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1 hour ago, Sapper said:

The issue is the conservative ideology of trickle down theory has destroyed Canada 


The thought process goes like this ... Give major corporations massive tax breaks and incentives , ditto for our billionaires .... And they will invest those savings and boost wages and what we will make for taxes on those higher wages and money spent at the till will fill our cupboards with lots of cash to fund government.


Now this is the part that exposes the axe the tax freedom convoy movement as completely bullshit. That entire plan in simple language said "pass out tax obligations to the workers so we can be richer".  Not one of those people worried about taxes now said a dam thing when the conservative "great reset" occured 


Now the problems. Billionaires really like those records profits so did little to nothing to raise wages at the pace of inflation. Here in BC John , Cristy and the like skyrocketed user fees the poor peasants need ( medical services, toll fees etc).


With workers taxes maxed out and their safety net needs skyrocketing it's an absolute horrific storm heading out way ... All in the name of corporate profits of record amounts 


Add in the 80s/90s March to kill unionized work sites that expedited the end of workplace pensions in the private sector and now can you see just how bad our country is being screwed by conservative trickle down voodoo economics ?


PP should be says no more free rides for the very Rich and corporations..... Rise their taxes back to what they where 25 years ago so we can stop spending so dam much of the working man's paycheque to prop up corporate profits 


PP has made it clear he won't be making business pay their fair share so all these cuts you support and PP has promised is going to absolutely end the Canadian way of life for generatioons of Canadians 


PP has done a really good job of selling shit as gold and somehow by cutting the hand ups ,and just calling something illegal will end all our problems and pave the streets in gold


What part of corporations a d billionaires are hording all the gold don't you understand ?


That's why PP scares so many. He is promising to make their lives much much worse .... But eh your boss gonna love him

Endless spending by govts has always ended the same way 


If that’s confusing you should consider what happens when you keep borrowing and can’t pay your bills and eventually even your financing costs 


what part of reckless spending don’t you understand? 

your panacea of tax billionaires isn’t a solution. 

Responsible spending is, not spending like drunken trust fund babies with a black Amex dude 


it’s a spending issue not revenue 

Edited by ArmchairGM22
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4 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

Endless spending by govts has always ended the same way 


If that’s confusing you should consider what happens when you keep borrowing and can’t pay your bills and eventually even your financing costs 


what part of reckless spending don’t you understand? 

your panacea of tax billionaires isn’t a solution. 

Responsible spending is, not spending like drunken trust fund babies with a black Amex dude 


it’s a spending issue not revenue 

Personal spending doesn’t equal National expenditure. 

At times, a Nation needs to spend for the sake of the constituency. 

Spending more personally, than one personally can shoulder is a debt that has different consequences. 

National debt is different than personal debt due to ‘scale’. 

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15 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

Personal spending doesn’t equal National expenditure. 

At times, a Nation needs to spend for the sake of the constituency. 

Spending more personally, than one personally can shoulder is a debt that has different consequences. 

National debt is different than personal debt due to ‘scale’. 

This is not sustainable 





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4 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

This is not sustainable 





Again, all nations acquire ‘debt’ in order to prop up the National Economy and to ensure that businesses investment and the lives of the day to day folks aren’t as impacted. 

Again National Debt vs Personal Debt. 


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3 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

Again, all nations acquire ‘debt’ in order to prop up the National Economy and to ensure that businesses investment and the lives of the day to day folks aren’t as impacted. 

Again National Debt vs Personal Debt. 




Govt Spending isn’t free money 


1. Its inflationary 

2. It saddles future generations with financial challenges 

3. It forces increased taxes. 
4. in increases interest rates 

5. It therefore stifles economic growth 


you spend in tough economic times, you save in good ones, so you have funds in the bad times - just like people do 


sadly Trudy can’t balance a budget, never has, never will, and has just kept on spending 


It’s disturbing you think this govt is fiscally responsible 

Edited by ArmchairGM22
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6 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:



Govt Spending isn’t free money 


1. Its inflationary 

2. It saddles future generations with financial challenges 

3. It forces increased taxes. 
4. in increases interest rates 

5. It therefore stifles economic growth 


you spend in tough economic times, you save in good ones, so you have funds in the bad times - just like people do 


sadly Trudy can’t balance a budget, never has, never will, and has just kept on spending 


It’s disturbing you think this govt is fiscally responsible 


While some of this is true, we also have to consider that we have among the highest Debt to GDP ratios. Our credit rating is literally among the best in the world.


