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34 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Excellent! Checkers are jobs for people. Great hearing food stores are moving back to only people checkers. 

Agreed.  If a store doesn't have a human available to check me out, I'll take my business elsewhere.

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Speaker kicks Poilievre out of the Commons after he calls PM a 'wacko' in tense question period exchange

Trudeau accuses Poilievre of associating with white nationalists, Tory leader hits back

John Paul Tasker · CBC News · Posted: Apr 30, 2024 11:58 AM PDT | Last Updated: 7 minutes ago
Leader of the Conservative Party Pierre Poilievre rises during Question Period, Wednesday, April 17, 2024 in Ottawa.
Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre was kicked out of the House of Commons Tuesday for calling Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a 'wacko.' (Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)


Speaker Greg Fergus kicked Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre out of question period Tuesday after a particularly nasty exchange with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.


Poilievre's day-long removal from the House of Commons came after he called Trudeau a "wacko" for supporting B.C.'s policy of decriminalizing some hard drugs in an attempt to reduce the number of overdose-related deaths.


Poilievre said it was a "wacko policy" backed by "this wacko prime minister." Fergus asked him to withdraw the "unparliamentary language."


Poilievre refused, saying only that he agreed to replace "wacko" with "extremist" or "radical." Poilievre's refusal prompted Fergus to remove him.


"There are a couple of things that are going on here today that are not acceptable," Fergus said.

Following Poilievre's removal, the Conservative caucus left the Commons chamber en masse, following their leader.


WATCH: Speaker tosses Poilievre from House of Commons 

Speaker tosses Poilievre from House of Commons

53 minutes ago
After asking Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre several times to withdraw comments made during question period Tuesday, Speaker of the House Greg Fergus orders Poilievre to withdraw from the House of Commons.



Poilievre turned to social media after getting the boot. "The Liberal speaker censored me for describing Trudeau's hard drug policy as wacko," he posted.


"Six people dying from overdoses every day in B.C. is wacko. Nurses worried about breastfeeding after breathing in toxic drug fumes is wacko. This is a wacko policy from a wacko PM that's destroying lives."


Trudeau fielded a few more questions from Bloc Québécois and NDP MPs and then left the chamber after the fracas.


Trudeau also engaged in name-calling Tuesday, saying at one point that Poilievre was a "spineless" leader.


He said Poilievre is trying to "earn votes through personal attacks" after the Conservative leader raised Trudeau's past episodes of wearing blackface.


Trudeau accused Poilievre of courting "white nationalist groups" with his visit to an anti-carbon tax protest camp in the Maritimes earlier this month.


While at the camp, Poilievre stepped into a trailer that had a symbol associated with Diagolon drawn on the door.


That's a group the RCMP has said supports an "accelerationist" ideology — the idea that civil war or the collapse of western governments is inevitable and ought to be sped up.


"He will not denounce them and everything they stand for," Trudeau said of Poilievre, while also citing American conspiracy theorist Alex Jones' endorsement of Poilievre.


"This is a 19-year career politician who knows exactly what he's doing and thinks he can get away with it," Trudeau said.


"It is a choice to pander to white nationalists. It's a choice to not condemn them and everything they stand for in his quest for votes."


Poilievre at one point said he wouldn't take lessons on racism from a prime minister whose government gave anti-racism training money to Laith Marouf, a Montreal man who had a history of making antisemitic remarks in social media posts.


The government cut off funding to Marouf's company in 2022 after public scrutiny of his hateful tweets.


Before Poilievre's removal, Fergus had Conservative MP Rachael Thomas removed from the chamber after she shouted at him and called him "a disgrace" for not immediately demanding that Trudeau withdraw his comment about Poilievre being "spineless."


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I have never really been a fan of the self checkouts, maybe use them 2% of the time I am shopping. I am just fine with these retailers decsion to remove em..sad at the waste of time and money though. 



More stores are ditching self-checkout amid theft and customer complaints

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8 minutes ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:

Something something accusation confession... 🤔





PP.has gone completely wacko


The conservative party has announced that when elected he will use common sense to ban all hard drugs , increase sentences and tell addicts to seek treatment. PP actually believes telling addicts no and threatening stiffer penalties will have them all lining up to get into treatment.... You know common sense right ?


He is completely delusional and one would be correct to start questioning his mental capacity to lead ... Or even hold a government job


Not one addict is going to stop based solely on this common sense plan ( wacko logic ) .... All we are about to see behind continued deaths is a massive spike in police and jail costs 


Never in the history of earth has someone calmed down by being told to calm down lol


What's next ? Tell teens to remain pure ... A common sense statement ... And presto every teen will wait for marriage and we won't need sex Ed etc because common sense is the answer lol


Yesterday PP joked he will be using the not withstanding clause to over ride courts so he can set jail terms.  


