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32 minutes ago, Coconuts said:

Various levels of government helping with childcare is a no brainer for several reasons, one of which being that folks get to work. But it goes further than that. Want folks to have children who'll be the workforce of tomorrow? Than make it more affordable to do so. Raising children has never been cheap, but it's seemingly just gotten more and more expensive over time.


25 minutes ago, Bob Long said:

Yep, the only thing surprising about childcare is that it wasn't started sooner. Its nowhere near complete yet either.


It's nice to see this happen, even though it's about 20 years too late for me.


When my girls were little, we were definitely what you would consider lower income. I was working and the wife was going to school full time. She received funding through her band, but it just covered some basics. We basically lived paycheck to paycheck.


We needed childcare, but it turned out to be a bit of a Catch-22. We couldn't afford any of the accredited Child Care outlets, so we ended up send our girls to an older Italian lady who looked after them in her home. The family was great and the kids loved them, (especially Pasquale, the teenaged son, who I am guessing is a terrific dad now) but because they weren't accredited, we couldn't deduct our childcare expenses at tax time. We could (and did) claim the Child Tax Credit, but that was it.


Now that I'm in a better place financially, I am happy to see my tax dollars help make sure young families don't have to face the same barriers that we did.

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1 hour ago, Bob Long said:



Skippy is also talking about nuking childcare, dental as well as pharma. Good, I'm happy its all finally coming out in a clear way. There's no mistaking what Skippy will do now.


My wife and I don't need those programs, kid is too old, and I have a good private plan. But I know the value of these things to a stable, fair minded country and if Skippy gets his way everyone will be forced into shitty private plans, and those that can't afford it will just be screwed again, and then cost us more money in emergency services anyway.


This is the non-plan crap that Skippy brings. Shut stuff down, let the masses sort it out. 

The Pharmacare and dental are both fairly new and not super well planned out so far, the dental plan has lots of people signing up but very little dentists on board to handle the load. The childcare is a big one though that he should get some pushback on. A lot of new programs being introduced very last minute by Trudeau in the hopes of gaining support, but may be to little too late as he has been prime minister for almost 9 years now. In my opinion private plans are the way to go as more cost effective, the problem is some people will roll the dice even if paying less in taxes. More and more employers are offering benefits these dats as well I find.     

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2 minutes ago, Bure_Pavel said:

The Pharmacare and dental are both fairly new and not super well planned out so far, the dental plan has lots of people signing up but very little dentists on board to handle the load.


sure but rollout is never perfect on these things. By next November it should be a lot better. 


2 minutes ago, Bure_Pavel said:


The childcare is a big one though that he should get some pushback on. A lot of new programs being introduced very last minute by Trudeau in the hopes of gaining support, but may be to little too late as he has been prime minister for almost 9 years now. In my opinion private plans are the way to go as more cost effective, the problem is some people will roll the dice even if paying less in taxes. More and more employers are offering benefits these dats as well I find.     


private plans can be fine, but not for people struggling to make rent. 

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11 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


sure but rollout is never perfect on these things. By next November it should be a lot better. 



private plans can be fine, but not for people struggling to make rent. 

We are kinda stuck on a wheel though, as government over spending has increased the cost of living significantly. The solution to this problem is to increase taxes and spend more government money. At some point the guy sitting at home on his couch all day smoking weed, has a better life than the guy who is working their tail off to earn more money and provide for my family. I have no problem with program to support those who cant work or are in a situation out of their control but if too much is offered it becomes attractive to free loaders.    

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6 minutes ago, Spring Salmon said:

Go ahead. Even better Screenshot_20240418-154852.thumb.png.9838b5cfe1db77164d5bd3a5c74196a5.png

Thanks, might have to give Gord another vote then.


He's been real good. 


Edit: in fact I might show this to my wife and all her lib firends.


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10 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

Thanks, might have to give Gord another vote then.


He's been real good. 


Edit: in fact I might show this to my wife and all her lib firends.


Good.  I'd rather vote for the Libs, but I'll do anything needed to ensure that PP is prevented from inflicting the atrocities that he wants to against Canadians.

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2 minutes ago, Spring Salmon said:

No problem. Good luck with that 

You live in a beautiful spot.


Vote for Gord. He's looking out for all you old folks up in Little Qualicum. 

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43 minutes ago, Bure_Pavel said:

We are kinda stuck on a wheel though, as government over spending has increased the cost of living significantly.


yeah, thats the CPC line at least. Kind of ignores the global issues Canada is dealing with, and over spending has nothing to do the spike in home prices. 


43 minutes ago, Bure_Pavel said:


The solution to this problem is to increase taxes and spend more government money. At some point the guy sitting at home on his couch all day smoking weed, has a better life than the guy who is working their tail off to earn more money and provide for my family. I have no problem with program to support those who cant work or are in a situation out of their control but if too much is offered it becomes attractive to free loaders.    


Is that a big group? not sure I want to base my policy ideas off the risk of freeloaders. 

