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1 minute ago, RupertKBD said:


I did. It makes no sense to move to a dangerous Central American country when there are affordable options closer to home.


Maybe this one woman is clueless enough to have actually done this, but 8000? No chance....


I think we are all a little better off that she did move.

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Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


I did. It makes no sense to move to a dangerous Central American country when there are affordable options closer to home.


Maybe this one woman is clueless enough to have actually done this, but 8000? No chance....

I dunno, personally I'd rather explore a new country and culture than move to West Armpit, Alberta.  However, I'd also understand that was my own decision and not say I was forced to by the government.

Edited by King Heffy
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6 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Lemme ask you a serious question.


Do you believe Pierre telling people that Canadians are fleeing Canada because of Trudeaus government is dramatic or misleading?


Yes or no?

I actually watched the video to see what all the rage was about. He didn't say people are leaving in large masses or anything. Even one person having to move from Canada because they can't afford it should raise eyebrows. Now if he said something along the lines of "Canadians are leaving in mass or great quantities" than yea, I'd be like that's a bit dramatic as I don't see that. But I don't doubt for a second that people aren't leaving because they can't afford it here anymore. It's a little more nuanced then just is he being dramatic or not

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3 minutes ago, Bob Long said:

I think we are all a little better off that she did move.


The other thing that sounds off about the whole thing is that this woman supposedly can't afford to live in Canada, yet she can afford to travel back and forth between Canada and Nicaragua?


Or was PP in Nicaragua when he met this woman?

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6 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

You dont' see it because you're not apying attention and that's ok.


I have kids.  I see it very clearly and openly in various grass roots and larger groups with ties to provincial and federal conservative brands.


If you don't want to look that's fine.  Doesn't mean it isn't happening

Yea. You don't get to speak for me thanks.


Then it shouldn't be a problem to provide actual examples of this happening then. 

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7 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


I did. It makes no sense to move to a dangerous Central American country when there are affordable options closer to home.


Maybe this one woman is clueless enough to have actually done this, but 8000? No chance....

People move to Mexico all the time? Same with other countries with similar problems.

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2 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


The other thing that sounds off about the whole thing is that this woman supposedly can't afford to live in Canada, yet she can afford to travel back and forth between Canada and Nicaragua?


Or was PP in Nicaragua when he met this woman?


Maybe she's a drug mule?

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6 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

I dunno, personally I'd rather explore a new country and culture than move to West Armpit, Alberta.  However, I'd also understand that was my own decision and not say I was forced to by the government.


I spent the entire decade of the 80's with a traveling band. I played all of the West Armpits. They're still a far better choice than a Central American country with issues like these:



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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


I spent the entire decade of the 80's with a traveling band. I played all of the West Armpits. They're still a far better choice than a Central American country with issues like these:



Nicaragua wouldn't be my first choice to be sure, but rural living definitely isn't for everyone.  That's the beauty of personal choice though, which the idiot from the video doesn't understand.

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4 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

People move to Mexico all the time? Same with other countries with similar problems.


Believe what you want to be believe Ricky. I believe Pollievre is promoting a lie in an attempt to further his political goals.


I was never going to vote for this rage farmer anyway, but every time he pulls some bullshit stunt like this, it makes more convinced that I was right about him all along.

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1 hour ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:


Especially the part about hydroelectric dams.


Because, you know, they can sprout up overnight.  No construction time needed.  No need to come up with the engineering plans to design the dam itself or the distribution network that should follow.  No need to involve the geotechs to identify a location that would work with minimal damage to the environment and minimum risk for the dam itself and its environs.  Just flick a switch, et voila, hydroelectric dam built!  And running!  Profit!



Nothing get done fast in government, but you can at least add infrastructure to the budget. PP main thing he has said is he wants to remove some of the red tape for these type of projects to get them going.  

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5 minutes ago, Bure_Pavel said:

Nothing get done fast in government, but you can at least add infrastructure to the budget. PP main thing he has said is he wants to remove some of the red tape for these type of projects to get them going.  

A bit scant on details again....

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5 minutes ago, Bure_Pavel said:

Nothing get done fast in government, but you can at least add infrastructure to the budget. PP main thing he has said is he wants to remove some of the red tape for these type of projects to get them going.  


An approx. 10 year project from shovels in the ground until estimated productivity to solve an issue that needs solutions more quicker than that to reduce total carbon emissions to avoid a climate catastrophe.  Meanwhile, we're selling oil and gas to be burned and added to the emissions that are choking our planet by trapping heat.  Well done.  :picard:

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1 hour ago, Warhippy said:

amend the Income Tax Act to allow remediation expenses to be treated as a deductible expense;

So I get to fuck up the earth, then use what should have been tax revenue to the government, to pay to clean up, the fuck up?



