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9 minutes ago, Rob Eh said:

NDP but they are just as corrupt as all the others no too.

NDP have never held federal office.  When they have held the balance of power though they have engaged in or helped create some essental aspects of Canadian life.  Education, Universal health care, indigenous rights and most recently a universal dental plan


As such outside of provincial rule in BC, Saskatchewan and Ontario as well as a 4 year stint in Alberta the NDP have never really been a party that has been around long enough in any manifestation to have enjoyed the same level of "corruption" as the big two in Canada at the federal or provincial levels

Edited by Warhippy
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2 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

1- Prove that "antifa did that" lol.  I dare you to try.  As well, having went to university in Ottawa and still having numerous friends that live there, the locals sure as hell felt terrorized having diesel fumes and air horns going off 24 hours a day for multiple weeks on end while being harassed for wearing masks while these individuals used open streets as bathrooms.  Prove that most of them were Sikh's.  I absolutely put you on notice to prove that.  I will post a nice link though to some Sikh truckers who were stuck in the US unable tog et home to Canada that "the truckers who cared" didn't care about


For 10 days, downtown residents have been subjected to relentless honking, random fireworks and choking diesel fumes from trucks parked near their homes. They've expressed outrage over the open display of hate symbols, and some say they've been subjected to racial, homophobic and transphobic slurs. Others claim they've been attacked for wearing masks.

"Being a woman of colour, I felt very fearful," said Arushana, who left her home in the ByWard Market to stay with a colleague in the Glebe last weekend. CBC is not using her last name because she is concerned for her safety.

After putting up with sleepless nights and fireworks being aimed at her building, one of the final straws was seeing a Confederate flag on her way home from work.

"I broke down," she said. "As a first generation immigrant child, seeing such hatred, especially when my parents came to this country to provide me and my sister with a better opportunity and a better life ... I didn't feel safe."

Kevin Nielsen described feeling "a general sense of terror," living within blocks of Parliament Hill and felt intimidated every time he left his building. He left his home on Thursday to stay with friends elsewhere in the city. 

"I was constantly on high alert," he said. "It had a large impact on my mental health." 

He said he witnessed others being subjected to homophobic slurs, while also facing them himself through social media.

"I am a Jewish woman … On top of the deafening honking and stench of diesel, seeing the rampant antisemitism and the harassment of women for wearing masks was incredibly distressing," one person wrote in an email.

Yet another wrote she was confronted on her way to the grocery store. "I was shoved, screamed at, called [sexist and homophobic slurs], and had three large men try to pen me in and physically block my way, because I was wearing a mask."

One woman said that even though she doesn't live downtown, she's still fearful.

"I am a brown woman and I am also incredibly scared of the occupiers. It infuriates me that people seem to be more upset about the war memorial than Nazi flags, Confederate flags and Trump flags being brandished about," she wrote.

"I have lived in Ottawa my whole life and … this is the first time in my life that I don't feel safe enough to [walk around]."


Kind of seems that they felt terrorized.  But then, you have an opinion so that's something right? 


OH wait, sorry.  Sikhs trapped due to Coutts.  It's funny how easy it is for me to find videos links and stories to validate my statements yet....yours are somehow scrubbed and can't be found at all






The blockade also left truckers stranded in the U.S.

Lovepreet Singh said he arrived in Edmonton on Tuesday after waiting in Montana with 150 other trucks and a full load of fruit and vegetables for more than two days.

Singh said it was a frustrating wait that put the health of some truckers at risk.

“That’s not how Canadians behave,” said Singh in an interview.

“There are people (who) have medical issues like blood pressure issues, thyroid issues, asthma.”

He said many of those waiting ate pizza every day from a nearby store while listening to a constant refrain from police to sit tight and wait.

Singh said he eventually detoured through icy roads in British Columbia at a cost of seven extra hours and $400 in gas.

Some truck drivers who left earlier risked driving through snow squalls, he said. One rig hit the ditch.

“We don’t make enough money to survive in these kinds of situations,” said Singh.



2-  Then why is it that Truckers got a weeks long free pass and are still only called protestors yet these individuals were called terrorists and were forcibly removed from their own homes on their own land by the same people who applauded the truckers protestors in parliament?

FUNNY , I Googled Arushana and Ottawa trucker convoy. Absolulty nothing came up, must mean it never existed. Thats because she was already found to be lying under oath at those hearings, i watched hours of them. 


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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

Sir unfortunately.






During the demonstration, hundreds of semi-trailers blocked the lanes in and out of the U.S., preventing a steady stream of commerce between the two countries.

