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2 minutes ago, Rob Eh said:

They also love to attack Christian street preachers, Christian family lunches (don't deny it, i saw video, they threw explosives at 5 year olds) 

Mothers outside of woman spas protesting guys exposing themselves in the spa.

Fighting with parents at the PTA's and their arrest repost showed they not only didn't have kids themselves, they had violent and sexual assault charges. Scum of the earth fighting parents over an issue that has nothing to do with them.

Call them whatever you want, they carry communist flags for christ sake.


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43 minutes ago, aGENT said:



Canada’s banking regulations pre-dated Harper by decades. In fact, prior to the financial crisis, Harper was a proponent of deregulation. In 2006 for example, he paved the way for the introduction of the risky 40-year, zero-down mortgages that helped bring down the U.S. banking system – insured by Canadian taxpayers. Some have argued that Canada would have suffered much worse in the financial crisis had it happened a few years later. In fact, we may not even be out of the woods yet. Canada’s housing market is considered to be dangerously (~35%) over-valued, and the drop in oil prices is threatening to burst the bubble. In opposition and at the National Citizens Coalition, Harper was similarly a proponent of U.S.-style banking deregulation, and was a critic of Chrétien’s decision to block large bank mergers in the late ’90s – a decision which the IMF recently argued was partly responsible for how well Canada was able to weather the crash.

Paved what way? Hypothetical nonsense. He pushed for deregulation so low income families could afford housing. The BOC told him to STFU, who cares? This is from 2008. 
It’s ironic though. Looking back at this mud slinging article from 2008 kinda raises the question. If more low income families would’ve got into the housing market. They’d be rich AF right now. 

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7 minutes ago, Rob Eh said:


They also love to attack Christian street preachers, Christian family lunches (don't deny it, i saw video, they threw explosives at 5 year olds) 

Mothers outside of woman spas protesting guys exposing themselves in the spa.

Fighting with parents at the PTA's and their arrest repost showed they not only didn't have kids themselves, they had violent and sexual assault charges. Scum of the earth fighting parents over an issue that has nothing to do with them.

Call them whatever you want, they carry communist flags for christ sake.



Edited by moosehead
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6 minutes ago, Rob Eh said:


They also love to attack Christian street preachers, Christian family lunches (don't deny it, i saw video, they threw explosives at 5 year olds) 

Mothers outside of woman spas protesting guys exposing themselves in the spa.

Fighting with parents at the PTA's and their arrest repost showed they not only didn't have kids themselves, they had violent and sexual assault charges. Scum of the earth fighting parents over an issue that has nothing to do with them.

Call them whatever you want, they carry communist flags for christ sake.

I highly recommend lithium and I don’t mean batteries. 

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Just now, LaBamba said:

You are why it makes it so hard to convince Liberals to vote conservative. Thanks for proving their point. 


Whatever you say. I saw video on twitter of every incident i talked about. The one were they threw fire works at the christian lunch was in Portland.

The the fights outside the spa was in LA. IT was called wee spa.

The fights outside the PTA were somewhere in Canada, those were against mostly Armenian parents.

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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

I am/was taking the piss on your response there nothing more.


We had our chance.  We did.  In 1982 when we shot it all down our population was 25 million.  We HAD the chance to ram trough all the infrastructure we wanted free of most issues and oversight for the betterment of the nation and we opted not to.


Nothing more.  You absolutely positively can not refute that if we had pipelines and refineries in the following areas we'd not be better off.  Vancouver/Prince Rupert.  Churchill/Hudsons Bay.  St Lawrence Seaway.  NewBrunswick and Nova Scotia and finally in Newfoundland.  We'd not be stuck with a single source client/customer and we'd have had decades of access to european markets and asia.


We chose not to.  This isn't revisionist history.  We've spent over 40 years fighting to get just that after turning it down.  I am not going to sit here and say we'd be Norway because we wouldn't.  I am merely stating outright that by turning down that opportunity we in essence kind of screwed ourselves out of opportunities and the US strategy of ensuring they had a safe easily accessible source of conflict free oil on the continent post OPEC/Iran issues in the mid to late 70s worked.

Look at this guy, thanks man. I’m interested. I’m going to read into this for a better understanding. 

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14 minutes ago, Rob Eh said:


They also love to attack Christian street preachers, Christian family lunches (don't deny it, i saw video, they threw explosives at 5 year olds) 

Mothers outside of woman spas protesting guys exposing themselves in the spa.

