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3 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Not sure that comforts me Bob.  The fact that our elections were meddled in by a Communist country regardless of whether it changed the outcome or not should be cause for concern for everybody.  I mean if Sutherland called 25 penalties on the Canucks and we still win the game should Sutherland still not be investigated?


you need to be a realist. Of course foreign actors always try to influence other governments, it's as old as the hills. If you think this is new, you haven't read your history.


And thats not to let this government off the hook, I don't think they've taken this file very seriously. 


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39 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Trust me brother, I am the furthest thing from ignorant. I acknowledged that the Ontario Police are under the guidance of the Ford government. However, considering Trudeau enacted the Emergencies Act shortly afterwards I have no doubt his hands were all over the situation as well. 

The fact that we are just finding out that some MP’s have committed TREASON, I am sure you can understand my distrust in politicians in general. 

Once again you begin with a paragraph that is pure speculation.  Might be true,  Might be false.  HTF would you or I know?


Re sentence 2: How do you know MP's have COMMITED treason?   More speculation? Or are you judge, jury, and executioner but never got around to telling us so?

(Again, your sentence might be true.  Might be false.  But, HTF would you or I know?)

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9 minutes ago, bolt said:



I don't know what's more embarrassing these politicians or the ones defending them. 

This article says a lot of the same things that the CBC article said.  The committee that authored the report has members from all parties.  The CONs didn't ask about this report during Question Period.  It's almost like they all know the game here, and the potential criminal activity has to be investigated before names can be named.  Due process.  Get it.


Not really defending the indefensible.  I want those who sold this country out to get what comes to them.  HOWEVER, I don't want premature mob justice that could tar and feather individuals who are not entirely guilty.  Maybe its some Libs.  Maybe its some CONs.  

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11 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

Once again you begin with a paragraph that is pure speculation.  Might be true,  Might be false.  HTF would you or I know?


Re sentence 2: How do you know MP's have COMMITED treason?   More speculation? Or are you judge, jury, and executioner but never got around to telling us so?

(Again, your sentence might be true.  Might be false.  But, HTF would you or I know?)


You can believe what you want.  After today's news I don't blindly trust politicians.  I never did really.  Looks like they have evidence of TREASON here.  I hope whoever has committed TREASON and is found guilty of TREASON is locked up and the key thrown away. 

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18 minutes ago, bolt said:



I don't know what's more embarrassing these politicians or the ones defending them. 

I'd be more embarrassed of your reading comprehension and critical thought process if that's what you've garnered from the article or the discussion. 

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12 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


You can believe what you want.  After today's news I don't blindly trust politicians.  I never did really.  Looks like they have evidence of TREASON here.  I hope whoever has committed TREASON and is found guilty of TREASON is locked up and the key thrown away. 

I believe things when I see them.  It certainly seems like someone has broken the law and our trust but I will avoid speculation until the RCMP and/or CSIS speaks.


And yes, any person or persons who did break the law and our trust should be treated accordingly. 


BTW - did it really take today's news to make you lose blind trust in politicians?  If I ever had it at all I lost it decades ago.


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40 minutes ago, bolt said:



I don't know what's more embarrassing these politicians or the ones defending them. 


4 hours ago, Warhippy said:

While I understand that it's an ongoing investigation and the government will not hand out names.


The people absolutely desrve to know who and whom these people were before the next election and by hiding or protecting the individuals it paints the current Liberal party in a seriously ugly light.


This isn't the Hair boy, budget balancing, pierre poo poo type crap this is serious.


Freeland is walking a very dangerous line here and if 10 agencies say it's wrong and borderline treasonous than these individuals need to be removed from office ASAP without hesitation and monitored heavily while having their accounts audited.  The fact that they will not commit to removing them from the liberal caucus IF they are liberal and instead would do an internal review is shameful.  The reports indicate that it is multi party between Liberal Conservative and Bloc with some former higher profile PPC candidates allegedly being involved but for anyone in office to not immediately agree to removing the individual is seriously bad optics

For all the actual whining done by Canadians, this one is probably the single highest profile issue of import since that idiot caused Harper to hide in a closet by shooting up parliament.


The committee said an unknown number of parliamentarians inappropriately communicated with foreign missions ahead of a political campaign and accepted money from foreign governments or their proxies.

Unnamed parliamentarians also provided foreign diplomatic officials with "privileged information on the work or opinions of fellow parliamentarians," knowing that the information could be used to manipulate some other MPs and senators, the report said.

