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Ya, I don't get this at all.


The cuts will hamper an already strained armed services.  With the armed forces already doing double duty for disaster relief as well as the ongoing funding for Ukraine, where are these cost savings coming from?  What will be cut?  Can't harm vets or you'll be neutered.  Can't close offices or you'll be harming vets.  Can't stop procurement it's already costed and in build.  That leaves equipment, maintenance manpower and training and cuts to any of those are going to leave the party persona non grata with many moderates

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Strange decision- at this point they are supposedly 'looking at' cutting; but even that look seems bizarre.


I've argued, on more than a few occasions, the military budget should be increased. 

The Libs had been doing a decent job, on military matters; with new ships, fighters and re fuelers, plus providing training and equipment to Ukraine.

This has the potential to wipe out all their 'good vibes' on this portfolio.



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Liberals seem to have lost their way, more and more weird things happening. Happens in companies/corporations and governments.

Sadly these orgs. can't seem to turn themselves around,  the slide increases in speed and depth.


Time for them to find a new leader. This one has now passed his 'best before date'

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Alberta Premier Danielle Smith is not just talking the talk, she’s preparing to walk the walk when it comes to facing off against Ottawa over energy.


The Smith government is preparing to bring in the province’s sovereignty act if the government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau does not compromise on its plans for oil and gas and electricity.


The premier says she hopes it won’t get that far. She hopes talking with the feds will yield some give and take.


She is more hopeful than many of us.


The sovereignty act would mean Alberta defying the feds, not falling into line with the Trudeau government, telling them to take a hike.


The Trudeau government could decide to fight it out with Alberta in the courts.

There would be blood.


“We are going to defend our constitutional jurisdiction to make sure we develop our oil and gas industry at our own pace and we develop our electricity system so that it achieves the goal of reliability and affordability,” says Smith.


Your scribbler asks the premier the question on the sovereignty act and she didn’t hesitate to unload.


After all, the province is butting heads with the Trudeau government over plans for a 42% emissions reduction on oil and natural gas by 2030.


There is also Ottawa’s plan to force a net-zero emissions power grid by 2035.


Smith says both of these federal brainwaves are not on for Alberta.

The Alberta government is not going there. Smith says the plans are absolutely unrealistic for the province.


Her first choice remains negotiation.


“Then we won’t have to build a fence to protect our constitutional jurisdiction.”


But if nothing changes in the designs of the federal government …


Well, we will let Smith say her piece.


“The ball is in their court. For every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction.


“I can tell you the fact we continue to see aggressive and hostile announcements that seem to indicate they’re not respecting us and coming to the table in good faith, we have to prepare for the alternative.


“Hopefully we’re able to come to a peaceful resolution with our federal counterparts when they recognize our constitutional jurisdiction.


“We’re trying to make them understand you have to work with reality, you have to work with practicality.”

Good luck climbing that political Mount Everest.


Smith adds she talked to someone who told her it is too risky to invest in natural gas right now.


After all, there would be the risk of criminal charges if someone is not following the feds in their blueprint for a zero-emissions power grid utopia in a dozen years.


“They’re not going to make an investment decision knowing if they’re not successful in 2035 they’re going to jail,” says the premier, of the folks with deep pockets.


On Thursday, Smith also rolls out an $8-million national ad campaign telling Canadians what will happen if the Trudeau government’s “disastrous” regulations on electricity go ahead.


“Calling their plans poorly conceived doesn’t begin to touch on their injustice,” says the premier.

Earlier in the day in Calgary, the Alberta Electric System Operator or AESO looks into their crystal ball and what they see could only be called grim.


If the Trudeau government’s plans for a net-zero electricity grid in 2035 go ahead, there won’t be a sufficient supply of power in Alberta after that date and they would have to cut power to users.


The costs for electricity would also be significantly higher.


By the way, AESO has not had a chance to talk to the Trudeau sidekicks quarterbacking the Liberal plan, including the federal government’s green guru, climate change head honcho Steven Guilbeault.


They do have ongoing conversations with bureaucrats, including one on Wednesday.


They hope cooler heads prevail.

So does Smith, while the premier and her deep thinkers burn the midnight oil getting the sovereignty act ready to go.


“Hopefully no one ever has to see it,” says Smith, of the take-a-hike-Trudeau sovereignty act.


Your move, Ottawa.


This time the fight may be for real.



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1 minute ago, Gurn said:



Alberta Premier Danielle Smith is not just talking the talk, she’s preparing to walk the walk when it comes to facing off against Ottawa over energy.


