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2 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Unfortunately I will never vote for Trudeau again.  Many liberal voters feel the same way.  That's why the Conservatives are expected to gain a majority government in the next election...

And we'll all have to live with the consequences of the damage Poilivre wants to do this country unless people collectively come to their sentences and realize how evil this bigot is.  Poilivre needs to be kept out of power by any means necessary.

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44 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


I agree.  The federal government, no matter who is in charge, needs to find a solution to price gouging in the food industry.  There needs to be more regulation and oversight in that area.  Whoever can come up with a solution to this I will gladly vote for them.  


That's not PP's MO, dude.  Like, not in a million years.  His advisors are literally lobbyists for those corporations.


I also can't specifically prove what Poilievre would do because he is so obsessed with attacking Trudeau.  That's all he stands for.  He doesn't represent anything else.

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1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:

I wouldn’t want my local car wash business to go bankrupt and shut down so I support them fully. And they do a great job. I also don’t want the Keg to go bankrupt either. So I fully support them as well. 

There is no greed from the local car wash. They are just trying to make a living like everyone else. Are you not supportive of local businesses?

You'll have crickets on that one. Most of the posters here don't believe in free enterprise. The usual comment is crony capitalism. I would not deny it exists. We have a federal government that dispenses in excess of $400 billion a year in spending. How about the crony progressives. Apparently they are well established in Ottawa as well. Kristian Firth of GC Strategies raked in $107.7 million of untendered government contracts. His access was delivered by Vaughn Brennan to Jeremy Broadhurst who is Chrystia Freeland's chief of staff. His wife works for Procurement Canada. 


Crony progressivism ignores the financial means to fund programs. We'll get ours and to hell with the rest. It is a marriage of labor unions, certain businesses, government bureaucrats and elected politicians who feel they can pick winners and losers. $400 billion encourages the feeding frenzy. Will the CPC be any different? Probably not but suggesting that the left is a holier brand is laughable. 

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50 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Unfortunately I will never vote for Trudeau again.  Many liberal voters feel the same way.  That's why the Conservatives are expected to gain a majority government in the next election...

At least his homeless seniors issue will be fixed ...with pension claw backs and roll.backs he will force many back into the workforce 

Business is gonna luv him


The ability to retire will.be eliminated under PP for workers at least


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2 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

You are correct. Between $50 car washes and $60 steaks I am at my wits end. Trudeau’s inflation is killing me really. I don’t think I will ever recover. 

At least I’m not a Blue Jays fan and have to pay $30 for a hot dog and $18 for a coke. That would have driven me over the edge really. 

The fact anyone thinks inflation is do to any one leader in the world is utterly ignorant of the situation at hand

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2 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

You are correct. Between $50 car washes and $60 steaks I am at my wits end. Trudeau’s inflation is killing me really. I don’t think I will ever recover. 

At least I’m not a Blue Jays fan and have to pay $30 for a hot dog and $18 for a coke. That would have driven me over the edge really. 

You pay $50 for a car wash? 


Man mines like $175!

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28 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

You'll have crickets on that one. Most of the posters here don't believe in free enterprise. The usual comment is crony capitalism. I would not deny it exists. We have a federal government that dispenses in excess of $400 billion a year in spending. How about the crony progressives. Apparently they are well established in Ottawa as well. Kristian Firth of GC Strategies raked in $107.7 million of untendered government contracts. His access was delivered by Vaughn Brennan to Jeremy Broadhurst who is Chrystia Freeland's chief of staff. His wife works for Procurement Canada. 


Crony progressivism ignores the financial means to fund programs. We'll get ours and to hell with the rest. It is a marriage of labor unions, certain businesses, government bureaucrats and elected politicians who feel they can pick winners and losers. $400 billion encourages the feeding frenzy. Will the CPC be any different? Probably not but suggesting that the left is a holier brand is laughable. 

Everybody believes in free enterprise except for maybe Anarchy Boy but he's been banned.


Libs are not holier Bouds.   Historically, Libs have the same amount of cronyism. false promises, and failed policies as Cons.  Libs do show less appeasement to the nutbars just to get a vote though.  The Con lunatic fringe scares me much more than the Lib lunatic fringe.


BTW - I've mentally questioned your use of the term 'progressive' in your posts lately.  I can see how it's used to describe AOC in the states but it seems to be just a snide put down up here.   Do you really think it accurately describes Libs?  (the term is a given for the NDP and Greens)

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5 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

I already explained my comment to somebody else. But let me expand further as it seems people are spinning it way out of control. 

