing and a job, combined with counselling and forced to attend meetings.  

Get clean, here is how you stay clean. We will help you. 

Do drugs. Live on the streets and do what you can to get drugs.  
But don’t worry, we won’t do anything to you when we see you doing heroin on the streets in front of families and storefronts.  

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21 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

So incarceration followed by 'a quality succession plan'?  I guess if we adopted your plan we'd have 2 - 5 years to figure one out.

This works in a number of european nations where the issues related to drug use are quite diminished due to these programs 

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