Many of the protesters were combative. Some got into verbal confrontations with police officers, and others used farm equipment to break through roadblocks.

At one point during the operation, protesters attempted to ram a police car with a large farm tractor and a semi truck.

On Tuesday, an Alberta town councillor who became an unofficial spokesman for the protesters during the demonstration told the commission that the murder plot had sullied the purpose of the blockade.

“The perception around Coutts, unfortunately, due to the discovery of the guns and such, has tainted what Coutts was,” Fort Macleod, Alta., councillor Marco Van Huigenbos said from the witness stan

He said that after the weapons were discovered, it became clear that “every objective we were looking to achieve was no longer possible and that our message had been lost.”




A trucker blockade in southern Alberta at the United States border turned violent Tuesday after some protesters breached police barriers to join the demonstration and some Mounties were reportedly attacked.

“I’ve received reports in the last hour of people aligned with the protesters assaulting RCMP officers, including one instance trying to ram members of the RCMP, later leading to a collision with a civilian vehicle,” said Premier Jason Kenney in a news conference that began around 4:30 p.m.

“This kind of conduct is totally unacceptable.


it doesnt surprise me, i dont have cable so i dont get access to regular news like most folks do from tv and that isnt a excuse but just reality... 66% of albertans are in favor or PP and the majority speak no evil of anything right leaning... the good news is that 34% are not that way but, its not common to hear about these things outside of my own research because they would quickly be shut down... thanks for showing me this stuff, wasnt trying to twist everyones feather earlier... and if i was ignorant( i was) i didnt mean to be so intentionally to spread misinformation... im always open to see the light and change my views...

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6 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

NDP have never held federal office.  When they have held the balance of power though they have engaged in or helped create some essental aspects of Canadian life.  Education, Universal health care, indigenous rights and most recently a universal dental plan


As such outside of provincial rule in BC, Saskatchewan and Ontario as well as a 4 year stint in Alberta the NDP have never really been a party that has been around long enough in any manifestation to have enjoyed the same level of "corruption" as the big two in Canada at the federal or provincial levels

In fact, despite having almost no actual power, the CCF/NDP probably have the biggest impact in the nations history with the development and implementation of the universal health care system

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8 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

NDP have never held federal office.  When they have held the balance of power though they have engaged in or helped create some essental aspects of Canadian life.  Education, Universal health care, indigenous rights and most recently a universal dental plan


As such outside of provincial rule in BC, Saskatchewan and Ontario as well as a 4 year stint in Alberta the NDP have never really been a party that has been around long enough in any manifestation to have enjoyed the same level of "corruption" as the big two in Canada at the federal or provincial levels

bc has a universal dental plan? thats great!

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2 minutes ago, Rob Eh said:

FUNNY , I Googled Arushana and Ottawa trucker convoy. Absolulty nothing came up, must mean it never existed. Thats because she was already found to be lying under oath at those hearings, i watched hours of them. 


You have zero credibility here when it comes to find reliable, credible information 

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2 minutes ago, Rob Eh said:

FUNNY , I Googled Arushana and Ottawa trucker convoy. Absolulty nothing came up, must mean it never existed. Thats because she was already found to be lying under oath at those hearings, i watched hours of them. 


Funny, I found about 2 dozen links to Sikh truckers who showed up in Ottawa.  Yet left within the first 48 hours as they just wanted to be heard and went back to work.


Weird how that works.  Your story is somewhat corroborated yet at the same time proven totally false.  And to only took me like 30 seconds to find that out

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Just now, stawns said:

In fact, despite having almost no actual power, the CCF/NDP probably have the biggest impact in the nations history with the development and implementation of the universal health care system

You think our health care system is in good shape? I was in a car accident 2 months ago and spent 14 hours in emerge. Then i had a two month wait to see my doctor who said she has to drop me as a patient now because she's over booked. Hypocratic oath meant do no harm i though?

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Just now, stawns said:

Good that you think that because you can thank the federal NDP for the coming low income dental care programs



never had a issue with ndp in office in alberta... they made some great improvements to the mental health program, something the PP is trying to tear down...

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4 minutes ago, Dankmemes187 said:

it doesnt surprise me, i dont have cable so i dont get access to regular news like most folks do from tv and that isnt a excuse but just reality... 66% of albertans are in favor or PP and the majority speak no evil of anything right leaning... the good news is that 34% are not that way but, its not common to hear about these things outside of my own research because they would quickly be shut down... thanks for showing me this stuff, wasnt trying to twist everyones feather earlier... and if i was ignorant( i was) i didnt mean to be so intentionally to spread misinformation... im always open to see the light and change my views...

This is the conversation though.  it's supposed to be statement, counter point, question answer.


