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Just now, Bob Long said:


But the system has deportation as a subsequent option.


I understand if you personally object, but I don't see a legal or moral reason to not use this option.



And imo we are adding to this I'd we let him stay.


For me, having at least the potential for this to wake up a few drivers is worth it. Many of these guys have something to lose if they can't earn money in Canada. Maybe a few drive safer.



Consequences are hard.

 You asked for my opinion and I gave it. I think we knew going in, that we weren't going to agree.


I hope you feel better now that Sidhu will be sent home. I do not.

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1 minute ago, RupertKBD said:

 You asked for my opinion and I gave it. I think we knew going in, that we weren't going to agree.


I hope you feel better now that Sidhu will be sent home. I do not.


Feelings have nothing to do with it. It's about prevention.

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3 minutes ago, Bob Long said:

Feelings have nothing to do with it. It's about prevention.


Disagree. I think it's all about making people feel better. Otherwise, why did you bring up how I might feel if it were my family member?


I disagree on "prevention" front as well. I can't see a driver thinking, "They sent Sidhu to prison, but they didn't deport him, so I'm going to roll the dice"....

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7 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


Disagree. I think it's all about making people feel better. Otherwise, why did you bring up how I might feel if it were my family member?


I brought it up just to show there is a range of views on this, all legitimate 


7 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:

I disagree on "prevention" front as well. I can't see a driver thinking, "They sent Sidhu to prison, but they didn't deport him, so I'm going to roll the dice"....


And I think watching him get off easier sends the wrong message, and creates no additional prevention measures 

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1 minute ago, Bob Long said:


I brought it up just to show there is a range of views on this, all legitimate 



And I think watching him get off easier sends the wrong message, and creates no additional prevention measures 


Like I said before, we knew going in that we weren't going to agree.


You think deportation acts as a deterrent and I think it does nothing but make people feel better. It's okay to disagree about it...

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Just now, RupertKBD said:


Like I said before, we knew going in that we weren't going to agree.


You think deportation acts as a deterrent and I think it does nothing but make people feel better. It's okay to disagree about it...


Totally, I appreciate you being willing to talk about it .

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4 hours ago, Optimist Prime said:

A new report on poverty challenges both Liberals and Conservatives

The Conservatives are using the report to rake the Trudeau government — but would they follow its advice?



Poverty will stay the same and for seniors will absolutely be worse under a conservative government. RV living in rest stops are about to become big enough to trigger village or town status under Millhouse 


This generation saw the first group of retired that went into retirement with the large majority would only having cpp and OAS ( no benefits and no work pensions )


At least the libs and NDP recognize this and that's why we now see universal dental , the start to pharmacare and increased cpp ( this will help people down the road)


PP's plan is to roll all that back ... That's it ...... Nothing more 


It will destroy Canada 


Example - a couple going into retirement with only cpp and OAS may clear 1600 to 1800 a month together. We have had 30 years of austerity so wages have been really stagnant so unlikely that couple has much of a nest egg


After paying minimal taxes and on average 250 a month on prescriptions that would leave that couple around 1300 left per month


Housing should cost 35% and PP has promised this will happen in his common sense government ( the affordable housing ) ... So this couple will apparently find safe accommodations for approx $520 a month ?  How in the F is everyone giving PP a free pass on this ludicrous claim ? Even if every store passes the carbon tax savings on to the consumer this retired couple still face accommodations taking 100% of there income .... And that's only if rent falls 30% first 


Atleast under this government their drugs and dental would start to be covered and combined with their carbon rebate will free up around 500 per month ...... That's gone under the cons and rent is never going back to 1970 levels 


No wonder PP wants the CBC gone as it's seems their the only news source thats actually starting to do the math and raise the issues.


The only 2 ways to see 1970 rents return is for government to legislate rent control which will.never.happen .. or have the government mass build housing and then set the prices which again ....will never happen


And let's play Devils advocate here. Let's pretend PP actually drives the housing costs to collapse so we see a return to 1970 prices again. 2/3 of all property owners would be driven into bankruptcy... Or the ones mortgage free would see their entire retirement fund collapse. In other words Canada would be destroyed 


In the absence of employer retirement plans and benefits - your house has become that fund. People are FORCED to own vs rent to build that equity so they can afford to retire 


Back when they helped business reduce unionization and gut benefits they turned to policies that drove.interest rates down so people could buy homes ( even then they knew workers had to have something more than cpp or we would be in trouble )


It's called the silver wage and it's just started landing and it's going to cost more then anything else in the feds budget soon enough.

That's why Harper tried to raise access to OAS to age 67. By forcing the poorest Canadian workers to stay working years longer he could slash the OAS money and use it for business ( also most of those poor seniors are what we see during the week at Walmart and McDonalds ... So ya more cheap labour for the big man)


Truduea hasn't done enough to fix it and his dad and Mulroney share equal blame..... But PP is going to add to it, not reduce it 


What's the bet on OAS ? Going to age 70 or 75 under the cons ?

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59 minutes ago, Gurn said:

On that link is again PP claiming that all truduea has to do is follow the conservative common sense motion and criminalize hard drug use and it will fix everything ( some now he's conned voters into.buying that we didn't have the drug problem before truduea)


The world over criminalizing drug use has had near zero effect in addressing it , telling teens the are forbidden to have sex so there is no need for sex Ed , telling the.youth to just say no to drugs so we won't have drug problems , and if we stopped talking about gay issues and trans issues in our schools we would have any problems right ?   Yah none of that has worked .... Ever. I wonder if it's PP that's so delusional that he really believes if he tells people something I'd forbidden then they will stop .. would actually work? Or is it his supporters that are that delusional that he has them so easily conned.  Or is it both?