Certain parliamentarians also responded to requests from foreign actors to "improperly influence parliamentary colleagues" to benefit another country, and disclosed confidential government information to "a known intelligence officer or foreign state," the committee said in its report, which was heavily redacted.


Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland told reporters Tuesday the government takes the threat of foreign political interference "very seriously" and said the country can't be "naive" about authoritarian governments seeking to undermine our democracy.

When asked if she could guarantee that the Liberals will eject from their caucus any parliamentarian found to have engaged in the activities cited in the report, Freeland would not make that commitment.


"The guarantee I can give to Canadians is our government takes foreign interference very, very seriously," she said. She pointed to new government legislation, Bill C-70, that would create a foreign agent registry to compel people working on behalf of foreign governments to report their dealings.

Pressed to say if she thinks Canadians should know who is supposedly working to undermine the country before the next election, Freeland said she trusts police to do their work.

As for the Liberal Party, Freeland said in French the allegations of foreign interference are "a matter of national interest of national security and as a political party we will do an internal followup."

It wasn't immediately clear what form this "internal followup" will take.


Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc sidestepped a question about the report's conclusion that certain unnamed parliamentarians inappropriately worked with foreign actors.

"I think as a matter of principle, it's unwise to speak about specific elements that may involve individuals," LeBlanc said.

He also said the "government respectfully disagrees" with some of NSICOP's findings, without offering any specific concerns about what the committee found.

The federal Liberal government created NSICOP. The federal cabinet, based on the prime minister's recommendations, names its members, who are given security clearances to review the country's most sensitive information.

Rather than call a public inquiry into the matter of foreign interference, the government tasked NSICOP and a former judge at the Public Inquiry into Foreign Interference with investigating claims of meddling.

"The government's concerns centre around the interpretation of intelligence reports which lack the necessary caveats inherent to intelligence," LeBlanc said of NSICOP.


Wesley Wark, one of Canada's foremost experts on national security, said Tuesday the NSCIOP report reveals "underbelly stories" that are "nausea-inducing."

He cited one account in the report that said an unnamed MP consorted with a foreign intelligence officer, sought to arrange an overseas meeting and "provided the intelligence officer with information provided in confidence." Wark called that scenario "textbook treason."

Housing Minister Sean Fraser said he's willing to wait to learn the names of the alleged foreign conspirators.

"The obvious potential reputational damage a person might suffer if there's another side of the story, that must be considered. Those are all factors that will give me some cause to take it seriously and be patient to make sure we get this right," Fraser said.

He said Canadians can learn about who's alleged to have engaged in these activities if there's a police investigation that produces criminal charges.

Justice Minister Arif Virani said the government is concerned about the issue of foreign meddling and is taking action.

He said NSICOP's findings should be troubling "for all of us, regardless of caucus or party."

Indeed, the committee also found that foreign actors from India and the People's Republic of China allegedly interfered in more than one race for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada — claims the party said Monday it wasn't aware of before the NSCIOP report was released.


4 hours ago, Warhippy said:

With numerous Conservative hopefuls sounding the alarm regarding being shut out of leadership or riding 


It only raises more questions.



Foreign actors from India and the People's Republic of China allegedly interfered in more than one race for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada, says an intelligence report tabled in the House of Commons on Monday.

The report from the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP), a key Canadian intelligence oversight body, says there were "two specific instances where [People's Republic of China] officials allegedly interfered in the leadership races of the Conservative Party of Canada."

Most of the details regarding the allegations in the NSICOP report have been redacted.

The report does not provide any further information about the nature of Beijing's alleged interference, or about which Conservative leadership races allegedly were targeted and when.

The report also reported an allegation that India interfered in a single Conservative Party leadership race.

The report says details of the allegations were removed from the report before its publication to prevent the spread of "injurious or privileged information."


"CSIS did not advise the Conservative Party of Canada of any intelligence suggesting there was foreign interference in the leadership contest," said Sarah Fischer, director of communications for the Conservative Party. "This is the first time we have heard about it."

Fischer said Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre's campaign received no notice of interference in his race and "has no awareness of what is referenced."

To buy a Conservative Party membership, people had to pay by personal credit card, personal cheque or personal bank draft, Fischer told CBC News in an email. She said cash and pre-paid credit cards could not be used. 


Once again, a day late and a buck short.

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2 hours ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

Government won't commit to releasing names of MPs who allegedly conspired with foreign actors




This is concerning. 


Also pretty curious that the Liberals voted against looking into the issue. Not suspicious at all...




