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12 minutes ago, Sapper said:

PP had become the work place Karen who goes to work each day on our dime and doesn't actually do any work .... He heads to HR every day with a new wild complaint every day 


Yes people have had to move to afford to live or retire and this isn't something new. People move within Canada for the same reason 


The fact that instead of presenting any alternatives at all .... All he is doing is going full Karen on every issue he can .... Is a problem


If any other party released a video of that nature the news media would raost them as being fear mongering , alarmist and exadurating. 


The message isn't "hey a woman moved to be able to afford a life she couldn't here" his message is Canadians are fleeing Canada ..... Oh my god the country is in trouble ....


He needs to stop being a full time Karen and actually start being the opposition leader and Prime Minster in waiting and start unifying us and not continuing to burn it all to the ground ...  

The literal irony of this post...

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55 minutes ago, bolt said:




Why do you never have actual credible data backed links?

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13 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

No, but if it's an extreme outlier, maybe it's not really worth discussing as this is just something that has always happened and can be attributes to personal choice.

He's posted a bunch of videos talking to different people about their experiences. CTV is the one blowing it up by making a news article out of a literal YouTube video.

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57 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

I don't know who Roger Stone is, so I can't say I care or will comment on that. Define parents rights? I have seen all sorts of explanations on what that supposedly is. "A common sense Conservative government will not legislate on abortion and therefore would never use this section of the Constitution pertaining to this matter," he said.May 10, 2024 

That's straight from the horses mouth, so any abortion talks just come across as fear mongering.


Can you provide some "Trump style tactics" being used here?


Anyways I have never mentioned any of these topics nor even commented on them, so again I still have to ask. How am I using "us talking points" as Bob keeps saying? 



The entire social aspect of the conservative menifesto.



Replacement theory

Protecting kids


So many more

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Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


Based on a real video that Pollievre really made.... This is just another example of PP making a bullshit statement designed to stoke anger at Trudeau....and it's aimed directly at the idiots who believe this ridiculous sort of garbage.


Do you really believe that Canadians are fleeing to Nicaragua for more affordable housing?

Uh huh... What is bullshit about what she said? Is she not allowed to share her experience? And yet you are the one seemingly angry?


Fleeing Canada? I'm sure there is a decent amount. To Nicaragua specifically? I don't have any data to answer that (These would mostly be people who don't have any ties to Canada. I.e not born here/immigration)

Edited by Ricky Ravioli
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5 minutes ago, bolt said:

Do you really believe Canadian housing is affordable?  


That's unrelated to the discussion. If Pollievre had just stuck to that narrative, we wouldn't be having this debate. Instead he posted a bullshit video. That's his M.O. and people here are (rightly) calling him out for it.


Personally, if I found housing unaffordable in my current city, I'd consider moving to a more remote location in Canada loooong before I'd consider moving to Central America....but maybe that's what sets me apart from Pollievre and his supporters.....

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Just now, Ricky Ravioli said:

Uh huh... What is bullshit about what she said? Is she not allowed to share her experience? And yet you are the one seemingly angry?


Fleeing Canada? I'm sure there is a decent amount. To Nicaragua specifically? I don't have any data to answer that


First of all, I'm extremely skeptical of what she said. Moving to Nicaragua is a ridiculous decision, when there are affordable options in rural and remote locations in Canada.


More important is the fact that Pollievre decided to turn this into a campaign narrative. I think the 8000 number is complete bullshit and I think PP knows it too. He just doesn't GAF, because it makes JT look bad.

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7 minutes ago, Warhippy said:



The entire social aspect of the conservative menifesto.



Replacement theory

Protecting kids


So many more


Gee Hip, it's not the same US talking points, it's just "overlap"



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2 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


First of all, I'm extremely skeptical of what she said. Moving to Nicaragua is a ridiculous decision, when there are affordable options in rural and remote locations in Canada.