The Smith government is preparing to bring in the province’s sovereignty act if the government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau does not compromise on its plans for oil and gas and electricity.


The premier says she hopes it won’t get that far. She hopes talking with the feds will yield some give and take.


She is more hopeful than many of us.


The sovereignty act would mean Alberta defying the feds, not falling into line with the Trudeau government, telling them to take a hike.


The Trudeau government could decide to fight it out with Alberta in the courts.

There would be blood.


“We are going to defend our constitutional jurisdiction to make sure we develop our oil and gas industry at our own pace and we develop our electricity system so that it achieves the goal of reliability and affordability,” says Smith.


Your scribbler asks the premier the question on the sovereignty act and she didn’t hesitate to unload.


After all, the province is butting heads with the Trudeau government over plans for a 42% emissions reduction on oil and natural gas by 2030.


There is also Ottawa’s plan to force a net-zero emissions power grid by 2035.


Smith says both of these federal brainwaves are not on for Alberta.

The Alberta government is not going there. Smith says the plans are absolutely unrealistic for the province.


Her first choice remains negotiation.


“Then we won’t have to build a fence to protect our constitutional jurisdiction.”


But if nothing changes in the designs of the federal government …


Well, we will let Smith say her piece.


“The ball is in their court. For every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction.


“I can tell you the fact we continue to see aggressive and hostile announcements that seem to indicate they’re not respecting us and coming to the table in good faith, we have to prepare for the alternative.


“Hopefully we’re able to come to a peaceful resolution with our federal counterparts when they recognize our constitutional jurisdiction.


“We’re trying to make them understand you have to work with reality, you have to work with practicality.”

Good luck climbing that political Mount Everest.


Smith adds she talked to someone who told her it is too risky to invest in natural gas right now.


After all, there would be the risk of criminal charges if someone is not following the feds in their blueprint for a zero-emissions power grid utopia in a dozen years.


“They’re not going to make an investment decision knowing if they’re not successful in 2035 they’re going to jail,” says the premier, of the folks with deep pockets.


On Thursday, Smith also rolls out an $8-million national ad campaign telling Canadians what will happen if the Trudeau government’s “disastrous” regulations on electricity go ahead.


“Calling their plans poorly conceived doesn’t begin to touch on their injustice,” says the premier.

Earlier in the day in Calgary, the Alberta Electric System Operator or AESO looks into their crystal ball and what they see could only be called grim.


If the Trudeau government’s plans for a net-zero electricity grid in 2035 go ahead, there won’t be a sufficient supply of power in Alberta after that date and they would have to cut power to users.


The costs for electricity would also be significantly higher.


By the way, AESO has not had a chance to talk to the Trudeau sidekicks quarterbacking the Liberal plan, including the federal government’s green guru, climate change head honcho Steven Guilbeault.


They do have ongoing conversations with bureaucrats, including one on Wednesday.


They hope cooler heads prevail.

So does Smith, while the premier and her deep thinkers burn the midnight oil getting the sovereignty act ready to go.


“Hopefully no one ever has to see it,” says Smith, of the take-a-hike-Trudeau sovereignty act.


Your move, Ottawa.


This time the fight may be for real.



Send in the troops and arrest this Nazi place of **** for treason.  Make it clear that this kind of behavior is not tolerated in a civilized country.

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3 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

Send in the troops and arrest this Nazi place of **** for treason.  Make it clear that this kind of behavior is not tolerated in a civilized country.


first time I've read a Calgary Sun article.

If that is all Albertans get to read, I see why some have issues with reality.


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1 hour ago, Gurn said:


first time I've read a Calgary Sun article.

If that is all Albertans get to read, I see why some have issues with reality.


It’s worse than you could even believe.. I’ve got a lot of family in and around Calgary.  They have all gone batsh*% crazy.  To the point of conspiracy theories and F the whole country other than them.  It’s disturbing to see my own brother go so far down the road.  They truly feel they would be better off without the rest of the country because they’ve been conned. Alberta is just a giant Echo chamber.

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2 hours ago, King Heffy said:

Send in the troops and arrest this Nazi place of **** for treason.  Make it clear that this kind of behavior is not tolerated in a civilized country.

It's a provincial right and written in to the constitution.


It's as civilized as it gets.


Drop the "everything I disagree with is a nazi" stuff my dude because this doesn't work here 

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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

It's a provincial right and written in to the constitution.


It's as civilized as it gets.