As far as the increase debt goes, a lot of the debt accumulated during Covid was approved by ALL parties, including the Conservatives.


And sure, Trudeau decided not to balance a budget, but he wasn't voted in to do that in the first place.

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9 minutes ago, The Lock said:


While some of this is true, we also have to consider that we have among the highest Debt to GDP ratios. Our credit rating is literally among the best in the world.


As far as the increase debt goes, a lot of the debt accumulated during Covid was approved by ALL parties, including the Conservatives.


And sure, Trudeau decided not to balance a budget, but he wasn't voted in to do that in the first place.

Does our credit rating change the fact record numbers of people are using food banks?


our garden gnome journalist finance minister talking points are straw man defences. 

Trudy has continued to spend recklessly post covid 

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20 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:



Govt Spending isn’t free money 


1. Its inflationary 

2. It saddles future generations with financial challenges 

3. It forces increased taxes. 
4. in increases interest rates 

5. It therefore stifles economic growth 


you spend in tough economic times, you save in good ones, so you have funds in the bad times - just like people do 


sadly Trudy can’t balance a budget, never has, never will, and has just kept on spending 


It’s disturbing you think this govt is fiscally responsible 

Did the Mulroney/Harper govt’s spend more at any time for the benefit of the populace, military, or Business Sector, again, at any time, without adding to the National Debt/Deficit?



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8 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

Did the Mulroney/Harper govt’s spend more at any time for the benefit of the populace, military, or Business Sector, again, at any time, without adding to the National Debt/Deficit?





and I think I explained how it works 


you can’t always be spending. 

you also cannot outspend all govts in Canadian history combined and think it ends well 


Particularly when your borrowing costs have increased 500-600% 

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35 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:



Govt Spending isn’t free money 


1. Its inflationary 

2. It saddles future generations with financial challenges 

3. It forces increased taxes. 
4. in increases interest rates 

5. It therefore stifles economic growth 


you spend in tough economic times, you save in good ones, so you have funds in the bad times - just like people do 


sadly Trudy can’t balance a budget, never has, never will, and has just kept on spending 


It’s disturbing you think this govt is fiscally responsible 


Awesome job ignoring equity and future gdp.

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Just now, ArmchairGM22 said:



and I think I explained how it works 


you can’t always be spending. 

you also cannot outspend all govts in Canadian history combined and think it ends well 


Particularly when your borrowing costs have increased 500-600% 

So, when Conservative Governments expend, it’s ok? 

Looking forward to your posts ensuring that Conservatives are equally chastised, by you. 


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2 hours ago, Sapper said:

If each of my neighbors have me 10k towards my mortgage I could pay it off sooner and do more improvements maybe ... That might increase their value ... Maybe 


See the problem ? 


I'm not saying don't help business but if taking their taxes as low as possible is your ask then how do we fund it?


When companies don't pay enough so employees can live and survive on.their own .. taxpayers have to top up those wages with services.


PP is stating he will be cutting those services without increasing they pay ( a tax cut , carbon tax cut with the Matching rebate loss .... Won't be anywhere near enough )


So what's the plan ? Seriously .... What's the plan.


As a start government could attach tax cuts to proven wage increases , benefits for workers ... So government doesn't have to be all that to the working class


Canada has arrived at critical mass. We.dont bring in enough taxes from those that can afford it and we have overtaxed those not rich enough to fight them.


To be fair .... The cons and libs share this equally for Letting it get this bad and neither Truduea or PP have said or done anything major to address it.


truduea does get a few points for pharmacare and seniors dental ..... That will help many

Except it has nothing to do with our neighbors, companies located and headquartered in Canada create real jobs and tax revenue for Canada. More jobs available the higher competition their is for skilled employees driving up wages and benefits, thus increasing investments in training and productivity from businesses to fill the gaps.   

Edited by Bure_Pavel
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20 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

So, when Conservative Governments expend, it’s ok? 

Looking forward to your posts ensuring that Conservatives are equally chastised, by you. 