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56 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

You live in a beautiful spot.


Vote for Gord. He's looking out for all you old folks up in Little Qualicum. 

Yes Parksville is nice.  A little too many old people though.  Anyway no, I will not vote for Gord. He is a complete disappointment, just like his boss Jag.  It's good to see the polls say the island is turning blue (well except a couple seats around Victoria).

    The north island MP sees the writing on the wall and has announced she will not be seeking re-election and Alistair MacGregor is in full desperation mode on twitter crying about Pierre.  You better hope your wife has a lot of lib friends you can convince 

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3 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

A poster who claims to be a small c Conservative spends his days in the Canadian Politics thread apologizing for Trudeau and using whataboutisms at every opportunity to defend the current Liberal government, but I am the one who is childish?  Sorry your feelings are hurt. It’s a tough life out there. 

Also, you and other people keep bringing up my dinner parties like they hold some kind of significance and relevancy in this thread. Talk about being childish and the pot calling the kettle black. 

You would be hhard pressed to see where I'm apologizing for anything Trudeau has done. You keep fabricating things and putting words in my mouth and I keep telling you how childish it is but you can't seem to stop.


You would all be way ahead of yourself and believing that someone like yourself could hurt my feelings. Respectfully I have definitely passed harder Stones than your comments on this forum sir. I might also add, they usually contain more substance than what you bring as well but that's okay. You can discuss that at your next dinner party

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1 minute ago, Spring Salmon said:

Yes Parksville is nice.  A little too many old people though.  Anyway no, I will not vote for Gord. He is a complete disappointment, just like his boss Jag.  It's good to see the polls say the island is turning blue (well except a couple seats around Victoria).

    The north island MP sees the writing on the wall and has announced she will not be seeking re-election and Alistair MacGregor is in full desperation mode on twitter crying about Pierre.  You better hope your wife has a lot of lib friends you can convince 

Parksville is alright. Geting a bit skiddy these days.


I thought you were up in Little Qualicum?


Which is why I thought you might be an oldtimer.

The NDP has done a bunch for the old folks, for sure



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4 hours ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

Poilievre blasts budget, won't commit to keeping new social programs like pharmacare



Conservative leader claims pharmacare would 'ban' private plans — health minister says he's 'lying'

This is definitely a red flag situation for people. Nowhere in the pharmacare plan does it ban or restrict any private plans. This is yet again more lying in order to Garner attention or to keep the people angry enough that they don't look past their emotions.

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3 hours ago, Bob Long said:



well, now it begins. PP says the election will be about "the carbon tax" and now says goodbye to pharmacare, because private plans. 


With the lines now starting to be drawn, it should be a lot easier for anyone annoyed with Trudeau considering switching to Skippy to see what they are gaining or losing.



Problem Pierre is now facing is really really simple for people to see. But will be very hard for him to escape unless he keeps people angry.


He is now threatening some of the best legislation to help and protect people that has come about in the last 40 years or so. And is justification will be to save money and to ask the tax.


But he does this on the backs of yelling about raising the tax rates for the wealthiest individuals making over $250,000 a year. Once all of these programs are asked where will that money go? Once the tax is asked where will that money come from? Once he lowers the tax on the wealthiest again where will that money come from?


The only way to fill those holes, is to raise taxes somewhere else. We saw this under the former PM where he lowered the GST by half a percent and ended up raising service fees and taxes incrementally over the next 3 years.


If Pierre was smart he would be going back to true conservative values and roots and raising taxes and reducing subsidization and closing tax loopholes on corporations and tax Dodgers and the wealthiest individuals. Instead, we see him threatening social safety nets and social programs with no plan or statement at all on how to get that money back for what will replace it.


There's only stated concerns, are that raising taxes on the wealthiest will cause them to leave canada. And that private plans will be in danger.


This clearly shows people how much he cares about the average person making less than $100,000 a year. Or about hungry kids. Or about people's dental needs.


He is worried about the wealthiest. And he is worried about Private health care plans. The problem with Private health care plans is they will not go away. But if he is forcing everyone to get one, they will actually make less money as those plans get taken off people's pay cheques.


In essence, people will in fact make less overall and May receive less overall health care for doing it. All while they still pay for a federal health care plan as well as a private health care plan.


It just does not Jive as sensible to me. But then what do I know, I am just a liberal apologist pretending to be a small c conservative

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16 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Problem Pierre is now facing is really really simple for people to see. But will be very hard for him to escape unless he keeps people angry.


He is now threatening some of the best legislation to help and protect people that has come about in the last 40 years or so. And is justification will be to save money and to ask the tax.


But he does this on the backs of yelling about raising the tax rates for the wealthiest individuals making over $250,000 a year. Once all of these programs are asked where will that money go? Once the tax is asked where will that money come from? Once he lowers the tax on the wealthiest again where will that money come from?


The only way to fill those holes, is to raise taxes somewhere else. We saw this under the former PM where he lowered the GST by half a percent and ended up raising service fees and taxes incrementally over the next 3 years.


