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14 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

It's just so easy to look this kind of stuff up.  I already knew this though and I would imagine PP did too.  I also imagine he knew most of his base would not.


The renaming of the German Worker's Party (DAP) to the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) was partially driven by a desire to draw upon both left-wing and right-wing ideals, with "Socialist" and "Workers'" appealing to the left, and "National" and "German" appealing to the right.

Exactly, nothing socialist about them. It was purely to attract the vote of those that lean left, and to confuse those that currently lean right and are completely ignorant of history. Worked prerry good apparently.

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4 minutes ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

Exactly, nothing socialist about them. It was purely to attract the vote of those that lean left, and to confuse those that currently lean right and are completely ignorant of history. Worked prerry good apparently.

See BC Liberal party for a local example of a mislabeled party (to clarify, I am not calling them Nazis, I am stating they were not liberals.)

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13 minutes ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

Exactly, nothing socialist about them. It was purely to attract the vote of those that lean left, and to confuse those that currently lean right and are completely ignorant of history. Worked prerry good apparently.

They could definitely be considered socialist, which is essential the opposite of capitalism. They did have elements of both socialism and capitalism, the word I would use is authoritarianism. Examples of socialist governments today would be:


Socialist Countries




-North Korea



A political system in which the state has substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs.

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3 minutes ago, Bure_Pavel said:

They could definitely be considered socialist, which is essential the opposite of capitalism. They did have elements of both socialism and capitalism, the word I would use is authoritarianism. Examples of socialist governments today would be:


Socialist Countries




-North Korea



A political system in which the state has substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs.

I think your main goal with that post is to defend PP.   I don't think you will be able to defend the argument you just made for very long though in regards to why the Nazi party name had the word 'socialist' in it.   


PP made a dumb comment.  He's not expected to know everything but he is expected to surround himself with people who do (or at least know a lot of things).  Somebody dropped the ball.

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15 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

I think your main goal with that post is to defend PP.   I don't think you will be able to defend the argument you just made for very long though in regards to why the Nazi party name had the word 'socialist' in it.   


PP made a dumb comment.  He's not expected to know everything but he is expected to surround himself with people who do (or at least know a lot of things).  Somebody dropped the ball.

It is a very dump comment from PP, people should not look to make comparisons between Canadians and the Nazi Party. The reason the Nazi party has the socialist name in is was it was there before they took over the party. The Nazi's hated many aspects of socialism but they also adopted many socialist aspects due to their lust for control. To say they were no way socialists would be inaccurate in my opinion, and socialism is not always a good thing for example China is a lot more socialist than in US. 

Edited by Bure_Pavel
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2 minutes ago, Bure_Pavel said:

It is a very dump comment from PP, people should not look to make comparisons between current Canadian parties and the Nazi Party. The reason the Nazi party has the socialist in is was it was there before they took over the party. The Nazi's hated many aspects of socialism but they also adopted many socialist aspects due to their lust for control. To say they were no way socialists would be inaccurate in my opinion, and socialism is not always a good thing for example China is a lot more socialist than in US. 

I agree with much of what you say but (because I'm just so damn nerdy) I have to say that 'The reason the Nazi party has the socialist in it was it was there before they took over the party' is not correct.  The party was re-named in 1920.  Hitler was already involved at that time and led the party after 1921. They took power in Germany in 1933.

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Just now, Bob Long said:

Uh oh, looks like Skippy has something to hide:


Singh said Poilievre doesn't want to read a report that contains "serious allegations touching his party."

"To me, that disqualifies him as a leader, and I do not buy his phoney excuses," he said. 






Interesting, although we do have people in this very thread who equate "don't read" with "can't read".  Maybe some remedial education is needed so Poilivre can acquire basic literacy skills.

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22 minutes ago, Bob Long said:



"woke left" - but tell me more about how Skippy doesn't borrow his shtick from the US right wing.




Exactly what I thought when I saw that.


A few of the Righties ITT have egg on their faces.....

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1 minute ago, Bob Long said:

Uh oh, looks like Skippy has something to hide:


Singh said Poilievre doesn't want to read a report that contains "serious allegations touching his party."

"To me, that disqualifies him as a leader, and I do not buy his phoney excuses," he said. 







I can't remember if I read the assertion here or if it was from some other source, but it totally wouldn't surprise me if it's not that he didn't want security clearance, but rather it's that he can't get security clearance - for example, in the possibility that he was one of the individuals identified by CSIS as compromised/aiding foreign state actors against the interests of Canada.  If that were the case, that would be quite the rude awakening for his party and acolytes, as well as anathema to the brand of "patriotism" he's been trying to claim his party represents.

