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5 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

You don’t seem to know much yet have so many opinions 





So yet again, you don't have an actual answer or response.  But at the same time "nobody else knows how to debate"



4 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

You do realize if he has access to the info he is bound by confidentiality and therefore cannot raise questions on it right?




good god just shut up now 

Yet again, nothing Lilley said was fact no matter how loudly you proclaim otherwise.  As Pierre has not taking any steps towards security clearance he is not bound by anything of the sort.  Should he do so he would be bound by the SAME laws as everyone else meaning that at no point in time would he be able to engage in conversation like this in the manner he has.  Which does not mean he would be a target any more than May or Singh currently are for having read this.


As well, you don't have the right to tell me to shut up when you're the only person here unwilling and unable to discuss things like an adult or debate things like an intelligent or educated individual should be able to.  At this juncture it is quite obvious you are so wildly out of your depth that your responses track along the same flight responses as most wounded or scared animals.  A show of posturing followed by loud noises followed by the inevitable scurrying back to your burrow for safety.


Until such time as you can discuss or debate things in a civilized and adult manner you deserve no respect from myself let alone any rest or respite from being held to task and being asked to answer to your statements.


Your inability to address my question about the strength of a nations dollar and my summary response about why tying our economy to bitcoin is stupid on the most juvenile and fundamental economic levels proves that


Good day

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1 hour ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

Conservatives are going to have to start with very hard cuts to govt bloat and likely a lot of services. We can’t support our debt so while increasing productivity and revenue without new taxes is key, so is reducing future debt payments.

As I said at the beginning, we can’t keep spending money we don’t have and borrowing / printing / taxing more to keep up. 

I certainly understand the idea of reduced government spending and spending smarter. Much of what will come will not be by choice. The inability to fund government expenditure is real. The federal government budget is so big now that it does impact the economy in a major way. If the budget is flatlined it will likely cause a bigger recession than what we are experiencing now. That means falling incomes for all facets of the economy, all those who work in the economy and falling revenue for the governments that tax those incomes. Recession and deflation.


When you look at the Canadian economy which sector has the biggest opportunity for growth at a profit level that can be taxed? Is it the EV market? It does not appear so. Our federal government has put 10's of billions of $ into the industry when major car manufacturers are pulling back. I consider this as the higher end of risk capital. IMHO that flexibility is gone for now. IMHO any money invested in Canada today has to have a payback in real terms. The term for such paybacks has been shortened. 


The energy industry in Canada is the only possibility for enormous scale of invested capital. Much of that capital would be privately sourced, much of it from international sources. Yes, it would increase government tax revenue but it would also strengthen the Canadian $ which would cheapen imports. That means cheaper food products from the USA for consumers. This idea does not work over the longer term without a clear industrial strategy that favors Canada. The USA does not want that. Canada has to deal from economic strength not weakness which is where we sit today. 

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8 minutes ago, Bure_Pavel said:

Yeah I totally agree, but that is PP's whole thing I dont think he will stop any time soon. Right now is a bunch of finger pointing but likely all parties affected.   

As a small C conservative or "moderate" his actions are doing nothing more than driving my interest away form his party more than they already were.


Posturing is not strength and neither is pretending that somehow he has some level of credibility for not seeking the clearance to read this report directly.


As more information slips out and indicates the bulk of the issue were or are along nominations and leadership races and we have one party very visible for having issues with leadership and nomination problems it is getting more apparent that Pierre is making these noises to deflect from what could potentially be egg on his own parties face in a time whee his party is starting to see some lost traction in the polls

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6 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

So yet again, you don't have an actual answer or response.  But at the same time "nobody else knows how to debate"



Yet again, nothing Lilley said was fact no matter how loudly you proclaim otherwise.  As Pierre has not taking any steps towards security clearance he is not bound by anything of the sort.  Should he do so he would be bound by the SAME laws as everyone else meaning that at no point in time would he be able to engage in conversation like this in the manner he has.  Which does not mean he would be a target any more than May or Singh currently are for having read this.


As well, you don't have the right to tell me to shut up when you're the only person here unwilling and unable to discuss things like an adult or debate things like an intelligent or educated individual should be able to.  At this juncture it is quite obvious you are so wildly out of your depth that your responses track along the same flight responses as most wounded or scared animals.  A show of posturing followed by loud noises followed by the inevitable scurrying back to your burrow for safety.


Until such time as you can discuss or debate things in a civilized and adult manner you deserve no respect from myself let alone any rest or respite from being held to task and being asked to answer to your statements.


Your inability to address my question about the strength of a nations dollar and my summary response about why tying our economy to bitcoin is stupid on the most juvenile and fundamental economic levels proves that


Good day

All you do is insult and you call me juvenile 


self awareness lacking 


go argue the stats I posted on the liberal spending 


you keep deflecting because you want to be right and know you can’t be


because the stats on the economy don’t lie

I really don’t get why you’re so worked up over what drives a dollar’s value or bitcoin


it really has nothing to do with Trudeau’s horrendous economic results 


Stay on topic! 

