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1 hour ago, Rob Eh said:

Oh look it's your people again.

If you want to talk to me like that, we can meet in person.



Take a deep breath, and realize...you just invited yourself to settle your differences with yourself...in person. Good luck.

Edited by Playoff Beered
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7 minutes ago, Rob Eh said:


Not me, i know people that committed suicide. All of them had a hard life and were dirt poor growing up.

I also have no problem with anyones sexual or personal preference as long as no one is being abused. There's a trans that lives on this street, no problem at all. She doesn't go around shouting at people like a lunatic though.

Then I hope you can understand how many right wing ideologies cause young trans people to take their own lives. All because the right wing believes that trans people are all groomers and it's some sort of conspiracy to "indoctrinate" children. Remember that every time you support someone on the right that they are partly responsible for the loss of young lives. Over 500 anti-lgbtq bills have been introduced in the USA in 2023 alone. How damaging do you think that is?

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1 hour ago, Rob Eh said:

Thats not a deep fake, that's actually Trudeau, he's just not smart enough to realize that it's him who's the antagonist.

It says it right in the description of the video that you posted that it is a deep fake. That's the problem with getting your news from social media, it makes you come across as gullible fool. There are enough outlets out there that lean conservative and criticize Trudeau. The only people who will take the sensationalist garbage that you post seriously are lunatics who believe in lizard people and gay frogs.

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1 hour ago, Rob Eh said:

I'm taking about the incident in New Zealand.

This isn't the same incident but you can see they are just as charming as our resident antifa droolers we have here.


Man you really fall for anything, huh?

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12 minutes ago, Playoff Beered said:

If you want to talk to me like that, we can meet in person.



Take a deep breath, and realize...you just invited yourself to settle your differences with yourself...in person. Good luck.

At least he knows he'll be able to win

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1 hour ago, Rob Eh said:


Thats not a deep fake, that's actually Trudeau, he's just not smart enough to realize that it's him who's the antagonist.

It says it right at the bottom of the video.



Warning Yes, this is a Deepfake, or rather... a Fullfake (since I also recreated the voice) The voices are fake. The faces are fake. This clip has only a humorous purpose and it would be unthinkable that it be taken seriously.


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6 minutes ago, StrayDog said:

Then I hope you can understand how many right wing ideologies cause young trans people to take their own lives. All because the right wing believes that trans people are all groomers and it's some sort of conspiracy to "indoctrinate" children. Remember that every time you support someone on the right that they are partly responsible for the loss of young lives. Over 500 anti-lgbtq bills have been introduced in the USA in 2023 alone. How damaging do you think that is?

I don't know,  i tend to believe the parents know the child better than the teacher with 30 students. 

The parents should parent and teachers should teach curriculum only. Not their place to entice them to a political view, thats for each person to decide when they become old enough.

I do not support the right, there isn't one politician in Canada i trust and that includes all parties.


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2 minutes ago, Rob Eh said:

I don't know,  i tend to believe the parents know the child better than the teacher with 30 students. 

The parents should parent and teachers should teach curriculum only. Not their place to entice them to a political view, thats for each person to decide when they become old enough.

I do not support the right, there isn't one politician in Canada i trust and that includes all parties.


Have you actually known a Canadian politician on a personal level? That’s a rather broad stroke to not trust any. 

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7 hours ago, Playoff Beered said:


That woman that was attacked because she was asian? Where do you get the idea he was Antifa?




Yeah, I think Scooby Doofus here has mixed up ANTIFA with Anti-vaxxer. AFAIK, the uptick in violence against Asians in the past few years was the reaction of a few morons blaming them for Covid...

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23 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Have you actually known a Canadian politician on a personal level? That’s a rather broad stroke to not trust any. 


Brian Peckford is the only person i'd want lecturing me about the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms considering he is the last living person to be involved in it's creation. Yet no one listened.

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8 hours ago, Warhippy said:

Why are the nazis on twitter then?  Why did Musk allow thousands of people with serious histories of hate speech back on the platform?  Why are people with literal NAZI in their bios on twitter/X


You're to simple to understand that 17 people calling themselves something is not a movement.  Being antifascist is an ideology, it's common sense.  17 23 year olds pissed off at the world dressed in black is not something that is synonymous with being antifascist any more than 17 white dudes with laughable haircuts and poorly grown moustaches and tribal tattoos are indicative of the right wing movement because they like to call each other proud.