Drop the "everything I disagree with is a nazi" stuff my dude because this doesn't work here 

Would you prefer "far-right extremist"?  Bottom line is that there's no excuse for negotiating with this lunatic.  She's no better than the FLQ and needs to be dealt with in the same manner.

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4 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

Would you prefer "far-right extremist"?  Bottom line is that there's no excuse for negotiating with this lunatic.  She's no better than the FLQ and needs to be dealt with in the same manner.

She's not even far right or extreme.  She's an idiot who is doing what is popular in her province and has been popular since about 1978


The "nazi" statements have to stop.  They demean and diminish the acts of what was arguably the most murderous regime in human history


I don't agree with Smith and think she's an idiot but I will still defend this premise because it's only right to do so

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10 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

She's not even far right or extreme.  She's an idiot who is doing what is popular in her province and has been popular since about 1978


The "nazi" statements have to stop.  They demean and diminish the acts of what was arguably the most murderous regime in human history


I don't agree with Smith and think she's an idiot but I will still defend this premise because it's only right to do so

The ignore button works just fine here too.  Bottom line is that her barbaric set of beliefs is evil enough that the kid gloves need to come off.  





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1 hour ago, King Heffy said:

The ignore button works just fine here too.  Bottom line is that her barbaric set of beliefs is evil enough that the kid gloves need to come off.  





Dude.  You crap on everything you don't like.  You pretend to be better than these people yet have a tendency to call everyone and everything with a different mindset or belief system a nazi.  You promote violence against hockey players and individuals of other teams or franchises because you don't get your way.  Look mate, I like ya and all but the kid gloves need to come off.  Calling everything a gd nazi is  quite frankly insulting.  Praying for, promoting or suggesting violence against people with a differing point of view makes you no better than these people you suggest are awful and animalistic.


Maybe, just MAYBE the pendulum swings both ways in this world and maybe, just maybe *and follow along here* your statements are no different than those of people you rail against at times.


If you don't like me pointing this out, fine.  Doesn't mean I don't like or respect you.  Just means I will speak bluntly and honestly to you.  Before you start in on me.  I know how awful I can be as well and I am absolutely no better and am quite honestly a bit of a hypocrite myself.



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8 hours ago, Optimist Prime said:

a good friend and old highschool flame of mine shares all these traits but one more: she is incredibly not bright (being kind, the unkind way to put it is she is dumb as bricks. just barely graduated math and english by the skin of her teeth and zero post secondary, took up cleaning houses for a living and has been doing so for 30 years), and being not bright, she admits to not knowing if anyone like Bonny Henry or Fauchi is telling the truth or if the "internet is right". She thinks most likely the internet is right becuase why would so many people on the internet lie? It is more likely the 2 or 3 on TV are lying. That is how she said it to me over breakfast one day last month as we were catching up with each others lives. She leans heavy into conspiracy theories of all kinds, not just about the 'plandemic'. So I would add to your list, anecdotally, low education and low income perhaps? Might not be a correlation to income as my very well off brother in law is also incredibly antivax and thinks the moon landing is fake and maybe the earth is flat...I just don't get these people at all. Life is hard enough without denying reality.


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It’s not all bad news out of Alberta and not everyone supports everything she puts forward. This from the Calgary Herald.


Opinion: Premier should heed majority on renewables ban 

Author of the article:
Calgary Herald
Published Sep 29, 2023  •  Last updated 6 hours ago  •  3 minute read

Article content

A new Leger poll, released yesterday, confirms that a majority of Albertans do not support the provincial government’s ill-conceived seven-month ban on new renewable energy projects. Premier Danielle Smith would be wise to pay attention to this data and other recent public opinion research on what Albertans think about the clean economy.


The Leger poll, conducted Aug. 25-27, found 65 per cent of Albertans oppose the renewables moratorium. Majority opposition was found in rural areas (57 per cent), suburban areas (66 per cent) and urban areas (68 per cent). Those opposed were across all age groups and income levels. In other words, in Alberta, whether you are younger or older, wealthy or not, live in the country or a city, chances are you (or your neighbour) do not support the ban on new renewable energy projects.


Premier Smith seems to have been caught off guard by the swift and extensive backlash against the renewables ban. Her surprise was evident in her changing rationale for the ban, from claiming rural landowners requested it (they denied doing so) to blaming letters from the utilities (the letters do not mention a moratorium).