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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Warhippy said:

The Conservative Party supports conscience rights for doctors, nurses, and others to refuse to participate in, or refer their patients for abortion, assisted suicide, or euthanasia.

I can almost, agree with  the right to    'refuse to participate' part but no way, no how,  can I ever agree to the " ...refuse to refer".

that part, is not, in any way acceptable.

Edited by Gurn
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Just now, Gurn said:

I don't agree with  the right to    'refuse to participate' part but no way, no how,  can I ever agree to the " ...refuse to refer".

that part, is not, in any way acceptable.

Even setting aside how immoral this is, just think of the waste of someone having to book multiple doctors appointments to get a procedure done.  If a doctor won't do it, they should be required to refer to someone who will or lose their license to practice medicine.  No exceptions.

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13 minutes ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

Anyone who follows politics, and says they don't know who roger stone is, is either ignorant or being disingenuous. Either way their opinions should not be taken seriously. 

If you are referring to me, I don't "follow" politics. 

My opinions are invalid because I don't know who some idiot from the states was? (I googled him)

Anyone with opinions like that is probably the one who shouldn't be taken seriously. What an absolutely ridiculous thing to say. 

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18 minutes ago, Gurn said:

So I get to fuck up the earth, then use what should have been tax revenue to the government, to pay to clean up, the fuck up?



going to go at this again.

This idea is absolutely fucking stupid.

Cripple the government revenue stream. Allow companies to pay no taxes at all, as all they have to do is say " We are withholding our taxes for the following 10 years, because we anticipate a large clean up cost in year 11."

then the bastards close down shop in year 10, and leave the rest of us holding the bag.





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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

I actually watched the video to see what all the rage was about. He didn't say people are leaving in large masses or anything. Even one person having to move from Canada because they can't afford it should raise eyebrows. Now if he said something along the lines of "Canadians are leaving in mass or great quantities" than yea, I'd be like that's a bit dramatic as I don't see that. But I don't doubt for a second that people aren't leaving because they can't afford it here anymore. It's a little more nuanced then just is he being dramatic or not

Let's go even further.


Is Canada broken?  Is it bankrupt?  Are people here not free?

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7 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

If you are referring to me, I don't "follow" politics. 

My opinions are invalid because I don't know who some idiot from the states was? (I googled him)

Anyone with opinions like that is probably the one who shouldn't be taken seriously. What an absolutely ridiculous thing to say. 

I'd consider posting regularly on a political thread in a hockey forum to "follow" politics, but that's just my own personal opinion.

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Members firing a M777 Howitzer. Text on image: Our North, Strong and Free: A Renewed Vision for Canada's Defence.


Building up Canada’s defence capabilities must also include building up our defence industrial base. Reliable defence supply chains are important. When we need ammunition or equipment, we need it urgently, and a reliable supply chain is imperative to making this happen.

That’s why, over the next 20 years, we’ll invest to:
➡ sustain military equipment so the Canadian Armed Forces can preserve its ability to deploy on operations
➡ accelerate the establishment of new artillery ammunition production capacity in Canada, and invest in a strategic supply of ammunition
➡ support Canadian entrepreneurs in developing innovative technologies critical to our defence through our participation in the NATO Innovation Fund

Learn more about how we’ll build a stronger innovative industrial base in Our North, Strong and Free: A Renewed Vision for Canada’s Defence.




posting this with the recruiting and retention discussion from last week and bygone weeks in mind. 

There is a lot in this document, but I skipped ahead to those sections. 



A career with the Canadian Armed Forces is a source of unique pride and confidence among those who have the privilege to serve. Defence will seek to inspire a wider audience of prospective members to consider the opportunity of a life in service to Canada.

The current gap between the Canadian Armed Forces' actual force size and our authorized force size is unsustainable and needs to be filled rapidly. Going forward, we will change our approach to recruitment by taking new and innovative measures on an urgent basis to fill this gap.

The Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) Aboriginal Leadership Opportunity Year (ALOY) program Officer and Naval Cadets complete their year and receive their Completion Certificates. Parade Square, RMC, Kingston, ON on June 10, 2022.

Defence will modernize its recruitment processes to rebuild the military by 2032. Current efforts are focused on using digital technology to improve the applicant experience, speeding up required screenings, and connecting with new pools of applicants. The Canadian Armed Forces is also modernizing training by optimizing new members' transition into service, streamlining training activities, and providing new recruits with meaningful work more quickly and effectively.


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2 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

Fuck yes.  It's about time we became self sufficient with producing ammunition.  With the shortage right now due to Ukraine, we should be able to recoup a lot of capital costs by selling to NATO allies.  

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7 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

I'd consider posting regularly on a political thread in a hockey forum to "follow" politics, but that's just my own personal opinion.

I'd call posting on a political thread having a discussion but what do I know.

I don't go out of my way to seek political news and the only places I see it are on this thread and when I'm doom scrolling Reddit 

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