If Pierre was smart he would be going back to true conservative values and roots and raising taxes and reducing subsidization and closing tax loopholes on corporations and tax Dodgers and the wealthiest individuals. Instead, we see him threatening social safety nets and social programs with no plan or statement at all on how to get that money back for what will replace it.


There's only stated concerns, are that raising taxes on the wealthiest will cause them to leave canada. And that private plans will be in danger.


This clearly shows people how much he cares about the average person making less than $100,000 a year. Or about hungry kids. Or about people's dental needs.


He is worried about the wealthiest. And he is worried about Private health care plans. The problem with Private health care plans is they will not go away. But if he is forcing everyone to get one, they will actually make less money as those plans get taken off people's pay cheques.


In essence, people will in fact make less overall and May receive less overall health care for doing it. All while they still pay for a federal health care plan as well as a private health care plan.


It just does not Jive as sensible to me. But then what do I know, I am just a liberal apologist pretending to be a small c conservative


You got to the root of it, imo - he doesn't have true conservative values. He has current social media values. 


I've been wondering if he's overplayed his anger hand, maybe he has.

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27 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

Parksville is alright. Geting a bit skiddy these days.


Hot take: Parksville is overrated.


A couple FANTASTIC beaches and then it's just (sub)urban sprawl, a complete void of any culture, almost no good restaurants and old people (largely of the white, wealthy, me-first variety).

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35 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

You would be hhard pressed to see where I'm apologizing for anything Trudeau has done. You keep fabricating things and putting words in my mouth and I keep telling you how childish it is but you can't seem to stop.


You would all be way ahead of yourself and believing that someone like yourself could hurt my feelings. Respectfully I have definitely passed harder Stones than your comments on this forum sir. I might also add, they usually contain more substance than what you bring as well but that's okay. You can discuss that at your next dinner party


If you are so interested in my dinner parties you should come out to Vancouver and join us.  I promise you it will be a lot more fun than hanging out in this thread.  You might even learn a few things about politics outside of the echo chamber…

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10 minutes ago, aGENT said:


Hot take: Parksville is overrated.


A couple FANTASTIC beaches and then it's just (sub)urban sprawl, a complete void of any culture, almost no good restaurants and old people (largely of the white, wealthy, me-first variety).

The little community just south is a slice of heaven though...



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2 hours ago, Bure_Pavel said:

We are kinda stuck on a wheel though, as government over spending has increased the cost of living significantly. The solution to this problem is to increase taxes and spend more government money. At some point the guy sitting at home on his couch all day smoking weed, has a better life than the guy who is working their tail off to earn more money and provide for my family. I have no problem with program to support those who cant work or are in a situation out of their control but if too much is offered it becomes attractive to free loaders.    

I strongly believe the reality is contrary to what your assumptions are. People on disability programs have much to offer the country and the world, but their potential is hamstrung by the brutal realities of living in poverty, which is what someone on a provincial assistance program is doing. The Canada Disability Benefit, which was announced years ago but which only comes into effect next July, offers a maximum of $200 per month to eligible persons. The poverty line in, say, Vancouver is approximately $2,300*month, while the rate of provincial disability assistance is roughly $1,450*month. This is to say: with the new money being promised to people with disabilities, this group is still living $650*month below what is considered impoverished. Even for someone who is not actually disabled and should not be in receipt of the referenced funds, they're not living a very good life. I also absolutely think there are significantly fewer 'freeloaders' on provincial assistance than you believe there to be.

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1 hour ago, Bob Long said:


yeah, thats the CPC line at least. Kind of ignores the global issues Canada is dealing with, and over spending has nothing to do the spike in home prices. 



Is that a big group? not sure I want to base my policy ideas off the risk of freeloaders. 

There does seem to be a correlation between the two. The government printing money creates inflation and housing prices rise with inflation as well as the cost to build them. I think you would be surprised at the number of individuals that take advantage of these type of programs, that do not need them.  


r/TorontoRealEstate - Canada Housing Price Index vs M2 Money Supply (Money Printing)

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1 minute ago, Bure_Pavel said:

There does seem to be a correlation between the two. The government printing money creates inflation and housing prices rise with inflation as well as the cost to build them. 


r/TorontoRealEstate - Canada Housing Price Index vs M2 Money Supply (Money Printing)


We know that the housing prices were not driven by inflation. 


As far as spending goes, yes there was an impact from the covid spending but it wasn't the main factor.


The biggest issue was supply chain disruption during covid.

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9 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


We know that the housing prices were not driven by inflation. 


As far as spending goes, yes there was an impact from the covid spending but it wasn't the main factor.


The biggest issue was supply chain disruption during covid.

Low interest rates and high inflation due to printing of money during covid supercharged the housing market and now low supply and FOMO keep the train rolling and probably will for some time. If interest rates remain high enough for long enough I think the market will show some cooling, but they are already predicting cuts starting in June and likely start cuts before reaching anywhere near 2% inflation.   

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