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8 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

Interesting, although we do have people in this very thread who equate "don't read" with "can't read".  Maybe some remedial education is needed so Poilivre can acquire basic literacy skills.


Not only that, but we have one who doesn't know that "lacking" and "not having" mean the same thing, so you may be onto something....

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4 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

Tom Mulcair explains why PP won't read report. 




thanks Ricky thats the funniest shit I've seen in a long time. So you are fine with Mulcair coming up with a weasel reason to not read it? 


"I wouldn't want to be hamstrung" is pathetic. Your party is under attack and you want to save yourself for the media talking point?



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26 minutes ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:


I can't remember if I read the assertion here or if it was from some other source, but it totally wouldn't surprise me if it's not that he didn't want security clearance, but rather it's that he can't get security clearance - for example, in the possibility that he was one of the individuals identified by CSIS as compromised/aiding foreign state actors against the interests of Canada.  If that were the case, that would be quite the rude awakening for his party and acolytes, as well as anathema to the brand of "patriotism" he's been trying to claim his party represents.


its 100% the reason, Jag alluded to it. 


Skippy's leadership run was likely compromised by China. Kind of blows his whole "China loves Justin" rant.


It's so pathetic, his party, AND his country, is under attack and he wants to hide from it. He's not a real leader. 

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9 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

Tom Mulcair explains why PP won't read report. 




Also from Tom Mulcair -


Leadership matters

As Ottawa replaced its police chief, families were still suffering because a few hundred malcontents had decided they’d occupy Ottawa until the government was replaced.

What did Poilievre do to help put an end to the drama? Far from being opposed to those involved in that illegal occupation, he brought them donuts and encouragement. That’s the same Poilievre who talks about the importance of respecting the rule of law.

Instead of showing leadership, Poilievre surfed on a populist protest wave that led to police being put in danger at a border crossing in Alberta and the closing of the crucial Ambassador Bridge in Ontario.

That’s the Pierre Poilievre we should all be concerned about: someone who will say or do anything if he calculates that it can suit his partisan and personal interests, then scurry away when it turns against him.

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Just now, Ricky Ravioli said:

Hypocrisy Hypocrite GIF by Lagoona Bloo




You should learn a few more words, Ricky. This one is getting stale.....and it doesn't even apply, since I understand the English language quite well.


Get thee to a dictionary....

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5 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


thanks Ricky thats the funniest shit I've seen in a long time. So you are fine with Mulcair coming up with a weasel reason to not read it? 


"I wouldn't want to be hamstrung" is pathetic. Your party is under attack and you want to save yourself for the media talking point?



His reasoning makes perfect sense. It's whether you agree with it or not. 


The entirety of Canadian democracy is under attack. This isn't a single party issue.

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1 hour ago, Bure_Pavel said:

They could definitely be considered socialist, which is essential the opposite of capitalism. They did have elements of both socialism and capitalism, the word I would use is authoritarianism. Examples of socialist governments today would be:


Socialist Countries




-North Korea



A political system in which the state has substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs.

Absolutely not. Hitler had to appeal to the socialists initially but he also needed the wealthy industrialists who were staunchly against socialism. I think you may be confusing fascism with socialism. Many communist/socialist countries had to resort to authoritarianism to maintain control but let's not confuse that with socialism. There's a new documentary on Netflix regarding this if you're interested, although Nazis at Nuremberg: The Lost Testimony is far more comprehensive and intriguing if you can find it. 

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Just now, Ricky Ravioli said:

His reasoning makes perfect sense. It's whether you agree with it or not. 


The entirety of Canadian democracy is under attack. This isn't a single party issue.


lots of things make sense that aren't the best decision. He's looking out for himself first. You can't deny that. 


He's choosing to not know the details of once of the more important files to come along in years, and you love him for it 😆

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1 minute ago, RupertKBD said:




You should learn a few more words, Ricky. This one is getting stale.....and it doesn't even apply, since I understand the English language quite well.


Get thee to a dictionary....

You can ignore me at any point. You could have dropped the issue, but alas you continue to be a hypocrite 

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1 minute ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

You can ignore me at any point. You could have dropped the issue, but alas you continue to be a hypocrite 


Oh believe me....I have no issue ignoring you....


I just think it's funny that you continue to use words you don't understand.....:classic_laugh:

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