4 hours ago, Warhippy said:

While I understand that it's an ongoing investigation and the government will not hand out names.


The people absolutely desrve to know who and whom these people were before the next election and by hiding or protecting the individuals it paints the current Liberal party in a seriously ugly light.


This isn't the Hair boy, budget balancing, pierre poo poo type crap this is serious.


Freeland is walking a very dangerous line here and if 10 agencies say it's wrong and borderline treasonous than these individuals need to be removed from office ASAP without hesitation and monitored heavily while having their accounts audited.  The fact that they will not commit to removing them from the liberal caucus IF they are liberal and instead would do an internal review is shameful.  The reports indicate that it is multi party between Liberal Conservative and Bloc with some former higher profile PPC candidates allegedly being involved but for anyone in office to not immediately agree to removing the individual is seriously bad optics

For all the actual whining done by Canadians, this one is probably the single highest profile issue of import since that idiot caused Harper to hide in a closet by shooting up parliament.


The committee said an unknown number of parliamentarians inappropriately communicated with foreign missions ahead of a political campaign and accepted money from foreign governments or their proxies.

Unnamed parliamentarians also provided foreign diplomatic officials with "privileged information on the work or opinions of fellow parliamentarians," knowing that the information could be used to manipulate some other MPs and senators, the report said.

Certain parliamentarians also responded to requests from foreign actors to "improperly influence parliamentary colleagues" to benefit another country, and disclosed confidential government information to "a known intelligence officer or foreign state," the committee said in its report, which was heavily redacted.


Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland told reporters Tuesday the government takes the threat of foreign political interference "very seriously" and said the country can't be "naive" about authoritarian governments seeking to undermine our democracy.

When asked if she could guarantee that the Liberals will eject from their caucus any parliamentarian found to have engaged in the activities cited in the report, Freeland would not make that commitment.


"The guarantee I can give to Canadians is our government takes foreign interference very, very seriously," she said. She pointed to new government legislation, Bill C-70, that would create a foreign agent registry to compel people working on behalf of foreign governments to report their dealings.

Pressed to say if she thinks Canadians should know who is supposedly working to undermine the country before the next election, Freeland said she trusts police to do their work.

As for the Liberal Party, Freeland said in French the allegations of foreign interference are "a matter of national interest of national security and as a political party we will do an internal followup."

It wasn't immediately clear what form this "internal followup" will take.


Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc sidestepped a question about the report's conclusion that certain unnamed parliamentarians inappropriately worked with foreign actors.

"I think as a matter of principle, it's unwise to speak about specific elements that may involve individuals," LeBlanc said.

He also said the "government respectfully disagrees" with some of NSICOP's findings, without offering any specific concerns about what the committee found.

The federal Liberal government created NSICOP. The federal cabinet, based on the prime minister's recommendations, names its members, who are given security clearances to review the country's most sensitive information.

Rather than call a public inquiry into the matter of foreign interference, the government tasked NSICOP and a former judge at the Public Inquiry into Foreign Interference with investigating claims of meddling.

"The government's concerns centre around the interpretation of intelligence reports which lack the necessary caveats inherent to intelligence," LeBlanc said of NSICOP.


Wesley Wark, one of Canada's foremost experts on national security, said Tuesday the NSCIOP report reveals "underbelly stories" that are "nausea-inducing."

He cited one account in the report that said an unnamed MP consorted with a foreign intelligence officer, sought to arrange an overseas meeting and "provided the intelligence officer with information provided in confidence." Wark called that scenario "textbook treason."

Housing Minister Sean Fraser said he's willing to wait to learn the names of the alleged foreign conspirators.

"The obvious potential reputational damage a person might suffer if there's another side of the story, that must be considered. Those are all factors that will give me some cause to take it seriously and be patient to make sure we get this right," Fraser said.

He said Canadians can learn about who's alleged to have engaged in these activities if there's a police investigation that produces criminal charges.

Justice Minister Arif Virani said the government is concerned about the issue of foreign meddling and is taking action.

He said NSICOP's findings should be troubling "for all of us, regardless of caucus or party."

Indeed, the committee also found that foreign actors from India and the People's Republic of China allegedly interfered in more than one race for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada — claims the party said Monday it wasn't aware of before the NSCIOP report was released.


4 hours ago, Warhippy said:

With numerous Conservative hopefuls sounding the alarm regarding being shut out of leadership or riding 


It only raises more questions.



Foreign actors from India and the People's Republic of China allegedly interfered in more than one race for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada, says an intelligence report tabled in the House of Commons on Monday.