More important is the fact that Pollievre decided to turn this into a campaign narrative. I think the 8000 number is complete bullshit and I think PP knows it too. He just doesn't GAF, because it makes JT look bad.

"Skeptical"? Are you implying she's stupid? Lying? What exactly are you skeptical about? Living in rural areas is not even an option for a lot of people. Especially remote locations. Not everyone gets the luxury of working from home.


Well unless you can prove she is lying we have nothing to go on here other than you think it's bullshit. Ok?



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2 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


Gee Hip, it's not the same US talking points, it's just "overlap"



I asked you to go be me examples of my so called "us talking points" you of course could not. Do you want to now?

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Just now, Bob Long said:


All I need to do is wait 

Exactly. Nothing. Cause you are full of it. My disdain for Trudeau has nothing to do with anything American related. I couldn't give 2 shits about that dump

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1 minute ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

Exactly. Nothing. Cause you are full of it. My disdain for Trudeau has nothing to do with anything American related. I couldn't give 2 shits about that dump


Cool beans clam... Er Ricky.


Tbh I don't care enough to go back through your posts. I just don't. Keep doing what floats your boat.

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Since people are so adamant about the cons having a plan or whatever


Here's their actual policy handbook and some fun parts of it to look through and debate




Foreign ownership?  It's bad right?  Isn't it?  Oh

43. Foreign Ownership Restrictions The Conservative Party supports relaxing foreign ownership rules on Canadian industries in concert with our major trading partners in the telecommunications, broadcast distribution, and airline industries. 13 We believe the government should conduct an immediate review to determine whether to reduce or completely remove these rules.


This one is fun

D. OPEN FEDERALISM 23. Federalism The Conservative Party supports the restoration of a constitutional balance between the federal and provincial and territorial governments. 8 We are committed to the federal principle and to the notion of strong provinces within Canada. We believe the government should work co-operatively with the provinces to improve the lives of Canadians while respecting the division of power and responsibilities outlined in the Constitution of Canada. We believe the use of the federal spending power in areas of provincial jurisdiction should be limited, and that provinces should be authorized to use the opting out formula with full compensation if they want to opt out of a new or modified federal program in an area of shared or exclusively provincial jurisdiction. 24. Reform of the Federation The Conservative Party believes the government should consider reforming Canadian federalism, taking into account: i. the need to consolidate Quebec’s position within the Canadian federation due to the province not signing the Constitution Act, 1982; ii. the need to alleviate the alienation felt by the citizens of the West; and iii. the importance of building a long term partnership with Indigenous peoples. We believe the new Council of the Federation is an important innovation in Canadian intergovernmental relations with the potential to improve collaboration among governments, while respecting regional diversity and flexibility within the federation. We support the work of the Council of the Federation and will encourage the development of better methods of inter- provincial information sharing.


The follow up without irony lol

54. National Energy Corridor Energy independence is key. Securing right-of-ways and permits without successive environmental 16 assessments will enable Canada to develop integrated national resource and utility infrastructure corridors across Canada. Resources will have access to international markets and Canadians will have stable and secure access for their resource and utility needs across Canada.


Something something something corporate welfare.  Who pays for the clean up again?

75. Contaminated Sites The Conservative Party supports initiatives to provide stable long-term funding for the cleanup of contaminated sites in cooperation with the provinces, territories and municipalities. We believe the government should continue to remove roadblocks that discourage the private sector from cleaning and developing contaminated land: i. amend the Income Tax Act to allow remediation expenses to be treated as a deductible expense; ii. introduce legislation to terminate regulatory liability upon issuance of regulatory approval of remediation to encourage development of brownfields, reversible only in emergency and in cases of fraud; 21 iii. create an insurance fund for post liability insurance claims. This will permit the quantification and spreading of development risk through insurance, reinsurance and diversification of ownership; and iv. provide economic incentives to the private sector to clean up contaminated lands.