Edited by ArmchairGM22
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39 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:



Not like length of term, inflation, or a global pandemic could have anything to do with it, right?

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3 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

As a small C conservative or "moderate" his actions are doing nothing more than driving my interest away form his party more than they already were.


Posturing is not strength and neither is pretending that somehow he has some level of credibility for not seeking the clearance to read this report directly.


As more information slips out and indicates the bulk of the issue were or are along nominations and leadership races and we have one party very visible for having issues with leadership and nomination problems it is getting more apparent that Pierre is making these noises to deflect from what could potentially be egg on his own parties face in a time whee his party is starting to see some lost traction in the polls


Jag kinda let it slip.


It's pretty embarrassing when Mulcair has to bring credibility to PP.

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1 minute ago, -AJ- said:


Not like length of term, inflation, or a global pandemic could have anything to do with it, right?

Tell me you don’t understand inflation without telling me you don’t understand inflation 🤦 


oh and  his spending spree didn’t stop after covid

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19 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

As a small C conservative or "moderate" his actions are doing nothing more than driving my interest away form his party more than they already were.


Posturing is not strength and neither is pretending that somehow he has some level of credibility for not seeking the clearance to read this report directly.


As more information slips out and indicates the bulk of the issue were or are along nominations and leadership races and we have one party very visible for having issues with leadership and nomination problems it is getting more apparent that Pierre is making these noises to deflect from what could potentially be egg on his own parties face in a time whee his party is starting to see some lost traction in the polls

I think it was pretty clear PP was the guy who the conservative party wanted to lead the race, he started to gather a strong following and his main strategy is just shitting on Trudeau any chance he gets. Seem to actually be working somewhat as most of the people voting for him are devout conservatives or people who cant stomach voting for Trudeau again.   

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6 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


Seems like the perfesser is doing everything he can to distract from the fact that he was unable to answer the simple ECON 101 question Hippy asked....

Oh no!


Here’s some help for you since you’re confused 




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1 minute ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

All you do is insult and you call me juvenile 


self awareness lacking 


go argue the stats I posted on the liberal spending 


you keep deflecting because you want to be right and know you can’t be


because the stats on the economy don’t lie

I really don’t get why you’re so worked up over what drives a dollar’s value or bitcoin


it really has nothing to do with Trudeau’s horrendous economic results 


Stay on topic! 

I have asked you numerous questions.


Your responses have been dismissive and included such gems as "google it" and "i know but you don't" which is entirely juvenile.


You have also ignored that for the 2.5 years of covid spending totalling $359.6 billion that ALL party consent was garnered meaning that all parties including the Pierre lead Conservatives agreed that spending this much was smart and acceptable.  While also ignoring it has not been Trudeau in charge of spending since 2018/2019


I am far from worked up; if anything I am amused at how predictable this conversation has gone.  You come in, claim intellectual superiority, claim some level of status, claim nobody else gets it; source opinion columns and twitter videos and present them as facts, make outlandish claims, then when asked to explain them claim you don't have time and that people can simply google them.  only to return, lather rinse and repeat the exact same statements, behaviours and arguments while claiming you have been insulted and are the victim.  The only thing missing is your claims of nobody believes your sources.


Truly, it would border on the pathetic if this was truly an intellectual discussion or debate for how predictable it was that this conversation would go in this fashion.  If you dislike my calling your actions and responses juvenile I say again.  Grow up.

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8 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


Seems like the perfesser is doing everything he can to distract from the fact that he was unable to answer the simple ECON 101 question Hippy asked....

Or any of the other questions asked regarding his sources, position or opinions which are presented as fact based on sourced images from the internet and "facts" presented in the form of opinion columns.

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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

I have asked you numerous questions.


Your responses have been dismissive and included such gems as "google it" and "i know but you don't" which is entirely juvenile.


You have also ignored that for the 2.5 years of covid spending totalling $359.6 billion that ALL party consent was garnered meaning that all parties including the Pierre lead Conservatives agreed that spending this much was smart and acceptable.  While also ignoring it has not been Trudeau in charge of spending since 2018/2019


I am far from worked up; if anything I am amused at how predictable this conversation has gone.  You come in, claim intellectual superiority, claim some level of status, claim nobody else gets it; source opinion columns and twitter videos and present them as facts, make outlandish claims, then when asked to explain them claim you don't have time and that people can simply google them.  only to return, lather rinse and repeat the exact same statements, behaviours and arguments while claiming you have been insulted and are the victim.  The only thing missing is your claims of nobody believes your sources.


Truly, it would border on the pathetic if this was truly an intellectual discussion or debate for how predictable it was that this conversation would go in this fashion.  If you dislike my calling your actions and responses juvenile I say again.  Grow up.



liberals and ndp are done 


and have destroyed Canada for generations 


you seem to care less about that and more about me and bitcoin 


good for you 


take Your own advice 

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5 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Or any of the other questions asked regarding his sources, position or opinions which are presented as fact based on sourced images from the internet and "facts" presented in the form of opinion columns.