Do you consider the amount of spending at all? The quantum? Or is spending all the same to you? just oh conservatives spend too! I think the amount of spending matters. 


go look at the graph I provided, and that’s to 2021, it excludes the last three years 


do you even look at the spending bills? Or just make assumptions that daddy govt will do the right thing? Despite endless financial scandals? 


how about you address a couple of issues?


what do you think what happens to Economies who keep borrowing and printing? Take a look at Venezuela as a case study 


do you think it’s free money and you never have to pay it back?

second, are you aware we recently gave the Philippines 5bn for “climate equality”?


people are living in tents and using food banks at record numbers and our tax money is going to other countries for nonsense which likely includes kickbacks to politicians 

our problem is Canadians who just say ok daddy tax me harder because I feel better giving my money to you to waste and line politicians pockets with. We should be saying we want responsible fiscal management for CANADIANS. 

these are rhetorical questions 


We don’t agree and won’t 


you are happy giving up 70% of your income to the govt (after income tax, sales, carbon, gas, property and other taxes), I am not and never will be. 

Edited by ArmchairGM22
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3 hours ago, Optimist Prime said:

We are fortunate, the cows are all named and we know them by name and on sight. Each one has to have its stupid id tag earing by government rule, but we never use them ourselves. I am a bit out of the loop but we name them with the first letter of the mom's name to keep geneology somewhat sorted out too. They are out in the big fields most of tthe SPring SUmmer and Fall, and mostly indoors for 90 days of the worst of winter where they get grain and hay. Grass fed, free range, grain and hay but the secret ingredient which made my brother in law a "Master Breeder" in Canada twice in a row (it is a twenty year aggragate award, so forty years worth of his life tied up in two awards in Ontario Gala dinners he was flown to..) ...that key ingredient is a deal he made with a local brewary, Phillips, where we haul away the leftover 'gruel' from the beer making business and the cows LOVE IT. They are fat happy slightly tipsy cows who produce the greatest butterfat content in pretty much the world. We sell eggs from one of our grande dams for 5000 dollars a pop as far away as China, Russia and Israel. My nephew overseas western Canada's dairy cattle AI programs too, so that is a feather in the cap for the family. 


the ID tag comes in handy as we have RFI sensors in the tags so the automated portions of the dairy parlour know each cow when it enters the stall to be milked and if a cow is say, on medication for something, its still milked, but that milk is automatically dumped down the drain and the system flushed before the next cow, until whatever infection is cleared up for example and the milk is clean for shipping to the plant and public consumption. 

It is a pretty amazing set up really. 



Where can I buy/try your butter?

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1 hour ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

Endless spending by govts has always ended the same way 


If that’s confusing you should consider what happens when you keep borrowing and can’t pay your bills and eventually even your financing costs 


what part of reckless spending don’t you understand? 

your panacea of tax billionaires isn’t a solution. 

Responsible spending is, not spending like drunken trust fund babies with a black Amex dude 


it’s a spending issue not revenue 


If the (Neo)Cons were actually any better at reeling in spending you might have a point. They aren't. Both parties siphon off our tax dollars and saddle voters with long term debt. At least with the Liberals that deficit spending gets spent at least somewhat on crumbs for us plebs instead of just handed out to corporations and the wealthy. 

Edited by aGENT
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5 minutes ago, aGENT said:


If the (Neo)Cons were actually any better at reeling in spending you might have a point. They aren't. Both parties siphon off our tax dollars and saddle voters with long term debt. At least with the Liberals that deficit spending gets spent at least somewhat on crumbs for us plebs instead of just handed out to corporations and the wealthy. 

Yup. The Liberals will at least spend the borrowed and taxed to the max revenue on our social safety net. The Cons will collect the same revenues but cut the social safety net and give the dollars to already super rich corporations. 

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29 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

We should be saying we want responsible fiscal management for CANADIANS. 


Doubt anyone here disagrees with that. For that to happen, we need an educated, informed and involved electorate to actually hold governments and politicians accountable and ensure the VAST majority of our tax dollars are going to things that actually help Canadians and Canada. We don't have that.


Perhaps even more than that, we as a society need a massive overhaul on our spending habits. Buy local, buy domestic, encourage companies to actually produce goods here, at fair wages, with benefits, solid environmental practices etc, etc

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52 minutes ago, Bure_Pavel said:

Except it has nothing to do with our neighbors, companies located and headquartered in Canada create real jobs and tax revenue for Canada. More jobs available the higher competition their is for skilled employees driving up wages and benefits, thus increasing investments in training and productivity from businesses to fill the gaps.  

Some do but many do not


Some corporations such as Walmart actual cost us money when they show up.  They pay such low wages and no real benefits thus offloading to the taxpayers to cover the rest.


There are some good companies who pay good wages with decent benefits.