If the Premier gambled that Albertans would stand behind the ban, a look at recent public opinion research in Alberta should have given her pause. A 2022 Abacus poll found 83 per cent of Albertans say the clean energy sector plays an important role in the provincial economy. And nearly half of Albertans (46 per cent) believe the province is not doing enough to move towards a clean economy. The same year, Alberta pollster Janet Brown found that 90 per cent of Albertans agree diversifying Alberta’s economy should be a goal while 82 per cent think getting away from boom-bust cycles should be an objective.


Albertans know all too well the financial and emotional stress that comes from an economy tied to volatile oil prices. We’ve witnessed countless rounds of layoffs and the upheaval that creates for Alberta families. Anyone who has lived in Alberta for more than three years can tell you that as high as oil prices rise, they also fall. It’s not surprising that Brown also found less than half (43 per cent) of the Alberta public say they would encourage young people today to pursue a career in the oil and gas industry.


And it’s not just economics driving a positive view of the clean economy in Alberta. Earlier this month another Leger poll found seven in 10 Albertans are personally concerned about climate change. Albertans may be active in the oilpatch, but the data shows we are also concerned about the climate, we support diversifying our economy, we want the government to do more about clean energy and we oppose a ban on new renewable energy projects.


But all too often progressive voices in Alberta are simply drowned out by louder ones – by the well-funded oil and gas lobbyists and their political champions. But as the data shows, these loud voices don’t reflect what a majority of Albertans actually quietly believe.


At the Calgary Climate Hub, we work directly with a broad range of Albertans devoted to climate action. Our volunteer-driven organization helps Albertans work to diversify our economy and create opportunities for today and in the future.


If Premier Smith ignores that the majority of Albertans oppose the renewables ban, at the very least she should heed the outpouring of criticism from local municipalities, energy workers, CEOs and even the C.D. Howe Institute – that the ban interferes with the market, and has thrown a once-thriving sector into uncertainty. The Pembina Institute estimates that over 100 energy projects worth $33 billion are now at risk, along with 24,000 jobs.


It’s always possible to introduce better policies for a sector. The oil and gas sector is currently tackling methane reductions. But it’s striking that Alberta’s oil and gas sector was not ordered to a standstill, instead, there is an acknowledgement that the sector can – and did – improve while operating. The renewables sector deserves the same respect. If the Alberta government is truly concerned about the impact of local energy projects on communities, it also needs to address the devastating impacts of oilsands projects on Indigenous communities downstream. Rural landowners deserve to know what will happen at the end of life of a wind turbine or solar panel. It should be noted these projects do not have the same levels of air, land and water pollution associated with them as oil and gas projects.


It’s time for Premier Smith to reverse course and cancel the renewables ban. Everyone makes mistakes. It’s not too late to fix this one.


Angela McIntyre is the director of the Calgary Climate Hub.

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3 hours ago, Warhippy said:

Dude.  You crap on everything you don't like.  You pretend to be better than these people yet have a tendency to call everyone and everything with a different mindset or belief system a nazi.  You promote violence against hockey players and individuals of other teams or franchises because you don't get your way.  Look mate, I like ya and all but the kid gloves need to come off.  Calling everything a gd nazi is  quite frankly insulting.  Praying for, promoting or suggesting violence against people with a differing point of view makes you no better than these people you suggest are awful and animalistic.


Maybe, just MAYBE the pendulum swings both ways in this world and maybe, just maybe *and follow along here* your statements are no different than those of people you rail against at times.


If you don't like me pointing this out, fine.  Doesn't mean I don't like or respect you.  Just means I will speak bluntly and honestly to you.  Before you start in on me.  I know how awful I can be as well and I am absolutely no better and am quite honestly a bit of a hypocrite myself.



We both have a tendency to attract mod attention when we get into it with each other.  Out of respect for the staff here, I'm ending it and hitting ignore.  Let's not go down that path again.

Edited by King Heffy
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9 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

We both have attendance to attract mod attention when we get into it with each other.  Out of respect for the staff here, I'm ending it and hitting ignore.  Let's not go down that path again.

Or why don't you just admit that he's right and you should stop calling everybody Nazis because it actually shows how misinformed you really are. Now back to Premier Smith. Imagine standing up for the middle class and low income Albertans and being called a Nazi for it. If you want to call somebody a racist maybe you should look at the Prime Minister because there's lots of proof there. 

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11 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

We both have attendance to attract mod attention when we get into it with each other.  Out of respect for the staff here, I'm ending it and hitting ignore.  Let's not go down that path again.

Fine, fair.  probably for the best.  I don't think my statement to you was out of line or that I was being disengenuous.  


