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13 minutes ago, The Lock said:


Honest question. I'm legitimately curious about what's going through your head: What is preventing you from just saying "Hey, I made a mistake in thinking dear was gender specific." and then moving on to debate with people on other topics that matter more?


It is a self sense of pride that gets hit if you do? A desire to just keep the conversation going?


Remember, it's the strong minds that know and can admit when they've been defeated. It also tends to garner a ton of respect that you might not realise. 🙂

Context matters. First of all I never said it was gender specific. I said in the context that he used it was.


I have a problem when people purposely mis interpret what people are saying to try to "win" an argument 

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23 hours ago, Sharpshooter said:

Haven’t there already been ‘papers’ produced on this effect historically?

Yes but it's in the context of the modern times and how Maga and F Truduea movements success what's due to manipulation of people who from the start struggled with what was real vs their fears 


In many aspects the Maga F-Trudeau movement has been more successful then previous evangelical movements pre the dark ages. It has spread globally 


It's not just due to the internet and social media. By joining forces with all other tent groups in the extreme right and basically back mapping the blame onto wokeness they have create a political monster cappable of toppling governments and countries.


If one remember the freedom.convoy started out about truckers needing to be vaccinated or tested and within a short period become a national protest movement seeking to move Canada to a North Korean style dictatorship that will jail and execute leaders they don't like , outlaw political groups they don't support and present that anyone who doesn't support.them is dillusional.and shouldn't be allowed to vote for the protection of Canada ...

Is this was 500 years ago we would already be deep into the bloodiest wars In history.    The only thing keeping it kinda held back is the courts and laws.   Without them PP would have already led an overthrow 

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2 hours ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

Context matters. First of all I never said it was gender specific. I said in the context that he used it was.


I have a problem when people purposely mis interpret what people are saying to try to "win" an argument 


Here's the thing though, what if it's not purposely? What if you say some words and those just genuinely get misinterpreted? English (or communication) is not the easiest thing after all. I mean that. It's easy to try and understand what someone's saying and actually think they are saying something different.


For example, I did think you meant gender specific (and I honestly do question whether you've kind of changed that since you initially said what you said but I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here)


Word of advice: if someone misinterprets what you say and you meant something else, tell them straight up. Otherwise... it kind of looks like you just changed the context to suit your needs.

Edited by The Lock
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12 minutes ago, The Lock said:


Here's the thing though, what if it's not purposely? What if you say some words and those just genuinely get misinterpreted? English (or communication) is not the easiest thing after all. I mean that. It's easy to try and understand what someone's saying and actually think they are saying something different.


For example, I did think you meant gender specific (and I honestly do question whether you've kind of changed that since you initially said what you said but I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here)


Word of advice: if someone misinterprets what you say and you meant something else, tell them straight up. Otherwise... it kind of looks like you just changed the context to suit your needs.

Again. The context is important. When the word is used in the context of "of course you are dear" is quite clearly meant to imply I'm a woman or acting like a woman. Hence why I asked why my gender was being assumed. Of course I was being sarcastic though with my original comment and this had dragged on far too long

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12 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

Again. The context is important. When the word is used in the context of "of course you are dear" is quite clearly meant to imply I'm a woman or acting like a woman. Hence why I asked why my gender was being assumed. Of course I was being sarcastic though with my original comment and this had dragged on far too long


God damn, I'm glad he didn't call you "honey" we might be here all week.

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Whe did we go from 


Sticks and stones

will break your bones

But names will never 

hurt you!




You can not call me anything

Because I , identify as something different?

And your word offended me!

Actually it destroyed my world

and I am going to sue you!

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2 minutes ago, JIAHN said:

Whe did we go from 


Sticks and stones

will break your bones

But names will never 

hurt you!




You can not call me anything

Because I , identify as something different?

And your word offended me!

Actually it destroyed my world

and I am going to sue you!



