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8 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

What does clam mean?

And whatever it means, I take it you're trying to insult me for suggesting you look beyond your biases. On PP and this issue of the election interference report.

As an example, are you aware of who Tom Muclair is? I hope so. He was the leader of the NDP. Perhaps to read what he said about PP decision not to read the report and why. I am sure your echo chamber of Pravda "journalism" isn't telling you about that.




Do you ever concern yourself with all the Liberal scandals with our tax dollars?




The news today that the Carbon Tax will cost Canada 20-30bn annually in GDP, working out to 2k per household, despite the liberal claim 80% of people make money from a tax! LOL (tell me you don't understand economics without telling me hahah)...and that Guibault hid this from the Canadian public despite telling people the make more money than they pay in tax? Lol, anyone who pays a gas bill, and understands how inflation works knew that was a lie day one. Oh and taxing canadians doesn't change global temperatures. Moreover c02 is pumped into greenhouses, because, its plant food.


That the Auditor General has announced that Directors at Trudeau's Green Slush Fund broke the law by funneling taxpayer money to companies they own. The AG and the government are sending files to the RCMP. Over $300M paid to Directors in conflict.


The 1bn missing from Melanie Jolie's infrastructure fund?


How come none of these issues matter to liberals and the media and "Democracy"


I bet you aren't even aware of most or don't care, because you don't care about truth, its clear. You're Partisan and try to insult me with some weird name when shown the truth


By the way, you can go look all of these up, all are facts.


I vote with my brain, and the Liberals are corrupt crooks, Jagmeet props them up, and dislike PP all you want, it won't change the reality of the damage the liberals have done to this country financially, socially, and its time for a change.


Sure "missing" billions. Put down the bong Clam. 

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4 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


Sure "missing" billions. Put down the bong Clam. 


An informed electorate is key to democracy. I am no longer going to respond to your nonsense, its clear you are low information. I know the truth will hurt


Good luck! Keep voting Trudeau and ruining your future! Are you aware budgets balance themselves? Also, that he's spent more money that all the previous PM's in history (Fact) and keeps spending? So what's he going to do? Print more and or tax us to death. Either way, if you're younger than me (50's) I wish you well. My retirement is set. Yours won't be if you're young.



Edited by ArmchairGM22
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17 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:


An informed electorate is key to democracy. I am no longer going to respond to your nonsense, its clear you are low information. I know the truth will hurt


Good luck! Keep voting Trudeau and ruining your future! Are you aware budgets balance themselves? Also, that he's spent more money that all the previous PM's in history (Fact) and keeps spending? So what's he going to do? Print more and or tax us to death. Either way, if you're younger than me (50's) I wish you well. My retirement is set. Yours won't be if you're young.




I Love You GIF

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37 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

What does clam mean?

And whatever it means, I take it you're trying to insult me for suggesting you look beyond your biases. On PP and this issue of the election interference report.

As an example, are you aware of who Tom Muclair is? I hope so. He was the leader of the NDP. Perhaps to read what he said about PP decision not to read the report and why. I am sure your echo chamber of Pravda "journalism" isn't telling you about that.




Do you ever concern yourself with all the Liberal scandals with our tax dollars?




The news today that the Carbon Tax will cost Canada 20-30bn annually in GDP, working out to 2k per household, despite the liberal claim 80% of people make money from a tax! LOL (tell me you don't understand economics without telling me hahah)...and that Guibault hid this from the Canadian public despite telling people the make more money than they pay in tax? Lol, anyone who pays a gas bill, and understands how inflation works knew that was a lie day one. Oh and taxing canadians doesn't change global temperatures. Moreover c02 is pumped into greenhouses, because, its plant food.


That the Auditor General has announced that Directors at Trudeau's Green Slush Fund broke the law by funneling taxpayer money to companies they own. The AG and the government are sending files to the RCMP. Over $300M paid to Directors in conflict.


The 1bn missing from Melanie Jolie's infrastructure fund?


How come none of these issues matter to liberals and the media and "Democracy"


I bet you aren't even aware of most or don't care, because you don't care about truth, its clear. You're Partisan and try to insult me with some weird name when shown the truth


By the way, you can go look all of these up, all are facts.


I vote with my brain, and the Liberals are corrupt crooks, Jagmeet props them up, and dislike PP all you want, it won't change the reality of the damage the liberals have done to this country financially, socially, and its time for a change.




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1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:

She then went on to say there were people involved. She literally contradicted herself.


I only saw the clip posted.

Didn't she make it clear in that to say 'no list of sitting MP's' but talked of a former one, Then went on to say that person should be prosecuted?
Maybe I missed something...


Can you post the contradiction you speak of? 