He has literally gone wacko 


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9 minutes ago, Sapper said:

PP.has gone completely wacko


The conservative party has announced that when elected he will use common sense to ban all hard drugs , increase sentences and tell addicts to seek treatment. PP actually believes telling addicts no and threatening stiffer penalties will have them all lining up to get into treatment.... You know common sense right ?


He is completely delusional and one would be correct to start questioning his mental capacity to lead ... Or even hold a government job


Not one addict is going to stop based solely on this common sense plan ( wacko logic ) .... All we are about to see behind continued deaths is a massive spike in police and jail costs 


Never in the history of earth has someone calmed down by being told to calm down lol


What's next ? Tell teens to remain pure ... A common sense statement ... And presto every teen will wait for marriage and we won't need sex Ed etc because common sense is the answer lol


Yesterday PP joked he will be using the not withstanding clause to over ride courts so he can set jail terms.  


He has literally gone wacko 


The provincial NDP tried to make all hard drugs legal and it backfired on them to the point they had to reverse course and make them illegal again. 

So are they wack jobs for making them legal in the first place?  

Also, what’s wrong with asking or getting people to seek treatment?  Isn’t that the whole point of trying to help an addict? 

Edited by Elias Pettersson
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9 minutes ago, Sapper said:

Yesterday PP joked he will be using the not withstanding clause to over ride courts so he can set jail terms.  


This would make such a bad precedent and is such a slippery slope to build policy on.


If government seeks to NWC everything they think will have a hard time to pass due to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, then you might as well box up democracy in Canada and stick it 6' under, because it'll be killed in no time at all.

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4 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

The provincial NDP tried to make all hard drugs legal and it backfired on them to the point they had to reverse course and make them illegal again. 

So are they wack jobs for making them legal in the first place?  

Also, what’s wrong with asking or getting people to seek treatment?  Isn’t that the whole point of trying to help an addict? 

Doing nothing wasn't an option and it was the BC courts that struck down attempts by the NDP to stop drug use in places like playgrounds .. so it required the formal.move to re criminalize 


And a drug plan based solely on asking people to get treatment is not common sense ... It's insanity 


Yes everyone should encourage treatment .... But to make that the plan shows PP has zero plans or leadership ... At all

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1 minute ago, Sapper said:

Doing nothing wasn't an option and it was the BC courts that struck down attempts by the NDP to stop drug use in places like playgrounds .. so it required the formal.move to re criminalize 


And a drug plan based solely on asking people to get treatment is not common sense ... It's insanity 


Yes everyone should encourage treatment .... But to make that the plan shows PP has zero plans or leadership ... At all

Well the drug issue is worse now than it ever has been. More people living on the streets today in the DTES than ever before. 

So I would argue that neither party or leader has any actual plans to fix the problem. 

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7 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Well the drug issue is worse now than it ever has been. More people living on the streets today in the DTES than ever before. 

So I would argue that neither party or leader has any actual plans to fix the problem. 

Unfortunately I don't think the problem will ever be fixed by any party.  Open up treatment centres and people will complain how their taxes are being spent.  Do we force addict to get treatment?  Is that even an option?

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37 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

I have never really been a fan of the self checkouts, maybe use them 2% of the time I am shopping. I am just fine with these retailers decsion to remove em..sad at the waste of time and money though. 



More stores are ditching self-checkout amid theft and customer complaints

I use self checkouts and I do not like it.  But the alternative is standing in line with a few items and waiting behind a line up of people with full shopping carts for 20 minutes.


I do not shop at Walmart in Duncan often but that store is a prime example.  Maybe having 3 cashiers open while

the the store is full of customers.


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43 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

I have never really been a fan of the self checkouts, maybe use them 2% of the time I am shopping. I am just fine with these retailers decsion to remove em..sad at the waste of time and money though. 



More stores are ditching self-checkout amid theft and customer complaints

Just another factor of inflation!! When you can go to a small grocer and get 3 bagged salads for $5 and and it’s $5 for one at major grocers for the exact same product it tells you all you need to know.. fancy renovations sponsorships and adverts are a huge driving factor in all of this

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3 hours ago, Boudrias said:

My concern over real estate might not end up happening. I hope that is the case. Just consider that most bank mortgages have CMHC insurance coverage. That is the federal government. Also consider how many mortgages on the books have had their maturities extended and how many mortgages are non performing. It is a bit of a confidence thing. Yes, I hope I am overstating the risk. 


the BMO guy I was talking with was saying most people are OK with the stress test of the rise coming for most folks over the next 2 years. They expect some defaults but not a big wave. It'll bite people in other ways like reduced discretionary spending, which could keep our economy flatter than we'd like.