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41 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

Again. The context is important. When the word is used in the context of "of course you are dear" is quite clearly meant to imply I'm a woman or acting like a woman. Hence why I asked why my gender was being assumed. Of course I was being sarcastic though with my original comment and this had dragged on far too long

I believe it was more along the lines of "bless your heart". You just couldn't resist the urge to take a shot at gender identity as the right is wont to do these days. 

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1 hour ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

I believe it was more along the lines of "bless your heart". You just couldn't resist the urge to take a shot at gender identity as the right is wont to do these days. 

If you think I care about any bodies gender identity, you couldn't be further from the truth. I couldn't care less what people identify as

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2 hours ago, Bob Long said:




Oh, man, I think it was long before that....2016 isn't even early enough.....


Blame it on our parents..............


Just remember, for every action, there is a equal and opposite reaction


We went Liberal in our thinking, and this is now the yang

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3 hours ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

Again. The context is important. When the word is used in the context of "of course you are dear" is quite clearly meant to imply I'm a woman or acting like a woman. Hence why I asked why my gender was being assumed. Of course I was being sarcastic though with my original comment and this had dragged on far too long

That's nice dear

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5 minutes ago, JIAHN said:


Oh, man, I think it was long before that....2016 isn't even early enough.....


Blame it on our parents..............


Just remember, for every action, there is a equal and opposite reaction


We went Liberal in our thinking, and this is now the yang

Basic human decency and respect is all people want. That's what I've always believed was a major part of the foundation of what it meant to be Canadian. My parents taught me that. 

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42 minutes ago, JIAHN said:


Oh, man, I think it was long before that....2016 isn't even early enough.....


Blame it on our parents..............


Just remember, for every action, there is a equal and opposite reaction


We went Liberal in our thinking, and this is now the yang


Nah, at some point you can't blame the parents. I mean the cons have been blaming PET since the 60s.

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Data Dump time!


CONS lead LIBS by 12 percent nationally. Now down 8 full points from Peak Poilievre. 


Federal Ballot: In terms of Cons VS the Liberals with NDP support we are looking at the governing group at 46.4% and Cons at 40.8%
CON: 40.8%
LIB: 28.5%
NDP: 17.9%
GRN: 3.9%
PPC: 1.9%


Qualities of a good Prime Minister: (first time in six months Pierre Poilievre has not been in the lead on this metric, also the tightest I have ever seen it among the three top leaders)
44.0% of Canadians think Jagmeet Singh has the qualities of a good political leader. 

43.4% of Canadians think Justin Trudeau has the qualities of a good political leader.

42.2% of Canadians think Pierre Poilievre has the qualities of a good political leader.

32.8% of Canadians think Elizabeth May has the qualities of a good political leader.

12.8% of Canadians think Maxim Bernier has the qualities of a good political leader.


Accessible Voters: Pierre Poilievre has seemingly capped his potential voter base with most people who are willing to consider CONS already supporting them.

45.2% would consider voting Conservative (40.8 current voter intentions leaves 4.4% room to grow)

42.8% would consider voting Liberal (28.5% current voter intentions leaves 14.3% room to grow)

38.0% would consider voting NDP  (17.9% current voter intentions leaves 20.1% room to grow)

24.6% would consider voting GRN (3.9% current voter intentions leaves 20.7% room to grow)

9.0% would consider voting PPC (1.9% current voter intentions leaves 7.1% room to grow)



Canadians Age 60+: No secret that the most prominent voting block in Canada are Seniors 60+, dwindling down to the 18-29 bracket being least likely to actually vote. I use this trendline as an indicator of 'real' voter turnout if an election was held today. (Historically this bears out, but the glaring issue is that in any given election a youth vote wave 'could' occur with the proper impetus and the 'right' issue to drive out the vote. However, for me, this is still shorthand for actual voter turnout consensus)

