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11 minutes ago, Maninthebox said:

If PP is elected, will all the lefties huddle in the town square and scream until their throats bleed?


Asking for a friend.

As an NDP supporter I think I'll survive, albeit it would be quite disappointing--even though it's expected at this point in time. I'm worried about what he'll do to Canada's social safety nets and new initiatives such as dental and pharmacare. Moreover, I don't like his social policies (no trans women in female spaces, him on record as voting against same-sex marriage in '06...). I also foresee him doing a good deal of harm to things like labour unions and workers generally (he voted against a $15 minimum wage--like c'mon, guy...). Depending on when the next election happens, he could also stymie the new Canada Disability Benefit, which, although not a great program in its current form, is at least something for the vulnerable disabled community.


Screaming on the streets, though? No, I don't do that anymore since I'm no longer homeless and am properly medicated. 🙂

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22 minutes ago, Maninthebox said:

If PP is elected, will all the lefties huddle in the town square and scream until their throats bleed?


Asking for a friend.

Just heard on the radio that every Saturday in Vernon the freedom/ vaxx/ JT obsessed folks still get together to 'protest'. Like, still. Every weekend.


What are they going to do with all thier time when little PP is in the PM seat?


Asking for a friend. 

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20% of blue collar workers are 55 or older. They will be looking to retire soon.


Who's gonna build all the new homes we need? 


My neighbour is begging me to build a fence for him. He just had a quote from a guy that charges $120 per hour, neighbour is stunned. There's just nobody to do the work. 

I have one of my classic cars in getting restored, I found a deal, the body work guy is only charging me $100 per hr. 

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34 minutes ago, Maninthebox said:

If PP is elected, will all the lefties huddle in the town square and scream until their throats bleed?


Asking for a friend.

I don't identify as a leftie. But I have a feeling your definition encompasses the majority of Canadians. 


I also get the impression the schadenfreude is what you actually value over actual policy.

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8 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

20% of blue collar workers are 55 or older. They will be looking to retire soon.


Who's gonna build all the new homes we need? 


My neighbour is begging me to build a fence for him. He just had a quote from a guy that charges $120 per hour, neighbour is stunned. There's just nobody to do the work. 

I have one of my classic cars in getting restored, I found a deal, the body work guy is only charging me $100 per hr. 

What are you restoring?

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45 minutes ago, Maninthebox said:

If PP is elected, will all the lefties huddle in the town square and scream until their throats bleed?


Asking for a friend.


does that give you a special tickle somewhere?


All I want to know is how much money I'm going to save. Why can't you guys tell me that? 

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So this is BC housing prices from 1977 to less than one year into Trudeau's mandate @Bure_Pavel. How does covid and inflation explain this?








prices have also levelled off, and are predicted to be quite stable through 2025. How do you explain that with the PP-nomics?





Edited by Bob Long
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1 minute ago, Optimist Prime said:

I engaged in an excercise to completely track my household budget in the early 2010's..I have refined it every year since in a (in my opinion) unique and cool spreadsheet that has helped me control my credit score and get it into the top 3% in Canada, as well as to totally control my spending and know at a glance my exact financial situation. I plan to make a 'clean' slate version of it to share with interested folks to plug in their own numbers at some point, but not quite there yet. 


Anyways, thanks to that tracking I have done diligently for over a decade, here is the last ten years of my household cell billing: 


Date.....Wifes average monthly Bill....my average monthly bill




2016.............$100...............................$56 (somewhere near 2016 new phones each)





2021..............$80.................................$80 (new phones each built into pricing between 2021 and 2022, with boxing day low money down sales)


2023..............$61.................................$56 - unlimited Gigs

2024..............$61.................................$56 - unlimited Gigs



Only in the last 3 or 4 years has our plans included unlimited Gig usage, or at least so high we have never come close to using half of the available: in all previous years there was a hard cap of 1, 2 or up to 5 gigs per month.

I have to conclude Cell data use fees have dropped significantly. 


just got 40 gig cell phone plan for $34/mo from Koodo. 


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1 minute ago, Bob Long said:


just got 40 gig cell phone plan for $34/mo from Koodo. 


I just reminded myself of the number one thing i did to increase my credit score dramatically: i took my annual recurring bills and for each one divided the yearly cost by every payday the household received: and on each of those 'money in' days, i paid that amount plus five bucks to each bill. After not long at all I was roughly a month ahead on all my bills with zero pain to me.

Never had a late payment in over a decade and at any time now I can stop paying a bill for three months and still not have a late payment. Money in the Bank.

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Just now, Optimist Prime said:

I just reminded myself of the number one thing i did to increase my credit score dramatically: i took my annual recurring bills and for each one divided the yearly cost by every payday the household received: and on each of those 'money in' days, i paid that amount plus five bucks to each bill. After not long at all I was roughly a month ahead on all my bills with zero pain to me.

