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1 minute ago, NoHeart said:

The Canadian Conservatives are more left wing than the US democrats. Snap out of it man. 

I think that truth like so many are fading from the Trump influence. 

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59 minutes ago, Gurn said:

Also I do notice the dichotomy of people upset about the amount  folk that leave;  while at the same time being pissed about the amount of people that come here.

Seems kind of disingenuous to me.


maybe it's just my lack of caffeine, this morning?

From a purely financial point of view, you could make a pretty convincing argument that a bunch of elderly retirees moving out of the country would be beneficial to Canada by reducing the strain on the medical system.

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2 minutes ago, NoHeart said:

The Canadian Conservatives are more left wing than the US democrats. Snap out of it man. 

Some of them may be, but the Nazi vermin they have running the party sure as hell isn't.  If they replace Poilivre with someone who doesn't belong in prison for hate speech and support of domestic terrorism, you'll have a point.

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2 minutes ago, NoHeart said:

The Canadian Conservatives are more left wing than the US democrats. Snap out of it man. 


but I don't live in the US.


I'm well aware of the social stance of the CPC, its stupid. Can't vote for it, and its not centre in the least. 


I'm being forced to vote for weird social ideas just so I can lie to myself and say the CPC is better economically? because the CPC hasn't been, at all. 


Now the old PCs were. Where's that party? I'd vote for that. 


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4 minutes ago, DrJockitch said:

That or just population dynamics of an aging population. The elderly often move to Florida/Arizona, warmer climates.   They also tend to be more conservative (tend not saying all elderly are cons). 


the Frenchies love going to FLA. 

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5 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


but I don't live in the US.


I'm well aware of the social stance of the CPC, its stupid. Can't vote for it, and its not centre in the least. 


I'm being forced to vote for weird social ideas just so I can lie to myself and say the CPC is better economically? because the CPC hasn't been, at all. 


Now the old PCs were. Where's that party? I'd vote for that. 


That's it. Take out the barbaric social policies and then maybe a conversation can be had.  Until they're willing to act like civilized people, there is no reason to treat the CPC with any respect whatsoever.

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13 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

From a purely financial point of view, you could make a pretty convincing argument that a bunch of elderly retirees moving out of the country would be beneficial to Canada by reducing the strain on the medical system.

And does a little bit to restock the available house/condo market.

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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, Gurn said:

And does a little bit to restock the available house/condo market.

Yup.  They claim to want "less people" but then point to emigration or people having less children as a problem.  Personally, I'd rather have a new immigrant who is grateful to be in Canada and appreciates what we have than one who is eager to leave.


The most logical explanation I can think of is racism.

Edited by King Heffy
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2 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

Yup.  They claim to want "less people" but then point to emigration or people having less children as a problem.  Personally, I'd rather have a new immigrant who is grateful to be in Canada and appreciates what we have than one who is eager to leave.


The most logical explanation I can think of is racism.

'Canada is broken, look at all the people leaving'


'Canada is broken, look at all people  coming in'


sad, really sad.



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4 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


but I don't live in the US.


I'm well aware of the social stance of the CPC, its stupid. Can't vote for it, and its not centre in the least. 


I'm being forced to vote for weird social ideas just so I can lie to myself and say the CPC is better economically? because the CPC hasn't been, at all. 


Now the old PCs were. Where's that party? I'd vote for that. 


I guess we are going to find out here in a little less than a year when the conservatives have a majority government. I don’t see how anyone could possibly be comfortable going forward with what we have now. It makes me believe that people in places like Vancouver have just completely given up on accumulating wealth and bettering their lives on their own accord. When I was in my 20’s I had all the opportunity and resources I needed to advance in my life. Those opportunities don’t exist anymore so the social crutch is really the only thing you have to lean on. Our treasury is in shambles, our economy is almost completely based off the debt of the housing market. We need to diversify the treasury to strengthen our dollar to drive down inflation. The notion of backing our currency with crypto use to be an argument made by the left on how incompetent PP’s suggestion was. Looking back on that now, it would’ve flattened the inflation curve today, and we’d probably already be in quantitative easing. Liberal minded people should honestly stay out of everything related to economics and let the fiscally responsible conservatives take care of our currency before we completely unravel here. This is such a dire need for Canada right now that nothing else really matters. Ironically, the best option to grow Canada’s wealth right now and preserve the nations social programs is a fiscally responsible government. If we continue to borrow against our treasury, our credit rating will degrade, and the cost of borrowing will increase further. That coupled with inflation will put us into a unprecedented recession. 

