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1 minute ago, Elias Pettersson said:


There are lots of students that need jobs while going to school.  I had 2 jobs while going to UBC.  We can get locals to wash cars and bus tables.  We don't need to bring in 1 million immigrants to fill jobs that a student can do or someone right out of high school.  

And due to deomgraphic shift, there are not enough people born here to fill those jobs.  

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2 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


There are lots of students that need jobs while going to school.  I had 2 jobs while going to UBC.  We can get locals to wash cars and bus tables.  We don't need to bring in 1 million immigrants to fill jobs that a student can do or someone right out of high school.  


That is precisely what a boomer would say.  You can't force a domestic student to do something they don't want to do.  You're focusing on car washes and table bussing.  Those are not high-demand jobs.  Nobody from here wants to work in health care.  Nobody here wants to work in transportation.  How are you going to convince people to work in those industries without bringing trained immigrants in?

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6 minutes ago, Miss Korea said:


That has nothing to do with government incompetence and it makes zero sense as to why you're trying to force that connection.  As I just mentioned with fast food, sit-down restaurants also realize they could costs, jack up prices, and still make larger profits despite losing parts of their customer base.  And you're living proof of that.  You haven't changed your consumer habits.  Businesses are making more money off of you than before and your purchases tell me you're okay with it.  Well, actually you're whining about it but you're whining to the government for some bizarre reason.


This is textbook market supply and demand.  Your lifestyle is being affected because businesses realized they can squeeze more money out of you without losing you as a customer.  That doesn't make you a sucker or anything.  But it does make you silly for blaming government.


Government incompetence will affect you more than it will affect me.  People in your age bracket have alot more to lose than people in my age bracket who have already been in the workforce for 25+ years and own a home.  So, it's shocking to me that I am the one that is pissed off at government and standing up to them so that the younger generation can have a better life for themselves.


You should fight for everything in life.  Don't accept the bullshit that is happening around you now.  Don't think that going to Superstore for $1 can of tuna is the norm and that you are forced to wash your own car or eat at home because things are unaffordable.  You need to stand up to the government and demand better.  Trust me.  It used to be ALOT better.  $2.1 trillion in debt with a $50 billion interest payment every year and growing.  This will affect your life big time as you get older.  You just don't realize it yet because the government is telling you it is not an issue.


Just remember that you can easily spot a politician who is lying to do.  You can tell they are lying when their mouths are open and they are talking...

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1 minute ago, Miss Korea said:


It's baffling to have a conversation with you, where you brush off statistics as fake news, but also brush off my personal experience as cherry-picking.  I've given you multiple opportunities to explain why you think the government is to blame for everything wrong in your life.  If it rains on your wedding day, it's Trudeau's fault.  Do you think our government is God or something?

Huh? We are clearly having some communication issues here. I said you were cherry picking specific items that have avoided increases and clearly ignoring the fact most of the rest of the items around you have gone up. Your experience is your experience only. Everyone else is entitled to speak for themselves. I don't really care what you have given me. Trudeau has had long enough to show me what he is. I'm good moving on now. I'm not much a fan of religion so no?

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2 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Government incompetence will affect you more than it will affect me.  People in your age bracket have alot more to lose than people in my age bracket who have already been in the workforce for 25+ years and own a home.  So, it's shocking to me that I am the one that is pissed off at government and standing up to them so that the younger generation can have a better life for themselves.


You should fight for everything in life.  Don't accept the bullshit that is happening around you now.  Don't think that going to Superstore for $1 can of tuna is the norm and that you are forced to wash your own car or eat at home because things are unaffordable.  You need to stand up to the government and demand better.  Trust me.  It used to be ALOT better.  $2.1 trillion in debt with a $50 billion interest payment every year and growing.  This will affect your life big time as you get older.  You just don't realize it yet because the government is telling you it is not an issue.


Just remember that you can easily spot a politician who is lying to do.  You can tell they are lying when their mouths are open and they are talking...


Think about all the things I've said, not only in this thread but others.  Think of how many fights I've gotten into with posters.  Do you strike me as the type of person to sit idly in politics? 


The only difference here is that I do not rely on X to get informed.  You are the one who is quite literally posting tweets from Poilievre himself, and you have the gall to lecture me on how to spot lying politicians.

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3 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Government incompetence will affect you more than it will affect me.  People in your age bracket have alot more to lose than people in my age bracket who have already been in the workforce for 25+ years and own a home.  So, it's shocking to me that I am the one that is pissed off at government and standing up to them so that the younger generation can have a better life for themselves.


You should fight for everything in life.  Don't accept the bullshit that is happening around you now.  Don't think that going to Superstore for $1 can of tuna is the norm and that you are forced to wash your own car or eat at home because things are unaffordable.  You need to stand up to the government and demand better.  Trust me.  It used to be ALOT better.  $2.1 trillion in debt with a $50 billion interest payment every year and growing.  This will affect your life big time as you get older.  You just don't realize it yet because the government is telling you it is not an issue.