Does this sound like partially privatized health care?  Because it sounds like partially privatized health care

78. Health Care The Conservative Party believes all Canadians should have reasonable access to timely, quality health care services, regardless of their ability to pay. The provinces and territories should have maximum flexibility to ensure the delivery of medically necessary health services within a universal, public health care system. We support adding a sixth principle to the Canada Health Act to provide stable and transparent federal funding. The government should work with the provinces in a co-operative and constructive manner. The Conservative Party supports amending the Canada Health Act to recognize palliative care as a separate and distinct right for all Canadians. Flexibility for the provinces and territories in the implementation of health services should include a balance of public and private delivery options. 22 The government should work with the provinces and territories in the development of national quality indicators and objectives. The government should work with the provinces and territories and professional medical groups to increase the supply of health care professionals where shortages exist. The Conservative Party supports conscience rights for doctors, nurses, and others to refuse to participate in, or refer their patients for abortion, assisted suicide, or euthanasia. The government should work with provinces and territories and professional medical groups to develop a National Palliative Care Strategy and adopt appropriate legislation to provide timely and equitable access across Canada to palliative care which affirms life, regards dying as a normal process and excludes euthanasia and assisted suicide (MAID).


Again, they make this claim about abortion.  But we've seen two motions in less than 6 weeks.  Also, in pain?  Miserable?  No cure?  Want to die?  Too bad. Your body our choice

86. Abortion Legislation A Conservative Government will not support any legislation to regulate abortion. 87. Euthanasia In principle, the Conservative Party opposes euthanasia and assisted suicide. Furthermore, we oppose the extension of euthanasia and assisted suicide (MAID) to minors, to people who are not competent and people who live with psychological suffering (mental illness), and people not terminally ill (their natural death is not reasonably foreseeable). We oppose MAID for people living with disabilities or mental illness seeking to die based on poverty, homelessness or inability to receive medical treatment. Euthanasia must not be an abandonment of people living with genuine needs.


We're protecting them kidz!

92. Protecting Children’s Mental and Physical Health A Conservative government will protect children by prohibiting life altering medicinal or surgical interventions on minors under 18 to treat gender confusion or dysphoria, and encourage positive mental and physical health support for all Canadians suffering from gender dysphoria and related mental health challenges.


Doesn't jive with 86

99. Family The Conservative Party believes that the family unit is essential to the well-being of individuals and society, because that is where children learn values and develop a sense of responsibility. Therefore, government legislation and programs should support and respect the role of the Canadian family. We believe in the right and duty of parents to raise their own children responsibly according to their own conscience and beliefs. We believe no person, government or agency has the right to interfere in the exercise of that duty except through due process of law. We support income splitting for families. We recognize the value of the caregiver. We will examine measures within the tax system to help offset economic costs without discrimination.


I mean...k

108. Faith Based Organizations The Conservative Party supports the right of faith-based organizations to refuse the use of their facilities to individuals or groups holding views which are contrary to the beliefs or standards of the faith based organization without fear of sanctions or harassment and that discrimination based on the beliefs of a faith based organization be excluded from the definition of disallowed discrimination under Human Rights. We support the freedom of religious organizations to refuse to perform unions or allow the use of their facilities for events that are incompatible with their faith and beliefs.


I won't even get in to the statements about immigration or defence and security because they're laughable and if you know what the current policies surrounding immigration sna ddefence security are right now, and why the Cons seem to hate them, then you'll find those chapters amusing because they're literally the same.

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8 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

"Skeptical"? Are you implying she's stupid? Lying? What exactly are you skeptical about? Living in rural areas is not even an option for a lot of people. Especially remote locations. Not everyone gets the luxury of working from home.


Well unless you can prove she is lying we have nothing to go on here other than you think it's bullshit. Ok?

Yes. I think it's bullshit. I thought I made that clear....