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1 minute ago, NoHeart said:

I guess we are going to find out here in a little less than a year when the conservatives have a majority government. I don’t see how anyone could possibly be comfortable going forward with what we have now. It makes me believe that people in places like Vancouver have just completely given up on accumulating wealth and bettering their lives on their own accord. When I was in my 20’s I had all the opportunity and resources I needed to advance in my life. Those opportunities don’t exist anymore so the social crutch is really the only thing you have to lean on. Our treasury is in shambles, our economy is almost completely based off the debt of the housing market. We need to diversify the treasury to strengthen our dollar to drive down inflation. The notion of backing our currency with crypto use to be an argument made by the left on how incompetent PP’s suggestion was. Looking back on that now, it would’ve flattened the inflation curve today, and we’d probably already be in quantitative easing. Liberal minded people should honestly stay out of everything related to economics and let the fiscally responsible conservatives take care of our currency before we completely unravel here. This is such a dire need for Canada right now that nothing else really matters. Ironically, the best option to grow Canada’s wealth right now and preserve the nations social programs is a fiscally responsible government. If we continue to borrow against our treasury, our credit rating will degrade, and the cost of borrowing will increase further. That coupled with inflation will put us into a unprecedented recession. 

So then why can't the cons focus just on the economy and stop trying to inflict their barbaric social policies on civilized people?

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5 minutes ago, NoHeart said:

stay out of everything related to economics and let the fiscally responsible conservatives take care of our currency before we completely unravel here.

If you can actually prove that the conservatives take better care of our money-I'd like to see it.


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9 hours ago, Gurn said:



OTTAWA — Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre's housing bill has been defeated in the House of Commons with the Liberals, New Democrats and Bloc Québécois voting against the legislation.

Poilievre introduced the bill in September and touted it as the Conservative plan to tackle the country's housing crisis.

Poilievre's focus on housing affordability has helped grow his party's support in public opinion polls, earning the Conservatives a sizeable lead over the Liberals.

The bill's central proposal was to require cities to increase home building by 15 per cent each year to receive their usual infrastructure spending.

Cities that failed to meet that target would have sees a decrease in the federal dollars they received, while those that exceeded it would have gotten additional money.

The bill was defeated 203 to 117 in a second-reading vote.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published May 29, 2024.

This is the same thing Alberta is going to court to try and stop the liberals from doing 


Alberta claims it's a provincial jurisdiction to determine housing and also how to allocate federal money in their province


Some cities couldn't increase homebuilding st any cost as people are moving ... ..... In places like BC once new SkyTrain routes get added they focus new high density builds around those routes 


This is just a further example of how PP has no clue at all on how to lead or even how things actually work


Imagine telling a remote city in Canada that is stagnant in growth due to mill closures or other such job loses .... And has a surplus of unsold homes ... And needs the fed funding to make other improvements that might bring more people in .... Too bad so sad build homes to sit or get nothing 


PP does not get it that for every Vancouver or Toronto we have a hundred Prince George's, Prince Alberts, ( fill in the blank here with thousands of 10k population cities in Canada )


PP's rant sounds cool to his followers but is stunning in how bad in reality it is 

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33 minutes ago, NoHeart said:

I hate to even come in here cause you’ll end up getting gang banged by the left till your head spins. You can’t show enough data points to ever prove how poorly Canada has performed comparatively since 2015. They’ll just counter with something Harper did nearly a decade ago in a completely different world than we live in today or they’ll blame Covid.
To anyone who is a centrist like myself with an open mind and enough logic to see our trajectory under this government, I salute you.

If you’re a supporter of the Liberal government your bias is at such a deep level that I truly feel sorry for you and I’m not even being sarcastic. There is no debate anymore and the polls are starting to show that. Canadians are done with this PM from coast to coast. 

So you are saying we have close minds, are biased, and lack logic.     All done in a post that shows your biases and little logic.  Your are entitled to your opinion but that's all it is.  No need to feel sorry for me if I disagree.