But our current system of blanket tax breaks without coorisponding investment and employee wage / benefits Is a model we can't afford 


I dont mind good companies who pay enough that their employees don't need government handouts receiving tax breaks and incentives.  It's ridiculous that companies like Walmart get even a penny break on our dime as they cost us more than they benefit us 

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25 minutes ago, aGENT said:


If the (Neo)Cons were actually any better at reeling in spending you might have a point. They aren't. Both parties siphon off our tax dollars and saddle voters with long term debt. At least with the Liberals that deficit spending gets spent at least somewhat on crumbs for us plebs instead of just handed out to corporations and the wealthy. 


Don't forget corporate welfare, so that companies can give their shareholders larger dividends while "fighting to stay solvent".  :classic_rolleyes:

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1 hour ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

Does our credit rating change the fact record numbers of people are using food banks?


our garden gnome journalist finance minister talking points are straw man defences. 

Trudy has continued to spend recklessly post covid 


Credit rating has nothing to do with food banks, at least not directly.


Hey, I don't like Trudeau either, but the way you post graphs that are literally meant to take things out of context is more likely to move me towards Trudeau than against as I'm fundamentally against that kind of disingenuous debate.


If you want to move me towards the CPC, start talking about the CPC and their policies. I don't give a crap what you actually think about Trudeau. I think this is the stance I'm going to start having from now on. Think of me as in the middle between the 2 parties because that's EXACTLY where I am.

Edited by The Lock
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12 minutes ago, The Lock said:


Credit rating has nothing to do with food banks, at least not directly.


Hey, I don't like Trudeau either, but the way you post graphs that are literally meant to take things out of context is more likely to move me towards Trudeau than against as I'm fundamentally against that kind of disingenuous debate.


If you want to move me towards the CPC, start talking about the CPC and their policies. I don't give a crap what you actually think about Trudeau. I think this is the stance I'm going to start having from now on. Think of me as in the middle between the 2 parties because that's EXACTLY where I am.

I literally said credit rating means nothing 


Canadian’s reality is not a credit rating 


it’s people in the streets in tents and using food banks while politicians send OUR tax money overseas 


if you’re going to tax us up the ass, help Canadians 


the conservatives will explain their platform once an election is called 


in the interim it’s quite apparent what their financial strategy entails at a high level


you can also go to their website and read their platform / principles 

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1 hour ago, The Lock said:


While some of this is true, we also have to consider that we have among the highest Debt to GDP ratios. Our credit rating is literally among the best in the world.


As far as the increase debt goes, a lot of the debt accumulated during Covid was approved by ALL parties, including the Conservatives.


And sure, Trudeau decided not to balance a budget, but he wasn't voted in to do that in the first place.

That’s not true. Trudeau literally campaigned on a balanced budget in 2015 and promised it would be balanced in 4 years. He said it was “very” cast  in stone.  



Even as the economic hurdles pile up, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau insists his pledge to balance the federal books in four years is "very" cast in stone.

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3 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

I literally said credit rating means nothing 


Canadian’s reality is not a credit rating 


it’s people in the streets in tents and using food banks while politicians send OUR tax money overseas 


if you’re going to tax us up the ass, help Canadians 


the conservatives will explain their platform once an election is called 


in the interim it’s quite apparent what their financial strategy entails at a high level


you can also go to their website and read their platform / principles 


That's the problem. I did go to their website a couple of months and I didn't like what I read. It just wasn't enough for me to vote CPC. This is why I was hoping you'd be able to convince me otherwise rather than these useless Trudeau rants that we've seen here for months (maybe even years) that don't go anywhere. I'll literally leave this forum for a couple of months, come back to this thread and it's still just the same crap over and over with nothing to convince me of who to vote for. You've added nothing that hasn't been talked about for months.


I'm telling you what it will take to convince me. You can take it or leave it. Simple as that.

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1 minute ago, The Lock said:


That's the problem. I did go to their website a couple of months and I didn't like what I read. It just wasn't enough for me to vote CPC. This is why I was hoping you'd be able to convince me otherwise rather than these useless Trudeau rants that we've seen here for months (maybe even years) that don't go anywhere. I'll literally leave this forum for a couple of months, come back to this thread and it's still just the same crap over and over with nothing to convince me of who to vote for. You've added nothing that hasn't been talked about for months.


I'm telling you what it will take to convince me. You can take it or leave it. Simple as that.

I’m not trying to convince you to vote for anyone 


you do you 

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