You are always making the cheeky comment that everything is Trudeau’s fault. You did it again when you posted about Verizon not entering Canada. We know you are being sarcastic. 

You won’t be as cheeky about that when the Conservatives are in power. That’s because you will be spending your time blaming PP for everything. Does that make sense now?


Be careful what you wish for is also a loaded comment. However I don’t need an explanation on that as it doesn’t really offend me. 

Be careful what you wish for means just that.  It's not threatening at all it's a heads up.


When Pierre gets in the following is very likely to happen with a majority.


Carbon tax reduction.  This will result in lost monies to revenue including axing the carbon rebate people enjoy while keeping the tax.


Cut services and social programs.  Including pharmacare, dentist and childcare.  Whether these will be axed or simply cut to uselessness is debatable.  This will result in more people unable to access drugs, dentists it basic child services.  Resulting in list productivity and higher wait times at hospitals.


Threats to provinces in regards to funding in order to pass legislation.  I'm essence, this will be the feds saying do this or else to pass any number of questionable laws that would otherwise supercede provincial rights through the constitution.


Cuts to education funding services including universities and primary to the provinces with the claim of protecting kids.  This will result in a degraded quality of education, but will probably see religious and private education centres recieved equal or increased funding through legislation.


Now you can claim none of this will happen, but it has.  With every single conservative majority since Diefenbaker.  


Should Pierre act the same as Trudeau while having a majority I will absolutely hold him accountable.  Should he act the same in a minority, I will remind people that he is not the total power just the man in the seat as that is how or system of democracy works 


The difference between myself and yourself in this instance is I'm not deluded enough to ignore how our system of governance works and know that even if a PM is inept, immoral or even seemingly corrupt in a minority, it is entirely the fault of a multiple of parties that allows for it.  If they act that way in a majority, that is entirely on the on and their party for allowing it 


You following here or?

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4 hours ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

So PP said he is going to cut taxes.  So what programs is he going to cut to pay for it?


LILLEY: Pierre Poilievre promises tax cuts so Canadians can afford life again




Tax cuts to whom?


This is what I asked yesterday.  Im unsure cutting any level of taxes will greatly affect people.  As in cutting or cancelling the carbon tax will mean little to nothing for provinces having a carbon tax, but it will save some families $400-$500 a year, but will also cost them the carbon rebate.


Resulting in no savings for families but billions in lost revenue.


Cutting taxes will also not reel in corporate greed that has seen gas and grocery prices explode the last 3 years.


Answers are needed.  Not just empty short sighted promises

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2 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:


It's mind boggling how the same people who yell at us that the reason food is so expensive is because there is a monopoly of only 3 main players in that market, and then in the same sentence in order to apologize for Trudeau's tweet they also claim that there is increased competition in the telecommunications market when there is literally only 3 main players in that market as well.  It's literally the exact same thing of corporate greed.  Too funny...

Who owns the entirety of Canada's cellular infrastructure?


The one piece of your argument about why we don't have increased carriers missing and it's important 

2 hours ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

I'm told the high prices of groceries in Canada is due to corporate greed and lack of competition. Ok then please tell me what the difference between these 2 photos is if there is soooo much competition in the telecommunications market 🤔






See above.


But this also highlights how it's corporate greed and not government issues causing the insane increase in prices at the grocery stores

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2 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:


It's mind boggling how the same people who yell at us that the reason food is so expensive is because there is a monopoly of only 3 main players in that market, and then in the same sentence in order to apologize for Trudeau's tweet they also claim that there is increased competition in the telecommunications market when there is literally only 3 main players in that market as well.  It's literally the exact same thing of corporate greed.  Too funny...


I was just impressed that you managed to find a way to complain about something that is actually cheaper and better with the argument that “more competition” has to mean more competitors. Better and cheaper, that good right? So one could simply say “well done CRTC.”



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2 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Unfortunately I will never vote for Trudeau again.  Many liberal voters feel the same way.  That's why the Conservatives are expected to gain a majority government in the next election...


Those many voters willing to vote against their own/their countries best interests, because they don't like the puppet that's the face of the sitting minority (requiring consensus from other parties to actually do anything) government is the pinnacle of short sighted stupidity.


Party policy, action and history is far, FAR more important than whichever schmo happens to be in the face of a party at the time. And let's not try to pretend that PP is any better of an option, as sick of the current liberal puppet as any of us may be, even if that (party leadership) criteria meant as much as you seem to think it does (it doesn't).


You're willing to vote for just as big/bigger of a jag off, with far more damaging policy, to get rid of a different, less damaging jag off.