BTW - I do not blindly support the liberal government.  I just strongly oppose the conservatives.   I might oppose them less if they would provide some details for their many plans to make us all rich and to make Canada great again.

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7 minutes ago, NoHeart said:

I guess we are going to find out here in a little less than a year when the conservatives have a majority government. I don’t see how anyone could possibly be comfortable going forward with what we have now. It makes me believe that people in places like Vancouver have just completely given up on accumulating wealth and bettering their lives on their own accord. When I was in my 20’s I had all the opportunity and resources I needed to advance in my life. Those opportunities don’t exist anymore so the social crutch is really the only thing you have to lean on. Our treasury is in shambles, our economy is almost completely based off the debt of the housing market. We need to diversify the treasury to strengthen our dollar to drive down inflation. The notion of backing our currency with crypto use to be an argument made by the left on how incompetent PP’s suggestion was. Looking back on that now, it would’ve flattened the inflation curve today, and we’d probably already be in quantitative easing. Liberal minded people should honestly stay out of everything related to economics and let the fiscally responsible conservatives take care of our currency before we completely unravel here. This is such a dire need for Canada right now that nothing else really matters. Ironically, the best option to grow Canada’s wealth right now and preserve the nations social programs is a fiscally responsible government. If we continue to borrow against our treasury, our credit rating will degrade, and the cost of borrowing will increase further. That coupled with inflation will put us into a unprecedented recession. 

It was a surprisingly interesting quote until that sentence that is purely what conservatives tell us but quite the opposite of their practices which worsen debt spending. 
‘The cycle of funding social programs with more liberal government followed by conservatives beggering the treasury with tax cuts without being bold enough to cut anything away leads to the cycle of debt.  It isn’t one party or philosophy it is a lack of the party wanting to spend not being bold enough to ensure an appropriate tax base and the party that wants to cut social programs cutting the tax base but not being bold enough to pull back on anything because people don’t like when programs go away. 

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Just now, King Heffy said:

So then why can't the cons focus just on the economy and stop trying to inflict their barbaric social policies on civilized people?

I respect and mostly agree with left leaning social theory. However, there are far more pressing issues right now and people who can really look deep into what the future holds with this trajectory will be able to put those beliefs aside and at the very least, vote for a change to flatten that curve. Base your vote on results. Nobody can guarantee the conservatives will do any better but a change is guaranteed and that has to happen based on performance alone. I am currently buying Canadian currency based on the inevitable pop when the conservatives win. That sentiment is actually already built into our currency now. If they don’t win a majority next fall the dollar will plummet further and accelerate/ deepen our recession. 

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12 minutes ago, NoHeart said:

I guess we are going to find out here in a little less than a year when the conservatives have a majority government. I don’t see how anyone could possibly be comfortable going forward with what we have now. It makes me believe that people in places like Vancouver have just completely given up on accumulating wealth and bettering their lives on their own accord. When I was in my 20’s I had all the opportunity and resources I needed to advance in my life. Those opportunities don’t exist anymore so the social crutch is really the only thing you have to lean on. Our treasury is in shambles, our economy is almost completely based off the debt of the housing market. We need to diversify the treasury to strengthen our dollar to drive down inflation. The notion of backing our currency with crypto use to be an argument made by the left on how incompetent PP’s suggestion was. Looking back on that now, it would’ve flattened the inflation curve today, and we’d probably already be in quantitative easing. Liberal minded people should honestly stay out of everything related to economics and let the fiscally responsible conservatives take care of our currency before we completely unravel here. This is such a dire need for Canada right now that nothing else really matters. Ironically, the best option to grow Canada’s wealth right now and preserve the nations social programs is a fiscally responsible government. If we continue to borrow against our treasury, our credit rating will degrade, and the cost of borrowing will increase further. That coupled with inflation will put us into a unprecedented recession. 

Canada is screwed if any one party gets a majority 


As much as I loathe PP I'd be more open to giving him a shot in a minority government.  


Based solely on PP's past legislative agenda and record.an what the cons have as policy .... I do feel Canada would be worse off under a PP lead majority government than what we have now


Remember PP supports the following 

Raising the age to get OAS, deleting the new pharmacare and dental , adding the right to work legislation and repeal of the rand formula ( this would kill off most unions ) , his support in Harper's last term of the bill to allow companies to retroactively take back workers pensions 


Add in his social agenda and unless your straight and rich .... Your Canada will be very much poorer under a PP lead majority 


Sadly .... What we have now IS the lesser of the evils. 