The report from the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP), a key Canadian intelligence oversight body, says there were "two specific instances where [People's Republic of China] officials allegedly interfered in the leadership races of the Conservative Party of Canada."

Most of the details regarding the allegations in the NSICOP report have been redacted.

The report does not provide any further information about the nature of Beijing's alleged interference, or about which Conservative leadership races allegedly were targeted and when.

The report also reported an allegation that India interfered in a single Conservative Party leadership race.

The report says details of the allegations were removed from the report before its publication to prevent the spread of "injurious or privileged information."


"CSIS did not advise the Conservative Party of Canada of any intelligence suggesting there was foreign interference in the leadership contest," said Sarah Fischer, director of communications for the Conservative Party. "This is the first time we have heard about it."

Fischer said Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre's campaign received no notice of interference in his race and "has no awareness of what is referenced."

To buy a Conservative Party membership, people had to pay by personal credit card, personal cheque or personal bank draft, Fischer told CBC News in an email. She said cash and pre-paid credit cards could not be used. 


2/2 here mate

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24 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


You can believe what you want.  After today's news I don't blindly trust politicians.  I never did really.  Looks like they have evidence of TREASON here.  I hope whoever has committed TREASON and is found guilty of TREASON is locked up and the key thrown away. 

I hear ensuring that you caps lock specific words is a key way to ensure people pay attention to only those key words.


I posted an article about this a page ago.  The xperts have weighed in.  The RCMP are involved.  Let it play out.

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1 hour ago, Bob Long said:


they are, the current inquiry has found that the meddling didn't cause any change in who won.


But having said that, the meddling is too serious to just brush aside,  Trudeau, Jag and Skippy need to actually work together on this to make sure this issue doesn't have any further impact.


this. Not a political situation: this is a national security issue and the Five leaders with a seat in Parliament need to work with enforcement to solve this, not work with voters to blame each other. 

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1 hour ago, Bure_Pavel said:

This investigation has been going for a long time already, and should be a CSIS matter not police. 

RCMP, CSIS, CSE and the CFIOG are all 'policing' this issue, it isn't a matter for any one desk and you are right, it has been an ongoing investigation since before the PMO was briefed. If they werent investigating there would be no brief to give the PMO. 

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12 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

I hear ensuring that you caps lock specific words is a key way to ensure people pay attention to only those key words.


I posted an article about this a page ago.  The xperts have weighed in.  The RCMP are involved.  Let it play out.


The one thing that is very concerning is that the potential TREASON may be with multiple parties.  I know people are hoping it is either Liberal or Conservative (maybe NDP?), but it seems to be both.  Which tells me both parties are corrupt to the point that BOTH parties are committing TREASON.


This is quite scary.  And the most serious thing that we have talked about over the last 600+ pages...

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2 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


The one thing that is very concerning is that the potential TREASON may be with multiple parties.  I know people are hoping it is either Liberal or Conservative (maybe NDP?), but it seems to be both.  Which tells me both parties are corrupt to the point that BOTH parties are committing TREASON.


This is quite scary.  And the most serious thing that we have talked about over the last 600+ pages...

it is very serious.  There are law enforcement and federal agent types in the USA that believe Trump was committing treason with his interactions with Putin and Kim Jong Un.  Those investigations are still ongoing and it will be years before any sniffs of THOSE charges are privy to the public eye. 


Kind of like with EMS: Blood and Breathing are the first things to fix and then consciousness... there is an order of operations to how to proceed with this and we have in Canada hundreds of highly skilled capable folks in professional capacity to investigate, thoroughly, with real world sleuthing, not googling a Twitter hashtag. 

I suspect this could be months or years before we know anything. 


My idle speculation is that as Donald leaned into Kim and Vlad, whose shoulders did Skippy bump into around the world on his rise to lead the con men? I have honestly felt that JT might know something no one else knows about the impending showdown come Election Day 2025, (or sooner), and I am very curious to see what this pans out to. 
I am labelling my own thoughts are pure rumour and conjecture, I have no details or info whatsoever, but I am curious. The Liberals have fund raised really well, multi millions now, not as much as the Conservatives have with their countless oil barron CEO party members, but LOTS. So why are the liberals keeping their powder dry while Pierre spends millions on ads that have created a 15 point lead in the national polls?


Curious isn't it? Almost like there is another act to the play and curtain is about to go up in a few months.....


I like the axiom that if a gun is introduced in the first act of a play it absolutely has to go off in the third act. 