Calling everyone on the right, centre right or even barely left leaning a nazi detracts from a very real and very significant point in time and group in world history that committed some of the most barbaric and atrocious acts of hatred against their fellow men based on a sense of genetic and national superiority.


I have significant issues with many on the social right for obvious reasons.  i also have issues with many on the overly left for the same reasons.


Maybe the ignore button is for the best, I'll do it to but just understand while I respect your opinion and your passion; I will also respect you enough to say things in a blunt and honest manner.  I would expect absolutely no less in regards to my behaviours as well.

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4 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Or why don't you just admit that he's right and you should stop calling everybody Nazis because it actually shows how misinformed you really are. Now back to Premier Smith. Imagine standing up for the middle class and low income Albertans and being called a Nazi for it. If you want to call somebody a racist maybe you should look at the Prime Minister because there's lots of proof there. 

Smith....is kind of awful dude.  Premiere or not she's made some awful calls and her past is rife with some incredibly off colour statements.


My main interest with her right now is her insistence on 50% of the CPP belonging to Alberta and her insistence on forcing CPP to give half of it up so she can have her mitts on it or give it to AIMCo 


Seems like an over reach and a very bad idea

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3 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Fine, fair.  probably for the best.  I don't think my statement to you was out of line or that I was being disengenuous.  


Calling everyone on the right, centre right or even barely left leaning a nazi detracts from a very real and very significant point in time and group in world history that committed some of the most barbaric and atrocious acts of hatred against their fellow men based on a sense of genetic and national superiority.


I have significant issues with many on the social right for obvious reasons.  i also have issues with many on the overly left for the same reasons.


Maybe the ignore button is for the best, I'll do it to but just understand while I respect your opinion and your passion; I will also respect you enough to say things in a blunt and honest manner.  I would expect absolutely no less in regards to my behaviours as well.

The issue with calling everybody a Nazi. It actually makes it seem as if the atrocities that a true Nazi committed aren't that bad. It's also what he's calling for from others and calling them out for he is doing himself so it it makes it really ridiculous from that point of view.

Just now, Warhippy said:

Smith....is kind of awful dude.  Premiere or not she's made some awful calls and her past is rife with some incredibly off colour statements.


My main interest with her right now is her insistence on 50% of the CPP belonging to Alberta and her insistence on forcing CPP to give half of it up so she can have her mitts on it or give it to AIMCo 


Seems like an over reach and a very bad idea

I mean, certainly! She's got some baggage in her break from politics. However, I would argue that many leaders do have tons of baggage. Just look at the Prime Minister or even the president of the United States hell if he had it his way. I guess every black person would be in jail for life. As for the awful calls, I'm not even sure what you mean by that? If we're going to look at when she said the unvaccinated for the most targeted people, the media blew that out of proportion she was asked what is the most discriminatory thing she has seen in her life? Maybe she hasn't actually seen racism first hand. But again, I don't know what you're referring to when you say some bad calls. As for the 53% that Alberta wants back that wasn't her that came up with that number. That was the group that they had look into it. I'm certainly not an economist or in that group and would be interested to know how they came to that number. I would suspect it's because we give a bigger portion of tax revenue but I don't know and I haven't looked into it enough. It's relatively new. I see there's lots of ads though.

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1 minute ago, Coconuts said:


If you perform a ritual you may get Forsberg back too, at least I think that was Forsbergthegreat I was talking to on CDC earlier.. 


Maybe it was someone else who'd mentioned him, I can't remember 

I'd love to see that guy back too.


Way to many good names gone on the old forum under the old house rules.  Turned in to an echo chamber.  Anyone with an opposing opinion was chased off, bowed out or was banned.


A forum is about discussion and that means hearing things you don't like from people who's opinions you don't agree with.  But that's how it works.


Much like our government.  One may not agree with the side they don't like.  Their actions.  Their beliefs or opinions, but they are still the people governing the nation and as such grudgingly a person has to wish them success in their positions because the alternative is abject failure for the entire nation.

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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

I'd love to see that guy back too.


Way to many good names gone on the old forum under the old house rules.  Turned in to an echo chamber.  Anyone with an opposing opinion was chased off, bowed out or was banned.


A forum is about discussion and that means hearing things you don't like from people who's opinions you don't agree with.  But that's how it works.


Much like our government.  One may not agree with the side they don't like.  Their actions.  Their beliefs or opinions, but they are still the people governing the nation and as such grudgingly a person has to wish them success in their positions because the alternative is abject failure for the entire nation.


I thought it was you, I told em to come on over 



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