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5 minutes ago, Gurn said:

If you can actually prove that the conservatives take better care of our money-I'd like to see it.


Look at the strength of our currency pre 2015. Prior to 2015 the CAD was a petro dollar. Our currency was backed by our wealth in oil. The liberal government has implemented policies and regulations that have contracted/ stagnated our oil wealth and separated the correlation between the price of oil and the strength of our currency. To simplify, imagine Canada is a company and our currency is a share. When you look to buy stock you look at assets, debt, and revenue. If any of these pillars are disrupted the value of that share diminishes. We replaced our oil wealth with nothing and we borrowed against our treasury. Any growth in GDP was artificially created by the debt of the housing market. Our portfolio is hollow. We need to diversify our revenue sources and treasury. If your platform is environmental and your goal is to reduce our dependence on hydrocarbons that’s fine. You just need to replace it while with something else whole you’re scaling it down. Taxing the use of hydrocarbons without a viable second option is flat out dictatorship. If this government was serious about environmental change, they should have used their resource based revenue to develop green infrastructure. Taxing something you have no choice in buying is criminal and another inflationary factor. 

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1 hour ago, NoHeart said:

I hate to even come in here cause you’ll end up getting gang banged by the left till your head spins. You can’t show enough data points to ever prove how poorly Canada has performed comparatively since 2015. They’ll just counter with something Harper did nearly a decade ago in a completely different world than we live in today or they’ll blame Covid.
To anyone who is a centrist like myself with an open mind and enough logic to see our trajectory under this government, I salute you.

If you’re a supporter of the Liberal government your bias is at such a deep level that I truly feel sorry for you and I’m not even being sarcastic. There is no debate anymore and the polls are starting to show that. Canadians are done with this PM from coast to coast. 



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48 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

So then why can't the cons focus just on the economy and stop trying to inflict their barbaric social policies on civilized people?



Dramatic much again?

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Posted (edited)
40 minutes ago, NoHeart said:

I respect and mostly agree with left leaning social theory. However, there are far more pressing issues right now and people who can really look deep into what the future holds with this trajectory will be able to put those beliefs aside and at the very least, vote for a change to flatten that curve. Base your vote on results. Nobody can guarantee the conservatives will do any better but a change is guaranteed and that has to happen based on performance alone. I am currently buying Canadian currency based on the inevitable pop when the conservatives win. That sentiment is actually already built into our currency now. If they don’t win a majority next fall the dollar will plummet further and accelerate/ deepen our recession. 



I wont put those beliefs aside. They are the most important things.


I'll be likely voting NDP. They are the ones that get things done for the widest group of people. 

Edited by bishopshodan
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21 minutes ago, Sapper said:

Canada is screwed if any one party gets a majority 


As much as I loathe PP I'd be more open to giving him a shot in a minority government.  


Based solely on PP's past legislative agenda and record.an what the cons have as policy .... I do feel Canada would be worse off under a PP lead majority government than what we have now


Remember PP supports the following 

Raising the age to get OAS, deleting the new pharmacare and dental , adding the right to work legislation and repeal of the rand formula ( this would kill off most unions ) , his support in Harper's last term of the bill to allow companies to retroactively take back workers pensions 


Add in his social agenda and unless your straight and rich .... Your Canada will be very much poorer under a PP lead majority 


Sadly .... What we have now IS the lesser of the evils. 

Performance, you can’t look back at any past party’s performance and compare it to the landscape today. The iPhone was barely a thing the last time the conservatives were in office FFS. The only thing that matters right now is inflation and the cost of borrowing. If we don’t get this under control immediately there won’t be anything left. The sentiment alone from a conservative majority will strengthen our currency and flatten inflation. Before he even steps into the office. 

To add, unions are extremely detrimental to economic growth. They give foreign countries a competitive advantage over our goods and services. Unions were the kiss of death for manufacturing in the developed world. They drove up the demand for foreign labour. The products that surround us from child labour are the fruits of unionization. Congratulations. 

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16 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:




I like the classic ' im an open minded logical centrist'


wonder if he saw the graphs a few pages back on where a few of the people he is talking to land on the political spectrum.


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