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2 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

JT appointed the head of the commission.   Who else should have done that?


Here are the members:  (point out the woke left wing members if you can)




Maybe the courts matter more than a commission led by the man appointed by a man who’s being told he broke the law?


I dunno maybe it’s just my non computer science logic 😂 

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Just now, ArmchairGM22 said:

Maybe the courts matter more than a commission led by the man appointed by a man who’s being told he broke the law?


I dunno maybe it’s just my non computer science logic 😂 

Your first sentence is incomprehensible and has nothing to do with the question asked.   Your second sentence is a weak jab at my chosen profession.

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Just now, Satchmo said:

Your first sentence is incomprehensible and has nothing to do with the question asked.   Your second sentence is a weak jab at my chosen profession.

Im sorry you don’t understand the following 


man accused of breaking law 


appoints the head of a commission to see if he broke the law 


is not independent 


courts are independent 


beep boop computer floppy disk error 


beep boop 

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Just now, ArmchairGM22 said:

Im sorry you don’t understand the following 


man accused of breaking law 


appoints the head of a commission to see if he broke the law 


is not independent 


courts are independent 


beep boop computer floppy disk error 


beep boop 

I love any post that ends with beep boop. 


It was an independent commission.   You just don't like the results.  


beep boop computer floppy disk error 


beep boop 

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2 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

I love any post that ends with beep boop. 


It was an independent commission.   You just don't like the results.  


beep boop computer floppy disk error 


beep boop 

I respect the courts 


they are the arbiter of laws 


not a commission who’s head was appointed by the man who’s been told by the courts he broke the law

the fact you think a liberal appointed commission has more authority than the courts is rather disturbing and also the problem in this country 

the irony of “you just don’t like the result” is only lost on you 


The view of the courts is the highest law of the land, a commission is not 

Edited by ArmchairGM22
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Just now, ArmchairGM22 said:

I respect the courts 


they are the arbiter of laws 


not a commission who’s head was appointed by the man who’s been told by the courts he broke the law

the fact you think a liberal appointed commission has more authority than the courts is rather disturbing and also the problem in this country 


When did I say that? Another incorrect conclusion on your part it would seem.

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That's it for me.  This is not intellectually challenging enough to be any fun.


Any one willing to guess we won't be continuing this conversation after sundown this evening?

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10 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

When did I say that? Another incorrect conclusion on your part it would seem.

It’s implied in your response 


If you respected the courts ruling over a non independent “commission”  the point would be moot wouldn’t it, and therefore you would not raise it.

As you are trying to use it as a defence for Trudy breaking the law, you imply the law wasn’t broken because a non independent commission does not agree with the court’s ruling. 

by logic it means you believe the non independent commission ruling takes precedence over the courts. 

which by law, it does not 


beep boop logic 

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1 minute ago, ArmchairGM22 said:


It’s implied in your response 


If you respected the courts ruling over a non independent “commission”  the point would be moot wouldn’t it 


beep boop logic 

I don't think that lower courts should make decisions of national importance.  Let's see what the Supreme Court decides rather than placing all our faith in someone ruling on a matter that was above their pay grade.

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1 hour ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

Saying go troll your uncles is an attack? 

Oh and heard of Pavlov’s dog? You walked right into a psychological test and failed lol


thanks for proving my point 


you're getting weirder in your old age, Clam. 

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2 hours ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

Tell me you don’t understand inflation without telling me you don’t understand inflation 🤦 


oh and  his spending spree didn’t stop after covid


hey why is inflation coming down? we're still spending. 

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Well I clearly haven't missed much...


Armchair starts losing the debate so he has to resort to... somehow not even knowing how to insult another person....

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12 minutes ago, The Lock said:

Well I clearly haven't missed much...


Armchair starts losing the debate so he has to resort to... somehow not even knowing how to insult another person....


Clam linguine is a dish best served cold? 

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On 6/10/2024 at 8:34 AM, RupertKBD said:


Wasn't referring to you mate....cheers.


Sorry Rupert. Losing my mind on these things. My bad, cheers.


On 6/10/2024 at 9:07 AM, bishopshodan said:


I asked..

Why does Lorrie think they wont be prosecuted? I assume by your answer ( that is a a question) that you agree they wont be prosecuted because all those 'in power' will help those that might be guilty? or that all in power are guilty?....am I understanding you?


Who is Lorrie?

Really who are you posting? some random tweeter jumping to conclusions ?


Where is Kanada? Lorrie said... Kanada, not Kanata ( village)...Google says..some lanugages spell it this way ( Kanada)..'German, Afrikaans, Hungarian, and some slavic ones'


(Addressing each bolded as 1/2/3) 


1) correct on both. Ultimately I think politicians are not worthy of giving the benefit of the doubt - regardless of party. i don't mean this as a partisan statement at all. Both federal & provincial leaders are paid hundred(s) of thousands to managing millions/billions worth of 'portfolios' (tax payer dollars), the incentives are clear, your worth more holding & exploiting that position than we are paying them to do it. Not saying every single move is corrupt or that their aren't some well meaning people (most of the best are at lower levels) but the incentives in gaining/maintaining power are very clear imo


2) he's a writer for the Toronto Sun


3) play on words I suppose. I think we could both agree it's not particularly important (or atleast that's it's a legacy media writer trying to be snappy)

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I always enjoy watching the debates in the House of Commons. 

it truly shows how the liberal party loves to deflect and avoid answering questions


here you see a question about the green slush fund scandal where $319 million of taxpayer money was pilfered 


and the response - screaming about climate change, not the issue at hand 


our taxpayer dollars at work - just one of many scandals of the Trudeau govt 



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15 hours ago, The Lock said:

Well I clearly haven't missed much...


Armchair starts losing the debate so he has to resort to... somehow not even knowing how to insult another person....

No debate lost 


please explain to me how the liberal govt has improved the economic lives of Canadians over their period in office 


When you can’t, you’ll have to accept I won the debate 

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