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16 minutes ago, Sapper said:

Kinda like gas at the pump


Carbon tax increase added approx 3 cents per l more  last month


Conservatives - let's push Canada to civil war and start axe the tax protests demanding the arrest and execution of truduea to free Canada


Gas company's to celebrate the trans Canada pipeline completion jump the per litre price 30 to 50 cents a litre at the same time oil falls to the lowest cost this year


conservatives - we love you oil and gas please take all our money and F truduea and axe that tax


Irony aside yes carbon tax adds to the cost of anything shipped. The extra costs are a small amount on every item but are miniscule compared to the greed inflation, other taxes and cost increases ( some of which are driven by increased shipping costs as the supply chain recovers from covid shortages .... Supply vs demand )


PP has sold that axing the tax will solve.everything and drop the prices of everything back to the glory days so we all will.be rich


The fact that people who can vote are buying that load of crap is more problematic that the carbon tax itself


Spoiler alert - when he axes the tax other than with fortis gas we won't see a single penny savings as that's when retail acknowledges the cost increase by item was actually very small so there is nothing they can cut ....  

How much is the “carbon tax” per litre of gas in 2024? 


As of April 2024, the federal minimum price is set at CA$80 per tonne of CO 2 equivalent. [3] This roughly translates to 14.3 cents per litre of gasoline.


And how much has gas gone up under the Liberals? Is there any reason they haven't done something? Or do governments just not have control over that?

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2 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

How much is the “carbon tax” per litre of gas in 2024? 


As of April 2024, the federal minimum price is set at CA$80 per tonne of CO 2 equivalent. [3] This roughly translates to 14.3 cents per litre of gasoline.


And how much has gas gone up under the Liberals? Is there any reason they haven't done something? Or do governments just not have control over that?

The carbon tax absolutely does have an impact but it's not the level that PP is selling


Until Harper the gas price mirrored the oil price. $70 barrels equaled 70c l.


Something broke that ... I'm sure some here have more knowledge of what broke our Petro dollar than I do 


Horgan tried ... Conservative leaders won't dare challenge oil and gas on their costs ... But still we have the huge added costs especially in BC


We all understand shipping adds extra costs but the added costs to fuel in BC doesn't add up to just being the extra shipping costs. They blamed lack of pipeline and refineries ... Alot of our gas comes from the states though.... A refinery being closer and in BC would certainly help though 


The run away increases in gas costs starter under Harper and have continued under truduea so not one party is solely responsible.  

Some increases may be due to oil and gas recovering from $30 barrels a few years back when Trump over drilled driving the cost down.


Oil in our tar sands is much much more expensive to extract and refine than oil from the Bakken play which is Is much cheaper to extract and refine


Most of the USA oil growth is in and around the Bakken play which means less and less markets for our alberta heavy crude which is why the pipeline is needed so Alberta can sell to other countries ( the USA doesn't need our heavy crude so much anymore)


My guess it's a combination of the above sprinkled with greed and knowing all the.hate from jumping prices gets blamed on Truduea so they are free to increase without any fingers getting pointed at them


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20 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

How much is the “carbon tax” per litre of gas in 2024? 


As of April 2024, the federal minimum price is set at CA$80 per tonne of CO 2 equivalent. [3] This roughly translates to 14.3 cents per litre of gasoline.


And how much has gas gone up under the Liberals? Is there any reason they haven't done something? Or do governments just not have control over that?


You need to look at provincial and municipal taxes to really answer this question.

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57 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

Precisely, 'let the market decide' is the conservative mantra. 

Which is odd when they moan about "cancel culture" when the market decides not to support a given business.

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1 hour ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

Shipping companies jacked their prices up during the pandemic using supply chain issues as their reasoning and they never came back down. Welcome to free market capitalism. Not sure how or why you think a conservative government is going to fix that as that is the cornerstone of their ideology. 

Carbon Tax.  

Hidden as "Fuel surcharge $18.56" for example by Canada Post

Has nothing to do with free market capitalism.


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1 hour ago, Sapper said:

The continued downgrading to Canada Post to make it a money maker vs a country wide public service , the ending of bus services ( greyhound ) has had more impact than carbon tax does for small businesses that ship 


I would like to  see Canada Post offering business subsidized shipping within Canada to small.businuess ( at a break even or loss costing ).


We talk about keeping small town Canada alive.so.people can stay in their community.... People being able to shop and have items delivered at a reasonable cost is a win win for both sides 

They do - but it's like 1% or something minuscule.  I have a "small business" account with them.  