Never had a late payment in over a decade and at any time now I can stop paying a bill for three months and still not have a late payment. Money in the Bank.


my wife and I have weekly home budget meetings and make kind of a game of it to lower our basic costs as much as we can. Its one of the big reasons we don't have a mortgage anymore. If you don't track the bills that shit eats away at the big stuff in a hurry. 


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40 minutes ago, Bob Long said:

So this is BC housing prices from 1977 to less than one year into Trudeau's mandate @Bure_Pavel. How does covid and inflation explain this?








prices have also levelled off, and are predicted to be quite stable through 2025. How do you explain that with the PP-nomics?





Your data stops at 2016, the ultra low interest rates allowed most people with half a brain who weren't already in the housing market to enter the housing market all at once within a two year period or so. Gobbling up an already limited supply, not many people go from owning back to renting once in the market. As long as the balloon stays inflated everyone already in stays happy, but everyone on the outside looking in good luck. 


housing-affordability-in-canada_ftr image


Edited by Bure_Pavel
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1 hour ago, Maninthebox said:

If PP is elected, will all the lefties huddle in the town square and scream until their throats bleed?


Asking for a friend.


Difficult question to answer.....because it requires that we believe that someone displaying such pettiness and contempt could actually have a friend....

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22 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


my wife and I have weekly home budget meetings and make kind of a game of it to lower our basic costs as much as we can. Its one of the big reasons we don't have a mortgage anymore. If you don't track the bills that shit eats away at the big stuff in a hurry. 


oooo I am jelly of the no mortgage anymore! It has been a driving goal of mine for a long while. I was so close I could taste it when we were in the strata place, but my wife pointed out the savings on strata fees are worth a hundred thousand in extra mortgage, maybe more really, and it worked out that way, my housing monthlies with an acre under our feet are cheaper than on strata land. I was set to be mortgage free by 2025, but with the move, we are pushed back to about 4 or 5 years from now: still could be 'freedom 55' for me, as i only just turned 51.

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18 minutes ago, Bure_Pavel said:

Your data stops at 2016, the ultra low interest rates allowed most people with half a brain who weren't already in the housing market to enter the housing market all at once within a two year period or so. Gobbling up an already limited supply, not many people go from owning back to renting once in the market. As long as the balloon stays inflated everyone already in stays happy, but everyone on the outside looking in good luck. 


housing-affordability-in-canada_ftr image




I still don't see what your point is tho. All parties were behind lower rates to boost our economy. PP even now complains that Trudeau raised it too fast. Which way do you want it?



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11 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

oooo I am jelly of the no mortgage anymore! It has been a driving goal of mine for a long while. I was so close I could taste it when we were in the strata place, but my wife pointed out the savings on strata fees are worth a hundred thousand in extra mortgage, maybe more really, and it worked out that way, my housing monthlies with an acre under our feet are cheaper than on strata land. I was set to be mortgage free by 2025, but with the move, we are pushed back to about 4 or 5 years from now: still could be 'freedom 55' for me, as i only just turned 51.


Do It Episode 3 GIF by Star Wars

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11 minutes ago, Bob Long said:



I still don't see what your point is tho. All parties were behind lower rates to boost our economy. PP even now complains that Trudeau raised it too fast. Which way do you want it?



I believe my original point was government printing of money and over spending has contributed significantly to a lot of the issues currently facing Canada at the moment, dont think I ever mentioned PP. Canada should not look to increase government spending due to a likely stale GDP over the next couple years and possible recession. They need to pick and choose the most beneficial programs to implement and roll them out in a cost effective manner.  

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40 minutes ago, Bob Long said:



I still don't see what your point is tho. All parties were behind lower rates to boost our economy. PP even now complains that Trudeau raised it too fast. Which way do you want it?



We see both Trump and PP attacking their governments for interest rate increases 


The problem rests with the safety net plans for the different groups


PP and Trump support ridding public services such as pensions and health and pushing an economy based on lower taxes and Rock bottom interest rates so everyone can get everything they want ... On credit 


The other side of the equation wants stronger safety nets for our pensions and health care instead of piling on consumer debts on record levels year after year


Right wing governments have slashed business taxes and no government would dare raise them back .... The entire plan was the defunding of public items to choke them to death ( the programs) 


The reason why Trump and PP are so furious about interest rate hikes is because in the absence of taxes which have been cut ..... The only thing they can offer is unlimited cheap credit as the Savior for everything 


PP doesn't want to actually make things cheaper .... He wants to make sure we get cheaper unlimited credit back so people can spend spend spend


The irony is the cheap credit has driven big ticket items costs through the roof 


Autos and houses will Always be priced to the maximum amount you can get credit for ...