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2 hours ago, Sapper said:

telling the.youth to just say no to drugs so we won't have drug problems , and if we stopped talking about gay issues and trans issues in our schools we would have any problems right ?   Yah none of that has worked .... Ever. I wonder if it's PP that's so delusional that he really believes if he tells people something I'd forbidden then they will stop .. would actually work? Or is it his supporters that are that delusional that he has them so easily conned.  Or is it both?

The night I met my now wife, she was wearing her D.A.R.E. To Say No To Drugs Tshirt and nice looking jeans and keds on her feet. Her golden red hair was down on her shoulders and she was busy rolling up joints for her best friends birthday party that me and my crew stopped in at on our way to a gig in Victoria. Later she was on the stairs outside the venue making out with her girlfriend, still in the DARE shirt. Every so often throughout the night the red DARE letters on the black Tshirt popped up in the mosh pit. hehe. PP is not delusional, he is pandering TO the delusional. The cool kids in the late 80s early 90s paid zero fucks about what was forbidden and what wasn't. Me either. 

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3 hours ago, Gurn said:

I am not sure anyone is listening about the outright lies. Fake News is a nice catch phrase, but this MP is outright lying for votes. Fuck the CPC. 

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Posted (edited)
38 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

I am not sure anyone is listening about the outright lies. Fake News is a nice catch phrase, but this MP is outright lying for votes. Fuck the CPC. 


Unfortunately, there's enough people who dislike Trudeau out there that we might be stuck with this guy as PM for at least 4 years.


I really think that if you put almost anyone not Trudeau as leader of the Liberals, the CPC wouldn't be polling as well.

Edited by The Lock
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9 hours ago, The Lock said:


Unfortunately, there's enough people who dislike Trudeau out there that we might be stuck with this guy as PM for at least 4 years.


I really think that if you put almost anyone not Trudeau as leader of the Liberals, the CPC wouldn't be polling as well.



Lol, we have been stuck with a corrupt and inept Prime minister for 9 years.  80% of Canadians aren't voting for him and the Liberal party.

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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Optimist Prime said:

I am not sure anyone is listening about the outright lies. Fake News is a nice catch phrase, but this MP is outright lying for votes. Fuck the CPC. 

Your corrupt gaslighting Liberal clowns are luckily not getting re-elected. Time for them to clean house and find more competent candidates.  


When your "star MPs" include Freeland, Joly, O'regan and Marc Miller there is a huge problem. Would be nice if they vetted for intelligence.


It's unfortunate people will still  follow the Liberals down a cliff.  At least their election demise is now immenent.

Edited by bolt
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1 hour ago, bolt said:



Lol, we have been stuck with a corrupt and inept Prime minister for 9 years.  80% of Canadians aren't voting for him and the Liberal party.

So the NDP will form government? 

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1 hour ago, bolt said:



Lol, we have been stuck with a corrupt and inept Prime minister for 9 years.  80% of Canadians aren't voting for him and the Liberal party.

That little pocket in south western BC is the ONLY place in Canada where you can actually find people that still support them. 

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20 hours ago, Gurn said:

We are/have become a lot more 'show' than "go' society.

Make it look like something is being done-because the appearance of doing something is now enough, for most people.


Many of us have mentioned this kind of thinking as messed up but here we are.


Wear a pink shirt to fight bullying

wear an orange shirt to fight the racism involved in those despicable residential schools

wear a red shirt to fight for inclusion and accessibility


cool I bought or dyed a t shirt, guess my work on these issues is done with, now.


Our kid's school thankfully does a bit more than just shirt wearing on those days around discussion etc of those issues but I agree, wearing a specific coloured shirt one day a year promotes rampant consumerism more than tackle any of these issues.



14 hours ago, Gurn said:

People  in Alberta catching on?



Stop voting for/electing morans?

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4 hours ago, bolt said:



Lol, we have been stuck with a corrupt and inept Prime minister for 9 years.  80% of Canadians aren't voting for him and the Liberal party.



its hard to be corrupt and inept and stay in power for 10 years, can you guys just pick one?




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18 minutes ago, aGENT said:

Stop voting for/electing morans?


but didn't Notely turn AB into a wasteland, never to recover? 


AB is the land of group think, 2/3 of them just won't ever change, so the politics there won't change unless the right splits again. 


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5 hours ago, bolt said:



Lol, we have been stuck with a corrupt and inept Prime minister for 9 years.  80% of Canadians aren't voting for him and the Liberal party.


5 hours ago, bolt said:

Your corrupt gaslighting Liberal clowns are luckily not getting re-elected. Time for them to clean house and find more competent candidates.  


When your "star MPs" include Freeland, Joly, O'regan and Marc Miller there is a huge problem. Would be nice if they vetted for intelligence.


It's unfortunate people will still  follow the Liberals down a cliff.  At least their election demise is now immenent.


4 hours ago, Northern_Nuck said:

That little pocket in south western BC is the ONLY place in Canada where you can actually find people that still support them. 

At least you remembered to log in to your other account this time to post this

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5 hours ago, bolt said:



Lol, we have been stuck with a corrupt and inept Prime minister for 9 years.  80% of Canadians aren't voting for him and the Liberal party.


Nothing quite says caught in an algorithm like random Youtube videos with things like "Smoked" and "Owned" in big, bold letters.


You're stuck in the CPC Matrix Neo(con), they've convinced you to vote against your own best interests.

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6 minutes ago, aGENT said:


Nothing quite says caught in an algorithm like random Youtube videos with things like "Smoked" and "Owned" in big, bold letters.


You're stuck in the CPC Matrix Neo(con), they've convinced you to vote against your own best interests.

On what metric is Trudeau and company doing a good job?  

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5 minutes ago, bolt said:

On what metric is Trudeau and company doing a good job?  


Quite a few actually, but I never told you to vote for a Liberal.

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