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1 hour ago, Optimist Prime said:

Sounds like a cool little business. None of my concern, but why not have your customers pay for shipping? Then you can continue to ship to whereever the various methods of having goods delivered will travel to. Canada Post isn't the only duck in the pond.

The customers do pay the shipping - Cost to Manitoba via Purolator or Canada Post is the same.

Plus, Purolator is rougher with packages in my experience.  
Also, they are further away from me for dropping off packages - and they won't pickup at my rural place.
Further away means, I use more time to get there and fuel.


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2:12 vid at link


Ontario House Speaker Ted Arnott says people will be allowed to enter the Legislature while wearing a keffiyeh, but the scarf remains forbidden in the legislative chamber. MPP Sarah Jama put on a keffiyeh as Monday's question period started and was asked to leave. Members of the NDP caucus, Joel Harden and Kristyn Wong-Tam, also put on scarves and left in solidarity with Jama
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The federal New Democrats are calling out Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre and his party for trying to block the bill that could pave the way for millions of Canadians to access birth control and diabetes coverage.




PP feels it's better for big pharma to maximize profits rather than Canadians who are diabetics getting pharma coverage 


PP is standing with big pharma which is not Canadian ... Over Canadians  ....


Some.have wondered how far he would go to attack anything not conservative.... Now we know. 

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1 hour ago, Bob Long said:

@Heretic been noodling on your egg issue a little bit. If you cant afford to ship across Canada anymore, doesn't that mean your competitors in other provinces can't ship here? Have you seen any gaps emerge in in the local market you can pop in to now?

True, people in Quebec don't ship this way neither - but it didn't show an increase in local revenue.

People will only pay so much for hatching eggs, heck, even eating eggs.  
Bottom line is, my wife and I are slowly cutting down our flock size as it's not cost justifiable.

People will pay $7 for a latte, but bock at paying that for extra large farm eggs.  (currently we are only charging $6 for our eating eggs - and we lost customers when we raised it from $5 - next year, we are raising to $7 as that seems to be the going rate around here from other reputable farmers).

The feed store where we buy in bulk, told us they get the same amount from the source (Surecrop) today as they got from them 10 years ago, $1 a bag.  Yet, that bag of feed which was $12, 10 years ago, is now over $20.  The farmers that sell the grain/feed - aren't making anymore neither.  Distribution is who makes the money - I know, as I bought a ton of wheat directly from a farmer a little bit ago.  He said they aren't making hardly anything more than what they sold a ton for several years ago.

Course, I don't have to prove food prices to the average consumer - you see the prices when you grocery shop.    
For example, $9 for a jug of goats milk - but the goat farmer isn't getting anymore then when it was $6.  

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19 hours ago, The Lock said:


So are you voting for PP because you think Trudeau's a terrible person? It's fine if you do by the way because I tend to see that there's a reasoning behind someone not liking someone. Perhaps asking why someone thinks PP is a terrible person would be a little more productive. Just saying...

I didn't say Trudeau is a terrible person.  But if you're asking, I don't like him at all and can not believe how anyone would forgive him for him miscues before becoming a politician - yet will hold steadfast to not forgiving anyone else - just doesn't make sense to me.

Trudeau has the worst fiscal management of any Prime Minister - ever.

5.6% Percent Change in (Inflation-Adjusted) Debt per Person over Prime Ministerial Tenures Without a World War or Economic Downturn (2015-2019) - it's in the Fraser Institute link I posted.

PP has never been PM - maybe he will be worse - maybe better - maybe the same.  I have no idea - and neither does anyone here - and Trudeau,  before came to power, had no experience as a PM neither - yet people voted for him. 

Yes, you're right, it's would be more productive to ask why someone thinks anyone is a terrible person. 


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29 minutes ago, Sapper said:

The federal New Democrats are calling out Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre and his party for trying to block the bill that could pave the way for millions of Canadians to access birth control and diabetes coverage.




PP feels it's better for big pharma to maximize profits rather than Canadians who are diabetics getting pharma coverage 


PP is standing with big pharma which is not Canadian ... Over Canadians  ....


Some.have wondered how far he would go to attack anything not conservative.... Now we know. 

"During the first day of House debate on the bill in mid-April, Conservative MP and health critic Stephen Ellis moved to essentially squash the bill at the outset.

He proposed MPs "decline to give second reading" to Bill C-64, "since the bill does nothing to address the health care crisis and will instead offer Canadians an inferior pharmacare plan that covers less, costs more, and builds up a massive new bureaucracy that Canadians can't afford."