I have no ill will at all against this as you're asking questions.  You have your beliefs and are entitled to them as well as your point of view.  You're shown information and you assess it 


There's nothing to apologize for at all because this is normal conversation/debate.


Alberta has always been a bit on the extreme end and I thankfully also do not have cable.  I have found by removing cable and much of social media from my life I have effectively dampened the noise that was endlessly controlling my life.  Be afraid of, group X is doing; the government will.  Laws, fear, scarey


Once I got rid of that 24 hour barrage of insanity life got easier to manage.


There is, and never has been anything wrong with voting left or right.  We just now see the most vocal of the right (the social aspect) in control of the party and seemingly in control of the policy and that is a bit of an issue for many moderate small c types like myself.

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5 minutes ago, Dankmemes187 said:

bc has a universal dental plan? thats great!

BC did have a plan for kids under 12 that was effectively ended in the early 2000s.


The federanl NDP forced the Libs to enact one stating that dental, eye and mental health is part of a universal health care plan and as such canadians should have access to it.


When it comes to social programs, this is one such that I have little in the way of issues supporting.  Vision.  Medical.  Mental and dental health should have always been part of the universal plan.


This is the one benefit to having a minority government.  More representation from more walks of Canadian life and this usually means that the better ideas win out in the end 

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1 minute ago, Gurn said:

I find it strange that there only seems to be left leaning news slants on YT. No surprise though, after the twitter files dropped.

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2 minutes ago, Rob Eh said:

I find it strange that there only seems to be left leaning news slants on YT. No surprise though, after the twitter files dropped.

I'm more focused on the part where you said you googled something, and found nothing; yet I found stuff and told you the words I used.

Those words were a direct copy and paste from your post.

strange I could find stuff, using your words, yet you can not.

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6 minutes ago, Rob Eh said:

You think our health care system is in good shape? I was in a car accident 2 months ago and spent 14 hours in emerge. Then i had a two month wait to see my doctor who said she has to drop me as a patient now because she's over booked. Hypocratic oath meant do no harm i though?

Health care is almost 100% a provincial issue.


Canadian doctors have no hypocratic oath.  They have a code of ethics similar to the declaration of geneva.


Again, it helps to know how your government works or what you're speaking of.  


As for our health care being in bad shape.  If you're a stable patient you get free medical care.  In the US you're left in a hallway or in a waiting room to die until your insurance is checked out.

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1 minute ago, Gurn said:

I'm more focused on the part where you said you googled something, and found nothing; yet I found stuff and told you the words I used.

Those words were a direct copy and paste from your post.

strange I could find stuff, using your words, yet you can not.

So post one then, all i saw was ones on hearings, where's Arushana?

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3 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

BC did have a plan for kids under 12 that was effectively ended in the early 2000s.


The federanl NDP forced the Libs to enact one stating that dental, eye and mental health is part of a universal health care plan and as such canadians should have access to it.


When it comes to social programs, this is one such that I have little in the way of issues supporting.  Vision.  Medical.  Mental and dental health should have always been part of the universal plan.


This is the one benefit to having a minority government.  More representation from more walks of Canadian life and this usually means that the better ideas win out in the end 

i can tell you, that when alberta adopted emergency professional /therapy counselling and paying the buck, i used it every time i needed it. now all we have is phone support from volunteers and its not the same... the pros are so good at finding information to help you with your problems you are facing ATM...

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2 minutes ago, Rob Eh said:

So post one then, all i saw was ones on hearings, where's Arushana?

How about posting one of your own to verify your own statements.


Thus far all you've done is lie.  You've even quoted your own self about a half dozen or more times and doubled down on numerous lies.


But that trudeau deep fake was real.  You know it was.  You saw it you know it was real.


So maybe post a single shred of evidence to back up any of the outlandish statements you've made



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Just now, Dankmemes187 said:

i can tell you, that when alberta adopted emergency professional /therapy counselling and paying the buck, i used it every time i needed it. now all we have is phone support from volunteers and its not the same... the pros are so good at finding information to help you with your problems you are facing ATM...

If I recall the actual suicide rates among men dropped dramatically after that implementation.


Universal health care should be totally universal

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5 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Health care is almost 100% a provincial issue.


Canadian doctors have no hypocratic oath.  They have a code of ethics similar to the declaration of geneva.


Again, it helps to know how your government works or what you're speaking of.  


As for our health care being in bad shape.  If you're a stable patient you get free medical care.  In the US you're left in a hallway or in a waiting room to die until your insurance is checked out.

i think you have a right to see a doctor if its life or death from what i understand, maybe in only some states though...

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