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Canadian Politics Thread


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Posted (edited)
18 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

If you are referring to me, I don't "follow" politics. 

My opinions are invalid because I don't know who some idiot from the states was? (I googled him)

Anyone with opinions like that is probably the one who shouldn't be taken seriously. What an absolutely ridiculous thing to say. 


It's a matter of knowing where your info comes from and/or who you align with Rick. Maybe that's not important to you.

Edited by Bob Long
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2 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


It's a matter of knowing where your info comes from and/or who you align with Rick. Maybe that's not important to you.

If I post an article it's from a Canadian website. Soo this means nothing to me. 

Otherwise I'm having back and forth discussions with people with opinions I formed myself. Not some stupid "us talking points" bullshit. 

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10 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Yea you won't look.


Thats fine.  I have ten minutes though and since you want a handout and im feeling generous


Cons:  https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/poilievre-backed-anti-covid-19-vaccine-mandate-bill-fails-to-pass-house-1.6616778

GOP:  https://www.statnews.com/2021/11/17/gop-opposition-to-vaccine-mandates-extends-far-beyond-covid-19/


Cons:  https://www.teenvogue.com/story/how-canadas-conservative-party-is-targeting-trans-youth  https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/parental-rights-movement-us-canada-1.6796070  https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/video/1.6976021  https://www.washingtonblade.com/2023/09/16/canadas-conservatives-take-hard-turn-against-transgender-people/  https://pressprogress.ca/pierre-poilievre-under-fire-after-video-surfaces-of-homophobic-and-transphobic-speech/

GOP:  https://19thnews.org/2023/08/house-republicans-anti-lgbtq-measures-federal-spending-bills/  https://apnews.com/article/religion-transgender-lgbtq-catholic-southern-baptist-94baa3125be7be46057fa398783509f4  


Cons:  https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/great-reset-trudeau-poilievre-otoole-pandemic-covid-1.5817973   https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/audio/1.5818848   https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/poilievre-s-conservative-party-embracing-language-of-mainstream-conspiracy-theories-1.6517247   https://www.thestar.com/politics/political-opinion/why-pierre-poilievre-and-some-other-some-conservative-leadership-candidates-are-flirting-with-a-world/article_ef0cf528-7371-538c-a501-136f045b183f.html

GOP:  https://tiffany.house.gov/media/editorials-letters-and-articles/republican-bill-seeks-defund-world-economic-forum-and-block   https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-57532368   https://www.npr.org/2023/03/31/1167550482/how-a-conspiracy-theory-about-eating-bugs-made-its-way-to-international-politics


Cons:  https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/poilievre-says-canadians-fleeing-to-nicaragua-liberals-say-it-shows-he-doesn-t-have-a-clue-1.6905459  https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/mar/03/canada-conservatives-trump-brexit  https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-trudeau-parliament-returns-1.6728295  https://macleans.ca/facebook-instant-articles/when-politicians-want-to-make-canada-great-again-what-are-we-supposed-to-say/

GOP:  https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/make-america-great-again  https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/meetthepressblog/maga-movement-widely-unpopular-new-poll-finds-rcna81200  https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/9/28/trump-and-maga-republican-extremists-threaten-us-democracy-biden-says


Want more or?  Here's Canada's conservatives and the us republicans making the exact same statements, promoting the exact same conspiracies and tabling almost identical legislation.


I don't get to speak for you and that's fine.  But when you refuse to do something as simple as a google search and want shit spoon fed to you, well....don't complain if it tastes bad

I'll check them out when I get home


If you want to make accusations, it's on you to provide the source. Not my job to do the research for you. I don't understand how this could be controversial as I see other posters sayin the exact same thing when certain posters post things they don't agree with

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1 minute ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

If I post an article it's from a Canadian website. Soo this means nothing to me. 

Otherwise I'm having back and forth discussions with people with opinions I formed myself. Not some stupid "us talking points" bullshit. 

A global perspective can help one understand better what's within the government's control and what's a global issue.  Looking at other countries who have tried proposed solutions can help anticipate long-term consequences, such as Australia with the carbon tax.

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4 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

I'll check them out when I get home


If you want to make accusations, it's on you to provide the source. Not my job to do the research for you. I don't understand how this could be controversial as I see other posters sayin the exact same thing when certain posters post things they don't agree with

They are not accusations.  They are facts.  There's literally dozens of articles between our two nations comparing US and Canadian conservatives and their amazingly similar positions and legislation.

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3 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

A global perspective can help one understand better what's within the government's control and what's a global issue.  Looking at other countries who have tried proposed solutions can help anticipate long-term consequences, such as Australia with the carbon tax.

Ahhh you mean like how Portland is backtracking on decriminalization of drugs because they realized they fucked up?