The world doesn't work that way champ.  It's not so obvious and only the simple minded compartmentalize everything in to good or bad based on bias like that

silencing your political opponents even the crazed didnt accomplish what people expected. The people that were banned found away to share their voice to their followers, so what does it even accomplish?... banning peoples voice in this manner is the equivalent of putting in earplugs so you dont hear the rats running through the walls of your house... if your argument is sound, respectful and can be proven with facts why not just let your opponents bury themselves with their own lies? with this strategy people in the mushy middle will side with the people that make sense... coralling all your opponents putting a dunce cap on them, and then let them free to tell all their followers how they are just scared of the truth and trying to silence the truth from getting out...  better to let your opponent to punch themselves in the face if the basis of their argument is built upon lies and deceit, the truth always comes out.

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11 hours ago, StrayDog said:

Ya know, I keep hearing how much better Canadians are educated compared to us Yanks. And then a post like this comes along...


If you've been hearing that, it's probably from Americans....



Despite the vagueness of the concept, multiple surveys and studies have done their best to determine which countries have the most-educated population. One of the most highly regarded analyses comes from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, or OECD, which released its list of the world’s most educated countries in 2018.



The Top 10 Most-Educated Countries (OECD 2018)

  1. Canada — 56.27%
  2. Japan — 50.50%
  3. Israel — 49.90%
  4. South Korea — 46.86%
  5. United Kingdom — 45.96%
  6. United States — 45.67%
  7. Australia — 43.74%
  8. Finland — 43.60%
  9. Norway — 43.02%
  10. Luxembourg — 42.86%

The OECD list compares the percentage of each country's residents ages 25 to 64 who have completed some form of tertiary education: a two-year or four-year degree or a vocational program. Based on the OECD's data, Canada is the most educated country globally, with 56.71% of adults meeting the OECD criteria. Japan has the second-highest percentage of 51.44%, followed by Israel with 50.92%. However, it's worth noting that this list compared only the 43 countries that are members or partners of the OECD, leaving out roughly 150 countries that happen to not belong to the OCED. =Also of note is the fact that these rankings change if the data are divided by age range. For example, compare the percentages for 55-64-year-olds in the tables below with the percentages for 25-34-year-olds. Comparisons such as these offer a glimpse into which countries are increasing support for education and which may be doing less.



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4 minutes ago, Smashian Kassian said:

I still can't believe the Nazi thing actually happened. 


Is so embarrassingly bad it's almost funny. And then you see a Mark Clownsten tweet crying that PP wasn't clapping hard enough for the Nazi & it's just icing on the cake.


What a world we are living in. 



They aren't worried about those nazi's. It's the people at the PTA meeting. 🤣

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11 minutes ago, Smashian Kassian said:

I still can't believe the Nazi thing actually happened. 


Is so embarrassingly bad it's almost funny. And then you see a Mark Clownsten tweet crying that PP wasn't clapping hard enough for the Nazi & it's just icing on the cake.


What a world we are living in.



Who is Mark Clownsen?

Is he the one that booked the Nazi? 

I read a thing yesterday but cant remember the name of the guy that took the L on this one.

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4 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


Who is Mark Clownsen?

Is he the one that booked the Nazi? 

I read a thing yesterday but cant remember the name of the guy that took the L on this one.


Mark Gerresten, he's an MP. I just called him that cause he tweets like a Muppet. 


The guy was Rota who booked him I think, speaker of the house.

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Just now, Smashian Kassian said:


Mark Gerresten, he's an MP. I just called him that cause he tweets like a Muppet. 


The guy was Rota who booked him I think, speaker of the house.


Oh, between you and the guy posting deep fakes, you're gonna have me all confused.

Thanks though, I thought it must be a joke name. I dont know all the politiicans as well as I should and I dont have twitter.


Yeah, not a good look for Canada. Gonna be hard to point fingers I guess, the whole crew were clapping for this dude right? All the uninformed politicians in the house?

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2 hours ago, StrayDog said:

It was a good evening, thanks! Sadly for you, our conspiracies paid off. We attended a charity trivia for trans teen suicide prevention, and it was a good turn out! I won't say any more; I know how triggered anti-antifa people get by trans people...

I have always wondered, if one is anti-antifascists, is one not just a fascist?

Not looking for an argument, I have just been confused since I heard it on the news...Anti-Antifa? sounds fascii to me. 

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