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2 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Since people are so adamant about the cons having a plan or whatever


Here's their actual policy handbook and some fun parts of it to look through and debate




Foreign ownership?  It's bad right?  Isn't it?  Oh

43. Foreign Ownership Restrictions The Conservative Party supports relaxing foreign ownership rules on Canadian industries in concert with our major trading partners in the telecommunications, broadcast distribution, and airline industries. 13 We believe the government should conduct an immediate review to determine whether to reduce or completely remove these rules.


This one is fun

D. OPEN FEDERALISM 23. Federalism The Conservative Party supports the restoration of a constitutional balance between the federal and provincial and territorial governments. 8 We are committed to the federal principle and to the notion of strong provinces within Canada. We believe the government should work co-operatively with the provinces to improve the lives of Canadians while respecting the division of power and responsibilities outlined in the Constitution of Canada. We believe the use of the federal spending power in areas of provincial jurisdiction should be limited, and that provinces should be authorized to use the opting out formula with full compensation if they want to opt out of a new or modified federal program in an area of shared or exclusively provincial jurisdiction. 24. Reform of the Federation The Conservative Party believes the government should consider reforming Canadian federalism, taking into account: i. the need to consolidate Quebec’s position within the Canadian federation due to the province not signing the Constitution Act, 1982; ii. the need to alleviate the alienation felt by the citizens of the West; and iii. the importance of building a long term partnership with Indigenous peoples. We believe the new Council of the Federation is an important innovation in Canadian intergovernmental relations with the potential to improve collaboration among governments, while respecting regional diversity and flexibility within the federation. We support the work of the Council of the Federation and will encourage the development of better methods of inter- provincial information sharing.


The follow up without irony lol

54. National Energy Corridor Energy independence is key. Securing right-of-ways and permits without successive environmental 16 assessments will enable Canada to develop integrated national resource and utility infrastructure corridors across Canada. Resources will have access to international markets and Canadians will have stable and secure access for their resource and utility needs across Canada.


Something something something corporate welfare.  Who pays for the clean up again?

75. Contaminated Sites The Conservative Party supports initiatives to provide stable long-term funding for the cleanup of contaminated sites in cooperation with the provinces, territories and municipalities. We believe the government should continue to remove roadblocks that discourage the private sector from cleaning and developing contaminated land: i. amend the Income Tax Act to allow remediation expenses to be treated as a deductible expense; ii. introduce legislation to terminate regulatory liability upon issuance of regulatory approval of remediation to encourage development of brownfields, reversible only in emergency and in cases of fraud; 21 iii. create an insurance fund for post liability insurance claims. This will permit the quantification and spreading of development risk through insurance, reinsurance and diversification of ownership; and iv. provide economic incentives to the private sector to clean up contaminated lands.


Does this sound like partially privatized health care?  Because it sounds like partially privatized health care

78. Health Care The Conservative Party believes all Canadians should have reasonable access to timely, quality health care services, regardless of their ability to pay. The provinces and territories should have maximum flexibility to ensure the delivery of medically necessary health services within a universal, public health care system. We support adding a sixth principle to the Canada Health Act to provide stable and transparent federal funding. The government should work with the provinces in a co-operative and constructive manner. The Conservative Party supports amending the Canada Health Act to recognize palliative care as a separate and distinct right for all Canadians. Flexibility for the provinces and territories in the implementation of health services should include a balance of public and private delivery options. 22 The government should work with the provinces and territories in the development of national quality indicators and objectives. The government should work with the provinces and territories and professional medical groups to increase the supply of health care professionals where shortages exist. The Conservative Party supports conscience rights for doctors, nurses, and others to refuse to participate in, or refer their patients for abortion, assisted suicide, or euthanasia. The government should work with provinces and territories and professional medical groups to develop a National Palliative Care Strategy and adopt appropriate legislation to provide timely and equitable access across Canada to palliative care which affirms life, regards dying as a normal process and excludes euthanasia and assisted suicide (MAID).