CON: 36.82%

LIB: 35.60%
NDP: 12.42%
GRN: 2.63%
PPC: 1.40%


Quebec Only: (78 seats total in the next election) I have left the BLOC out of the national polling above as their quebec only presense is watered down in national polls. So only fair to include QC in its own trendline:
LIB: 29.80%
BLOC: 28.14%
CON: 22.23%
NDP: 12.46%

GRN: 5.60%
PPC: 1.33%

Ontario: (122 seats total in the next election) *Battleground Ontario we are calling it internally now... this will decide who is the PM. CONS lead LIBS by 8.34%

CON: 41.33%

LIB: 32.99%

NDP: 19.31%

GRN: 4.06%

PPC: 1.94%


Atlantic Region: (32 seats total in the next election)

LIB: 46.65%
CON: 30.15%
NDP: 20.73%

PPC: 2.47%

GRN: 0.01%


Prairie Region: (65 seats total in the next election) The Undisputed Mothership of the Modern Canadian Conservative Movement. My charts go back to 2015 and show CON:58, LIB:19, NDP:14, GRN:5 back then. Nothing has changed, really in a decade. 

CON: 58.17

LIB: 18.85%
NDP: 18.55%

PPC: 2.28%

GRN: 1.54%


BC Region: (43 seats total in the next election) The nations most volatile voter group. BC's first elected Premier changed his name to Amor De Cosmos after winning but before taking office. It has been a WILD RIDE out here ever since, politically. Just since January 2023 the NDP, the LIBS and the CONS have all had turns at taking a substantial lead in BC. CONS have held it since October 2023, which has been now 8 months. The longest time one party held lead consecutively was the LIBs from Oct 2015 to June 2017. This CON stretch is 2nd to that one overall in the history I have available.

CON: 52.17%

NDP: 21.19%

LIB: 18.51%
GRN: 6.45%

PPC: 1.68%


Between the Sexes:

More women would vote Liberal than Conservative. (Liberal support grew by 7 points since February to a slim lead over the Conservatives today)

More men would vote Conservative than Liberal. (54% lean CON in May, now 49%. Meanwhile 17% lean LIB in May now 24%, a wide lead by the Conservatives today)

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57 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

Data Dump time!


CONS lead LIBS by 12 percent nationally. Now down 8 full points from Peak Poilievre. 


Federal Ballot: In terms of Cons VS the Liberals with NDP support we are looking at the governing group at 46.4% and Cons at 40.8%
CON: 40.8%
LIB: 28.5%
NDP: 17.9%
GRN: 3.9%
PPC: 1.9%


Qualities of a good Prime Minister: (first time in six months Pierre Poilievre has not been in the lead on this metric, also the tightest I have ever seen it among the three top leaders)
44.0% of Canadians think Jagmeet Singh has the qualities of a good political leader. 

43.4% of Canadians think Justin Trudeau has the qualities of a good political leader.

42.2% of Canadians think Pierre Poilievre has the qualities of a good political leader.

32.8% of Canadians think Elizabeth May has the qualities of a good political leader.

12.8% of Canadians think Maxim Bernier has the qualities of a good political leader.


Accessible Voters: Pierre Poilievre has seemingly capped his potential voter base with most people who are willing to consider CONS already supporting them.

45.2% would consider voting Conservative (40.8 current voter intentions leaves 4.4% room to grow)

42.8% would consider voting Liberal (28.5% current voter intentions leaves 14.3% room to grow)

38.0% would consider voting NDP  (17.9% current voter intentions leaves 20.1% room to grow)

24.6% would consider voting GRN (3.9% current voter intentions leaves 20.7% room to grow)

9.0% would consider voting PPC (1.9% current voter intentions leaves 7.1% room to grow)



Canadians Age 60+: No secret that the most prominent voting block in Canada are Seniors 60+, dwindling down to the 18-29 bracket being least likely to actually vote. I use this trendline as an indicator of 'real' voter turnout if an election was held today. (Historically this bears out, but the glaring issue is that in any given election a youth vote wave 'could' occur with the proper impetus and the 'right' issue to drive out the vote. However, for me, this is still shorthand for actual voter turnout consensus)