Higher interest kept runaway prices in check 


We don't need to return to the 90's when it went through the roof .... But back to near zero rates would be a disaster 


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5 hours ago, Bob Long said:


There was also no will among owners or government to put controls on the equity balloon.


He's trying very hard to fit PP economic theory into a two year period to blame Trudeau for something.


I still want to know how PP will lower my payments, none of the PP supporters seems to have an answer.


Strangely I got the exact same cricket impressions when I asked for specific examples of how "far left" the Liberals have gone. It's all anger/fear fed vaporware.



5 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Another lying politician.  Who would have guessed? 




3 hours ago, Optimist Prime said:

I engaged in an excercise to completely track my household budget in the early 2010's..I have refined it every year since in a (in my opinion) unique and cool spreadsheet that has helped me control my credit score and get it into the top 3% in Canada, as well as to totally control my spending and know at a glance my exact financial situation. I plan to make a 'clean' slate version of it to share with interested folks to plug in their own numbers at some point, but not quite there yet. 


Anyways, thanks to that tracking I have done diligently for over a decade, here is the last ten years of my household cell billing: 


Date.....Wifes average monthly Bill....my average monthly bill




2016.............$100...............................$56 (somewhere near 2016 new phones each)





2021..............$80.................................$80 (new phones each built into pricing between 2021 and 2022, with boxing day low money down sales)


2023..............$61.................................$56 - unlimited Gigs

2024..............$61.................................$56 - unlimited Gigs



Only in the last 3 or 4 years has our plans included unlimited Gig usage, or at least so high we have never come close to using half of the available: in all previous years there was a hard cap of 1, 2 or up to 5 gigs per month.

I have to conclude Cell data use fees have dropped significantly. 


Yup, wife and I are also paying about $5-$10 less per phone with about 10X the data vs a few years ago. Anecdotally it sure seems like more value/$. Though I wouldn't complain about more competition there either. I'm sure @Miss Korea could probably also find some hard data on wireless costs over the last ~5 years as well 😛

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6 minutes ago, aGENT said:


Strangely I got the exact same cricket impressions when I asked for specific examples of how "far left" the Liberals have gone. It's all anger/fear fed vaporware.





Yup, wife and I are also paying about $5-$10 less per phone with about 10X the data vs a few years ago. Anecdotally it sure seems like more value/$. Though I wouldn't complain about more competition there either. I'm sure @Miss Korea could probably also find some hard data on wireless costs over the last ~5 years as well 😛

My wife has a corporate plan so we have a good deal.

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18 minutes ago, aGENT said:


Strangely I got the exact same cricket impressions when I asked for specific examples of how "far left" the Liberals have gone. It's all anger/fear fed vaporware.





Yup, wife and I are also paying about $5-$10 less per phone with about 10X the data vs a few years ago. Anecdotally it sure seems like more value/$. Though I wouldn't complain about more competition there either. I'm sure @Miss Korea could probably also find some hard data on wireless costs over the last ~5 years as well 😛

We have 3 on my Rogers and are all heavy data users ... We get full value for our data plans


Im with rogers and  2 years ago we had a 75gb data pool for 79.99 on my account and 69.99 on my wife and sons 


Yes we use the device purchase which adds to that ( every second year at Xmas at Costco for the best price )


Today still with rogers and my combined pool is 325gb and I pay 69.99 for my plan and 5O for my wife's and my son's 


2 years ago it was 220 for 3 lines and 75gb


Today it's 170 for three lines and 325gb data 


I still want more savings but it's moving in the right direction 



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22 hours ago, 112 said:

As an NDP supporter I think I'll survive, albeit it would be quite disappointing--even though it's expected at this point in time. I'm worried about what he'll do to Canada's social safety nets and new initiatives such as dental and pharmacare. Moreover, I don't like his social policies (no trans women in female spaces, him on record as voting against same-sex marriage in '06...). I also foresee him doing a good deal of harm to things like labour unions and workers generally (he voted against a $15 minimum wage--like c'mon, guy...). Depending on when the next election happens, he could also stymie the new Canada Disability Benefit, which, although not a great program in its current form, is at least something for the vulnerable disabled community.


Screaming on the streets, though? No, I don't do that anymore since I'm no longer homeless and am properly medicated. 🙂


I'm just as/more worried about what the Cons will self off/privatize  next to "balance the budget". We've already lost PetroCan, the Wheat Board, privatized medical creeping in...


EVERY time they're in power it's just a steady erosion of Canadian assets to foreign interests and degraded social safety nets. How does anyone vote for that?

Edited by aGENT
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