We could probably learn from that

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1 minute ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

Ahhh you mean like how Portland is backtracking on decriminalization of drugs because they realized they fucked up?

We could probably learn from that

And Portugal had wide success because they also invested in treatment...

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Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

Ahhh you mean like how Portland is backtracking on decriminalization of drugs because they realized they fucked up?

We could probably learn from that

Here's a fun thing to consider.


A government who listens to the people after engaging ona  course that is deemed unsuccessful or unpopular because they listened to their constituents.


IE; BC embarked on a multi year program, it was deemed wildly unpopular, so the BC government requested the feds amend the laws to correct the mistake they made.


Does that sound like a bad thing?


Or would you have rather seen a government refuse to listen and stay engaged on a failing plan that had no real net benefits?


Also, I will ask again.  Do you think canada is broken?  That Canadians are not free?  That our nation is bankrupt?

Edited by Warhippy
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3 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

Ahhh you mean like how Portland is backtracking on decriminalization of drugs because they realized they fucked up?

We could probably learn from that


All of Oregon, and we did. They reached out to BC before they reversed it.


The idea was good, the support was not. Has to be multifaceted and would take a lot of commitment, nevermind dollars. But the war on drugs will never work, the step we took should be reconsidered down the road. 



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4 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

And Portugal had wide success because they also invested in treatment...

biggest failure of the recent attempts to do something about the drug issue is the lack of investment.

need more treatment centers, more beds more counsellors etc.

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5 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

And Portugal had wide success because they also invested in treatment...

Yes. Which neither Orgeron or B.C did. So why implement something and not fully commit to doing it the right way? This was never going to work without investing in all aspects of treatment. So what was the point?

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3 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

Yes. Which neither Orgeron or B.C did. So why implement something and not fully commit to doing it the right way? This was never going to work without investing in all aspects of treatment. So what was the point?

It was worth trying over an approach that had been proven not to work.    Isn't that your argument for electing Poilivre over Trudeau: that change is called for even if the results could be even worse?

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Just now, Gurn said:

biggest failure of the recent attempts to do something about the drug issue is the lack of investment.

need more treatment centers, more beds more counsellors etc.

Absolutely.  The only people really benefitting from what we've done so far are the police and the courts, who were left to focus on other things. So, we saved some money. Decriminalization alone does not work.  It requires extensive infrastructure to succeed.

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Posted (edited)

Lack of foresight/for planning is a big issue in so many ways.

Drugs getting across the border/ arriving on commercial freighter.?

Why isn't there a huge push to train hundreds of drug sniffing dogs.

they can be deployed at border crossings and in the dockyard/unloading areas.

Heck- given the freighters have to wait a few days, hanging on the hook, outside the harbour, it should be no delay at all to unloading.

get the dogs on the ship, let them sniff anything out, prior to coming alongside the dock.


There are  some dogs trained to sniff out cancers- why aren't there hundreds of these dogs?

compare the price and accuracy of a properly trained dog to using all those medical tests,

same thing with the drug dogs- a trained drug dog versus an electronic sniffer wand,


Worried about to much upfront money, and not the long term benefit?



Edited by Gurn
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5 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Here's a fun thing to consider.


A government who listens to the people after engaging ona  course that is deemed unsuccessful or unpopular because they listened to their constituents.


IE; BC embarked on a multi year program, it was deemed wildly unpopular, so the BC government requested the feds amend the laws to correct the mistake they made.


Does that sound like a bad thing?


Or would you have rather seen a government refuse to listen and stay engaged on a failing plan that had no real net benefits?


Also, I will ask again.  Do you think canada is broken?  That Canadians are not free?  That our nation is bankrupt?

My issue is our government stuck their head in the sand when it was already very clear it wasn't working. Ohhh they are falling in the polls with an election around the corner? Better buy some votes by making reactionary decisions and reverse course. All this has done is highlight there was never a plan other than do what hopefully continues to get you elected. Now it's not working anymore 

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1 hour ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:


An approx. 10 year project from shovels in the ground until estimated productivity to solve an issue that needs solutions more quicker than that to reduce total carbon emissions to avoid a climate catastrophe.  Meanwhile, we're selling oil and gas to be burned and added to the emissions that are choking our planet by trapping heat.  Well done.  :picard:

That the exact thinking that got us in this situation, short term thinking. 10 years is not long in the grand scheme of things, and Canada's emission levels are very low (1.5% globally) and many trees to help offset some. The only thing that will save the planet in technological advancement.  

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1 minute ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

Yes. Which neither Orgeron or B.C did. So why implement something and not fully commit to doing it the right way? This was never going to work without investing in all aspects of treatment. So what was the point?

Maybe because a lot of folk bristle at investments that could be needed? social programs, education, housing etc... It would cost a lot but the streets would be cleaner and crime down.