I mean it says right in the article why they were against it. You are welcome to explain why they are wrong though 

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26 minutes ago, Heretic said:

True, people in Quebec don't ship this way neither - but it didn't show an increase in local revenue.

People will only pay so much for hatching eggs, heck, even eating eggs.  
Bottom line is, my wife and I are slowly cutting down our flock size as it's not cost justifiable.

People will pay $7 for a latte, but bock at paying that for extra large farm eggs.  (currently we are only charging $6 for our eating eggs - and we lost customers when we raised it from $5 - next year, we are raising to $7 as that seems to be the going rate around here from other reputable farmers).

The feed store where we buy in bulk, told us they get the same amount from the source (Surecrop) today as they got from them 10 years ago, $1 a bag.  Yet, that bag of feed which was $12, 10 years ago, is now over $20.  The farmers that sell the grain/feed - aren't making anymore neither.  Distribution is who makes the money - I know, as I bought a ton of wheat directly from a farmer a little bit ago.  He said they aren't making hardly anything more than what they sold a ton for several years ago.

Course, I don't have to prove food prices to the average consumer - you see the prices when you grocery shop.    
For example, $9 for a jug of goats milk - but the goat farmer isn't getting anymore then when it was $6.  

2.5 dozen eggs at costco are 13 bucks, it is hard for any ma and pa farmer to sell a dozen eggs for more than 5 or 6 bucks because the average consumer wants the cheapest egg not the best treated chickens local free range non gmo egg. That has nothing to do with trudeau though. 


My family has two farms, one on either side of a river, three blocks from where I retired to. My sister asks for 7 bucks a dozen and sells out in an hour, but she only sells maybe 5 dozen a week when she has extras and none in the summer when she is feeding full hay crews. I have mental health issues and simply prefer costco eggs to fresh from teh chickenbutt eggs. I can't explain it, it just is what it is in my mind, even though my conscious self is aware how ridiculous it is. I suspect a lot of folks are like that. 
We just built a coop, fenced in a run and then reinforced it with half inch wire mesh throughout in February for our first try with chickens. I don't want them and will be rid of them in an hour if my wife loses interest or leaves. hahaha... but her wish was to have 8 chickens as pets. We are into "fortress chickenburgh" for 5 thousand dollars now, complete with all the chickens and equipment to feed/water/heat. I will continue to eat costco eggs though cuz I am nuts. 

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1 minute ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

"During the first day of House debate on the bill in mid-April, Conservative MP and health critic Stephen Ellis moved to essentially squash the bill at the outset.

He proposed MPs "decline to give second reading" to Bill C-64, "since the bill does nothing to address the health care crisis and will instead offer Canadians an inferior pharmacare plan that covers less, costs more, and builds up a massive new bureaucracy that Canadians can't afford."


I mean it says right in the article why they were against it. You are welcome to explain why they are wrong though 

Right now unless they have work coverage through benefits or meet their provincial pharma cap.to trigger more coverage ....they have nothing 


By all means share how providing.diabetice medication to people without coverage is inferior ? 


The leading cause of re .hospitalization is non med compliance. Many diabetics short dosages to make insulin last longer and for.type 2 benefit plans restrict access to best drugs ( new synthetics) to push the cheapest ( metformin)


For seniors many have to chose between medications or food ... Pharmacare would lift many many seniors out of poverty 


Once again PP doesn't offer any alternatives... Just wants to kill it .... This is people's lives he's playing with.


Also for business .... If you don't need to provide extended.health coverage to employees for drugs you will save billions Canada wide 


So I assume you agree with PP on this ? 

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1 minute ago, Sapper said:

Right now unless they have work coverage through benefits or meet their provincial pharma cap.to trigger more coverage ....they have nothing 


By all means share how providing.diabetice medication to people without coverage is inferior ? 


The leading cause of re .hospitalization is non med compliance. Many diabetics short dosages to make insulin last longer and for.type 2 benefit plans restrict access to best drugs ( new synthetics) to push the cheapest ( metformin)


For seniors many have to chose between medications or food ... Pharmacare would lift many many seniors out of poverty 


Once again PP doesn't offer any alternatives... Just wants to kill it .... This is people's lives he's playing with.


Also for business .... If you don't need to provide extended.health coverage to employees for drugs you will save billions Canada wide 


So I assume you agree with PP on this ? 