Fighting with parents at the PTA's and their arrest repost showed they not only didn't have kids themselves, they had violent and sexual assault charges. Scum of the earth fighting parents over an issue that has nothing to do with them.

Call them whatever you want, they carry communist flags for christ sake.

ANTIFA is not a club.  Why is that so hard ot understand?  it's an ideology.  Shite people doing shite things does not mean anything except for them being terrible.


Prove they threw explosives at a 5 year old.  No no, really.  Do it.  I want to see this.  


Everything you just wrote I can throw a right wing idiot in front of with the exact same behaviours.  Shite people are just shite.  That's all their is to it.  As for waiving a flag give me a damned break.


Look at these gems of humanity who are just good ol boys fighting for their freedom.  You wanna label everyone in support of this as being of the same type?  Or do you want to admit that shite people are just shite people?  Because that brush you're trying to paint everyone with is broad enough to get more than enough paint on your own argument






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3 minutes ago, LaBamba said:

Look at this guy, thanks man. I’m interested. I’m going to read into this for a better understanding. 

Which aspect?  The energy plan from the70s/80s?


It was flawed.  Seriously.  It over rode provincial rights and would have required major rewrites to our constitution to be effective.  But at its core this was what it dictated and required energy producers in canada to do or to have.  The original drafts were written for Canadians and this was basically how it read in the most basic terms

  • Due to OPEC Canada is a major energy producer and will never be beholden to foreign interests in the energy market again
  • To control our own energy destiny by refining products and meeting global markets on both coasts
  • by ensuring sea ports and terminals at major waterways could service and ship canadian energy goods
  • making those same ports viable for larger freight and traffic to help build the northern areas of our nation
  • to put a major refinery for diesel and gasoline products in every province
  • to put a petrochemical upgrader for fuel and added petrochemical products in every province
  • pipelines to be built to BC x2, Churchill or Hudsons bay x1.  The st lawrence seaway x1. New Brunswick x1 Nova Scotia x1
  • that canada would maintain control of and production of 30% of the existing oilsands development
  • that any foreign nation or entity/corporation would be subject to not only taxation and royalties but also a percentage of unrefined product
  • that the unrefined product in taxation would be transferred in to a national emergency supply similar to that of the US strategic reserve
  • that world markets towards asia and europe would be met with additional shipping towards the US south to avoid necessary cross border pipelines
  • that refined product  would be sold to canadians at regulated prices.  never less than 30 cents a litre or more than 80 cents a litre (opec crisis height)
  • that canadians would benefit from these price controls as it would ensure the cost of transportation of goods would be regulated 
  • that farms and agricultural producers would be subject to an additional cost reduction to ensure food security
  • that the largest provinces would be subject to a scaling price model (meaning quebec/ontario would be paying a bit less from their refineries than ab/bc/sask)
  • that a royalty fund would be created for the people of the nation with alberta/sask holding their own additional provincial form of royalty fund

There was a LOT more to it than that but this was the meat of it.  To ensure Canadians paid a fair price for fuel, that we didn't have to sell to just the US.  That we'd control things through our own distribution channel (petro canda) and we'd always have first rights to newly found sites.


The US strategic command got their butts kicked through the energy shock and opec crisis and they spent a fortune like a bloody fortune ensuring Canadians turned this down.  US oil producers saw the danger of this after recently finishing that massive alaskan pipeline and what amounted to in their eyes "a socialist take over of energy" on the continent similar to what OPEC nations had going on and jumped in as well.  Between 79 and 1982 there was something like $200 million spent on fighting the plan and when foreign interests spend that much at that time you know there's a reason for it.


I will be the first to admit this plan was bad.  Like baaaad.  It had major issues and overrode provincial rights in a big way.  But when you look at that framework.  You look at what the plan was and what it would have meant for Canada it's insane that there wasn't some sort of work around found to make it happen.  The most galling irony is that Lougheed told the eastern bastards to freeze in the dark.  But now they are shipping in Saudi oil/fuel and Alberta has been screaming since the mid 90s about how quebec and ontario are using saudi oil instead of Canadian 


It was a bad plan but it could have saved a lot of issues here

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16 minutes ago, Rob Eh said:

Looks like i won this round.


Yeah, no, you didn't. Those first two videos don't back up your claims and the third is just a propaganda piece by the Christian Broadcasting Network.


No sign of the alleged throwing of explosives at 5 year-olds either....