Just remember that you can easily spot a politician who is lying to do.  You can tell they are lying when their mouths are open and they are talking...

No one is forced to eat at home, including you.  You're choosing to still buy things that are marked up to a level that you, yourself, agree is ridiculous.  The problem is corporate greed, not the government.  By still buying overpriced services that are discretionary, you're contributing to the problem, not fixing it.  Subjecting the rest of Canadians to subhuman vermin like PP in the government is not helping anyone have a better life for themselves.

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2 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

Huh? We are clearly having some communication issues here. I said you were cherry picking specific items that have avoided increases and clearly ignoring the fact most of the rest of the items around you have gone up. Your experience is your experience only. Everyone else is entitled to speak for themselves. I don't really care what you have given me. Trudeau has had long enough to show me what he is. I'm good moving on now. I'm not much a fan of religion so no?


When are you going to realize that the federal government doesn't have the type of overreach you're expecting them to have?  Not everything you interact with in your life has to do with the federal government.  You accused me of cherry-picking specific items when I literally listed off all my staple foods.  And some, like rice, have skyrocketed.  Do you see blaming Trudeau like some uninformed idiot?  No.  Because I know why rice is more expensive, and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with anything Trudeau's Liberals did or did not do.


You're not a fan of religion so you don't realize just how much you treat the federal government like it's God.  

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4 minutes ago, Miss Korea said:


When are you going to realize that the federal government doesn't have the type of overreach you're expecting them to have?  Not everything you interact with in your life has to do with the federal government.  You accused me of cherry-picking specific items when I literally listed off all my staple foods.  And some, like rice, have skyrocketed.  Do you see blaming Trudeau like some uninformed idiot?  No.  Because I know why rice is more expensive, and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with anything Trudeau's Liberals did or did not do.


You're not a fan of religion so you don't realize just how much you treat the federal government like it's God.  


they are just going by PP's playbook. They know its bullshit. The more you can blame Trudeau the easier time their slimy little boy will have. 

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4 minutes ago, Miss Korea said:


That is precisely what a boomer would say.  You can't force a domestic student to do something they don't want to do.  You're focusing on car washes and table bussing.  Those are not high-demand jobs.  Nobody from here wants to work in health care.  Nobody here wants to work in transportation.  How are you going to convince people to work in those industries without bringing trained immigrants in?


I was a busboy in university.  It paid the bills and allowed me to have some extra income.  I even got promoted to a waiter for 6 months and made way more money.  I also worked in an insurance place learning the ropes.  Gave me some good experience after I graduated.


Lots of people want to work in health care.  My niece went to UBC for 7 years to become an occupational therapist.  Lots of her friends did the same thing.  Lots of people want to be nurses and doctors.  They were just underpaid for a very long time so hard to recruit people into those jobs.


Nobody ever said we shouldn't bring in trained immigrants.  It's the NUMBER of immigrants that are coming that is the problem.  They need to cut back on those numbers until things are better on the home front...

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3 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


they are just going by PP's playbook. They know its bullshit. The more you can blame Trudeau the easier time their slimy little boy will have. 


Let them.  But spare me with this whole fucking lecturing bullshit like they think they know better than me just because I don't follow Pierre Poilievre on X.  I let facts speak for themselves.  And if I need help, I'm not going to get interpretations from fucking politicians or online conspiracy theorists.

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8 minutes ago, Miss Korea said:


When are you going to realize that the federal government doesn't have the type of overreach you're expecting them to have?  Not everything you interact with in your life has to do with the federal government.  You accused me of cherry-picking specific items when I literally listed off all my staple foods.  And some, like rice, have skyrocketed.  Do you see blaming Trudeau like some uninformed idiot?  No.  Because I know why rice is more expensive, and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with anything Trudeau's Liberals did or did not do.


You're not a fan of religion so you don't realize just how much you treat the federal government like it's God.  

You listed 5 items... That's not a lot of staples. Unless you out here living the college ramen diet. I have a rice cooker. I think I know rice has gone up. At this point we are talking in circles. I know he isn't responsible for every single problem with this country, but he certainly hasn't helped alot of them. 


Yes... That's definitely it...

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3 minutes ago, Miss Korea said:


Let them.  But spare me with this whole fucking lecturing bullshit like they think they know better than me just because I don't follow Pierre Poilievre on X.  I let facts speak for themselves.  And if I need help, I'm not going to get interpretations from fucking politicians or online conspiracy theorists.


thats the thing with these guys, the more they can engage you in their crap, the less time you are spending on helping your own causes. 


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3 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

You listed 5 items... That's not a lot of staples. Unless you out here living the college ramen diet. I have a rice cooker. I think I know rice has gone up. At this point we are talking in circles. I know he isn't responsible for every single problem with this country, but he certainly hasn't helped alot of them. 


Yes... That's definitely it...

Do you want the guy to write out his entire grocery list?