Dude. I can't even get into a walk in clinic without having 5 phones and people staying on line for a hour plus to try to get ahold an see someone. How about we start fixing our crumbling healthcare first before adding on these vote buying initiatives 

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11 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

"During the first day of House debate on the bill in mid-April, Conservative MP and health critic Stephen Ellis moved to essentially squash the bill at the outset.

He proposed MPs "decline to give second reading" to Bill C-64, "since the bill does nothing to address the health care crisis and will instead offer Canadians an inferior pharmacare plan that covers less, costs more, and builds up a massive new bureaucracy that Canadians can't afford."


I mean it says right in the article why they were against it. You are welcome to explain why they are wrong though 

Can you explain why he is right?   Or why people might not suspect he's just against it because it was not a bill proposed by the Cons?


I notice he disses the bill without suggestions for improvement.  All politicians do that I suppose but it's still questionable. 


(I'm not saying he is right or wrong, just saying that oftentimes something is just opposed for the sake of opposition. Especially as elections near.)  

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4 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

Dude. I can't even get into a walk in clinic without having 5 phones and people staying on line for a hour plus to try to get ahold an see someone. How about we start fixing our crumbling healthcare first before adding on these vote buying initiatives 

heres hoping they can walk talk and chew gum all at the same time..why not do both?


edit: of course health care is a provincial matter when the feds want to do something to enhance it and i guess it is a Trudeau matter when its considered borked. lol


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3 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

2.5 dozen eggs at costco are 13 bucks, it is hard for any ma and pa farmer to sell a dozen eggs for more than 5 or 6 bucks because the average consumer wants the cheapest egg not the best treated chickens local free range non gmo egg. That has nothing to do with trudeau though. 


My family has two farms, one on either side of a river, three blocks from where I retired to. My sister asks for 7 bucks a dozen and sells out in an hour, but she only sells maybe 5 dozen a week when she has extras and none in the summer when she is feeding full hay crews. I have mental health issues and simply prefer costco eggs to fresh from teh chickenbutt eggs. I can't explain it, it just is what it is in my mind, even though my conscious self is aware how ridiculous it is. I suspect a lot of folks are like that. 
We just built a coop, fenced in a run and then reinforced it with half inch wire mesh throughout in February for our first try with chickens. I don't want them and will be rid of them in an hour if my wife loses interest or leaves. hahaha... but her wish was to have 8 chickens as pets. We are into "fortress chickenburgh" for 5 thousand dollars now, complete with all the chickens and equipment to feed/water/heat. I will continue to eat costco eggs though cuz I am nuts. 

I haven't much time for this grocery store price gouging. A convenient labelling effort. Grew up on a small farm and it sounds like a nice way to make a living but it wasn't a very profitable one. 150 chickens produced a lot of eggs but getting them delivered and collecting was always time consuming for what you made. We bought wheat from the elevator next door but then you had to supplement with a medicated mix in the spring. I can just imagine what you paid for your coop with todays materials costs. How about keeping the water unfroze in winter. That chicken shit could be hard to move when it froze as well. Then there were the varmits who wanted chicken dinner all the time. One milk cow could keep a family in milk and butter and quite honestly a milk cow was less work than the chickens. 2 x a day milking tho.  

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Just now, Optimist Prime said:

heres hoping they can walk talk and chew gum all at the same time..why not do both?

If I had even a sliver of hope that they were capable of doing that I wouldn't be saying what I am. Believe me though I would love that if they could 

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4 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

Dude. I can't even get into a walk in clinic without having 5 phones and people staying on line for a hour plus to try to get ahold an see someone. How about we start fixing our crumbling healthcare first before adding on these vote buying initiatives 

Alot of those people wouldn't be going in if we did ,2 things 


1 - pharmaceutical coverage. Those countries that have single payer medical all.have some form.except.for us

2 - ban employers sending workers for doctors notes other than in long term illness


Conservatives hate both of them as it lessens pharma profits and restricts bosses control over workers


Coverage of life saving drugs to make sure everyone can get them IS A FIX to our health care system



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5 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

Can you explain why he is right?   Or why people might not suspect he's just against it because it was not a bill proposed by the Cons?


I notice he disses the bill without suggestions for improvement.  All politicians do that I suppose but it's still questionable. 


(I'm not saying he is right or wrong, just saying that oftentimes something is just opposed for the sake of opposition. Especially as elections near.)  

I'm not saying he's right just that if he's wrong it's on the poster who's saying he's wrong to explain why 🤷 Not just conservatives bad because they didn't go along with a NDP bill 

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