His big worry was the implications of the capital gains changes, apparently more than a few folks upstairs at BMO are concerned about this helping to drive some more of the innovation class out of Canada. 


He also saw some austerity as inevitable.


3 hours ago, Boudrias said:

Stats Can came out with the Feb. GDP number at 0.2%. Jan was 0.5%. That suggests to me that government revenues won't be increasing much. A 10% budget cut would be truly draconian. I would hope the Finance Minister would have a open process that informs citizens of the challenges faced by the country and a fair assessment of options on how to deal with them. Spend here means we cut there. Bottom line is that if your revenue is not increasing, your spending is increasing and cost of caring debt is running up to 5% the situation is unsustainable. 


But we have to hit 10%. Our debt service charges are going to be 100 billion in 5 or 6 years if we don't. 


Now can we hit "10%" by a 5% decrease in spending and a 5% increase in revenues from new taxes, investments in things like the battery plants, more energy exports? yeah maybe. 


3 hours ago, Boudrias said:

Do you know any Canadian Forces members or retirees? The ones I talk to are saying the situation inside the military is a shit show. Morale is very bad.  


I used to in SK, no one in BC tho. It was a shit show under Harper too, maybe its just how we do things. Someone like @Optimist Prime can speak to this maybe. 

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8 minutes ago, The Arrogant Worms said:

He sounds more like Trump everyday.


watch PP's little hand signals when he does a speech now. He uses similar techniques. That and the insults. 


Trudeau just needs to keep reminding Canada of what PP really is, and its easy, all you have to do is show the footage of PP talking and who he visits. 


Edited by Bob Long
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As much as Liberal want to make PP another Trump, he isn't. Not even close. Just as O'Toole was not a nazi just because he served in the military. If you want to attack PP do it on his economic plans. His handling of the economy is where he is destroying Trudeau. If PP says he will 'axe the carbon tax' then how will he replace that revenue? Everyone should realize by now that tax is not revenue neutral. PP has to replace that revenue or cut some expenditure to make up for it. 

The general approach by the CPC is to cut many taxes. How will they replace the lost revenue. That approach makes more sense than trying to convince people that PP is another Donald Jr. People simply won't believe you.

Edited by Boudrias
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1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:

The provincial NDP tried to make all hard drugs legal and it backfired on them to the point they had to reverse course and make them illegal again. 

So are they wack jobs for making them legal in the first place?  

Also, what’s wrong with asking or getting people to seek treatment?  Isn’t that the whole point of trying to help an addict? 

Not even remotely what happened. Are you intentionally being obtuse here? 

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1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Well the drug issue is worse now than it ever has been. More people living on the streets today in the DTES than ever before. 

So I would argue that neither party or leader has any actual plans to fix the problem. 

Not disagreeing ..... But PP's ridicule of users and stating that justing saying no will fix everything is delusional at best and destructive at worst 


The point is PP is scoring political cheap shot points of a very sad situation with some very ill people. A few Mothers of addicts groups have pleaded with PP to stop the misinformation and stop weaponizing a health issue


The vast majority of these addicts are not your old town functioning alcoholics .... This group have significant mental health problems and treatment alone without housing and a living subsidy will do nothing to turn the tide. Just saying no is more harmful than good and PP knows that ....... It's time his followers start demanding he treat all Canadians as human and not just his voters 

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42 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

As much as Liberal want to make PP another Trump, he isn't. Not even close. Just as O'Toole was not a nazi just because he served in the military. If you want to attack PP do it on his economic plans. His handling of the economy is where he is destroying Trudeau. If PP says he will 'ask the carbon tax' then how will he replace that revenue? Everyone should realize by now that tax is not revenue neutral. PP has to replace that revenue or cut some expenditure to make up for it. 

The general approach by the CPC is to cut many taxes. How will they replace the lost revenue. That approach makes more sense than trying to convince people that PP is another Donald Jr. People simply won't believe you.

Sorry....he is using Trump's tactics of appealing to the far right.  I have never heard anyone say O'Toole was not a nazi.  Did I miss something?

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2 hours ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:

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The Speaker needs to set the standard by letting it known that this buffoonery shouldn't be allowed anywhere near Parliament by banning PP and anyone who shares similar talking points. Excellent job kicking this clown out today. 

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