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2 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

You listed 5 items... That's not a lot of staples. Unless you out here living the college ramen diet. I have a rice cooker. I think I know rice has gone up. At this point we are talking in circles. I know he isn't responsible for every single problem with this country, but he certainly hasn't helped alot of them. 


Yes... That's definitely it...

Rice has barely gone up  What kind are you buying?.

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26 minutes ago, Miss Korea said:


Think about all the things I've said, not only in this thread but others.  Think of how many fights I've gotten into with posters.  Do you strike me as the type of person to sit idly in politics? 


The only difference here is that I do not rely on X to get informed.  You are the one who is quite literally posting tweets from Poilievre himself, and you have the gall to lecture me on how to spot lying politicians.


X has alot of information that is very helpful.  You just have to follow the right people.  You are brainwashed if you think it is simply a cesspool for right wing racists and transphobes and conspiracy theorists.  The same people that tell you that X is complete dogshit are the same people that get their information from CNN and the rest of the lying mainstream media.


I literally posted one tweet from PP on here.  Did it trigger you that much?  It was like 2 months ago...   🤣


Trust me, I don't follow PP or any other lying politician religiously on X.  I only read what is going on to see both sides.  Both sides are liars.  And I am not lecturing you or telling you what to do.  I honestly don't care what you or anyone else does to be totally honest with you.  

Edited by Elias Pettersson
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6 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


I was a busboy in university.  It paid the bills and allowed me to have some extra income.  I even got promoted to a waiter for 6 months and made way more money.  I also worked in an insurance place learning the ropes.  Gave me some good experience after I graduated.


Lots of people want to work in health care.  My niece went to UBC for 7 years to become an occupational therapist.  Lots of her friends did the same thing.  Lots of people want to be nurses and doctors.  They were just underpaid for a very long time so hard to recruit people into those jobs.


Nobody ever said we shouldn't bring in trained immigrants.  It's the NUMBER of immigrants that are coming that is the problem.  They need to cut back on those numbers until things are better on the home front...


Sorry - are you trying to deny the fact we have a major shortage in health care labour?


Don't freak out - it's an independent study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10340563/


3 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

You listed 5 items... That's not a lot of staples. Unless you out here living the college ramen diet. I have a rice cooker. I think I know rice has gone up. At this point we are talking in circles. I know he isn't responsible for every single problem with this country, but he certainly hasn't helped alot of them. 


Yes... That's definitely it...


You tried to blame grocery prices on Justin Trudeau.  And then you tried to suggest Pierre Poilievre (who has associations with big business) would do something to help prices go down.  When I pointed that contradiction out... you pivoted.


There is no party closer to Loblaws than the Conservative leader.  You need to reconcile that with fact with your misguided belief that he wants to help you.

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42 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Trudeau has already been in office over 8 years.  He will hit 10 years by the time the supposed next election arrives.  Why does he feel he should be in power for more than 10 years?  Does he believe he is a dictator who should stay in power forever?  Jean Chretien was 10x the PM that Trudeau is and he stepped down after 10 years.  So why can't Trudeau?  Even the US President can no longer stay in power for more than 8 years.  I haven't heard even one logical explanation as to why Trudeau needs to stay in power for more than 10 years.  Is he trying to beat his father's record?  Mulroney, Chretien, Harper, they all left after 9-10 years, or got voted out.  Same thing will happen to Trudeau.  He will get voted out.  His party should simply vote him out themselves so they can start fresh for the next election...


I don't disagree. I think ego probably has a bit to do with it as well. If I were the liberals I would pull a bait and switch as late in the game as possible and throw Freeland in there. Have JT step down last minute. Maybe that's their plan? If they marched Freeland out there I think she'd wipe the floor with PP. Right now PP is a means to an end, similar to what Biden was to Trump.

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3 hours ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

Yea, there is this thing called supply and demand. You know what didn't help that supply? Opening the flood gates on foreign students and immigration. Pretty confident the government has some control there


Yes. Everything around me costing more is my fault... You really hearing yourself right now?... 

I gotta admit - it took longer to get to  "It's the immigrants' fault!" than I thought it would

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43 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

Which ‘locals’ do you expect to work at a car wash or bus tables? 

UBC students today couldn’t afford tuition, housing, books, groceries, etc, etc even if they worked two jobs like you did, bussing tables and washing cars. 

If the average work shift is 7.5 hours and you double that, with two jobs, while I’m University, tell me when those students are supposed to read, do their homework/research, attend courses, eat sleep, commute, etc. 


Your reality isn’t today’s reality. 

This economy needs a plethora of immigrants to do the unskilled work that the retired and students used to do, way back when. 

I think you need to get with the times. This ain’t the 70’s or 80’s. 


So, if UBC students can't afford to go to school with 2 jobs, then how exactly are they doing it now?  Are they living at home?  Parents paying for education?  How are these students currently affording to be able to go to school?


Yes, I must be way out of reality on this one.  I actually thought that teenagers and students actually worked for a living.  My bad...

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