To be frank, that's completely asinine "logic". Like getting bent over in a prison shower and asking the next guy in line if he could please use even less lube.


48 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

Everybody believes in free enterprise except for maybe Anarchy Boy but he's been banned.


Libs are not holier Bouds.   Historically, Libs have the same amount of cronyism. false promises, and failed policies as Cons.  Libs do show less appeasement to the nutbars just to get a vote though.  The Con lunatic fringe scares me much more than the Lib lunatic fringe.


BTW - I've mentally questioned your use of the term 'progressive' in your posts lately.  I can see how it's used to describe AOC in the states but it seems to be just a snide put down up here.   Do you really think it accurately describes Libs?  (the term is a given for the NDP and Greens)


Both are beholden to their corporate overlords. The Liberals at least give us pleebs back some crumbs of our tax dollars in to social safety nets for our poorest, and aren't hell bent on deregulating and privatizing everything while ignoring the real and vast economic issues caused by climate change. Nevermind these archaic human rights nonsense.

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4 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

You are correct. Between $50 car washes and $60 steaks I am at my wits end. Trudeau’s inflation is killing me really. I don’t think I will ever recover. 

At least I’m not a Blue Jays fan and have to pay $30 for a hot dog and $18 for a coke. That would have driven me over the edge really. 

Your a bad shopper easily scammed If you pay 50 bucks for a car wash lol


For 40 bucks  to 45 bucks 2 places close to me sell monthly unlimited ultra washes .... For about a buck  a day I can run through a deluxe wash and wax.....


Sorry but if your paying 50 per that's a self inflicted wound and not Truduea 

Edited by Sapper
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3 hours ago, aGENT said:


Those many voters willing to vote against their own/their countries best interests, because they don't like the puppet that's the face of the sitting minority (requiring consensus from other parties to actually do anything) government is the pinnacle of short sighted stupidity.


Party policy, action and history is far, FAR more important than whichever schmo happens to be in the face of a party at the time. And let's not try to pretend that PP is any better of an option, as sick of the current liberal puppet as any of us may be, even if that (party leadership) criteria meant as much as you seem to think it does (it doesn't).


You're willing to vote for just as big/bigger of a jag off, with far more damaging policy, to get rid of a different, less damaging jag off.


To be frank, that's completely asinine "logic". Like getting bent over in a prison shower and asking the next guy in line if he could please use even less lube.



Both are beholden to their corporate overlords. The Liberals at least give us pleebs back some crumbs of our tax dollars in to social safety nets for our poorest, and aren't hell bent on deregulating and privatizing everything while ignoring the real and vast economic issues caused by climate change. Nevermind these archaic human rights nonsense.


Yup, a lot of folks get too hung up on who the figurehead is when ultimately he's one guy. A guy in a significant position, but still one guy. Every prime minister has their cabinet and an entire government machine full of staff behind them. Party policy, history, party platforms, these are much more significant than an individual figurehead, and they're what folks should be looking at when considering who to vote for. 


This isn't to say the figureheads don't matter, of course they matter, we should be paying attention to what they are and aren't saying, what they're broadcasting, but a lot of folks seem to give them more influence in their minds than they actually have. 


Lot of folks won't vote liberal because of Trudeau, I wish the Libs would run someone else to counteract that. A lot of folks will vote against their best interests because they don't like the puppet, as you've said. 


The Cons aren't interested in the average Canadian, they're interested in factions with money, and those with wealth. The Libs will never be perfect but at least they probably won't slash Canada's social safety net the way the Cons like to. 

Edited by Coconuts
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5 hours ago, Boudrias said:

You'll have crickets on that one. Most of the posters here don't believe in free enterprise. The usual comment is crony capitalism. I would not deny it exists. We have a federal government that dispenses in excess of $400 billion a year in spending. How about the crony progressives. Apparently they are well established in Ottawa as well. Kristian Firth of GC Strategies raked in $107.7 million of untendered government contracts. His access was delivered by Vaughn Brennan to Jeremy Broadhurst who is Chrystia Freeland's chief of staff. His wife works for Procurement Canada. 


Crony progressivism ignores the financial means to fund programs. We'll get ours and to hell with the rest. It is a marriage of labor unions, certain businesses, government bureaucrats and elected politicians who feel they can pick winners and losers. $400 billion encourages the feeding frenzy. Will the CPC be any different? Probably not but suggesting that the left is a holier brand is laughable. 

Most of the posters here don't believe in free enterprise.....absolutely untrue.