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21 minutes ago, Rob Eh said:



What is CBN


The Christian Broadcasting Network is an American Christian media production and distribution organization. Founded in 1960 by Pat Robertson, it produces the long-running TV series The 700 Club, co-produces the ongoing Superbook anime, and has operated a number of TV channels and radio stations.


Who is pat robertson?


Marion Gordon "Pat" Robertson was an American media mogul, religious broadcaster, political commentator, presidential candidate, and Southern Baptist minister. Robertson advocated a conservative Christian ideology and was known for his involvement in Republican Party politics.


What was Pat famous for?


1. Gay people and abortion caused 9/11

Robertson hosted fellow televangelist Jerry Falwell on his show The 700 Club just days after the 9/11 attack. At one point, Falwell said, “The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad. I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America, I point the finger in their face and say, ‘You helped this happen.’”

Robertson replied, “I totally concur, and the problem is we have adopted that agenda at the highest levels of our government.”


2. Haitians deserved the earthquake in 2010

Haiti was struck by a devastating earthquake in January 2010. The death toll is still uncertain, but potentially half a million people died. Robertson said that Haitians had made a “pact with the devil” and have been “cursed” ever since.


3. Feminists are evil

In a 1992 fundraising letter, Robertson wrote: “The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.”


4. Abortion caused Hurricane Katrina

Robertson said Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005 because God was angry about abortion. “I was reading … a book that was very interesting about what God has to say in the Old Testament about those who shed innocent blood,” he said. “Have we found we are unable somehow to defend ourselves against some of the attacks that are coming against us, either by terrorists or now by natural disaster? Could they be connected?”


5. God won’t bless America because of gay people and abortion

Robertson said at the start of 2010 that God wouldn’t bless America that year because there was too much abortion and homosexuality and not enough prayer.

“Fifty million babies slaughtered,” Robertson said God told him. “You can’t have legislation that is anti-God. You can’t foster in your midst things that I call an abomination.… If you do, sooner or later judgment’s going to come.”


6. Gay people are Nazis

In March 1990, Robertson referred to homosexuality as a “pathology” that needed to be treated. “Many of those people involved with Adolf Hitler were Satanists, many of them were homosexuals,” he said on The 700 Club. “Those two things seem to go together.”


7. Muslims are also Nazis

In 2011, Robertson compared Islamophobia to being anti-Nazi. “I was thinking, you know, if you oppose Muslims, what is said?” he asked on The 700 Club. “Well, you’re a bigot, right? Terrible bigotry. I wonder, what were people who opposed the Nazis? Were they bigots?”


8. God would overturn the 2020 election in favor of Donald Trump

Robertson told 700 Club viewers that the lawsuit filed by Texas’s then–Attorney General Ken Paxton challenging the results of the 2020 election was a “miracle.”

“They’re going to the Supreme Court to say, ‘This election was rigged and you’ve got to overturn it,’” Robertson said, pushing Trump-backed falsehoods. He also said God would intervene.

(At least on this point, Robertson seemed to correct himself, saying two weeks later that Trump was living in “an alternate reality.”)


9. Towels in Kenya transmit AIDS

In 2014, a 700 Club viewer asked whether an upcoming trip to Kenya was risky.

“You might get AIDS in Kenya,” Robertson warned on air. “The people have AIDS in Kenya. The towels could have AIDS.”


Ya sure.  Pat Robertsons news network is credible.  Now let's visit those vicious "antifa attacks" lol


Oh no 3 arrested in glendale after *gasp* they pepper sprayed police and lgbtq members protesting peacefully in support of simply existing?  That...doesn't sound like antifa.  Could it be that; *checks notes*  one of them was in a group called the oathkeepers  and the other two were there to protect their kids from the lgbtq agenda?  Guess so.


Spa protests turn ugly?  So....someone didn't like the rules of a private business following existing laws and started a protest against it, and then what appears to be a couple idiots in black attacked someone, someone was hit with a skateboard and another man swung on another with a chain.  How is this you winning again?  These are not the actions of anti fascists.  This is people protesting against others simply existing for being gay or trans, some idiots acting out violently and others protesting against people for just existing.


When you say looks like i won this round.  Do you mean like trump won the 2020 election or?  Because none of those linked videos actually help your statements like at all

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Thats the only footage because YT seems to have rubbed the original but theres your evidence. I saw it and saw the black mom interviewed after they threw the fire work at her five year old but go ahead and keep calling me a liar. It's a leftist trait.

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