Again, they make this claim about abortion.  But we've seen two motions in less than 6 weeks.  Also, in pain?  Miserable?  No cure?  Want to die?  Too bad. Your body our choice

86. Abortion Legislation A Conservative Government will not support any legislation to regulate abortion. 87. Euthanasia In principle, the Conservative Party opposes euthanasia and assisted suicide. Furthermore, we oppose the extension of euthanasia and assisted suicide (MAID) to minors, to people who are not competent and people who live with psychological suffering (mental illness), and people not terminally ill (their natural death is not reasonably foreseeable). We oppose MAID for people living with disabilities or mental illness seeking to die based on poverty, homelessness or inability to receive medical treatment. Euthanasia must not be an abandonment of people living with genuine needs.


We're protecting them kidz!

92. Protecting Children’s Mental and Physical Health A Conservative government will protect children by prohibiting life altering medicinal or surgical interventions on minors under 18 to treat gender confusion or dysphoria, and encourage positive mental and physical health support for all Canadians suffering from gender dysphoria and related mental health challenges.


Doesn't jive with 86

99. Family The Conservative Party believes that the family unit is essential to the well-being of individuals and society, because that is where children learn values and develop a sense of responsibility. Therefore, government legislation and programs should support and respect the role of the Canadian family. We believe in the right and duty of parents to raise their own children responsibly according to their own conscience and beliefs. We believe no person, government or agency has the right to interfere in the exercise of that duty except through due process of law. We support income splitting for families. We recognize the value of the caregiver. We will examine measures within the tax system to help offset economic costs without discrimination.


I mean...k

108. Faith Based Organizations The Conservative Party supports the right of faith-based organizations to refuse the use of their facilities to individuals or groups holding views which are contrary to the beliefs or standards of the faith based organization without fear of sanctions or harassment and that discrimination based on the beliefs of a faith based organization be excluded from the definition of disallowed discrimination under Human Rights. We support the freedom of religious organizations to refuse to perform unions or allow the use of their facilities for events that are incompatible with their faith and beliefs.


I won't even get in to the statements about immigration or defence and security because they're laughable and if you know what the current policies surrounding immigration sna ddefence security are right now, and why the Cons seem to hate them, then you'll find those chapters amusing because they're literally the same.


This is great. PP will change the rules, Southwest will buy WestJet, and everyone in Alberta will blame Trudeau.

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21 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

You got any actual examples of any of these?

you got broken fingers or just don't have the fortitude to look it up yourself?


Why is ti up to others to do this level of legwork for you?


If I am worried I am wrong about something I sure as shit immediately start covering my ass by trying to get my facts together.  I don't ask for handouts I do the work

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14 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

"Skeptical"? Are you implying she's stupid? Lying? What exactly are you skeptical about? Living in rural areas is not even an option for a lot of people. Especially remote locations. Not everyone gets the luxury of working from home.


Well unless you can prove she is lying we have nothing to go on here other than you think it's bullshit. Ok?



Lemme ask you a serious question.


Do you believe Pierre telling people that Canadians are fleeing Canada because of Trudeaus government is dramatic or misleading?


Yes or no?

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3 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

you got broken fingers or just don't have the fortitude to look it up yourself?


Why is ti up to others to do this level of legwork for you?


If I am worried I am wrong about something I sure as shit immediately start covering my ass by trying to get my facts together.  I don't ask for handouts I do the work

I don't see those happening here, so not my job to prove that to my self. You think that is happening here, then it's on you to show me how

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Just now, Ricky Ravioli said:

I don't see those happening here, so not my job to prove that to my self. You think that is happening here, then it's on you to show me how

You dont' see it because you're not apying attention and that's ok.


I have kids.  I see it very clearly and openly in various grass roots and larger groups with ties to provincial and federal conservative brands.


If you don't want to look that's fine.  Doesn't mean it isn't happening

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2 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

You said you were skeptical but provided no reasons as to why. Care to?


I did. It makes no sense to move to a dangerous Central American country when there are affordable options closer to home.


Maybe this one woman is clueless enough to have actually done this, but 8000? No chance....

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