Politics is no different.  Staying on against seemingly overwhelming odds is a lunatics game unless the one staying on knows something we don't. 

Thus my complete idle speculation about who was brushing shoulders with our nations enemies. 

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9 minutes ago, bolt said:


Haven't we been through this one already?   If you remember, I pointed out I don't like his tie.


BTW - analogies, metaphors, and similes are not really meant to be taken literally.  Hyperbole either and that's a staple of all parties in all countries (even the Cons).

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3 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

it is very serious.  There are law enforcement and federal agent types in the USA that believe Trump was committing treason with his interactions with Putin and Kim Jong Un.  Those investigations are still ongoing and it will be years before any sniffs of THOSE charges are privy to the public eye. 


Kind of like with EMS: Blood and Breathing are the first things to fix and then consciousness... there is an order of operations to how to proceed with this and we have in Canada hundreds of highly skilled capable folks in professional capacity to investigate, thoroughly, with real world sleuthing, not googling a Twitter hashtag. 

I suspect this could be months or years before we know anything. 


My idle speculation is that as Donald leaned into Kim and Vlad, whose shoulders did Skippy bump into around the world on his rise to lead the con men? I have honestly felt that JT might know something no one else knows about the impending showdown come Election Day 2025, (or sooner), and I am very curious to see what this pans out to. 
I am labelling my own thoughts are pure rumour and conjecture, I have no details or info whatsoever, but I am curious. The Liberals have fund raised really well, multi millions now, not as much as the Conservatives have with their countless oil barron CEO party members, but LOTS. So why are the liberals keeping their powder dry while Pierre spends millions on ads that have created a 15 point lead in the national polls?


Curious isn't it? Almost like there is another act to the play and curtain is about to go up in a few months.....


I like the axiom that if a gun is introduced in the first act of a play it absolutely has to go off in the third act. 

Politics is no different.  Staying on against seemingly overwhelming odds is a lunatics game unless the one staying on knows something we don't. 

Thus my complete idle speculation about who was brushing shoulders with our nations enemies. 


I know you are hoping that Skippy is the one running around the world and committing TREASON, and he very well may be.  But to insinuate that Trudeau is totally clean and also has some grand scheme ahead of him to expose Skippy is quite laughable to be totally honest with you.


At least I'm trying to keep an open mind on who it might be.  I have not picked a side like you.  We will see what happens in the coming months.  If I had to guess I would say both parties are going to come out of this scathed, and if that is the case then most likely ALOT of stuff will get swept under the rug and kept hidden from the public...

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2 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


I know you are hoping that Skippy is the one running around the world and committing TREASON, and he very well may be.  But to insinuate that Trudeau is totally clean and also has some grand scheme ahead of him to expose Skippy is quite laughable to be totally honest with you.


At least I'm trying to keep an open mind on who it might be.  I have not picked a side like you.  We will see what happens in the coming months.  If I had to guess I would say both parties are going to come out of this scathed, and if that is the case then most likely ALOT of stuff will get swept under the rug and kept hidden from the public...

To your first para: Yeah, agreed. I tried to go out of my way to say the same thing about my thoughts i shared: Pure and total road apples. It is 100% rumour and conjecture on my part. 


I have no idea, other than the few hints in headlines about one or two conservative MP's and a liberal MP as well as one independant mp currently, from memory. 

However, I cant help but wonder why this was a headline:


Poilievre declined meeting with Johnston on foreign interference

Seems a bit dodgy doesn't it? I mean if i had nothing to hide I would meet with the man the Government put in charge of an enquiry into Foriegn Interference, which wouldn't stop me from voicing my concerns publicly if i thoght such an appointment was a sham.... but to refuse to meet while calling it a sham seems really more to point towards not wanting to answer questions than it is about the appointment being a sham. I mean from an openminded perspective. 


We honestly won't know till we know. I am 100% speculating and openly admit it. 

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6 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

Would I be delusional if I thought the only reason we don't see a slew of conservative cabinet ministers accused of stuff like this is because we don't have a conservative cabinet?

Steve Bannon Bingo GIF

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53 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


The one thing that is very concerning is that the potential TREASON may be with multiple parties.  I know people are hoping it is either Liberal or Conservative (maybe NDP?), but it seems to be both.  Which tells me both parties are corrupt to the point that BOTH parties are committing TREASON.


This is quite scary.  And the most serious thing that we have talked about over the last 600+ pages...


No one here is hoping for treason, from any party 

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