Now, instead we will convict the addicts and put them in prison. It will cost a lot but the streets will be cleaner and crime will be down....ish


See, the prison route leads to more re-offenders than proper support. So the revolving door continues. 


There is no way out. War on drugs has failed. We need more money put into it and we have to take it on the chin.


Invest in all aspects of treatment as you say.


What political party should i look to for that?


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4 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

It was worth trying over an approach that had been proven not to work.    Isn't that your argument for electing Poilivre over Trudeau: that change is called for even if the results could be even worse?

I'm going to have to respectfully disagree there. What changed after decriminalization other than crack heads shooting up on almost every corner of b.c downtowns? They aren't getting any more help or treatment then they were before. So I ask honestly. What is better in its current form?

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Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, Gurn said:

Lack of foresight/for planning is a big issue in so many ways.

Drugs getting across the border/ arriving on commercial freighter.?

Why isn't there a huge push to train hundreds of drug sniffing dogs.

they can be deployed at border crossings and in the dockyard/unloading areas.

Heck- given the freighters have to wait a few days, hanging on the hook, outside the harbour, it should be no delay at all to unloading.

get the dogs on the ship, let them sniff anything out, prior to coming alongside the dock.


There are  some dogs trained to sniff out cancers- why aren't there hundreds of these dogs?

compare the price and accuracy of a properly trained dog to using all those medical tests,

same thing with the drug dogs- a trained drug dog versus an electronic sniffer wand,


Worried about to much upfront money, and not the long term benefit?




I read that 3% of our ports are searched....3%


Hey, I found this old article...

https://nationalpost.com/news/metro-vancouver-docks-special-investigation-768024#:~:text=VANCOUVER — More than two dozen,Vancouver Sun investigation has found.


Edti: 3%, that article says 3%....of 1.5 milion containers.

Edited by bishopshodan
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1 hour ago, Gurn said:

I can almost, agree with  the right to    'refuse to participate' part but no way, no how,  can I ever agree to the " ...refuse to refer".

that part, is not, in any way acceptable.


Not me. You take the job, you do the fucking job. Not just the parts that you like/approve of.


If your religion, or morals or whatever preclude you from performing certain required aspects of that job....you should have chosen a different career. I can't imagine there's a single healthcare worker who wasn't aware of Canadian abortion rights when they went to Nursing/Medicine/Pharmacy school.

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16 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

I'm going to have to respectfully disagree there. What changed after decriminalization other than crack heads shooting up on almost every corner of b.c downtowns? They aren't getting any more help or treatment then they were before. So I ask honestly. What is better in its current form?

Which is why it was changed back.  However, the policy before decriminalization also wasn't working.

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1 hour ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

If I post an article it's from a Canadian website. Soo this means nothing to me. 

Otherwise I'm having back and forth discussions with people with opinions I formed myself. Not some stupid "us talking points" bullshit. 


Well, ok. I'd like to know if I aligned with maga folk, but you do you.

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1 hour ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

If you are referring to me, I don't "follow" politics. 

My opinions are invalid because I don't know who some idiot from the states was? (I googled him)

Anyone with opinions like that is probably the one who shouldn't be taken seriously. What an absolutely ridiculous thing to say. 

Idk Rick, were you the one who said he didn't know who he was? Your opinions are invalid if you don't have the facts to back them up. How tf are you going to lecture us on there not being any similarity between the Canadian and US right if you don't have any clue of what's happening down south? 


I'm still calling bullshit. He's been all over the news for 9 fucking years and we are constantly inundated with US media and politics up here. It only makes sense that you wouldn't have "heard" of him because somehow you think it strengthens your argument to feign ignorance. Narrator: "it doesn't". Unless of course you've been living under a roger. 

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2 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


Well, ok. I'd like to know if I aligned with maga folk, but you do you.

Haha what? How in the hell does wanting Justin Trudeau gone make me aligned with "Maga" folk.. Are you insane? This is exactly what I'm talking about. Don't tow the line and you are "Maga"? Like wow. 

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49 minutes ago, Bure_Pavel said:

That the exact thinking that got us in this situation, short term thinking. 10 years is not long in the grand scheme of things, and Canada's emission levels are very low (1.5% globally) and many trees to help offset some. The only thing that will save the planet in technological advancement.  

I hear unicorn shit is an outstanding carbon sink but it doesn't exist either so I guess we'll have to go with something a little more tangible. You know what else is a massive carbon sink? Ice caps, the ones that currently melting at an alarming rate,  exacerbating the current crisis even further. The only option is to reduce our carbon footprint until the technology exists to recapture carbon on a massive scale. That's the point though. Slow it down as much as possible until we find a technological solution, hopefully before it's too late.

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