Edited by bishopshodan
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1 hour ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

Jagmeet props them up


While doing that he got quite a few things done.


Not a bad play for a party that never gets to hold power. 

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21 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


While doing that he got quite a few things done.


Not a bad play for a party that never gets to hold power. 

I’m guessing a lot of people responding haven’t paid income taxes yet in their lives or at least don’t pay for their food and housing yet.


These politicians are teasing you with little trinkets paid for with your own money, meanwhile destroying Canada’s future with uncontrolled spending and stealing from all of us.

but but but look I got a rebate! Lol

Edited by ArmchairGM22
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55 minutes ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

2 days ago you guys were all up in arms because the Liberals all voted to not release the names in the report, but now we should take our time and let the investigation take its course? Anyone else getting dizzy?


Now it's all about defending PP 

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15 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

I’m guessing a lot of people responding haven’t paid income taxes yet in their lives or at least don’t pay for their food and housing yet.


These politicians are teasing you with little trinkets paid for with your own money, meanwhile destroying Canada’s future with uncontrolled spending and stealing from all of us.

but but but look I got a rebate! Lol


Thats nice and all

but it doesn't really apply to the point I was making.


Jag got stuff done.


I get the sense, maybe just a hunch, that you dont agree, or perhaps you might down right disapprove, of the things that the 'man of the people' was able to get done.


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1 minute ago, bishopshodan said:


Thats nice and all

but it doesn't really apply to the point I was making.


Jag got stuff done.


I get the sense, maybe just a hunch, that you dont agree, or perhaps you might down right disapprove, of the things that the 'man of the people' was able to get done.


I’m concerned about govt spending after the PM has spent more in his time in office than all other PM’s combined


 because I understand basic economics and the implications of it long term 

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28 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

I’m concerned about govt spending after the PM has spent more in his time in office than all other PM’s combined


 because I understand basic economics and the implications of it long term 

Seriously. Just stop please. 

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2 hours ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

What does clam mean?

And whatever it means, I take it you're trying to insult me for suggesting you look beyond your biases. On PP and this issue of the election interference report.

As an example, are you aware of who Tom Muclair is? I hope so. He was the leader of the NDP. Perhaps to read what he said about PP decision not to read the report and why. I am sure your echo chamber of Pravda "journalism" isn't telling you about that.




Do you ever concern yourself with all the Liberal scandals with our tax dollars?




The news today that the Carbon Tax will cost Canada 20-30bn annually in GDP, working out to 2k per household, despite the liberal claim 80% of people make money from a tax! LOL (tell me you don't understand economics without telling me hahah)...and that Guibault hid this from the Canadian public despite telling people the make more money than they pay in tax? Lol, anyone who pays a gas bill, and understands how inflation works knew that was a lie day one. Oh and taxing canadians doesn't change global temperatures. Moreover c02 is pumped into greenhouses, because, its plant food.


That the Auditor General has announced that Directors at Trudeau's Green Slush Fund broke the law by funneling taxpayer money to companies they own. The AG and the government are sending files to the RCMP. Over $300M paid to Directors in conflict.


The 1bn missing from Melanie Jolie's infrastructure fund?


How come none of these issues matter to liberals and the media and "Democracy"


I bet you aren't even aware of most or don't care, because you don't care about truth, its clear. You're Partisan and try to insult me with some weird name when shown the truth


By the way, you can go look all of these up, all are facts.


I vote with my brain, and the Liberals are corrupt crooks, Jagmeet props them up, and dislike PP all you want, it won't change the reality of the damage the liberals have done to this country financially, socially, and its time for a change.

Oh fuck here we go again

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44 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

I’m concerned about govt spending after the PM has spent more in his time in office than all other PM’s combined


 because I understand basic economics and the implications of it long term 

But hey prop up a guy who has spent over 2 decades in office and is magically worth over $25 million while never having held a job.


Because you understand basic economics and the implications of what this means long term.



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3 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

But hey prop up a guy who has spent over 2 decades in office and is magically worth over $25 million while never having held a job.


Because you understand basic economics and the implications of what this means long term.



Show me where you sourced his net worth 




deflection from the material issues of the liberal govt is not going to change them


Wish you the best. I’m moving out of Canada this year and taking my significant net worth with me 


go take a course in economics and learn where this country is headed 


or simply use your brain. Does it make sense to keep spending when you’re broke and all your loans and credit cards  are maxed out?


It all ends the same way. 

good luck to you all. I’ll enjoy my better life out of Canada 

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2 hours ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

What does clam mean?

And whatever it means, I take it you're trying to insult me for suggesting you look beyond your biases. On PP and this issue of the election interference report.