CON: 36.82%

LIB: 35.60%
NDP: 12.42%
GRN: 2.63%
PPC: 1.40%


Quebec Only: (78 seats total in the next election) I have left the BLOC out of the national polling above as their quebec only presense is watered down in national polls. So only fair to include QC in its own trendline:
LIB: 29.80%
BLOC: 28.14%
CON: 22.23%
NDP: 12.46%

GRN: 5.60%
PPC: 1.33%

Ontario: (122 seats total in the next election) *Battleground Ontario we are calling it internally now... this will decide who is the PM. CONS lead LIBS by 8.34%

CON: 41.33%

LIB: 32.99%

NDP: 19.31%

GRN: 4.06%

PPC: 1.94%


Atlantic Region: (32 seats total in the next election)

LIB: 46.65%
CON: 30.15%
NDP: 20.73%

PPC: 2.47%

GRN: 0.01%


Prairie Region: (65 seats total in the next election) The Undisputed Mothership of the Modern Canadian Conservative Movement. My charts go back to 2015 and show CON:58, LIB:19, NDP:14, GRN:5 back then. Nothing has changed, really in a decade. 

CON: 58.17

LIB: 18.85%
NDP: 18.55%

PPC: 2.28%

GRN: 1.54%


BC Region: (43 seats total in the next election) The nations most volatile voter group. BC's first elected Premier changed his name to Amor De Cosmos after winning but before taking office. It has been a WILD RIDE out here ever since, politically. Just since January 2023 the NDP, the LIBS and the CONS have all had turns at taking a substantial lead in BC. CONS have held it since October 2023, which has been now 8 months. The longest time one party held lead consecutively was the LIBs from Oct 2015 to June 2017. This CON stretch is 2nd to that one overall in the history I have available.

CON: 52.17%

NDP: 21.19%

LIB: 18.51%
GRN: 6.45%

PPC: 1.68%


Between the Sexes:

More women would vote Liberal than Conservative. (Liberal support grew by 7 points since February to a slim lead over the Conservatives today)

More men would vote Conservative than Liberal. (54% lean CON in May, now 49%. Meanwhile 17% lean LIB in May now 24%, a wide lead by the Conservatives today)

Just what this country needs to get back on track, another coalition government...........

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1 minute ago, Bure_Pavel said:

Just what this country needs to get back on track, another coalition government...........

No one wants a majority.  CONs don't want an JT majority obviously.  The majority of voters don't want a CON majority (poll above Lib + NDP + Green = 50.3%)

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17 minutes ago, Bure_Pavel said:

Just what this country needs to get back on track, another coalition government...........

Minority governments having to work together gives more Canadians a voice regarding how the country is run.  That's a good thing.

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13 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

No one wants a majority.  CONs don't want an JT majority obviously.  The majority of voters don't want a CON majority (poll above Lib + NDP + Green = 50.3%)

So a majority of the people would be represented in this instance?


Sounds democratic and fair to me

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40 minutes ago, Bure_Pavel said:

Just what this country needs to get back on track, another coalition government...........

I think the variable in this equation is what one considers 'on track'. I think this country is on track, so 'back to' where we currently are sounds ridiculous. 


Now if someone might mean back to women knowing their place and having more restrictive rights, or back to when gay marriage was illegal (Remember that fun time Pierre Poilievre voted against gay marriage?) or back to before marijuana was legal, or back when there were 144 long term drinking water advisories on First Nations reserves in Canada in 2014? Or back when ...i could do this all day..


No surprise, reading my own words here I am reminded of the Preston Manning REFORM tent touring out west being met with protestors chanting "Racist Sexist Anti-Gay: Preston Manning there is no way!"

funny how the right wing can't seem to accept their core values are out of sync with the majority of Canadians, and can't really hide their core values overall, so they just stop talking about them and start saying Canada Is Broken. The 'broken' bits are called progress and are a feature not a bug. 

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