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15 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:

This won't be a popular opinion at the next dinner party, (like I care) but to me it's an easy call: Anyone who decides they're going to vote for a certain politician because they promise "tax cuts", is either stupid, or a greedy asshole who already has enough money, but wants more.


It's a simple calculus....if you cut taxes, you either have to make up that revenue from other sources, or cut social programs. I don't think it's a huge mystery which path the Cons will take if they form the next government.


The biggest impact, as usual, will be most acutely felt by the already marginalized segments of Canadian society. But hey, the rest of us will be able to afford steak dinners and expensive car washes, amirite? :classic_rolleyes:

Why is it easier to be a conservative over a progressive ?


Takes less effort and energy to give someone the finger than to offer a hand up

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14 hours ago, RupertKBD said:

This won't be a popular opinion at the next dinner party, (like I care) but to me it's an easy call: Anyone who decides they're going to vote for a politician because they promise "tax cuts", is either stupid, or a greedy asshole who already has enough money, but wants more.certain


It's a simple calculus....if you cut taxes, you either have to make up that revenue from other sources, or cut social programs. I don't think it's a huge mystery which path the Cons will take if they form the next government.


The biggest impact, as usual, will be most acutely felt by the already marginalized segments of Canadian society. But hey, the rest of us will be able to afford steak dinners and expensive car washes, amirite? :classic_rolleyes:

I suggest you revisit the 2015 Liberal election platform. A few tax promises made.  No, the Liberals have not cut spending to social programs to pay for their promises they have printed money. In essence they have off loaded the cost of their programs on future generations.

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1 hour ago, Boudrias said:

I suggest you revisit the 2015 Liberal election platform. A few tax promises made.  No, the Liberals have not cut spending to social programs to pay for their promises they have printed money. In essence they have off loaded the cost of their programs on future generations.


targeted for more middle class folks, there's a difference. 


Yes they have increased the debt, and yes its worrisome. So tell me the alternative? 

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15 hours ago, Sapper said:

Why is it easier to be a conservative over a progressive ?


Takes less effort and energy to give someone the finger than to offer a hand up

What about being a Progressive Conservative? 

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3 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


targeted for more middle class folks, there's a difference. 


Yes they have increased the debt, and yes its worrisome. So tell me the alternative? 

Hard choices I am afraid. When politicians spend money they don't have it covers up for the hard choices they didn't make. If Revenue and Expenditure does not match it means the excess spending is being charged against future generations. If the decision is to tax business and high income earners then so be it. But this happens without a serious debate. I am not saying it would with the CPC either. Until this country starts having those types of discussions we are in a descending spiral. The tax hikes in the budget might slow the speed of the spiral but that is all. 


On the revenue side what I read is that Canada's GDP will be flatlining into the future. The only goose I see is if the CPC pulls out the stops on energy production. You say PP has no plans. I suggest that he tries energy, at least that is what he talks about. If he can bump GDP to 2% ( the USA is + 3% ) it will generate a lot of income. I am not optimistic no matter who is running things. I had to laugh I saw the head of Bloomberg's investment fund advocating for a carbon tax on gasoline of 50 cents per gallon. That would sound like chicken feed up here. 

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20 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

Hard choices I am afraid. When politicians spend money they don't have it covers up for the hard choices they didn't make. If Revenue and Expenditure does not match it means the excess spending is being charged against future generations. If the decision is to tax business and high income earners then so be it. But this happens without a serious debate. I am not saying it would with the CPC either. Until this country starts having those types of discussions we are in a descending spiral. The tax hikes in the budget might slow the speed of the spiral but that is all. 


I'm OK with the spending as long as the GDP at minimum keeps pace and hopefully exceeds it by a lot. At some point soon we have to get back to a balanced budget, that 40 billion dollar + debt service is scary stuff. Its going to be a runaway beast in a few years.


20 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

On the revenue side what I read is that Canada's GDP will be flatlining into the future. The only goose I see is if the CPC pulls out the stops on energy production. You say PP has no plans. I suggest that he tries energy, at least that is what he talks about. If he can bump GDP to 2% ( the USA is + 3% ) it will generate a lot of income. I am not optimistic no matter who is running things. I had to laugh I saw the head of Bloomberg's investment fund advocating for a carbon tax on gasoline of 50 cents per gallon. That would sound like chicken feed up here. 


We'll see a bump with TMX. Apparently analysts were surprised that oil should start flowing in May, so its possible the GDP numbers aren't taking that into account.


I don't see what other major energy deals PP could help foster tho? isn't AB pretty much at capacity for what the US wants from us?


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