As an example, are you aware of who Tom Muclair is? I hope so. He was the leader of the NDP. Perhaps to read what he said about PP decision not to read the report and why. I am sure your echo chamber of Pravda "journalism" isn't telling you about that.


Oh good....the Polic-Sci perfesser is here to tell all us plebs who Tom Mulcair is....:classic_laugh:


Do Erin O'Toole next!

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8 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

Show me where you sourced his net worth 




deflection from the material issues of the liberal govt is not going to change them


Wish you the best. I’m moving out of Canada this year and taking my significant net worth with me 


go take a course in economics and learn where this country is headed 


or simply use your brain. Does it make sense to keep spending when you’re broke and all your loans and credit cards  are maxed out?


It all ends the same way. 

good luck to you all. I’ll enjoy my better life out of Canada 

derrr i know econmix I know econn derr


I dont give a shit what you say you know.  Full stop there.  You're some schmo on the internet that has already parroted the same tired bullshit that has been explained a few dozen times so great.  You "get your info from other sources" like twitter awesome.  


Bottom line is Trudeau is on his way out.  EVERY SINGLE COMMENT about Pierre is valid because he WILL be the next PM and has a 20+ year voting record to look at and it's not pretty.  His net worth is a matter of public record because of his position.  Wanna know how I found it?  Looked it up.  Took like no time at all.  how is a man with no work experience and over 2 decades on the public tit worth double digit millions again?  


As well Mr "economics understanding" how much of our debt was being paid off or down under the former government?  Essential question as Pierre was a very high ranking member of that and ha presented zero new ideas so what suggests somehow he'll be different or better?


enjoy your life outside of canada, not living here but somehow knowing how everything works on the day to day while not actually being present in the place you're shitting on

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Just now, Warhippy said:

derrr i know econmix I know econn derr


I dont give a shit what you say you know.  Full stop there.  You're some schmo on the internet that has already parroted the same tired bullshit that has been explained a few dozen times so great.  You "get your info from other sources" like twitter awesome.  


Bottom line is Trudeau is on his way out.  EVERY SINGLE COMMENT about Pierre is valid because he WILL be the next PM and has a 20+ year voting record to look at and it's not pretty.  His net worth is a matter of public record because of his position.  Wanna know how I found it?  Looked it up.  Took like no time at all.  how is a man with no work experience and over 2 decades on the public tit worth double digit millions again?  


As well Mr "economics understanding" how much of our debt was being paid off or down under the former government?  Essential question as Pierre was a very high ranking member of that and ha presented zero new ideas so what suggests somehow he'll be different or better?


enjoy your life outside of canada, not living here but somehow knowing how everything works on the day to day while not actually being present in the place you're shitting on

Trudeau has spent more than all PM’s in history combined 


I wish you well in learning what’s it’s going to do to this country in the future 

Edited by ArmchairGM22
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2 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

Trudeau has spent more than all PM’s in history combined 


I wish you well in learning what’s it’s going to do to this country in the future 

All PMs combined?


Cool story bro


Say, who was in charge of spending through covid?  March 2020 through August 2022?  


Who has been in charge in government since 2019?


No no, poli sci guy.  Educate us

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8 minutes ago, 4petesake said:


You still here in this festering hell-hole?

Yes, exiting now. People get upset at the economic realities and seem to think govts can keep spending their way out of it when broke. And somehow that wont make things worse 


I think economics should be taught in high school 

Edited by ArmchairGM22
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Just now, ArmchairGM22 said:

Yes, exiting now. People get upset at the economic realities and seem to think govts and keep spending their way out of it when broke. And somehow that wont make things worse 


I think economics should be taught in high school 

Isn't that ideological training though?


Something that the new government will not allow

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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

All PMs combined?


Cool story bro


Say, who was in charge of spending through covid?  March 2020 through August 2022?  


Who has been in charge in government since 2019?


No no, poli sci guy.  Educate us

Yes all PM’s combined you’re welcome to use google to learn 




the reckless spending has continued well past Covid so sorry it’s not the win you think it is


You’re continuing to show you’re uneducated on facts, go learn some before you debate people. 

It’s pointless for me to discuss when you’re not aware of facts


enjoy the destruction of Canada you’re cheering 

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1 minute ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

Yes all PM’s combined you’re welcome to use google to learn 




the reckless spending has continued well past Covid so sorry it’s not the win you think it is


You’re continuing to show you’re uneducated on facts, go learn some before you debate people. 

It’s pointless for me to discuss when you’re not aware of facts


enjoy the destruction of Canada you’re cheering 


Ah yes...electing Pierre Pollievre is the only way to avoid the "destruction" of the country....:classic_rolleyes:


I guess they should teach that in high school as well? :picard:

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