Go google my “images from The internet” and learn


You won’t because then you’ll have to accept the truth 


so it’s easier to not google pretend its fake


It will also force you to accept your pages of insults are wrong and I am correct 


who needs to grow up? The fear of reality is palpable 


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1 minute ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

Oh no!


Here’s some help for you since you’re confused 




So, instead of giving us the actual 1st year econn answer you googled something that you highlighted.


Well since this is your answer I will again remind you why tying our economy and dollar to digital currency is a bad idea.


A nation can control resources and supply and demand for those resources thus protecting the strength of their currency or the availability of those resources which would drive demand.  This also promotes or drives the market sentiment so long as a standard PEST analysis is met.  The market data is about the oly thing wholely out of the hands of the controlling nation.


As bitcoin is not controlled by any one nation, but China and India have evidently created a hold on the largest conglomeration of bitcoin and digital currency mining equipment in the world it means that forieng nations have some ability to influence the digital currency market.  This means should canada involve itself in any political actons that India or China or [insert group of digital investors here] dislike, they can influence the price of the currency itself which would heavily affect our nation.  Not just our nation but our pension plans and buying power.


if China overnight decided to tank bitcoin by $30k or more it would mean we would lose almst a potential 3rd of our actual currencies value.  Overnight.  You seem to think this is a good idea as does/did Pierre.  


This is a foolish notion which every economist on the planet panned for these exact reasons when it was brought up by him.


If you feel as though this is wrong, educate us on why in your own words

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5 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:



liberals and ndp are done 


and have destroyed Canada for generations 


you seem to care less about that and more about me and bitcoin 


good for you 


take Your own advice 

Again incapable and or unwilling to discuss the actual truths I gave you.


How is your response not juvenile again?

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Just now, Warhippy said:

So, instead of giving us the actual 1st year econn answer you googled something that you highlighted.


Well since this is your answer I will again remind you why tying our economy and dollar to digital currency is a bad idea.


A nation can control resources and supply and demand for those resources thus protecting the strength of their currency or the availability of those resources which would drive demand.  This also promotes or drives the market sentiment so long as a standard PEST analysis is met.  The market data is about the oly thing wholely out of the hands of the controlling nation.


As bitcoin is not controlled by any one nation, but China and India have evidently created a hold on the largest conglomeration of bitcoin and digital currency mining equipment in the world it means that forieng nations have some ability to influence the digital currency market.  This means should canada involve itself in any political actons that India or China or [insert group of digital investors here] dislike, they can influence the price of the currency itself which would heavily affect our nation.  Not just our nation but our pension plans and buying power.


if China overnight decided to tank bitcoin by $30k or more it would mean we would lose almst a potential 3rd of our actual currencies value.  Overnight.  You seem to think this is a good idea as does/did Pierre.  


This is a foolish notion which every economist on the planet panned for these exact reasons when it was brought up by him.


If you feel as though this is wrong, educate us on why in your own words

Why are you talking about bitcoin?


Is that the topic here?

Was bitcoin my focus? Or just a side response to I wish I had invested 2 years ago?


What is the topic?


liberal spending 


as for the econ 101 answer 


as I seem to have to spoon feed you 


the point was, there is no point in asking me a silly question that has nothing to do with the topic which can be googled 


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The 4 C's of debating are Critical thinking, Collaboration, Creativity and Communication.  A debate is defined as the a formal discussion on a particular topic in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward or a scenario in which people argue about a subject, especially in a formal manner with verifiable or tangible facts about a topic.


At this point this has not occurred and is likely to never occur with that individual and I would invite everyone to do what comes naturally when presented with someone like that; or at the least do what is necessary to protect ones own sense of peace.

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8 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Oh the irony is delicious champ


Good luck paying off Trudy’s debt. As I said I’m out of this country in a month with my wealth so I really don’t care and your endless comments are annoying as you won’t accept economic facts as truths. There’s no point, your mind can’t cope with them, I get it. 


be angry at me all you want, it won’t change economic facts. Hiding from the economic facts won’t change the facts 


It is blatantly clear you either don’t pay your own bills or work for the govt because anyone who does pay their own bills, or isn’t a govt employee is well aware of what Trudeau’s spending has done to the economy. And you don’t need econ 101 to understand it, nor bitcoin nor to understand the drivers of a dollar’s value 


you just need to remember what you paid for groceries, your mortgage and any loans relative to the past and to understand the basic economic principle of govt inflationary spending


be well! 



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9 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:


It is blatantly clear you either don’t pay your own bills or work for the govt because anyone who does pay their own bills, or isn’t a govt employee is well aware of what Trudeau’s spending has done to the economy. And you don’t need econ 101 to understand it, nor bitcoin nor to understand the drivers of a dollar’s value 



This isn't how grown ups debate.  Personally, I work in the private sector and pay my own bills.  I still would rather be Trudeau over vermin like Poilivre.

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